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December 06, 1906 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1906-12-06

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The Michiga n Daily
ANN \RBOR, \Il( 11k \ \ I't YDll}sl V 11 N IIIR 6 , fo6

"oL. X VII.

APPEAR Al PRESENTATION Members of Lower Classes to Confer D. IF. Wilcox, Secretary of the un
wihCouncil Committee in Re- icipal League, Will Speak on Con-
} vising De tails of Contest. stitutional Convention.
Dir. James~ Angell, Jr., and Professor Jeremiah W. Jenks Will Be l

Uiuests of University Saturday-..Leading Universities of
the Country Send Letters of Coiigratulation.

'hc Iilirsil y of 4'lixc; i n till l
U ll Badofth d~ai Li ofi lain
It iii iiin tht itear e llcifil
a i i T nlllii I LI Xini the 'lii -
hi- loto a e i l liii .illti' it I' ii
Who'll in l iiih re a l, nl l
«a inchiiiiledi ii l t istuck %i
;Jd sir al ipoitil mking ll I ul
itnlii ut I ii
lI ll aut ori nt(Ill ntrlill 1 I' -,
11th Anel!halicn oay uon

dc,.;rccltte fol1ow ing )c .i l t "lic
liii c l i l t11111 1 ii is 1 11 hu
h11int ii' iii'trckl it lilt lr It hlIn
1). Iik as lte dtt ticd Ii liii'
lhd i n ha , ir cill n l Iiii'' i ii
whc eWr Ii intuco n re
ani oo t t Moris ct lc ii ick
li tic ca d lgt''lt i 11111 ii i ia l Kno
collvgci ic h in it it e hed n
Wal pti no tItil ii l~llt
Ii ant tienti I 1801utti i c.
Dr. i it u hailt it vrb ti me, Wel
(111111 l ltn 'it o I ich r pcl iii i:
A m o te ted Me n 1ar u11' lt-
ncno hi a lli'Meico, i il c
\, an anict I . ulkn i htic li
}nt nl~tnv snc ie ,Od hank;. lit<n

At tceill o 11e tt 1111 Co nlt\' M c L'il'xt rill titllm tptinul of ilt,
'l~c da ci nin ;u1o(1 cc ater1 iti s t'Clu ti wh ic h in1 e clnt idaylit
ec711tin.; 111) im- c1111'cia f M was a lpro- i t clllltx \ cif tity if lii' ttu f h
tli tt- t 11(1 cc4nd _t~t clss s. I n Icu t titadrttdti tc ll til lt tin . Tc l lce
(irdcr ? hri- the 1lattr nto c cl c i ill meil l i ll hi lltd. lha Ni
of Imweclaism ll clull1i glto t tlt iga n Co vetion wih Itcagi sotsNorthe
wit tit, " '~tncil i11 til, M ch '11i thr ldi'x a'd'll ill belit' arillicitswc
111111; 11lii 1(i ;t LI 111111c f he th qesins f;y o the 'I'Ed'tS WI
itc lc Ila a m lli til it - i l t h t1cit \'lt't t h laxi tig t t ai l rcu
cif w -k11- in ctt~11mti i it re ro- oi allyintl vu itd total tatte d. toahiil

Michigan Student Wins donors in
Original investigations
in lDetroit.
A l i 'iiti o lit ~ ot a li
held1 kc theIcc 1 1 Il I T pa 1tl
v yill 111111 itiiiallot ab l l liii npl
tinIc li I~t cswI i I tst' 'i I'
lhJIII - it) D troi darng pat lfew
ii(k; Nii' I r.i I t rr li i l: Iie 1 s
b e) tit i n~r it lii! k illli)t tll' ~ e
iri's tl t liii en men i liiis ar
tie rlt wic i lt hu andl i rtiii on
it) li tti ic 1111t l III hu r t rg 'II ti
bu i ll ' it rtsitn is iiti 'tl ttale f
imti g to h is thaiti ly i l aces ill11
1 )(. it himf it w til ntltiiiia
If lIii' o it att t i 11111 l tt o he 1rat
~p1r 1lti", O l limer it (. I lIi' tr l
t l t iI'i dn ta t i-cii't iittitint.
Ittt l :1 tick l ilt Ii ' Iiit(, ISi
ttnc nc ilty e tim i titIl IIi"'all y g tat
tttil i ofit i go)I. n Ttil' ithi' t i i wt
ifT itc 1)y i la sanliii! ir ott'ir l"I ii i
c'ftltl a t r n hi l th rr 't li -
It11s 1 n11 hLII li)l S L isi -
'\I r. 1)arr h .pai t LIn h i h le ihi li,

IIitt . iiic ItttI 'ctip Ii n i i li t, tianc'
iiIi I Ix i' i'i'uu'ti 'iI

lnrn, lcyc itini ii nililtit limit ityre
Ni tiii ti'ci ill 1til lcnt I i t o
chicrna. '8 f if .L PresidcntilttSnyderlc
Qi Lliu'itit'gtit'tlltI llucge 'r' ccc
i~ctJ m ,<f llitliic itil oth r"

1 iii I littit. c nitli till!be reait t th r
ur. Jnk >cue(AhunW lim m t i 1111arady retive rl hfr
chsitgris ec gotdiay in r iucttri iice tilt ii I w, ! 11c 1 thoe linii B owntic
ti .)k tda . le is utd aik is a in lvt I it Iri c ill ii 11111 i e- it
1111111! x1ortorof te ucason ill "o'iti'tth it (iii tintof iinlii 11111cxiar'
iii iticli illfurmthe I Qi .1111 iri an b


ti~~ ~ Li)litN('('ILL'l%
IN 1"i\Or'b. cOlud Cll) in give
it, 111111111 forrn lwc aInvtl hi ,
lirctm wh(, I titr it iii l t oitiilac eire
ita al c c'in till u it w y b tis tnc
Va" A stanling lilethcliii It i o
ths ffir, <i i i puilln 'as cleei
fonc i iuc 'Ili6 a c e lake chartgeli'of
It'feui'ii. ing'ltii tit114 play, tht ci t o
which, foii'etttttii cattta'd' i r
port~~cnf detail. .'tw i 'c.c c ltr


mu' tit(.coredm4of as ho w 1Thie gamei
satn llaye c t ihe' Cilisnctit katitig citik.
'andi ilinite t'e laxty wirtiluic, tilartge
Wiithltram'sitshottedtlacktof pctc'este'
trowinug frottthe ftululine' iing cspe-
ci'llyttttct if thuut thieiply ,aynappyiu
trugh andt' iitg etlictetd hi liiict'u'out
'uts tfcc pitgt f xctcthrspnatotill
100 :'splutit iiiand lr''lii liiimrre
f, ir it(-I lptile fGu iltan mixi Moris

tan t 'l"i iiitti i 87,'nd g'cdtuuutiifimir
x tI SC Il '1<81 Ni!'S
tolam", y P()fe'or'tu'iuiuuiih's n c
ini Shakeincnli''tnlat c crulin<the 'lni-
i'-'r-lte phil ilt was in rlit tedi tol iii tji
tt'e firt turtu'u't'iucc 'oI Sihttit pei ar't n
irt at iuii ,prim, cttrtitni;the'p' ece-
det tetuiu uunintul iii tuhthehit'unin tt
nthillctii li ltn snletandthe
li k i ht 'u.it
LI;11 diiiRohtittit hunt . Carl N'iutcc
:yid Stuint tudtu lher's. Ihit tork iofiitlii
lihcti lIIl-%Vcterncuardtuc ,tinesci-

ih tilte. '1 t'tl it'u'cilc'ou I nylati ah
- - la c uimn uucc a uuuuvti'' aItut atll ath-l
Si hh ih i(lite tim ~tilt in ht ra - I 'ulltins \ it I l'u'ra haduh e
n\a mcsictu t icm oltii hit chic uti hut t I fIntii I at ut cyelttttit
i i n ic uu oucthie li uchc lullo t'ireitl Fori' ctn ylai'hnh1avad
iiiVtyatn n t ch tutu utuu . Th th a u t utltt n ilta i lfiI c ti hifuimeeli
d a e cinhe n~ t p e r f o m a n c et1 'L it, tIa v a d i tniall Iou t r u tl I ca m e s . u t u itti
ve tuul i l tliiI i iii lit(tututhu tutcI tilt n bmliii s lv ni a
it iii it l ttu'fiu'uutuu'u' tin lii 11.11Iii! ~tit ulh uuitu c lii ut l rfI' fr
va dtou e tItu! t Ia it i f,' tuc1
hi'l uth+itutlure titgnutett' ng cnl hl
t hutis fill
,t 1110:111' m e t ihi t' Ii unt in1111 tftmm
-101, ucututi grintei tglmtbuiding,Itos
ui it cahman01aptpintltted tefolingm _____
con iii e t :uuhc'n' I' xccuitn I Komtll cha iir- I oct <tar cent, etc.,attn tnt.taken only
m n:(ti t es!. I hil 'tck, It hr kin. ' at thin offiutc oftthe busuinnns tmanager
soucialh. tt. . chatirmn tutu t Suituactl, duintughuourn, and aracastihiin adlvance.
( 'I ),-t. Ilmict111. !A'hitiitg'.chaitmin;m Rtes nare inecentiiipen wind per insern
I hhutw, tlt'mt. hRescolutiodnn. huh4 io; to attaken fin cnns than twentyn
ciutirmutmu. 'Turk, O Dci. line ceon. If

humithn L na "x1111u u 11 till1. 11 I.( ti1 lt 11t
hum crI thn ii tntcir Iht I (nlt tu Iu i iii
ciii S n a thatLheilu mvni ll oah 'ni t t lt la vl s(1i mu mm ilium a
xlr( it acn ou tofhus tain teet. ii t4 It n>u Icmull , hum 1K ca ,
uch Suthemu touhmu know tha ihucitlem(,,tur itc he lium hmc{ iiiTccim
54=t tuut n nmutiitit 11 Michigan illnotufe urchueu4utuet mf inii iti
ex ifrum lm t 11tmorn ears. tr i ths hichn 'illhlir' f.' reatu'u 'mum i (
hal, piztr aon. Shr w mitt h skt s the ill iii I and af u ltifrstnt
andm thci tme If I' A n scr111 ( Lhmu c lumsumutmithlt' r'i huh t' hi hu hem ir i}
1111 ( ulutueclneuu: T tmhume i Ictuu i mmiuic fcunhuntu'-;
1ltN o 5 itrruIx 11 ( i it al o h e r rteh a )tit
Iet .. ... tic Shut. ll (tu s irg iz L eii ate1 uterthe uicuut l~i
S izr M iiili hh mitiI" L ntin mu d'isicl n w cp ru n ti'
Ldmhhtit. I it LkI,.thIt..Sutton t ~LI1 hum muiumui deptm ent, no O'lthrf stat
NT' ruth l i unr . t t :.y Wli i c ('imiht'gtr ,t hoty o tultutu'i ;rnn ml'm h t!ilt
Stunlt I huhntatgi lu'cr in mirthcc i mmcc lii cm c
hum f hIng t ut t i ttlt e uu'iu tn m m timilci ttimumid htuioluhimu l( iii'
itt!rt li Ltumu miumml u ldcun im/n tuimh h I t ur fhum' grt!
p c thu l um ue r s , h M i c u u u lu u muh i n!,a d hul l e r a e y n r R e s . jt i nh ' s ( ()l ie m ge , 'm mui um ug m uhuim li it
tutu hiutn- Vmm ill Jut, knit iso nt-sdc fr vc -



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