A Fo Fory Yers -W. J. BOOH, Pres. W. ARNOLD, 1t Vice-pres
FFororyYer J. V. SansoA, 2d Vice-res.
A toreJoeo C. WALz, Ast. Cashier.
_________GOLDEN SCEPTRIE State - Savi*g - Bank,
- Transacts a general Banking busi-
Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER ness. r
as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. T 6 rmI~t &i'dc~ Irrhanii 1TII
Capital, $50,000. Surplus, 0;30,000. Transact a
general banki ng business.
106 S. Ma±. H.t a4.d 3425.Cashier.
IN OR l~ S.75 tin t. ad 32 S.Mat Fat lIHE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK
UNIER ITeTE TuOK , apital Steoc, ,100,0. Srplus 11,00.
Shoe Departnf't , INSUFNOTERBSY d TEXTBOthOKSn~P ctis f h
ug FULL NES N Ti AND SECOD-HAND. OrganIzed undertheeeneraiBanklng Law,
IIS FULL LVSO O E B O S n of thinsstate. Receives deposts, bus and
UniTUdENTSes DSUPPLIES.e upon proper
THISMEE SAURDA, SUDE TS'SUPP IESIdetifiatiOPP onSafety do sit boes to ret,
Baarrisan Vice-Prs.; Chs 0. iscock,
Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery Cahe A1...Fls Asistant Cashier.
and offers all at the Lowest Prices. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K01fAn Aerbor
_____________________________________________________Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $0,000
STrannacts a general banking business,
F KR E Lamps Expressly UsSe dents'nUse craed.boughtadold. urnish
"The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal" "The Perfection" $W LRSO.CsVice Prs
FOR ONE DAY "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from
$1.00 to $2.60 each. C. I. MAJOR & CO.,
OI vry student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure TeAtsi ertr
L ades Robbers. OIL hite light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv-
ered in any part of the city in our cans at 100-per gallon. For Have a complete line of
A pair of Goodyear Glove fit- sale only by D A O P N . Wal Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
tlDRobbers with every pair 214 SouthtainOStree. Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc.
fLadlies' Shoes sold that day Specialty of fine interior decorating,
for $2.50 and upwards. UNIVERSITY NOTES. I has lng neded-someclif-' Ar.haing.ting, frescoing, tinting and paper
1 1* - hangng.Only the hst of workmen
Harrisoni is tie well knowns~l Ge~rg- employed. Work guaranteed.
Miss Elico beac, ex".i0, is teclil~ H, who wo recily raduiutecfree
C i Crowley, lTeis. pinipl fle U. C.of. MJOR&"C.,
m 1. C=. Pl, '37, i tinVl1 fte h of 1badwill 11eld11IacT- The Artistic Decorator,
E Fscaiiaba, M1el., 11igh School. lecrsl and bsiess Ieee'iig i Almi
l'le Alpha Nu .Adclilii dbile Tlr -AtieOr Msic Co klli at 17 p.e Kl L E I
Sday a lit wil be hlcd in Rtoole21. tVisdeveccning.Dc. 1. [Ic sle 1o
11,' Krodoc. 01F. O~s oletten lcd as iioporantilnaalers swill be
yesi(d'1riyhythe deaih of :his reli. ds sr tT I O
M-iibcs of the G(raduate lu hb anl
Alosut le-eiiy-iive studensswint le -F'OR-
DIrit to see Uo .Jeffrsin ast inighthii red unitdt eps
lt a ilielinrg f te club W ednsday MEN AND W~OMEN
the mediel deiarnient sillosne ev eninug at 7:0 l'n tie ltctre 1011oiwatstNoetis.n4a
___ lsil~~tody to ated he reception to ;oilthe lnmusun, o e dresei by Prof. adWne amns
Jeffersoni. Dccii Worcetel. bsbjet, "lie Pilip-___
Owiuc to the inclemnt weather Harry W. Clark, of the Univerity pine .Islands cnd Teir People." CO. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
many ladies were debarred from hospital, sent Snday swii tiendI s . Profesor Wenley left An Arboc One block west of University.
the benefit of the above offer we 'near Ypsilni. lot evening en routet for Scotlni,
made last Saturday acd although J. I. Mayo, l9l L, is speorintendientlswhere le 'ias beerllerd by his father s
our trade was unusually large. Of the olee departllent of lies NwosOinters of prisate cd fancic in- L11 " ttUdio
We want everybody in the city to I-ork Life IisluncrtCoc '. teres. sProf. loyd-aill endet
share alike this excepional offer A iieeiag of the S. 1L. A. SBoard will his loosses dring hlai seilh-ece ihis PIANO, PIPE ORGAN
we make them, merely for the he- held in SRoom l 0. tiversily IBall, iv(ock. tProfessr Weney, oseer AND COMPOSITION.
prpose of on Wednestlay, a11 4 :00tp. 11L will be bck in tosso. at tieeo-
chs onglad, 'lS L. reuredliol li leiieInt of college, 10 ltake chue' CONCERT PIANO TUNING
Introducing Our Great NArbi~o yeteray I--e sWill eler ofhisc__sses.. H. KEMPF,
lii.s clos lin htgolsoe'vti'i' nsori -Sholo I~icoFrom Stuttgart Conservatory,
$1 u his las, uill gisc a programniporty. Esry sa- Germany.
T'flt-llleii ibood in the loss- bili-erddiy eveinilg duriigvain. 1)1.15-
Lais'FneFoter ii lo nhcs of sevcoalinbrellai, dnIts relcoinligoverdun's vocatiee 12 SOUTH' DIVISION STREET
hts addriubiters Iiat llavecbeeno tkolre co -rdilly - iSle.
wh~h em oidct ta hy<r U IA!Satisfied that once tried 1101 o1l taken by mistake. NOTICE. @ M SC L
will prove their worth for V - * Te cinmletlee havng the incctet' ill Mel Gillepe, teacher of Mandolin, Banjo
weradcmor.TeNwJrsey Athletic Club will cag and utar. Instructor in the University
waancofr.hold a big sviner comnial at didisoIIean aennd ragnecoSchool of Msoic. 18 years experience as
Sgalare ardn \ei Yok Cty Dc h~rey fthose cstill hlding origii a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Music Co's.
SqureGaden Nc-Yok Cly Dc.unreserved S. L. A. coursefikt may Store to arrange for hours ,...
Wright~eteran& Co's ___________alePennsl
17righ15.PreneernsValeCPeosy.-hovethem excaged for ticet gooid
s-ateandCoumia recl enerd.for the enocitg numbrs In the HOLMYES' LIVERY
1.P ed&~S The Nesw York Journalist oays: coure by preseating theme at Salmeco TA LE
ToeaAdvocte of x-Senator Peff Dec. 1. All such tikts not o- n
$58$30,$3.50 AND $4.00 wo 115 000enin ktin n ignifid al caetd befere that date will be an- ~ 9E iet t
re of iice his reimnt fo,,nteen led. Central location. Good Service
Shoes-a pair of Ladies' Rub- public life. Air. Harrisoni is a ustler, y ode' of commitee,
bers with every pair sold Sat- and will -give the Advocate what it W. T. HOSNEH5 Olsirmn. TRY THE. .
urdav, Dec. 11. Toledo
________________ A Good Pocket Knife for 25 Cents.
A Better One, Warranted, for 50 Cents A Steacm
AT Laundry
AACK AT.........And SAVE se PER CENT on what yeauaUs
M um m rv' Drua S ore No13orFuwa venSnowppyng for landry work. Leave orders