The Michigan. Daily
VOL. XVBOR. No. W D EDYJll: :'') 97
NC . 79.
--- ---------- ---
Geeral Opinion Is That Michigan's
Athlone Plicy Should Not be Reg-
ulated by Smaller Coiieg~s.
student sctimtitatis still runnin,
Iigh over th action of lthe conerecee
in sunmarily rejecting th lieral atl-
letic ties urrs iwhich o vitally 0coo
corned Miciga's interest. Eery-
wheire on the cmipus stnd at tes arious
litarslity Iouss iand clbthis is 111ei
eadling topic' of conversatiossit.shohsig
this untepeted hostility of the le
gates listsexiteid "uonsiderahl isapro
hainaid a srsng desire ts sever re-
lations with lhe coferitnce, lthei gen-
eral attitudeicof thit stuents is orderly
andcl tignild
The gttral outsokcwic gives so
mutichceast for anity 'util iissatis-
fatiot, was exprused last ight lby a
well-kcnwn studnt wh Io ias kept itt
touch with tte athltc situatio.
"Michigan is. at tii parting iot the
wasys,", said fitt:"nil its athletic future
for years to cotttcdipens tpottthe
ieuents of thiitext few d-y. Tewn-t
dertful prsttg' of thisIUnive trsty itt
atleltis has te tmttch to spread its
fatte as an e ationtl muntr rd ad
tuncerits inerets in manywatysI le
three mtentwlto are risponiblel for tis
contdition otaffairs ar 'cianag r Ba iril
thre tor Fitzpatrick ad Coaci Yost
I iniednt dwe ll ,pitl tir achtieec
tmeatst. '1hi poitt is, tat -it atlilitica
here gocinttoc auttctate f elpecorIn t
indeinite pgitst as tey will it the ciit
frunce guidis 'cthign's dstis,
these mEtteccwil crltailygo elsewhere.
"'lclrha n has bteeittcotgtnial lvi
Ilium so tare and tlhy hae refused
larger sal.rie from ntsidu ta retiaiti
litre. Mr Baird fr ,itstattce, was
offered a salary 'ot -ioo year tmor
titan he i gtting hero to mnatage the
Blostoni Anetucatilagitv lb-teall tatt.
Mr. Fitpatrick r eeivd a 'call fritm
Yale and ilso, rot Pitntsyivaia, the
latter offer itiolving atlinctrease-itt sal-
ary of $t ooin free house rutnt. 'fr.
Yost was fTiuleed an itcease ii salry
of $t ,oo by the Carlisle tIndiatt school.
"These mtentt ay now deny that they
wrould leae 3ithigan because that is
the proper t ing to do ut 'Andy'
Mbaughlilnitas s loal as city of
thee ment c~ he now sts ii the Ci-
cago -faulty.~ If these mutt go, ir if
eveun Maag Baird goes Ferry Field,
one of the fitlest athltc fields atd play-
geountds in he Unitettd Stats, wold
beu a lositigventtuire finacially, actnd its
possiiliies cullnot be fully realized.
Thu guttral opitioti on the camuis
settms to Ie that ;t is asurd toi allow
the wetern conferetnce to retard Mih-
igatn's developmient. ;Maty colleges ae
nothing in cotmtion withlt Mihiga,
ihich has otgrownt thtit ll. North-
westertn is cc circmitsribedilsectarian
school wichuihas nitfo tbcall aseall
cr track tati. Pucrduce is a smncll ol
lege cwhih i; dcvoted almtost ecltsiely
to egiteering acd but occasionally de-
celops a star athlete. Minesota woi
bit otne point at the uonfernce, and is
moreocer dotinitated in atletiu policy
at present hy nen and conditions whic
till shortly bitsueseded hy thosemonre
liberal. Wisconsin is laboring tic kill
ntirely athletis at Madison in cder
to end the reign of graft there-a con-
dition cwhich is at present peculiar to
It appars that thu, conferne is torn
by conflicting interests and has nt
enough in common to make the league
beneficial. It has dou a nole work
in purifying athletics; bt its usefulness
isnow impaired. If Michigan with-
draws, Chicago and probahly Minne-
sota will coon follow surit. Therefore,
the logan is "Quit the conference"
t'O'cIMl'IC \'lIOy-
Fliii cifIThiMichtiigan Dasil:
FN'ry ;icilgaittmtatliwhtocrediltie
blue tic-ipitc heehts ocithei 'Snitlyc pa-
tic'; anditnt iedcrcfullsihat cuss said
therelati' iivet tecciiferitctsc-ceetig
ini tChicacgii~ta, prbabily itill iiti
thouccghtso ai ci iinl'tcc'inature. It i
ctnstrisu ct n iii ccii ccis aclitherecit
sic.; cl c ne r li s I estic tcciisi
by i'cliileg' i ''ias ii'' ii iiis to bi
c 0" It ytics c t r'.cii5 cy' cclii, (iis ci
geaytyruttictn icci i -lcigt
wiithdciawiccftomiitiec cciferiatc Sitoud
the W cleritics sitand iy adc ttc'ekly
givce tilttheir goodatltecs fis ttcs'fask'
of membelwrsip ii aciwestertathtetici
orgntizatinct intttecof te clegs,
cwlic-ti simpliei itcmotinpssed -b iy' tie-
Untiversity sciaticwsonld free Micigat
frontti e ive cc'game,- tre' yar n thiier
offensie rutnhs?
I is ntsattques tionctt iisisold beiii
answe-redcocithandshand wittiott moait
cartetul ctsideirtationi. Followcicitg tei
pathi of ihc 1, it rsisa, it is very
easy to'saysittshould ith-
drw, osctr "Nois wit soldn't" ut to
hck tilt suchet anwrcwthtustatm-ttst
that wcill hlcdccatsr is ait entirely di-
tere-nt proptostin.Thee is 1tics lyc
Michiganitmaitodat y wcoiwatts a
dcisionithaticll notathi for the est
intetre sts citfcMicigan iveli'yasrs hentce
as ti-ll as nw n oeiccdntsiccis nts
uwsnt every citt atigedcarfully lbe-
tfre braninltg for liii iffirmtativ cor
negative,-,antdsnticonei' whoiis ccilligtigio
aniswer a onice atd trust iolcc iik fist
hainig ricciced the tpropetinspiratiocnc
'7te ie gametirlotositinithtas beeni
tried stitc fountd a distint failre. IHad
it ntcbeen fsor the etitsylvauia gaitt,
the aciliet-ie aeiounts woulf ntlae
~shownt cnythinig rmsrkable for ceit si
Finiancially it is the-itatgredcldiap
tisititc-tt. 'T'ecadditina~l spirit cchich
miight result tr teeivcc,'gatmcts ei-c
dently- din'ti put it atn dparance, i
site of thes efforts sithlie Mihignt
Union. Theiveo-ugms were noie ttter
atendeud thati the corrspotditg gatus
sit the preiuccs yecr.
'Te foovtbasll riformn satedic nitics
east, utle osrrraistttthat tmarks
that sectionicrsid nt llcitthe radic
actions that mnarhed the chetgs its the
west. 11r,' thereformtcamein ttcne
swe'usp whchiewas toss dciedlticmeitu
lie scicprocalwichiimtight hair ccit-
ant gradual chancge. It knced
dowsn titespast stsndcrds atsplantd
ic is tlacs-. aiforeigni ccit-swhicih, ias
follow-edh blindly withioutt th aprecia-
ttu for it that pesrhps mtigtitaoes,,
posile ini timte.
stcptset Muicigs ipIrcctically' n
thu re~tsitfthe wave sit reform. Tic
driopback wollitet-stoirleaue tho-s-
ferenuce, tocquiii the lecgu sithie Big
Ninirenolegesiwhiuht Nichigai orgn-
ized. If Mihigan should withdraw it
woculsd e itcrtr the eatrn inter-
collegiate . Atlresent ietdn not know
whether we wcouldh Ibe admittet if ap-
pieationt were ent it. Droplig out
ight hit simtpy to place Ie athletic
teamis "out in the cold" It's a wie
thititg to look before ot, lecp, antI not,
like the Iishmrati, try to make a sinant
on7 urn jumps.
Miehigant hs a oty, small in numit-
ber, which ivc eeced for the purpose of
taring for cl-nd stch qustion. The
hiardl in conttrol of alhetic has its
represuentatives romt eery department,
scudueery suh question will le given
careful consideration. It ccill then he
our duty to abide lip their decicions.
S fi. C. STtvx Sox.
MIct ItiltS ; ccvsc.c l"Ac HICH :}. s'vtti s e-sc I JDA ttt tit Ais 'NNS ItUit. SMA'LLPOX VICTIM
_______________________________ TAKEN TO HOSPITAL
t,. Iii's-icc 5 1.'. IP
Assistant Director Maris Announces
Periods to be (liven the
Giass Teams.
'ht- is chii fist isklcthsclpcince.
lists Ibeen cniltitt'led.y:cs;statDIiris(
ticr Mar ic.s cehiitt sit -cciihlss it's-i
gti-icnlto suc'1tch at' raisgceittits ccciiilii
it(- i' u(si irciuc'iu t i ti'r ithe ilt-is i('0 t
hsscstili-ttaii5atithMr.i.Mai;s. schuss
is sicin tetgtccrtat itterestire ithespoti,
il Oitc tiltitstua. lie wkicisic toc
urge thism-tio' ilsgel cciii 'strhyayst-chec
tintu ri itsersc t w5ciii shart immedt'iatcelp
af(°ii t, r xiits nsc inatticct;.
Fi eii(Wiisinxclassi's haisis itstcn tilt.
floor 1lasi ltnig ttid kept tic-e cour t tttsy
fromititstisoiihs(ck Siiiisofthe Larn
eututtaincliititms stars ianh itt tl cushy
pitncyug inifaitlIy goodhtfsruts
'Il olt owhs icng sichli fisor piscices
itill goin ttu ihifict tccitght
coutawc Ml',hut 55th
sot I tugci 'cliii \Sssi d.7:3c.
it)liit,'cliii, Wcdi7ct-s
10 c ' ci slut -;.I T urs, I
1 liar ticTs iles. Ihriss :1
in's I uigrot T uehss , s I ccci 7:3s
Detits, 'I'u's., ''llccrs,7145,
'07 ILsts,.'hues.,8;hFhe,, 7.
og iiI acr, iril,,Fri.,8S
0c7 Enincter, Weii Iri., hi,30
ohi Iit, 'c dl,, tFri., hi.1;s
r~ehtrm i(-or t siicucti-s se'rly'
toc thirstwcchisish-s.
ic s'it e igineersut-Id si umeetinig lst
evenuincg at wcicisthecs-cIsss basetss'haill
uustusgs' usc-s>elcte'd-s. haily.Stirhi's,
Wtriglc sitchnd Stsudesr ccs'rr-ccus islct's,
A5. 1). Susles. squart'rbasehcitofthes' t
halc-ccii, cias -hi'stech. Aicsall for caitt-
cidlstss lirceiss amc-cat iiissued-l st suite.
A coitt er was sappoccints'I edtnumake
arrs icii-Iss-scefir asi ck(-rsto hehi elu-d
befouri-thcs-c'ltser h le ses' te-sr. ri
(c)tir i'cninlcittcc i'is tio asse-rtin ttheuroui-
ciity filsass upipets. it sppireopriattioni
ccci madeuirtoi Isfray' thus'ssxpensseof sthei,
puletics, c of ,the icture' citthce-fot-
hal ta icirl tic,- 'cihigstts-tsiuu.
I)I th.\'l'iV J hi ti;tS y t'hI)StN,
Stri dt-s vi-ceic Ie isterda-y-tha1usd thes
Dc aig ltgc cii -'cciii i Iluis' cu-hs
-sc til 'iIasdtnsei~cred. s'hciii -lit
aretsI o tdcitit Notihs I unuedrn ase.jstitc
Scott35\T. I c MinscccIowad'Itt'cn
sCriutccl , wa,-t he de at -ith
hicg-witcc' ch ocuri cAn rbui~r.,
cudg j.usII. I \i l , suits h J. tA 'ic1icuhuc
scull sfiltits
Goccii tit arnr' icts iclnes, itis
leatrustdI ilhl nccapaciitaticmsit fristi st-
tedi re ccciIiniccisst'adiUiteduilSisates
jiculgi' I issl I". Ktsiciit i llcii ait s
'?11 Et's-SNCIS i -SEABI I
Ihe snnu s ortorcaslcontsit oftth'
T uits's'anc iResarch ubtchsftheur thu
s-ssiy is t) silih-iidiintRoomBu of tishis
law bilinicg, Jscccusry 2 ,lt'tc c 8 h o'c'locuk.
~ciscrtitns wilh nit c his - ii utclticaslp
ccci- tic01-his)(1sitsf ccu'css. hut ccill cu-si r
ths- liqhuor-' s'ccclu-c n fuccmt a s hsuccsc i ucichic
situ priasctical pcscmctcofsiviw.Thss- si
ne--s sis-c ccOfth city hliii , l iuc c on- st
sieal ne-stin icthes ic sts, cr y ciusk
it cccstrih stit sci 5t ccsc-'s'c tics- upruit- fundi
cit tics clb. IEuc~ugh moneyiti5 hiisalreadyih
berasdforst istipriceitt $_5 inc
gol and-cc effoiets crc-t, bing-'umadcl towa-srd
isuecondc Iprizeoc $o
'his scci1tstcu islcked horwartt o
ev-ereby as h argct5numtthcr ol situ--
tis andtospeops~ustle. Incpast yeasrs
sitsh it-cl knownt uoraetos, sHasllidasy,
Iruster icr Terinug cud Qituinihaveisakenu
diet. IThits year tics followinug tic-t cwill
patcpates:I,( C.uBrowit ic7 law ; 3.
(, hitc, 't8-c B 1. seinkh, 'cc8
hi,'0 aw; hiss GSt lutv(y, stylit.
SuChhIhI O IRIIiiTS \V1l
1101J)i th 1I-i 'cS'cIyuKI-I'S
fTse 'oohut class his(d a cicccintg yi's-
ci up ci at itsih 'tr'ttg'i tstc fist
weekl tsli okeuhrs titus completued.c The
first cccl It ccli idaty iccnitug ill
'sichols isall t w s alo e isis-si tic
r held i danc I hurcsdayi 3 cuciac-y'2,t, ill
Ba~rboucsr gs ccii scii hsscoscuusitiu-u'
aci s atich t s ic sue wsscstics ccciii
Health Officials Are Taking Preau-
tions to Prevent Spread of
As-clreul-oi th cuseiru thait
lireticeF, I 'uridge, sitshits deve'lpied
a-is it 3-sl~xDr Jhut i. Witu
siiigse. , hithus wer usuIsis uittlhe fol-
I ccc I t 5 5 n- - ii :u iti i i intiate
liii 'I i' i ":c I u ccci II
3heI IcI ihti t c ~icirit'icst'e to
-ll g, n I] Pulic iticaitutroiughs r-
us cc thud re 5 -c i tte isi 'e ,
;i' I 11 An f theu 4,4tiussssc'c-ofii:
mull- in ccthe city.sandtalsoht
~mcccg iccIs. tii l ls-ctscsci lu'ee ueof
si dwl' t tis timie ini theinighbtor-
in itta- vi t i ii ciioii de stunt,
-c,pe thu actm.
Sic I hldi ilgi tis thu-ntoccthe sdt'-
tiion us luhostalas sout s his mualady
ryscii tu'ssssIas smualpoxi, antI the
ci 'i .l. 20Sosuthivhisionstreth,
wthee ie roomcuued, .hiss icvyt quaanined.
sifat ll thus-niics'sary- precauions to
icrts scany uprobuabluc-spreadh citthur di-
ealst- iave beetc-i-taisken bhuh'the health
.5 en-mu-s-:1 gtueal uienic isnot
atcptush hip tesdical tutnrsbut at a
furthecr lrecauionu they advie all ilu-
cdteucn t- hohitalvie n iot-i~t sui csfully
vae'csi-hcciae wihiim thu past yearc ctbe
Mr1 . ihsritige hasiibeenuconfe'd to hi
roamuc several dasys hbefoe it wan' s.-
covrru that he had smualpux. hum the
past three years Ihr has becomrue petiii-
nc(a- a writer sn athletic matter,
seving a s atletic ieditor f Thie Daily
hr. Wssu-iiger'c efertce itothu rpe-
esil, iaof the disosas iitther state
is acruesut by figurrs. At present
thero e e 7511,cawssinuWiccuisinanti
hq oncre its Minesta,
''ill(, Uioncmarusic ussumug whichcwa
annunucedfor thmiiievicntg at Univer-
sity IHsllhIssbtrimscalledl osfi hipthe
commtitteeitiin uchai rgi.This umeetig vas
to huave lkhecc Iildin mthei ntern-t citthur
varesity' Isetatiteris anmd nt iii n-
gardi t confruceetafars as was ru-
FRAisNK ASRIChill'5W111
hFranki A. Ritthie, whet has been Mr.
ticirc's seretaty- in the- Athletic asti
ciutio tlofice, has left for Spokane-
Washt., wheree hwtill make" isisfuture
hiomei. li-r. Ritchie has een cnnetedmi
wsith, thi ssoicciation ifor twityrar, ccit
cutup luavss-slplre suttlfuitinri sv-aut-c
'still hesahl.
S r. hRithie's iplace cill hr filled iy
G .-eoge Met, whoc has haut corntnetec
tutu several years withithhr Mihigani
'c iltisacnualnmee-ting vof thuresori-
siteI Scituntifie Societiec.sitfAieria
antdi Neii-Yoerk City iduring thteshoidayu
t cc n Drusi i. J. 1'. Mclu~irieh, put-
ilts etech s presidesnttsaor the ciii-
tug year. Since this sciety itcmues
the psricipalhscientiic organizatiniscin
Iis cuntry, the ost is the highest
tiuctr whichican bIn- trferredl on a
tuenic ter, Ihutoscat cta cnvenion elch
inu A-'ss Abori, Dr. Mu'm rricl n-si
selectedusas chairmuanu of thecentral
branuchiiofthe sane sciety.
-S girls' basetbal mussicmeeting nas
ihe st harutour gytmiyesterdayupafter
no.It ccasudecided-to hlcd thei-senior-
tresh gamue F'riday at sty5 oalock This
uill its'the irs it gamue.forth e snus
us te last fr the frshmiien. Bler
siter otly one prcon will be adnitted
sn a ticket.
CC)tI LEE 'c, EN I hah('chull and 1track heas as c t dedc bhhy
I.EtU]St,A-'cVl lvi I '11111 hi iii cgus 'lice hutiuresscutthurcnss
ufies, to lw piublsisluhdini the- 'dish
'I'i-hcs-er-smsu,-ifstheticslts houuuse ohfugan sisc scuill bhutakienusiathRenstschlce'.
ri-trdseta tivs' ' us 1ccmme on . iis -- -
sity- oh'chicgans cciiairs iiisuret luci i n thi sit tissues' ofIc theMsicalh Ai-
creulconc'~ssidcrsationsu fcitics situaionsIeisa, ccihit iiss husbl~isedin iNi-is 'cirk,
is sill thc-isisscbtrns arecigansc aluni I tcthe ufrot tide' ortaius acc iceure' cu
ni.'lc T e comnmitts-uuscomiioles ias fl PoA.A tacnkl-pytimidgivs-uaccsketch
uowss:sJ. KI.IKnighct, liii dci h;arell, cuthics sutsicalci areer. It. clucks cut tut
lit, 'cohi; CEallraith, , - 'o4; u' iar sunro mrica's fo-re mo st cauupsas-
law, '04, aud lF.T. Bennett, law, 0oS. c organuitsand diretor-.