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December 14, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-14

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Black Bull Underwear, Ypsilanti Union Suits for Men

Ours is the beet stock of Underwear in Ann Arbor.

Call and examine before buying.

28 and 30 South Main st.

Time Table (Revised) Sept. 27, 1896. : TO DRESS WELL CON SIDER O .Z I
Elalland Ex ----- 147 NY.Special--- 7s35s1* CH-OOSE THE RIGH-T 7 "
N. Y. Special---- 4168 Mali--------8 431*
Eastern Ex---10 17 N.S.Limsited__-9 25 * COLL .AR FOR IT * I "",
W Atlatc Ex--75:W PacificEx --121 *0 ie.. 7 bat o eo
D. N. Express--1--5 OhWestrn E-0 1) @77 E 77
G.N.Express..---11 Wes. trnEx----.910 * WE" 7"s '-',te o
0. WRUGSs, Ii W.HAY'S, 7'-
G,.P. &T.Agt., Chicage.Agt. AnnArbor Fay 7' m7p o0 ' °a/ ,Tr
a1' ' ,7 Teoauto
.i The Only Sleepingj Gar line between To-
RAILROAD. - tedsaned Columbus.
e.- .4t j/ o 0 1 The Only Sleeping er Drawing Seem Oar
Tie Ya~r. Ot. 2,SOSTII 7,'Lines between Toledo, Columsbus and
NORTH. 01 7 7T7 SOUTH.~ 75 ar~a
71:30'a. i. 17 0)a. m. 017 /-0" > The Onle Drawing Reem Oar Line between
4:30 p. m 6:52 p. m. dd< st 1"o' a tToeds, Celumbus andCharleston,
*Run betwe en AnsnAsrboor1and Toledo osly. W. Ve.
All traisod41ly except'Snday.' Tie LUC.KY 1CURVE5 Fof thes rlr fko n Pen IPulmen Sleepers between ICelumbus and
ES.GILM11IZtE, Agent SiphossFeeer0isto the GEO. . PAn a R [Chlelicage.
W. H. BENNETT G. P.A. ToledlooO.THlE ONLY LINE swllS 4 traie ns ewaydaly
THE Kl DERGA DEN B~ llARD .Sundsre we Toledo od Columbe s.
teweenLYTledoiBwlingen aed
W hat; all Be rings re to he Bic cle.Osperfec t(.n ndowaranted yotsodarkorsindlay
R A IR O rnA nrTI K T B R K R P nC m p n , n sv le i.THE ONLY LINE iSS Snd rse mSh way d ly
RAIROA TIKETBROER Psss o pty s nosie i 5 C nts TTE POPULARI LINE l ees Toledo, Fso
Wholesalse Cigars, Tobaccos ans IA / Pocket 3ook frC5lxte i,BHsoees, Granvillie nNewaCC.
il rettS. / 1 tidFol lInformastion reliveto raes, ine of
(ligsottraSinse.,.will be cheerfully furnshed by auy
Weo hasvoetuitecan12 d;o 'ltient lof god7l Pocket Books which Agentlof the OhsioCentral Lins.
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. MOULTON HOUtK, G. P. A.
wO hasve jit1at this price. 'We have son0111 that ar10 worth more. TOLEDO, OHIO
Mu m r ' r..>iug Sto e, 17or. 4t Ae.C 4 ndOpera Hoiee.
Nut a Good Idea., 's'xos to0 ssslsslsheil 2sTe1101 l WEDNESDAY, DC, I 1 T
Aslilslsll 1sil -lt) 111111011 'sd olliIs o l- il ise si ssii I i i i
'elihis tls' 10lildIsIS 1111' l sl"'I lls g to G ' [ IIpIaO S
'isisyosolnen"illisowoos lll110 tI islo1)1l" to
'1152 " u icslioin, college '7')' 111) I r01 Vi 10 lii- E
'Oslolyncteo 111 s." .?ti;lst th150 1 1 I 11111a t'911eIiy M itntstrels.
INo Some is Really Complete !- stllltllrsti o (fraylilsi sieoot ' I1wr110 pulish'etd bythe Itudntis s ofo T sf~ '~ T'V )'
Without a new 1897 Medel 11011is' he itb l 'sl 11 ltlihlS178 LU .'Lj.l
'41. Guitar, Mandolin, donn111 1r111 511'ni pap11e11r11.111s, 1b115 1111(10its iappe'ail"Prices - 3C,50C and 75C.
ash urnn anjoforZither. a36c,1Ia
Baj rssis1 1' 511')' are reat 151115i ' (57 9111 '1ork- I 09e'n1eve5 againi bs'i-S' easl 1n o osle at toe lnted Slates
Piehaebe scldcona arestof h cto. 111 s 1 ss iili hsetn reeo tite es pes'X __________ ____________________
59 old 's noupos ula01 i1ty16so that now o uca i ll I~ epe,'1 aen poitl;1
buy aigenueneWassbornooft eoy ltstoldesign 11110' lt ;('if'.1150 111191L111I IllllwttI tili
From $10.00 Upward. I0 111111k ii:ia bssk orpr 111 ( )ilti 1u "n-51 8 0.lldis'i_ o
Thse news b urn Mano llsdolinisadi calde01rtureillO
lighitest Mandolin limaginable, and 1(111100tone 0010apIfproachesl~sy ssisiot
very nearso IhaSlof 1110finsold Cremonao Violin.s h- 9011' 015'lii1(thlis' l ituIssS 1111tlssit ( l111t. i the' 1 M il"'lig ('ollrsil Ry. Will sell to,
burs ae sldat xedandunfor prcesbyalfirt-stlllt o llrO)1' oltillOI' liielll'i'sliil slots'
ArtistsTeacso and 111Glee Clssbs. Or0new0 W sh doeI ~ s, tillos )1of is te.si'111 r1ad1111 ,
burs caogsls ti"e ontining o tat o.l s of,,over 100ArtitIsd'l ' ' ~t go ss'Oig oil D c 1 ,(5. 7.-S isnd
1an14ftll information0, piseen sdorsments,etc., sill be and11 stu(dy shlould be' i,ttln'1'd 10takes 4.1Ptli11;Il)t n 1 liigJ n
sn~tfreeelosereceiptllofeappliaions. Ifou lolO ldeler 5 5 ~ ~ 0( 10
cannot sup010110 011100 ewll1sndstl'lbllrnC.0.D0. 1171(1goonet ls ring this' Ssttstth.Th i,l40. We 9twoullrequstlt at sit n- NI T NI AM AC9
with pr10i 10l0ge iof 11examination, ,diretomoth50111 facteory.
A W~abuern improves with age and makes a loot kindiOl f rest: fob 111115ging(7 to1( (tlots 1b(' rirticllst ts lwitits t hiem-
Gift that increases in values as the yearn go by._, s
iti etywort many timessits 'nose. 1. 1i, Iattendlling tcllIrch, 111d( 01111(1 509 t 11 is'lVltI iiloit usyS NT S yL
lois11(01'01'00 15 t'tiiiol'istsi si00110 totIhe.sation strly (ltha'we wlya H ''OP~ H R
CORisraLYO & HEAt Yh91111 orissoi''ni taosthists hss I) fsrsilslit ii NARtRaMCH
Ol.WABASH AVE. & ADAMS ST. CHICAGO.Ihv utce intofrshhm
AxeA BOR.MICH_0-_1_______'1'f" tikets and 0110)15 tte'rlt'i"'i"t' e 1111108 ___________________________
sh irhst college'p'piis ' i llse 'Ilits"I 'b('. 10.1.9 s.Aol
Mites." We ss'rs'rlisably ilfotioet Lott-A gotll1(leysiih1K..A. Osnameol M~1ILIL41.ARD,
11(111hIso l iereoly .1sse'ondasry ps-on. ) fr'otnt. (O11ltsack .0.,I. ihi.C.s I010
(1015 011o 11)'hoeseod otlleges' paper Ibelosw. Leat'sIs st Dalily sotioo. I
FOOTBALL SUPPLIES 'Iheis a nateslrnsity at1 his' liioto Twossiito's, <$2 snd $3, Furnace beat,
Everything for the player - Jaces, y'i f b~ibgassiil so~ shslgtst il.3 .l~ll O

etc. Spalding's offical Intercollegiate
Foot Bali, offically adopted by the Inter-
collegiate Association. Complete Cata-
logue Fall and Winter Sports free. 'The
Name ths' Guarantee."
New' York. Chiclago, Pbiiadelphta.
Subacribe for tle Daily.

Michigan o Teachers' 0 Agency!
'Unto date in ito business nsothods. OWide awake no te interests of its patrons. N '
lRasoniable is its terms. All those contemplating teaching sund those desirous of R- E
advancement in their profession ure cordially invited to csail and see us.P R I* R
Room iLand 2. . Ann Arbor, Mich,. Advertise in THE DAILY.

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