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December 14, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-12-14

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Time Table (Revised) M(ay 19, 1894.
Mail and Ex-.350 Mail--------8 43
N. Y. Special--- 5 00 N. Y. Special---. 7 30
Eastern Es--10 12 N. S. Limited.--- 9 25
A. Mn. Pacific Ex---1157
Atiaetic Es--7 47 P. in.
D.N.Express--.. 5 40 Western Es--2 00
G. R. Express ---1i 05 Chi. Nt. Es---10 20
G. R.Ex-------557
G9. P. & T. Agt., Chicags. Aft., Ann Arbsr
Time Table, Dec. 8, 1895.
7:37 a. m. *7:40 a. m.
*i2.25 pm. 11:30 a. m.
4:15 p. m. 9:00p. m.
Aul trains dully except Snday
*Trains rss bctwccn Ann Arbor and Toledo
W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0.
Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895.
Leave Ypsilanti frsm Congcress st., 7r:10. 8:45
and 11:00 a. m.; 12:45,2:15,5:,06:45,59:15 ad
10:00 p. m.
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,9:15 and
11:30 a. i.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:10, 7:15, 9:43 and 11:13
p. m.
Leave Ypoilanti from Congress st., 1:30,3:30,
:00,06:30 and 9:00 p. M.
Leave Ann Arbor Jsnctioe, 2:00,4:00,53:30,
7:00 and 9:30 p. m.
Cars run on city time Pare: single trip 15
centm; round trip tickets 25:conts.
WM5. F. PARKERn, Supt.

Never Known Before.
Suchisaonicasswe will start Mondaey, Der, 16th, was never knowanlbefore in thec shoe
busines at tis:: time of the yeare.
Oelsnstire stock (nothing reserved) will be offered at redoced price, ustil Dec. 28th.
Nothing Will Be Charged During this SFale.
We must have cash for everythsing. We assure you we are not baringv this oslsefir pleasure,
it is siniply a matter of bssiness. It's certaninly sot pleasure to sell sucs gooids at re-duction
in price, especially when goods are said to be andvancing, at the factosies, but we Iavse said
it and they must go.
"Little Store Around Ike Corsner." Wash~ingtoiHik. Washlisngtoo So.
--IN- --
SlverewaretCkinawareIFaney BsksssBeautiful Vsss leal Pottery, Jaipanes-
waie, los, Lampsasotore full of Toyes andous:assd of prettyou-eu
articles for thieHoliday sasonatostesatisfactoryprices.
MCC& COO\PANY, Furniture.
56, 58 acid eo S. Manin St.
F. J. glen, The State St. Tailor.
That wec::nsave youofrom$3 to $10 on every Suit:or Ovecoat:,boughtool f usOie do.
We swere lbrou-huin15tile business, anid:knowowhlereof wsi-posk. Toil: pay 7:10 to lookbat
our saimples before buying elsewhere.
United at Loot. Webster Elects Officers.
Tile iquestioli of uiinlg Itie literary 'Ill: Webister s::esy elecedsthel fol-
socieslies scitls bhe Orgllorielll Asocia- lo~vilng oflierro for 0111-elu~tilg 11h-ee
lilon 1(11the ptorso,5 (If lzoilig-hI lli:oitts, at 111e1r01 i-titl"g la: igh);
fial udebetes 11:19 at laist been cot~tledI. irsish:, 311M. 3ts-(1uire; vice ire~i-
Thlilsclaly etlilig Ihe .effersotiou d1:-lt, (L. W~. 31:-sl rlan;s se:-rs-l.rs-.
Socetiy appolliintiedl conliittee of 51111 C. II. Doovosis; lt euel,, (G. A1.

T. O. &C.By. K.&MW.RBy.
Solid throughs tr::is betwoeeToledo, Ohio,
and:1 Chorle-sion, NV. Ta., via (.olewnbu, the
short an~d only direct ioute.;iu
Toledo, 0.
Findlay, 1 0.
Benton, 0.
Columbus, 0.
,Athens, 0.
X~iddleport, O.
Pnmery, 0.
Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.
Richmond. Va.
Petersburg, Vn.
Old Point Comfort, Va.
Williamnburg, Va.
Newport News, Va..
Norfork, Va.
And all south~eastern points. Elegant
drawing room cars on all throughi trains.
For furthier inorcmation csill oii your local
Tickset Ageiit or write.
MOULTON HiOUKf, tni Paon. Agt.,
Toledo, 0.
WV. A. PETERS, M~ichigan lass. Agent,
Detro:it, Mich.
The modern stand-
w1 ard Family Medi-
cine: Cures the
wcomnmon every-day
ills of humanity.

.ss ivihfill posser to ac-) in th~e 111<:1 i, i ill s; s ill is, Mi-. 31(11071 iirisiilt
...J 0 LiLY' ~i co's :1111d 1his iii iim::-i lias exipressed:lh1111- Sti. N:llnhl:a. I
200S. State St.. Sager 1usdc:. si-If in favolr :oflithe rheol:. Last:inight, nlne OtMody
flet andI csld 5,i..ho s at All Hous. liii Alpha lNil aiidlAdlph~i societies
THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL svl' iotnaiil:iisliy in faivor :of accep:t- The ' lluiler sTillib0::r1511 e1: 101:
ig i( the:te11s offered'b theiiiOlraitoricl:-:h ily. It. is a:~ lnlldson:i::' 1e w'th <t.1Lowniey's Chocolates.
WHOLESA.LE CIGARS Ass::: .tio, is printil:-l theil1)tly (Chrlistmal~s coves ihligii- s it lla- ot1unhe
TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. yestrdsay,.and lele 9s'-sl'r Sieiely )e1:s'lisli::'i:ls::I1 to i a ll Is tiin~ otLuoncles
Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. as-ci-epedhe sameilrterlomsisle)art1: sli. '-
Money to louis osnpersoonal property. re-port :f the s-oiliil:':thaotvos ip- ise taiu~lls ift3ly-Iss:: 11:1 of s :1 : xi: TTTI 9S48 S. State St
ANLDALL As itoi .hs ae'ta oli<-ti~o 799etwe11he societies andl the (Ora.-, Iis-' ARABIC. stoel Doit liuaranitee
ho gYa~ her i~i-i osi-~lsi ~iiiio::: orc:ss sh i lni in Arasbic to give yous an art supplensent
llo tlllgi'lli'it. fou itnal dib, te cSee Aiinoiutemlenlt p 4.I i fe- with the L. of M. D~aily every
15 Washington Block. Iiithi ns iisof a lisrleniiitt g.iid- ed for Itie lirsttliimi- an1d1is lessil day in thle week, sand we do slot
tissa, Nso h wa15s ery isicsi-tlo blieii- me:nieds~tusdentso if l~ia:gllags anti otter -aiy forty-right page cdi.
COB "H STATE siredl. IIn the' 10:11 tih-e ye'ars tliii- :.to ih::.osio ~ecit Isoltikc Ilbrss ioer yea.a Weraim rsnto giva th o r- .5
I LTRET. + + osr Assyriain. Sesverail sdnshavsse oughly represoentative, up-to-
haiershave siot hi-on sailsft::elisry sh:sl ~9is:s 1iisr-lijttli- date Univezrsity newpsecy
Call on them fs~r ,led xrse eiet o onji h aec
Fine Lunches, finanialy iorothi:'rli'e, lutl noswsili011w.l wiith sclsa iitojo ciiig all dep~artmensitnof the
sAlstdnswows;Fine Chocolates, tiiheibtes usisrihet ii-ointrisolifthistaleIhieetss 57t1itrelquestd 1o S:'ii~i thirs Univ ersity and all the otudent
and Bked Gods.organizations.
and Bake Goods. vigorosus socetey thely' will hiet lshii'sh inamei'5to the Ollidirsilc, as1the
Try Our Lunches. tisthirtmolsiist andulshioul risult a siooks niss.thi' orderseds-lbefoire'tiii'hol
su':':'ssfsihhy as have the oraitorical coss- da3-s, JA ME'S A. CRIG~i,
,,FLAG PI NS" AS USUAL. ol.Ti'iiitiisei s s il--4 lsioss. D uro~
We also save a fine lin sociely debato', sshichi ta lstale 'Toses- tHOME-SEEl-KERSSIEXCRSIONS regular delivery of tile Daily at
~ - of imported Ya yu orutlteedo h
da~y eveniog 11and1of theefinal ihebotli' To Virginiaasid tile Soulthi,Nov. 1J, youregdooeruritihien ouh
wsill froissniww on1 le 1nde1r tile control Dee. 3 and 17, 1895, prompt, accurate and complete
ARNLD' oftheOraitorical Ossociatioss isiths ret- Onl the above dates agents of the reports of Usiversity events
of lieOhio Central Lineasoill sell Excursion faculty and class notices, a bul-
Jesery Stnre. reseiltstio-es of the societies,.ikt toefrefrterui letin of thh dates of athletic
ticet aton fae or heroudIripi, games, entertainsments, etc-tile
HA G T RE ATERER, All studlents remsainling in 'this' shy limitI for retnrn 30 days. news of your own acid the other
HA G TRE ,20 Itoang during tile hloiday vacation areoossr- Consult 0. C. Agents. dprmnsi uhamne
________invitedtoattendthedancingan to enable you to keep posted
H 1E 3Single room nsdll]boarod to be hal at regarding everythinhg J soing
NE11HI ES O party to ltake place t-riday evei'Iit7 No, 17 S. Shale st Oly three doora or pertaining to the Usiversity
Dec. 27,-t (Graniger's Ac-ademiy. fo6c3u.hetadlih o
HUNTER BROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST. Piti Atroftooru nO-nohecmpu.. Bathnd igh fu
Skates Conclawed. ental bottle in the bent Chiristnsn 519C55Gitar for Sale-A (Grand Concert 1
Experimental ,Work. ent to get. Insported by .. 0. alr- Washburn Guitar for sale cheap. For
___________________________ plisan fromi the Orient. tFor nale at 52L further particulars aipply at thlie Hub, to the fact that the U. of M1.
S. Stale at., $1. per boittle. 65 n 0 Wsigo t Daily in the only paper which
Request. Musical-F. Steinbaur, ?i Pni Phd,; can make you this oifer. It has
Course It tin Latin writing) will be no competitor. If you feel any
Readers of the Daily wil con- '08 D, teacher of Banjeau, Mlandolin interest in the University you
fer a favor on the Editors by men- and Guitar. Ann Arbor Organ Co.gie Tusa an Thrdy t will receive more than your
Re.7Voln t.4-iut es ne'lock instead of at 11. money's worth from your sub-
tioning this paper when dealingles VoadSt40mneloon scription before the end of the
with advertisers. 50 ets., 00-minute lessons 75 cts. Subscribe for the Daily, football season.

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