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December 14, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-12-14

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C~h .a




Has"-received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
A l legretti's
Fresh everyl week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
Lowney's if you
Fridwy, Dec. 17
The Prince oitMagicians and Ex-
pounder of the Black Art.
Prices,..._2c, 30cand 7c.
Just Recevd a Large and Elegant
Line of New Wipes I
lHt and Cold Luches at all hours. Agets
tor Hyler's and Williams and Werners O.'s
Chocolate an Bes.
R. E. JOLLdY & CO.
no:South, State Street.
Best linen paper per lb.......1c
Best white bond paper per lb.... 25
Envelopes per box (250)....25c
Envelopes per 1000........... .85c
Visiting cards engraved and M0
cards .... ................1.50
Visiting cards from old plate 100
only .......... ..........90c
Monograms made to order from
$2.50 to $5.00.
Always the bet goods at under
Up Town Down Town
. State sI. (Oppsste CourtHouse
Ann.Arbr SMain 51,


A Short Sketchl of His Life Is
Given. (
Theli' tetrostage faoite''sis
to-te. ,Ii riclerson i ttivethishor11n1-I
in;ohi ispeialo 'rtt awith ove il
oeiotoiro of his faturity andl'rop'
'liTefamliouls 1101tor ovesthe IIi' lilrstil
today. Notttty alt lerisco 01reOtt-
totedt to allow the tudetstt to aten
the ir'ttot A oteeir eleii'galo
fromTo l,,ole ito laoed for 5+sriean
ittron('-tow-u avt',tbeen tmate at Yb-
statti to givethtll ttdntto of hiei ot-
toolanottotuntityt to osee andithear
A sottiske'ttof telife of our dis-
Ittytiotted gttet iay te aplioririte.
Mr. Jeferson was toftrotlured to fho
sfage at thte tendoer age of four. ie
wito carried onthle tage ty Jso. 0
titre, founier of tegro tttttstteloy it a
bag atnd emtited fromt it witt the
"Ladies 1a1111.igentlemen, 'dt htalI've olt
for to ktnow,
Ive got a little dakey hern' to 1111111
Jitm Crow."
Yottng Jefferronttpromp~tly asottaid
the 'at titudle of J ilt (row Rivet' ail
daitredaandisag it icitatio of Iiso
able 'Cooilatilt. 1011n tto Itotia
ta1e likeess of tat gt'oteoottto'm11-
Itt 1837ilat te age ot eigt,Itt a-
iered itt tt troacLtlwori-otttba't -wit
atotpionoatitt th FrantklnTtlitatti,
New York. 'hett att-ily soonat tot ti
wenttw-cotanti wattteri tiotitdlfor
twrelve yars as00strolling p~layer.
Thtey ptaye at imtte tontbarts antd
hotel titnintg roonts with not miore
senery ttdotttetlytatn Qltr, ilt'
crttrtbied., oud hananer 'ogo'tit.r.
Atotd ill)ttsceeis ad surrotuditgo
Jefferson learne o toean ac ttor. 1101
ttut for an ocasiiittl Ierool of tile
metthslttoat sodool, Itthltod110 fat~ttt
lot ittilg for itto lrofesion. ie 00101
11 liei torck to Newr Yor tttnd playo'dhrrfratre it osdrbesv,
ti''i.< fr. titt wiit'otothe wth ex'o-
rotke outeff.eetsoott fallooiti te
Atterian army, actgitt the gerrtal's
tnt attd oheevtr tttttialtolttiity tre-
eated itself, and two-hfays aftr lhe
ct~lpttuf of thte City of Mexio ployd
in it Spatotototheatre.
Itt M808 "Our Atmcvian Coin" was
iroett't. Jeffersont took te tori of
"Asa'rrott'itad" ad tecatte fatttoust
init tiday. "Outr AmeinototCottsit" rttt
for 1-hAs otcesof toslights a renorkasble
nat. at ttat te, attt was te trttttoir
soeeiso of te year. n Vt~tia oaae
p1ay Sothrti alsolaid the foundation
for his futtre fame inthie role ot
"L~ord Dundreary."
toIn18:3 Boncanxut reatol"tip Vn
Winkle" for ,Tefersol, adtl it at once
i node thte "hit" ofthe generation. We
seedtrace no farthter te history ofa
pat that fo rnearly 30 years ias thel
t e(f 1p1ace in te hearts of tie
Americian p IoleSince' 188, Mr. Jto
"R*ip," Rob Ares, and Dr. Pagloso.
He remains in his sothern boiwto sto
of the year, octing tut a prt oreachu

seaontad titirtFiid'votes hittmselfi lotAANATIONAL. UNIVERSITY.
itite atablitettsoucttesso. A Bill for One Is Now Before
Mr, Jettfferon t ttilOtspik o-awli
Aitot' antit lioAt." 'T'eo'tliitai l- Conress.
-tioo il ttotitiriotlnec ti at 1. Iro'i-
hal offit, Vlivrsiyiea a soldaste iitt oitsiielf.
WhittClubo Committee Appointed Gtorge 'o'illiniltotl fotnitime i thttei
___________ oltitt of tiec r ilioigil of iteo'Iefoln-
At it leetintg if tiieie~tcti' e o-itou to advooi-ttth ideaott d thtee ts
hlind. of i11(,tit it('tttoeot'folow- to tislaily t site ot aart in W~it-
iag inetbiters were aiototiii "1 011li e Igtnkowtnias "'Inivetrsity Suatr'."
'oer,.chi'rmanl~ll; l. 1. trititill. If.IA gradutetountiverity i il ts ltoo
titrklleo. .At till'Olo'ottig We'ito- gif to andilstos lre Ttot'edeoitedi'i
lily night ihero' will to'.a fowlot.^tiii thio' nitesd stateso trestryintru11sf
atddressoes dealintg estocially3'owti 1c111p-1toteiltO'st'din 11l'ttitd Satstoond
Strode whitit. 'The carttr'mr 110 itoer t 5iota' ent. A itmoveetnt ls teti
of theuebttwtill Se clooed at thistotoeet- ' . to3"tot' $250,X)0tfor le firt
!ig; -any studotatit th ttniverity rain tbildinig tot ipri'a teos riiotn.
becmea.chrtr tebe b ticitlg Noote bult olders of icaiti tatc
toe-tett ledrltor eing ndtlr toy -odtgrees ito' to he o1illtitteit otto tuy
tug 'it t'onsittttto. tndSit toill -itt'at oce 5l'ent tohat 111
''hle report of tho'e'ltlltee 011 tot' tsimmeneoadva0'ntge toill te gietto
- till also te prest'te], anot oiti eit.' tls t taosico-roltlfcloi-lo
'lio tat'. it ths rgalct.Sit. Pt't reritin the (ogressional SLirary,
lo.a t thi la~tdhisMr.r. ns theo' t -iot OfftitseSthe~ thtoninan li-
tite dhsosal ott lilt'dly lttubfor tt'e a titlie -ant all te oter treaoture of
fewo'meetttinlgs. if notinig pemien'loiitlerinthat'fitndttutit'rooeting plc'.
ita loet se-tleo atIto' tule ot ttilltilt' ti tl capitl. Athioi'ty i.
last bientiecgreftit.tiltholdito f )11tote t''t ortitlo ttt oloio
tog it0tiologetotit'tr 'it. rti to i bgiveonloto ti llhoeuchrtotioll s
ottritoinetiteti a 0thel'3' altot trhi'o ooerto Aih h thr 0tt
of ho-ist 'tltSi es1 tttotg Iti o ot-ieit°ot~il'
o ht andtei' it to ti aitg oti 'h'it'prsent billis bto te lst ef
tlot at "iiaroe otlrtilill teatot." ymany lookig toart the smeitoecd.
Slttyai"pofeorip ionk at to'.o'3f:1gBesides Wtasittlort. wo'ilft $250)
'IXOtitmtaiyIhwilt.pifkit'tl o tingttito theptojets tPlreoietsAtittms, Jef-
Wedesnyalgh, f h i at tl tofrsoil. Madison,. oiru, Johno titt
frooti he tit3 01 tut Ottr. AoamstandI Jtrkson, anI tiorehitoly
President Jordan's Good Advice. 101111
Presieno rdan'itt. of iLelnd l 5ia-n- 'fie' prsent mtno-eitntis trareatle'
forti liade a met1'airlc O-ct-it ottto the iagiat iotn iaugurtaedi ty the
losof wtotioloti ndo-ee to ie',tlt. Ntional Eltlatiloill Assoittiot.
limbof hattitotiuitot til' itit 't''hreet' inarials lilt-c boellcsetetod
Aentsogatotho'r ting ntituigon Ito' 101 aid:"I lalit 1totiiogt'o'oon thtio sttjeef. Ii 1895
sorry to see tilt grotth of colie'-e' a lotlitloe of 101 was alppoiteI to
pltititc'. Itis poor ttff-the pn t- awo- 1110,abill andittteatt' ltealy hoo-
ttoee i~tttiitlh o I s'ttei'oriinal' s-. -shage. sanic of thei te-t
hec$imithi o a p eal^or 101-toeesof this oititittet'ar'Ilion. Sel-
tresiolcuit White tsedto o til llitMAit ill ,Fulr- - fjnte o
gron sltdong isknolbl t'ngc'ttled States, Andrlewto' SWitilt. ath-
becase heyhav no expricl0e Can1 Potor,. he i t' tertithts tus
it'rtillevetyeyrlube tatof'being punhed'do a
thiso'nseuqunctes of trnsgression, so
Ot''co'oftl isuet.
are ^their 1poliic, at teirlitvelrst.
°ittlit'corrutothounthtioeof Iprofession-
al paiolthitiatis. Frotitt' ratiks of cel- Among the Colleges.
lo'go' politit's politicatl lotss are' 1(00Printe-ton held a ros o totly oun
oftenit leliitO'O.' ts lehtsto. t- 4 Itc111
toill too cootitttedI traughotithe' oin-.
Oivet and Her Class War. ttr tid elry spring
loot itle Olvet is itt grat ditfi- Cornell is loten presented Oiil
caty. Tile Juniors butll.15c'tsonicPrprty worthl$80000, ant 10000
Sitt ioiey for ithe esttislnet a
-of those rond green hoirs and deidiot
Is call themn 1l1s0 hats. The toptio-i'titeolrof1Iottt.
Mie Yale antI tPrinreton he C'oo
a iore deertilid t tae tem wayhare arigoti to tunite In giing a
-and finally things grew so bor.thtoncr t(ssital 'itbr,
' thecats were given to thte girls for ontheir gat (tt-nei all, tsr
safekeeing 'Te wa has nw tke The triweeky of the Uniersity of
1 an a new phase in t1hatsnoe of the oa las to followillg editorial cO~-
sollhonores kionapped a junior and net io stetm bnwe
eft -lin tied to a bell.tHe fiualy got tl-t Nwi iedn hnw
a way. Itar of "Al-Amician" elevens, mad
flp ty men whohahve not sen snoro
Gwoynn Grnett, "',Waill leaveO tol- tian six 0or l it of Aneric's elevens
tlogo at bihe Cristmias lholidays and go "hply, andv11 thus fromt four or fie
Sinto business its Cicago. I at our forty-five staes.

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