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December 14, 1895 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1895-12-14

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For aStylishNoble's____________________Main
CALL ON D la au
Is what our new line of Nekwear is. (Spe il
Holiday in). Our Price Goc.
Il' UMerchant Tailor, Um rla
Strictly igh grade work at Sold here and raised everwhre. Niee loid'y
moderate plicles. _Presents.a
10 E. Washington St., 1DO ® yO U SKM4O IE? ?
____4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - - - 5c- -
We w7 Full Value Cigars for - - - - 25c-b
i6 Prodigy Cigars for - - - - 2c --- -Al
+LSR jJeO 4 Owl Boquet Cigars fr - - - - 2c
- - Y u g 13 Royal Banner Cigars fecr - - 95ce ~
I. ems Lowet Market Price by the Box. BA' N
to5distue DE Na&CO AN
isett'tPart i cyet foti c iei Aute sws44 South Main Street.s
worktttctsuntiltine bicyceaie's s nd prCAoNAveOsE W T R
Young Ladies oseme0term__
Ii icy' csliss ssiiy se siiesseiieeost- A ittc-nieIi'tl io ot t o annex O it l e it' Sat.,De. 11i 8 pln Unotersiy Nlcl 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST.,
endd.\N rit ior patticas.
tmAGIIC CYCLE COM'PANY, l ('itisri Clletg f 'h liatiy tt Ie Re- litCon(eer Co S LA. cus. CORNER OF WILLIAM,
C'I'll(RV, EAn1110111111sc Dr '. onadret o 'St (At A.t~t5 OO S
G. SPALDI GNB & BR sl iii i l;u o fla0onlhttd 'iitmti'ti oficaintitestirlti i-UNIVERSITY - TICEXT BO-
lc 11,l vittit 115 ii riti t , intn tu u b. inew and SecondHand
! °1 Football Suppies ao(lrtp .. tfoitr t11c;uttdaiti,nt.. lDe. 16,Sp iitai~l oebosadohrS~dnr upis
Specaty tiirttporting ii~l 0
2 Essciy equisite tfor tiel~ts od S i itiy in ti its ftny?" pcts._____
g ant, Jackets, Pants. B- Students Fioes tiromt Topeka. Ulily Club curis.
/ t a Stockilils'MImill':; 'ltol s.i1>c'c.i"i..puI'...iai c ti t-.'or Cll and see us before Purchasing.
No iittit'uhcrf outhtt Ii ooila fdin ole" I
1.ot 'i-itt'j~, iSO 00.c~b ae.
ilu tr t d lottll S hci C tingee cn itu is t'. etil. l ii' 1 .o1f0r.iot. antititi 21 s N si' t A h n i etitittig. N t tts. it
FIR S A I Onc pA.L BPu.StO E1. ' it'sit ii iiy i i' tti ii 'l litl ii'. 1).ii01. i ., Prc ii n D O {I jI IE Y "E S.
OttiI ed i i l .t h is. ldtf tiiee t c rsesi. mfri nt ii' 'ns . s s. nc( l). 5 i 0.Gt u1ri t eli f ~ ~ f
Seti cst iits ttgttsld . ip ssII' ,11tsh ecleew r beu dniod lbPrfSp dug f"E eim ta
-tt~t i' nd NewVIAiSO .C' ilr tc's,'it2 sitiilI' Pttnsi ls t ionoI ants. T. h iis . in S sitsgy. Cnvie athoisee
~ ailS BANK, IOb erlin Elects a Capicin, Cilc jttiof lane5n15 (tytitiaat
oofitsi i 51 at I'iit ill (hut al i l u t.tt 5ltetltIhietitut Atcsadilsc e lanrst S e ost Sho
of lts tatd tic l t t'setniitbrcitS.---('i. e" . 0PI ~ou 1-o lsr ulig osar omut
Usitsd k, ett s iosutedsitid" l a u01rds li . tents'o fcad re o i = ffc n Sit' it te lumtr ito et;ttro itt dosr.
st'F IR TI ,i. I oN Acsstct Nsits . t'Xt'tt ae h ur f rgmo ll], Tus.,tt lDe(s9 ticp.litii. itiez Itg11st.p
c''''ttlt cc0,00.stursitnd rpittitie,00 LllIhurh.iobet t' Liste, . Aty
Trasats a neril anin bsies cttni p eizltins wilbe ta e st-i elu cLesiIn l ,te. iiIiettai iu
IVttereti.ttis u se, sti i it ite i~t ilentst dhu itlstlWi i anitt t't-l' iFrillDec. itte thni CgChrt 'ist s SPE IAL
Si n cud F ire.S .tiLtRKdO11 te s hier. it t'itt ..ti ot'. Iu aloni-l t err ei nsrl. Thiiiinisthiut's cttytisonsoitiis's-
U NI RSI S A01V FDAI NGGlt'itislii't'itt-' 'tliltttt5 tt 110' liugs Taltl i t inisittilosatern IIAtTNtsntciiteie
OberslimnslsElgectst a Captao.in,11
__________________________ tuut iinedlits ti-li Sinn is, ti., AnauultitBca ull iuiof '.st S seti st.
or iI~eduderthe~eeral.Saningcoiit'het()astltitul sutitli scud. 'liii oil Sfast ts9
"ft Ncu.IveT' sdeo itsby n lui G IK I! HE 0 11 ev ~ 1ide l elSlit c -i btel 'ii J 011.II.NI A ti ]iSltti
CENTIiSALr Siai ttIck PresTICKET.. itg lt ecnn . A lyrlRatlrodsll cess- isisi-el d ues~in 'e t s. lulis r
'lariTl ,:e ic-I{ , Ca E i in Sk 1he itrh i tohe otly hnk good t ttcciialpyi otna itii ~T n Mnsill. afst a et afe
011. eriire B. & 0. systemier.cOfseth ; ckt s . o ' '\yhodin sarteS O APcs'snhsseed
Oil1itsChoiceOf________________ PMriprpeeelsifoveri 5lDe.ti9,a2'canit1,oi store.WS PHcib-
readlisket oe r. all inpoiant ines THAL LINES. NEWlSTYLESmIN COLLARS AND CUFFS
Possihy yourgym. sit .Prse $2.00; god oneyear.hpplyiTcketson sal Dec.e4,d25 nd 31
S Oh i CV en ical1 Agentsa oread drelcy S )(Also ona ndary1. -tiitd f orwetur seciayo hsu Is h e ir ens'iestus
is n hatcoditon If MltorLndlin s C . .ol ceo, 0. t J r an. i1800. hte l Ftr and se. sow alt®Sfte isee Ti eir a."frta
'I hsilty hs ace. mti; sea high-baludel t aelpoitsrnslcattal cn
so exchp s a nglil fr wanned-Sonreonep1Iplay1fortdane-talt intscoeIi p eCe e 1sn-rlf is h sso fS lurCIsiAi he-b
at cullsis ueIsteerotrEarl.1S tiltoinesTieamsitE So
onVeRS C OLOFDN IG 1e halfh etr (tda eofor chr eisesSwwihavSheheKshoraestScicanied Sh
Ing4 beeDa i4(iosS. for (ios.LSeEOho3C ntraMA..n " i AIdo s ," od nts al DsiErle &tor ssot
rseO o ia ln 41W ead ave.td feIDallepart uars Spinfild tIlt.adTetissto sy Comml hodnf
11 WiSuitble or W I s id KAY j ouh dWilosedIrsS collaraboptcial ols .
WasingonNt. TUBUAN CGEL OCKS DETRITEAREIOevdnalottwecnhdle 011-Tiaso SIugedGe. lulgi-band clr lo
ANN ARBORTRL HOUSES. TCAPTE . ,. T r. oras. lpuposetmSitsfsclus ks a
____________________An_______ nAG eS - i por eIsoete Emars.L ae s nt


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