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December 14, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-12-14

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~ijeItI of

LU. W1ili~p.

VOL. 1.-No. (30.



The President's Report.
Presidlent Angell's report to the
Bloardl of Regents for the year end-
ing Septenmler 30, 1895, has beeo
published in pamphlet form for dis-
tribuntion. 'There is considlerahiei in-
teresting information andl comment
coitintied in the report which has
not yet heen puhished for the hene-
fit of the reaiding puhlic. (Of the re-
niarhahie increase in the attendance
the President says:
lNe used to enxpect that, as the
rsolleges antd other state untiversities
in the West liecanme amply eqtuipped,
the itncrease in attendance here, at
least front other states, wnonld cease.
hut sutch is not the fact. Several (if
ottr sister institutions in thne West
tare heromne strong, are doing ex-
cellenit swork, and hare, iwc are glad
to ohserve, a largely increased at-
teiidantce. Yet so rapid is the
growrth cif the West in population
anti getter at prosperity, antI so
nmarked in te estinmation of te pitb-
tic are te advanttages ivhichi Shis
U.niversitsy is tatle to offer to stu-

of the students, anti incidentally Freshman Election.
lead So certain mnoral perils. The Saturday morning the freshminni
question how far intercollegiate mti omAS otneSt ls
gannes shall he encouragedl or even emetinomi. AtS te ntiepnetse ilal
permittetd, especially in a University notleciden. acitaefo ls
situated no far away as this froni any notordedeet a cjsrti
consideralile niumher of large cot-foashrSutSoeblteIst-
leges, is one ott ivhichi there nity frasottm oeal h ne
wel li tvo pinots. t les sih-pendcents to hotlid a canctis to niomi-
wel betwoopiion. 1hes su-nate a itanifor tint office. Ini She
jects will nosy tress uiton its at oince +,,- ,.4.. C1-

for coinsideratioin. Twro tings seeni
to tbe clear. (Ine is, tint re should
seekcSo iiitke tiir gyonmastic accoimi-
iiocdatioiis coinduice toi She iiorital
health of She uany cattier titan to
She ahnormal (developmieiit of a few
athletes; the other is, that wve sthonuld
so condct aind regulate athletic
ganies that they are kept free front
ceitoralizing accessories. We con-
fidlently look toi our studients, for
whose hetiefits aind pleasutre so gn
erouis provision is ahotit to lbe itade,
So cherish andc tia itaini a spirit
wvhicht will entale its tin set-tre these
truo results."
Foot-Bait Captain.

caucus, rte twviicuintestants of instI
wreek, Holt tandi Htncdy-,wreethe
intly cttidiates andilion the first'
hatlltt H lt mutteletcted. Tine
"i ats''wtre them nclditniiattidte
class mteettng cointiictn flitOite
first hallotSt.etemaitnidei if te
ticket -tgreeid uptoitlastSiaturda y Sty
the ftits tndiniditependtenits wsn
electeid. IThreiclass officers are:
iPresidernt, I.F.Van Tyl; vice
preridtettiMiss'it IH.ITylor; sec-
retaryIF I E.Goodrich, Strsurer,
J. Al lD avts;Iistorian,[hiss IE_'E-
Grtmrs; orator, C. M.SMt;poetrss,
iss Alice'C rismn;nprophietress,'t iss
N1. :N1i Post;tastmaistertGeorg

S Meilted to You
Through Your
adJeweeist Sietic Badges.
ivies vii waiithe LateHs eroirnntaniStyles
in Stioes t Siit 5ts 1. a aitslessitantAetnaro

etuts, tutie Sare beets alitost cii-__-_
arassedi by te coni iitiedi anaint lt At te electionti heldin ii their
twretise in oitr memttbers." ' Upsilon houittse tin Saturdayteei ngci
if te gyititasittitiantilphysical for next yarsfoot-bl Icaptatin,

XL W. Beait Charles IlirtitiandR.tilY E ,sJ4~ 'fJ~ ~
tit. 1.c nrw r pp itdacr-tot tcf is ititesophomorsites j II P1110I''11'ilIi I.
ot at jointieiildiitay. C. S. I AbbottI
R. J. itt 'iiA. V. NealS, 1. Ir. jhap~. Speller & Q .

culture genterally Ste says:
"iwo very intpotrtant steps have
liens takentini providing for gymnas-
tic exercises andni ganmes. By the
titicchase of teit acres tif latnd a half
title south if tine canmpucs, opportunt-
iy is So Sbe afforded for ouit door
spotrts. A consitderahle snni Sis
bett expeinded in te preparaton of
te grountisfor te nses So iwhici
they are the lint, atidire are rcoit-
fitdentthStthSiestnideintswtill co-otter-
ate twitht is ini carting for thietni.
'lWe ace well asware that in at-
tettptitng to pirovidle the means tif
phlysical cultutre ive are confrointed
wcithn somne (difficulties. Onte is found4
in tine great numher of students we1
are called to accomodate. Special
provisions mnust he made for the
wonten. Thne luestions whether at-
tetndance upon instruction in the
gymnasium shall be required of any
student, and if so to what extent,
and of whom most he carefully con-
sidered. The experience of other
colleges and universities, and in
some decree our own experience,
allow that there is some danger, that
the passion for athletic sports may
interfere with the intellectual work

I ,. , , ;

(;eu. Bi. D ygert, '93 littins chotsein"ii cititieit, L.. Iitirci tutu5. 1is. vi'tue Uis ersity Oulhfitter's,
oni the seconithbaillot. Dygrt tinswtreeapipoitntedl a commititee ion grnit SOUTHoStATEiSt ir.St, jNN Atti.Olt.
beem cata~in mof his ciass. Seatntfotroral athletics. G. ID. Stturgis, i. . I
te past twvo years. tHe is it pirsent Rowe andilE. AWylie tre appoutinted N eckwear,
a mtembher of the hoard of directorsa commitittee So select class colors. Drs Sh tGovs
tif te :athletic Association. I ;igli' , - -_ --_ _-- -
eeit totes ivere cast at tine cttin. Athltetic Directors' Meeting. U dr er

"The Science of Good Cheer."
Rev. 'I. lDe Witt 'Talmaige lectutreid
to a very large audience in Universi-
ty Hali ott Saturday eveining. Hits
subje'ct, "Thne Science oifGoond
Cheer," ivas treated in an interest-
ing mnanner. His rennarks ivere en-
liveined bny a numnher of hiumorous
anecdotes, sonte very old and othners
new to mtost of his hearers. T1he
speaker msade no attenipt at a con-
nected discourse, using his notes
only occasionally. The lecture was
thoroughly enjoyed hy the vast au-
dience, and it frequently testified its
appreciation of the anecdotes hy
applause that too often interrupted
the speaker.
Dr. Talmage preached in Univer-
sity Hall last evening, to a crowded
house. Hundreds were unablc to
gain admittance.

'The bouardi tf tdirectonrs of She Atlii- ___
cette Association hueSin AIlim Nut FO llJ-B ILLGOODS,',
h ail Satturdauy muornintg. 'hue finuah
repnort oifte foiit-buall conmmtuittee Enhaglish t ackiintoslies,
iwas reatd.hby tManager ltarcni. fIn t Athleticanud
suite of the mnost rigith econtomty, te ''. Gyrnnsaimii Goods,
season has tot bieeun a profitable onte, tile 55lill DESCRttITION.
fi tnncally, onwing priuncipally to thn
moor weather on thue occasion of t51 SAYE TIME AND MONEY
Detroit and Chicago gnomes, froms
B3 -lluu-in you
both of which the managenuent ex-
pected to realize considerabale mnoney.
Several plans for raisinignuoney for LA I,
thne base ball season were discussetd,
and referred to thne base ball com- of us white we sreeree.
mittee. Two entertainments will
probably be given, one a boxing and CALLAG H A N & CO..
wrestling tournament, the other an
entertainment of a varied character, PUBLISHERS,
similar to but on a larger scale than
the one given in University Hall 114 Monroe St., Chicago.
last spring, which was pronounced
such a success. 50 S. State St.,. Ann Arhor.

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