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February 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…(77 r ' 7v .' !i _ 41 r v G m ca T 4 _ 'n (^ - J C _ ,y r J 74 J n r r' _ _ S C) x > Oa r, - "+, t' r (: .4 ." ... r' i tom'. " . . . J "l f. ' .t .. ." 1., O 2 7. r -" "" ., . r 7 N N r. bR _ _ JC r Ji - . - - " hh Z f^ - J /^ 7 _ n 1 - % - / .. lam: u.. n. . ... . .... -" _ _ - .r - - _ 071 !, t7l r° mm G7 ''CJ M CO r r mom; m ,-- c _ . f ^: s, v s. '_ ;' ", W - r v 74 - . r: " "®= e . P r _+ a+ _ " , u ..Y ..m ... _.. . -- ;,,, ,, ', ,-,...…

February 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…The. Michigan Dailly X'v XVl. ANN ARBO'('R, 1\lf .4 N, Il VRSl)AV.1"1E14tC',\l3'21, t1007, STUDENT COUNCILMEN Coi~il VIic iot fe i (tl llplii WILL BE ELECTED TODAY fo fte<>, r;ecf lcr>ae-~ f~ Junior L~ts, Laws, Engineers and coie',I c tdn ci liain tiedics Will Choose Representa= 1cccIi ti cappr{ in f at1%irn in rete tives-flany Nominations. ii Oefre >1is° (fth >ld V ,t _-- il elc~it tI Y r~ °, 'er i tlci tcil. ATE TAKES STAND N ATHLETIC S...…

February 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

… U? d :': rat" J , " J O r '' W ,,, C} E-{ . .. o Q bA c wow . ,f - v . fC/) f f E' r~ .- f ,_, '/. r, (7I7 C7- v^r _ (-)r H ^ ii v ^ f . y f , .."^ - .- . r J. T J . - . 034 -or Ki ra z r. ? i _ ..' !f. ... f f ._ E~ ~ (~) - ~ - - C,) ~----~ -- - ~ ~< -~ - ~ r ~I-~ ? H J o CLO W W (j cn p ..a ocbc i C Ica CS4 °' b U W r,'^.. 7.7 77 L- 7 v r. r ! r ~ .' v ^ ;r 77, ...... f. _ ..- 'f. J _ J i' J ^J . r. = .: '.' f , ,_., l r: ~ ...…

February 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…The M"ichigan Daily AN ARB'ORXi IC 110 ,\ , I C'ii'S):\Yx 11 ;I:L:i Xl 19,ix < xxy Vol-. XVII. Nox. ioo. .... ...... . . . . PRELIMINARY MEET OCCURS SATURDAY First Contest Is a Freefor-all Event -Class Relay Teams Will Open Championship Series. riti ittiixixx ii ghtxxliv lii tei na even knownxxasithe ipreiinaymet ineligibles, toimlxil iiho xhave xxwon lhon- poseiioI giv xx xx iingla lne xont ieine xmateialii irii ing ino thi i melx xixigt ...…

February 17, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOT'. XVII. ANN ARBOR, MIIC HIGAN, SCNI)AY, EI 17AY, 19017, PROMISING TWIRLERS OUT FOR VARSITY TEAM Whipple Shows Up Best of New Can- didates For Pitching Staff-En- tire Squad Reports Next Week. If ott-half, of the aunanoce of freh man material were to1 e aaiahlel for the varsty basall tearn this year, G~eorge I lob 001wo(1d(1owell 1to look to Ilinis' 1)0prestige 0on the diamonotd. PTe Miiare beinlg luded to11 te sies ti...…

February 16, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…T-he MihianDaily ANN ARBOR, XIIC 1110 X'sSATUIRDAY, EEIILR16f, 1I07 V. XVI. No. 98. MICHIGAN PROFESSOR SUBMITS STYLE SHEET At Meeting of Michigan Press Asso- ciation Prof. Thomas Discusses Uniform Desk Rules. Newspaper mtake-up and the ethics of jounrnalism were the central thres of the discussioneblidued by the il- gun Press association at its mido-vinter costvettion held in Detroit this week. The adopting f a untiforn style sheet and it...…

February 15, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…T h eNN RBOR, NII ilt II INI \ > tc \701'. XVII. TRACK ASPIRANTS ARE NOW HARD AT WORK Interest Has Greatly Increased in Last Few Days-Preliminary Meet February 23. ieabs in the lut fet chlt'. W liei thei cll .it iccitc Iorctack cn ia totictte rspns %ac xt itt ii d i cra ic c hlttt ttit he ti cc im I, ixa utti clt ciand ch c itic i larly gratiied a the n cuttt ttslaye cfitra iing liii i t h firtc ear.T he tt order tio pee vt] cd i t c t ctuw...…

February 14, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…The NMichigani Daily ,N ARBO'R.N M iiI llCiHNICA lv11 IS\iAY , 157 V01.. XVII. FOOTBALL OUTLOOK u.iii NIFI N Wlxlii:V1"ii Ia IS STILL BRIGH T U Li(ilL i\LiI Athletes Prove Themselves (Godaa1od her iii lviiiwo 'in vlsiii- Scholars-Schulz and lRheins ie~V -pa gvv ivyL ii the vii i child Are Successful. i"'m ,toatlt he ii lvi 1- ivilivi'iilg ofi the Miclli aliPres issicatlo1i \01X1 Coac il'3i ill h a p h lhi o 1c el l crv I l. a1 o ii iiv viil...…

February 13, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…T he Michigan Daily V-O'.X' 11. BASKETBALL GAMES ARE ANNOUNCEIJ Manager lFrapwell tivses Out inter= class Schedule .Wide atr IXl 1 d 111f i 1IX o 11 ailtsm!III.i ~i.fici1 \io^ lIX tt1111 x 1i1 I11 x lX ' ilircr . t i i ANN ARBOR, NI[('I IIIINN. NN'VI[)N\I )A.1, BiIi 13,;* 11)0. No . . OAT E'OtMll, SI TS I? A'I H O l,:lR I'W SUM" Gqllwil lwhl it- rcgulir Ltt lli-lit ill tier \litlti tluu t ll lan t (411 cl- lwlltcr- Ill(, dat", iSthlwhocr d...…

February 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

… - - «' C ' '' C "; u ' H .a GZ v ' ... H y N I ,., c f: 'r f , - ._ .i M v bit ..i b w - C} p :J 7'x c n ^ ^/ 'f. f. :r: /. r r. "-" "--. - - - - . CCU r : Y . " . 0 f F~ 04 cd, r. ' , 1 / ..b '/ :/: "r ;, .--. r i '- ED: _ ^r ~- .^. ' f. ~r -Y w r f 77 7 r .. .. v ." '..' '.. . :. ' r. .. .. r ., .... 44 J w. , r f ^' Imo. , "_ r " " .., s ^- ^= 77, .- ..: . _ ._. .._. ,.- "---. .-^ .-. - .+, - ... ' f' ._. , r .- ... !' .. ...…

February 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily TNNARB3OR, NAI HR \'n\ IIIX A 11\V VOu. XVII1. _ _ _ __ JUNIOR HOP WAS COMPLETE SUCCESSi Perfection Acconmplished j in aIid '~l(tl(,Olat'1.A~mTl E Very De ta il. President()1ta in1 \ti\c>t4m(ill. Angell Headed the Receiving' Line. it -'ccm ,fit P a,tt pas tlt iltSinto a ro ' ac.tliltntiIta ill Ift i hi at t its twtllnhe arlpuit :aendtivi-. 'liiin whichs- ri-s cIst n-il li liv to -ake ill s10- natu t Ini The iiiithfli-ti...…

January 31, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichig9an Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, I''RSI) Y. J XXI' \RX .ir, 1907. V\T-j XV II. JUNIOR HOP PATRONEiSSES Rttl >ttch llrG, i l.; 1;ictl; , CO l"'M E DY AN1D MUlJ SICAL AND GUE.STS ANNOUJNCEID DliYaiTauCii ii hrii 1s Plans For the (Great Ball Nearing F Lawi ncc. In Abtr: r, C. Cii 1,1i c: trrr, Ic Completion--NluSic Will Be a ,ietol ~ a C iii 111.:H'Mrs. Lo IXX I XX ici 'ii iikXi Special Feature-Many Sur- b'rri'. ' i(iih 'Xiv Cv(ib 1...…

January 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily \AN ARBOR, NIC.Ilk \ I \-IGA\N X\. \ 0,li.1I)07. Vinin XVII. AMATEURISM DISCUSSED BY PROFESSOR LLOYD -Academic Pause in Life' is Its Efs- sence -Application (lade to College Journalism. ]rtso Lly fi ill,, ph ilso tillde- pn-tnn cnniin p n.tna&i;mire entin1i -. i-i , al, t iitc i itt i n t fthttute irne ns.t Ast t i lt, i e phass ofcollge ativiies t idrti is iirltidif tisiitfill[ Soeime tago i ittsteakig on an oc-iii ia e ...…

January 29, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…The..MichiganDail ANN ARBOR, M 111ClAN~, i'>FSl). \ \ XANCNs' 2o, ttlit7. VOL. XVII. No(. 90c. CHICAGO SUGGESTS WESTERN "BIG FOUR" Michigan, Chicago, Wisconsin and Minnesota May flak Four-Year Football Schdule. TIhe latest thing in the athletic sita- tit of the tttitdllwest i te play of a "Big Ponsttr footlall scitle. Ci- cagot till tthy Micigani et fall, Wis- con sint will comte back oto the fold againt atd lMitttesota, nmtre lhan anx- oit...…

January 27, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol.. XVII. ANN ARBOR, MR111GA' ANN ARBOR, hlR'fRN;\27, 11)()). . w i . s, . GREET PLAYERS GAVE FIVE-HOUR HAMLET The Second Folio Version of Shakes- peare's flasterpiece Enthusias- ticaly Receied. In the i&;il iiof hearing Sha8kespearein ati('giatlpoutu-selfIment iit, ther in si rialit ion ofthisidai such as 1%ais ini Uivertcsity Ihall i 1rg -iitniuco t'tic. "halt," t i mastrs sitesr-- picw sistgdi thei liza~ sM111cr a...…

January 26, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail y ANN ARBORM'H\N IflY, JAMItARY 26), 1)7 No. 88. VOL. XVII. PRESIDENT ANGELLS REPORT COMPLETED ltmphasiscs Inability of Appropria- tions to fleet Expenses-Athletic Situation Briefly Outlied. In Ptresidentttangl' report to the hard o regent.t, for tit' yer eodig Sept. 30, 11)0(, teUresitys lck of roter futnds to mort theprsnned ,If the istitution is pairly set forttl. The attnrdance hIas bet ireasitg ra- idly tfe faculty li...…

January 25, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail y Vol. XVII. t\G 1 r 1Kt:>t)h, it Cl 1 l t{ r 1.1. 1' Irl I .\ 1 : . . lti 25' i()()". NEW TESTING MACHINE DESIGNED BY FACULTY "ydraulic Pressure Is Used to Test Reinforced Concrete -Williams and Tilden Are Inventors. The new t eting maciiiine desgieidfir ixvestigaiig le acionxio f beia, under l arli ladsiila.ecentilly intalledin the tindg hibrator f the -cngineering ieparmient lhas provied a iaylwe xiicccssin thei xserie...…

January 24, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… v -- _ " ' y; _ - -.. w C t, - C t L. ? _ r H ' _ _ v _ W 'mss W ' F,,,, '' , ! ., H _ t:h r L _ ,,, r . Y ~ f .... .. ' .. Z, 't {. -tz t ,_, 1, ... ..-. _ .., . s Y u + j --, ., ,; ,_ f . f, v s .r :. r . _' ..-+ r~ . .-. S S ! a.- v , ~ J '_' .;, A ./. L .r - ..-. .-. . L. t. J* i" ,_ .. * T X .y.:. *j ' 7 'i f' 4 ~' ^:, J rJ ... k. .,, 4.-r e Y-1 iii r ,' ' ~ !"+t w a 'z r , -2 .. W b TM C c t ^ * A x =r. .+ J: _ 4, i ... J c....…

January 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vet; VII. ANN ARBOR, MfICIIIiG\N, \VIKII\SIIAY, \.1 ' NY23, MO-*7 N().~ 25. _ _ -- MICHIGANENSIAN TO BE SENT TO HIGH SCHOOLS Regents Nave Appropriated Sum for This Purpse-New System for. Annual's Management. \t thir licinviiigFriday last, Mte bordiiof regents toedallnpy opri atiot "if $;; t teiiiig ii lstit board of controlfirtoe iiipose'ofidiniilig 'and ditributitntg one hundted cppis 0, ast years I tna i coiamtontg.t...…

January 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…0 The. Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, '\ilf 1,il '1\\ '['~f)\\ \\ jA \s' t 122,1907. \VOT. XVII. t, 4 "J" HOP PLANS ARE NEARLY COMPLETED Novel Features in Decorations Are Vtomsd-List of Patronesses to be Announced Soon. \, thi t'elii~'t ffirrhe J ititl i f) Hog tits s eff ts aketh is rsbl iii" hert ion rcord. tirtig'sr'being I hutee Is yiist tirig te tor ~f cring for fithneitfsmaldtis Of ifie iritigriltnIwhttf icar inti'ssars for :ttid itiii i...…

January 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil ANN ARBOR, \i'if\S i\ ~ R 20, ltfil7 VOL.. XVII. "'(_). 8;. MICHIGAN SCORES I«\'l l'isrr } t iii lfit' DOUBLE VICTORY Ci ifffSiiS'iFO'FiF'ERs - - -. A ntcts'tgttwas ittid last seveininIt Championship of Central Debating the \\'e1ster literarys soctvtss rai)1sn iII League Was Decided by Con- telaf,'t itiisitic. Thiiicstiisa'w"asellch tests of Friday Night. ittenit c, as Ithe maintttpurpse wnas it~ - - - ele~~cict officer; s...…

January 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily A\TN A B , I~ ( I 'lt.Ni1( IIK :N S '1IliAY, .\ NI A i rkIt()(,1)-7. VOL. XVII. NIl. iLt. MICHIGAN DE E ~ATERSHOLDS REGULAR SESSION ARE VICTORIOUS5 M1AJORITY OF REGENTS FAVOR WITHDRAWAL Team Is On of the Best That K.1 I Ever Represented Michigan - R\), No Report Received From Con- ) test With Northwestern. .1 I cc --;L I )i HIyilitI Ill tlithe p pr llt in Itt.igthe d - Lo aiPt napn ake o ht Hnt fI in ~rs ill~'c til t...…

January 18, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…-The Michigan Daily VOL. XV II . Ica. fit. MICHIGAN TEAM DEBATES WITH CHICAGO TONIGHT Both Teams Confident and Ready For the Contest-Visiting Deat- ers Arrived Last Night. liveryhingisin re it''. 1r.hed1 bate wiathcao toS h held itn IUlu i v it y- 1 all8 tonight811 'll,1 Mi1higa it 8lstprc ie tiand wiltsent he ay il oditi81118818 tetl 111. ztitiiiieitill take tii 118818 t litan strogst tef ortto i.STheta get. nd(it i eI tc at a large auie1...…

January 17, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…I The M4ichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICIGAf>N, TIRIRS)AY, JA1NV.IaR 17, 107. VOL XVII. Noa. 8o. STUDENT COUNCIL SUGGESTS WITHDRAWAL Carefully Considers the Conference Question, and Then Sends Reso- lutions to the Senate. Studentsasn geneoral lavses- 5005anx- iously tooting foran expresatsino opiniaon itesalt fasra-n(estion5051frons heir reparesentative bosdy, the stut(1st Coucitsl, anowsoa-that body aslsoen.t After long and careful consida...…

January 16, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan. Daily VOL. XVBOR. No. W D EDYJll: :'') 97 VOL. XVII. NC . 79. --- ---------- --- SENTIMENT FAVORS LEAVING CONFERENCE Geeral Opinion Is That Michigan's Athlone Plicy Should Not be Reg- ulated by Smaller Coiieg~s. student sctimtitatis still runnin, Iigh over th action of lthe conerecee in sunmarily rejecting th lieral atl- letic ties urrs iwhich o vitally 0coo corned Miciga's interest. Eery- wheire on the cmipus stnd at tes ari...…

January 15, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…k The MichiganDal VOL. XVII. NI). j9. JUDGE V. H. LANE IS OPTIMISTIC Michigan lad No Chance to Carry a Out Plans at Conference -l)ele- gates Were Instructed. 111I "That1 te8a111 1 ()f 181111la '' 0)11 wa1111811 iii )t-1tl~'it~c rc mark" 11wi 'c1 a1111 ' I'Cn1 twI tf b)le Wl 181' l11i 18(11888111.11 (lcail than111 t t 8811118 118 ) 111he,11181, 18118 I. \. l 111 (f 1he rll ) f1 the II 18 Il 1 /111 888 118 I 1111111181it Iill 8 said 111811 ...…

January 13, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. ANN ARB~OR, CONFE~RENCE3 SHOWS NO MERCY TO MICHIGAN MICHIGAN, St.*NDAY, JAN['ARY 1907- NO. 77. Students Will Probably Rise in Rebellion--Conference Cripples Athletic Teams--Biars Seven- Game Schedule. kiiir e ira111if'z.a't f rni he miiirac (;;half, nns lilwI (111dfiin I ficl/I'sil /ss f/sill. rlif/itrs i17 fasi'f{111. ba/l gamnes, alld Is fed 0 It' MI fir wfi.' i'iCiiliili C l r'1 C'hiesci rio veisr Irsdeal...…

January 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

… The MihgnDaily VOL. XVII. ANN ARBOI7R, :1III I kAN, SNAxI 11)AV, .A X NI \Y 12, 1)a7. Nix. 76. TILDEN ADDRESSES ENGINEERING SOCIETY 1 'iRAC~K iPRACTICiix ili;IiNS TOIlIXY Lecture on the Importance of Tests pxxi i ll tac clxvioiiof 1107. for Tensile Strength of Steel 1 -cri rwrkin the Xc xixxiixini om and Concrete. m xxxii xxxiiin praiicex for xold xand new trct Im n i ll he N xxrx isly iusihedi The ii eni rinx''ig' faculy, xaddressed I...…

January 11, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…The Michig"an Daily VOL. XVII. ANN ARBOR I, NIMI lIC l\N. V'I D AY, 1IA .-Y No. 75. PROSPECTS FOR TRACK vc il vi \ L~ifiN SNI'I l I CONFERENCE HEALS WITH TEAM ARE DISCOURAGING! it NS SIBIO~RiIk(on lliSi' WISCONSIN TOMORR~OW ia:n s . tiicis.. Jan i. \illiats But Thirty-Five rlen Reported and \iilitiSmithl of Gaud R Iitapids,. tr- Michigan Men Ar Aroused and May Only a Few Veterans Out -Squad dttkttfroimithe itftth contigrssion al Again Agit...…

January 10, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…The, Michigan Dail y AN ARBOR, II llo, Is\\ \V \ i~ 1 o11. VOL. XVII. Nt,. 74 BEN GREET PLAYERS TO APPEAR THIS MONTH "Hamlet" and "Twelfth Night' will be liven-Sent Sale Open January 12th. methilofll t 111e11(,reit 1playersC 11tIi Amia rehe'arsali haveI appearId onthebull i 111cint. The11 ( erf"ormancei,' ar t oa'y he.a l,-111>1 ad1 ol1 atuday iaray 11 1)11atg 1)nit1,. I'and ttp.Il i T w' ftht laNight an,1 tiC III tleliac the pua choen1fo...…

January 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…w r r .. c ^+ n " -+ _ 7, r ' O p , , o 'o _ - - !. . is ,... ,-' u ' ^? Vt 11 w p n a u J- l 7^ . . F . ,. y.. - .. 7j. I _ il . 7G ,: a' O _ T" ' 7 = r + - a r, nj r y - - o .rw - n r C "' y -T '/% t. _ r ,j_' . T" = "" n h' T' ^s ~- - ' O n r c: n r ' a ? r s ' 7 r' u ns r r " . ro 77 v, 1511 .-._r __.__._ _ - _ _ r 'TI w r - f T _ { J rr - r y - p w T v - - - - y = - a J _ r _ v 'Z O H _ _ _ - - - _ - - - _ - - _ -' ra 1Td Yr S. _ _ _ _ - ...…

January 08, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…r- r r r f W ,f 17, - - - . 7 - - ~Oil ! . / ^ U. ' C _ t _ ._. J: ' '+. -« ;% r. .J J- ' r to; ",7 r ^- t^ r ' , '" 7. . 0 % r f J J .- , j '" r r, - r . - _, "~ " M w _ . p r T1 -, y ~^ - r J, r. - . 'r ..,.. 7 , ~ :; .. ^ J. Jr rri ,. J f r " f.- ' , " "! j ' . . J, f r r rr . o J, JI J: =. . . ~. ' N . .u r 'it;, , r C H .... l . f - ;_ 7 __ i,. f f; y r %. 1 .-. f ._. 'I: r. C-. r' !0 , . f l~w .-.. r _,I 4 :,- :/, l 'r W r r- J-...…

December 19, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, \I1IlA.\E N51)Y ~EIldi) ~U VOL. XVII. FOOTBALL CAPTAIN ELECTED TONIGHT tlagoffin and Graham rlost Probable Candidates- Rheinschid a Possibility. Tlbe footbaili catittiof t1007wlliiir- ceive its initial impeitusthis ievening brough teletec i ofaptain. Jdgei senirs re lieeilogil canidai-tslfor the captincy;iwile Rheinschild Ilt lc iear's itea, who w il] bea sior next t ix sear ias lieii]tspokeni (f a5at iieligile...…

December 19, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…- rr ~- - --- . -E. _I - ~ - - - - -7'- - 7 T-o .; r^ .,. L r rt .r ' ~ ... Y J : J: " ' ! T' 2L ( Q L..mm7 0 ' r 1 .i 1 O0i ..... J .. f. _ ._. ~ _ f. , -, 1: ^- _. s j f: f " J1< r f C7 C si- I. 1. i r- HD n6 ._ . - ' 1 .: v f - - rte- r f f …

December 18, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

… '0 * - H 'I z 1; .z oe H w4 v f ,,o 77 OE!,C r r. . ;+, ^' , ..., "= :+ , '7 + of . .., y f A 0 0 f ^ ^f 7Z: Z . ... ... '' :c rtr _ s tz ++ f f J f .J . .... Jam' L v , v Jl _ tom. 'f: { r ~ f a 'J v ! 7:- 7 s -- ~: - f ' r vc C > _ .f f. I -^ 1 ._ 'M 1; r. f ; ~ s -- --^ ' J: M ' ;. 7 .. _' -- '~ r r '/. ' ' .. ~ , . f J r _ i v; .. ;,; - f , r. .. w. ~ '.1 ^ 1 - L: . ----, -r. r f N ;J i.+ N «-+ ,.. .-..i J ,,, r ... ,r v n '...…

December 16, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… * - * - Q _ _ 7 d oS -- - ~~J " _~ z °m -w 4 _-- -- -- - f C ,)= r . _ O Cx id - ~ ' . v t7 .. - 1, _ ! J ,,,. _ J - T _ f ^ ,y f - .: ..f - r. ..f .-_ ..i:. I .., ., .. ^ t f ....+ 3.. Y .. CAS y... ... .-. ^ r i r t is ~ _ r^, . .. f f ^" r .-, f v-- , L 'r ...1' " V ,~ f ' . _ - f ,- 'f: / r .i,,. .vr ':l Wit. ' ' .-- f. . ,-. r" ~ ". . M ^. .i J .--- t: .J .=. , /'' ..... .-a tic t.C t4 " , U f ,~ :+ '.i - ~ .gi n.. .,f, r'f J G V...…

December 15, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, M1ICiHIC iAN, 8l I.i Y,)IiC 1I'* .,l oo().i , VOL. XVII. BASEBALL COACH NOT YET SELECTED Pillhigan Should Have Successful Baseball Team-Ten I'M" Men Eligible This Year. With tie s it ti iaStreUe tfootlallSa son sinte rite-adlvettof 'tost andehis iesadallo e conli qunt post mtorcems irrevocably buried--the- ebb- iss are looking forward It uc(s eell season in baseball and track as part con solationt for the fobl ...…

December 14, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

… V own- Q r174 C,) T f ' (14 ~ ~ 7' 7 7 : _." 0 -4-- (i .re'_ C, W o (177 ,-. . J -' "' .... j f. J: '+- 1 -' 'r, , , ,- f ~ ~ j !f 'f ..+ s2 :J , f .. r r .. G -- _ - - - 2 - ..2-2-.-2-~ - . - .2-2- - 2 2- 2 2-, 2 - 2 2- - - - 2- .2- 2-2- - 2- - 2- 2- 2 2-~ 22 2- 2 2 2- ,: i i ii t 1 I 1 h-1 ~ 2-2:: 4 W Y O 6 2 1 -. -0 w :2 .- - C --ue 2- 2_ r° y v 3 vo. M. - 2-.2,--4- 2O 52 2.c--a.2k2.. M-. C.,.. "- J v !, r r ~ c tic y r v...…

December 12, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…The Mi chigan Daily ANN ARBOR, Nl~ ~ .IIlf I)AY. 1)1<2 181k 13, it VOL. XVII. THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL PROJECT REVIVED School Would be Separate From the University-Under Episco- pi Direction. 1Te founing oth ieologica ein ry in Anm Anot, where students ma prepare for the ministry while takig work in the University. is at project claiminig micih interest at tiepreset ime. Bishiop Williams of the local Episcopal diocese recentil advocated stch a pl...…

December 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. ANN ARBOR, lii> I)A , 01"Cl"M 1 ',]-" 1\' I t, 11)()(). CHICAGO MEETS MICHIGAN Ni l IsOCib:IIcYIS IN TWO INDOOR CONTESTS c Arouses as tluch interest in Trackthe lI c c iiic c i ci scicccit will gt Events as in Football-flih. i, firste crtiiict I il es Igan's Chances (woord. I hsa llcN nic f a Ictr ciii cr0 iiicc iii -cii t: licik"i"tci mhitihial eri I fi lii cagec will met icim n alico r rlto nIlt.clyr~i_ Tgt ...…

December 09, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…-r, , . . - : v , T J, l-' r- S e... P V + r T f J' r-' V y r- r fr" f. ' .: . J. .__. r4 .r _ ' .-e r.. . ' 1. f 4 ^t « 7: '_ ..._. = , j . .. .'. tom, > , r T- . ... Jam' ! ._ . ._. .-. i i .-+ t J: i . + ( i (: ..+ .r r . I n Yz r fi ,(' r J ' 1 J J r C H s r 1- r- r r' 77 -_ - ... J i. 'r. = .+ . . . y . 1 .._ r w '. 4 J _ _ r'* '.f. ". tt w . - n. f .f "- _ r v u t: ..' "3 _ _ . r tfnC N r " 7 …

December 08, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga Daily VOL,. XVII. fi}, fx THIRD ANNUAL BANQUET OF MICHIGAN UNION HELD TONIGHT FORMAL PRESENTATION CORNELL MAN SPEAKS OCCURS THIS AFTERNOON ON TRUST PROBLEM Angell Portrait to be Received hy Professor Jenks Lectures Be fore the Regent Knappen Prof. Jenks to iconomic Class _Says Money # he the Principal Speaker. Kioxs Are Uns crupuous. One Hundred and Ninety Tickets Still to be Soid-Gymnasiurn Suitably Decorated for the Oc- cas...…

December 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily \N ARBOR, \1K Ii I( N il 1I ) 1906. x- ~i VOL,. X VII. SOPHOMORES WIN FIRST UITVTTM7IREDTH BASKETBALL GAME VEY INili IS RADYFOR TEBIG Freshmen Lose First Champions hipI ANNUAL MICHIGAN ContesthbyScore of 4=2-l'earn fUNION DINNER via au- I av -A, aalIAWork Was Ragged. --- General Commite Completes Final i altrlarge nd xxiii xixiixx iciiv p Arrangements for Feed- -Impera- cxigatheiredi last tvvvvitvg xin Ixixiv live That ...…

December 06, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga n Daily ANN \RBOR, \Il( 11k \ \ I't YDll}sl V 11 N IIIR 6 , fo6 "oL. X VII. DISTINGUISHED ALUM4NI WILL COUNCIL PLANYS CHANGES DETROIT MANM WILL IN FRESH-SOPH RUSH ADDRESS CIVICS CLUB APPEAR Al PRESENTATION Members of Lower Classes to Confer D. IF. Wilcox, Secretary of the un wihCouncil Committee in Re- icipal League, Will Speak on Con- } vising De tails of Contest. stitutional Convention. Dir. James~ Angell, Jr., and Professor Je...…

December 05, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Da ily ANN'ARB3OR, \H I 1lANL \\I I)I {SDA DI) L\ f1,1 i , t 'Vol. XVII. ()i. 5%. FITZPATRICK DESCRIBES 1 -,) -'() ' 11 'ril tlls EASTERN GYMNASIUMS IAPONEF(k F AR Princeton Exces, but Michigan Has Best Attendance--Hopes to in- stall Swimming Tank. visi ig lte. l t;+irg Itt' )ttt ,1t hei'' Ann Ll ir. le hais ,i- (t i e tl they were i l cti lit hr' tol1 ad t e liitaill li~t'' iptt it , icd f -, ut i-i In ll th g1n r u t iti Ii...…

December 04, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…The Mich iganDal ANN ARBOR, '\l II. l , 1 'l _ 1SD \'111 ii \f d Sol VOL.. XVII tN>. 3d . CONFERENCE CHANGES REFORMED RULES Star Athletes Allowed to Compete ,During Their Last Year-Michigan May Regain Lost Prestige. aol Satuariay the Wesrtern Caier- laerlxdtoo a slightclt xtt tite rtles tti lch l aale tite liclig'anll ootitall teany a lpigi tock101111 in'e Ps t alh (iloki rro'sjsisi tgl'r brightier tioe nttxt i'ear. 'ii gotiniti It , ia a...…

December 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 0) • Page Image 1

…UNION BANQUET NUMBER. The Michigan Daily A\ f ).NARO ,MIC llI\\I \l A \. M B; 1 )1 l, %"Of,. XVII. 1 4 AlliRA. THE MICHIGAN UNION PLAYS ACTIVE PART! NiN~-i-NII N)DI11NNER3kCOMMITTEE 77 . t~r c ti rnll~(, 11,wckPROM ISES BI 0i BANQUET In All Student Activities- -Annual'" Banquet Is aMeans of Promoting, t-ll -clijccir-nil College Spirit. flit i<till tti t, lUt t, rt I it, allw, l;. .1ll t 11 ill lu i.>rlltlll p "'c im'tl I, 1111:Itlt < t-...…

November 27, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDal AtNNARBSOR, \IR iC-fI(\N, >I )\X \i Y, t I N n:I 2, t'N6 VOL. XVII. No. -S. PUBLIC OWNERSHIP lt it\ I i tn )S'i.Ti. in T'lS' IS URGED BY STEFFENS < '~ lecturer Points Out Remedy For in. nut. ihas rnni'tt 17cnfrIo (iraft - (lives Philosophical Pre tnt i O iii' lo1ira nt t ur n ofa tlt, sentation of the Problem. c iii yfo ilt- puitrpwttoi lwein it( I>i riiith 1i1icsiiy ( t ntir16ar en-- litf'l i(tI-ti t' I iIc v -l; ~t ii ii...…

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