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February 14, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-02-14

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The NMichigani Daily
,N ARBO'R.N M iiI llCiHNICA lv11 IS\iAY , 157

V01.. XVII.

Athletes Prove Themselves (Godaa1od her iii lviiiwo 'in vlsiii-
Scholars-Schulz and lRheins ie~V -pa gvv ivyL ii the vii i
child Are Successful. i"'m ,toatlt he ii lvi 1- ivilivi'iilg
ofi the Miclli aliPres issicatlo1i \01X1
Coac il'3i ill h a p h lhi o 1c el l crv I l. a1 o
ii iiv viilii lii i hi 1t1dc ii o A M A h r l -vilili.vi of.I.1 l.i li lil; ili ep-
f (a1 vii -ca . T ei i g ti ck" of thel heiiul iiiiilllc 1s ha c bae1 iv
ivlvviv°111 i diii iiiv--vrk a; m ch v oc iiii tiil X1d th b lvii Nliv e isilc1i

Avl \ l ittt, ,tiS ill tt. la c f a (il
cit r cfal i. l-/ Ib iN li liii c aL(\
31 r iiiivv l t'vil i 4 li viiiiii'i i' OI ii
iatt. i, tlo C;( ttd G, wl colcciii n
V 1gitn~n, "~irt a~cwi in ii
itd4 i tc l vi il vini-ii . v l ii
W 1stvci l d = (iviiN iiii
At~llt +tlt W I ,1(t' -4 owii i ti t

-1. liZ ;ti1 /trr/ivvvvi-cKi't'i l>+tr'I

> it is witiiii el rest of last v ear'sI team,
ahlites mv ben ec ied he 111e 111 (111
a inaioiniiioidii shape.iv As X ?ivvv ii
«i i l probati ion, i s ul ccessl inii i
undies has causedi generv l rejoivinv oil
1u111111 lil i t, hei Ilp xipe oii ut ii
deep hullii vlli li(l astI }.earsiii iii
liiheini ld as)h s w n11111chiii
lIicn ato iil alcvf i clse aplica-li
vi~)t)hssu is.lIii ii ialiie ievotedii
t ic d I viis.rci v ig i viii saio
fXii laic sri ces.1111Ie duvalso gept 1) i si
might he prpared for ivoction vivn
lie s l wv r- lu i vlt y lici hiii
n v i tin, objecl l f i isi ng i iv ii ganlvi
frfml Ithe dead Xlv l of mi r~ityli itoi
wh Xvii lvit snki XX otal at al
khiisi l ranked asX XiiIeilof theiiiiest
tacle i n ine west the yearvviX v XX vii ivi d
Ai hll tXlhe iivii Il v i isi i rs lviii'ani n- i
cxiii i vil I X iii l ors. wii Xv ith buti vlia
few ixvi i vviix vii . asyl"iiviv xvii vi
Ilal lviii iJoyii I iii Xviiand villivigc
recei iid no vdis i vi -ms l X mosti
M it ll dsa ilty vsth t Xflvisci le
iii lii pudii iivln . Hi s theii iiiigii wii ho
made h iiou in i revsholi
days ii ii down i Xii b Isningi
per id.viTiii facxxiii mai ovmaiiy -not
TeLoM.handilv ivvxiviiiigpi lay ilid-
lixvivv ircus iiiilliviheiloc xi iarmoryglvii
.1lte ,e i Civitheecu11 iveviboarid
ofiihii riivviiiy v ifivi vi i a ssiiti on

up o tI it
Th n eivivix (ofvil l avi g i-i iii w l
i-r :t d- '1 111 - III I-i-v-il \ 11
ai daningi aryiIIb iv'clt
c:(r~l will b(:idstr iblldg' vi hillc~ -
card for all the ii pers lug I ' (iui'ratedlin
v rlFv xi I IL Iiii vi Lxiii. ii-
ill iil- i cr lfh s ilb '
Mxihiganviwti Presidenvtlvivvv cluilas h
spe ilguivx I f dwvDi rot liv- ~
ti i t he itltIil
-Lwv Nxivvcv ii m111 Xiv viii' ill bii a
cepted r1ilii llig vii f he .gliii h~
gi nl i X i llXi be11 prep1111dl I Ii ll', vii vii
Aisecial rwl taehe )rndIil I lull II vhuh vII liiifrviiAi n
.A b r I) t eIii vii 1-t111- lii- u in
the I ilvil v ivllvii viuv xii
I ixi Xi ii lvili I 11 11
hi) Ii y( II ig x Rii
Dnslxi iiiil. heuNasNiLpixng
forthicvii lvefforttov makev te-vi natii
is -iient ' iing y- dill li v viii tc~ry tt'l
i43i l o e y o clorsii lifour1actis.
The p i-iyiwilue iv( ilv aborti Marchl [,
11111such fo iieristr111111 i sses X lv il-
lvii i ii lxvi ian 1111 Iessrviii x ii i rii
11111111 xii~rff B er nd(,I]
wvith Ihexolow aing xiiix IemberMi v
Late iin theiscason Dr.iJ.vPirXy\Vor-
den of ii i 1 a lat viii viiC(11 - c xwili givc a
Thei deiii ls-vii xiilive a nom ltr
'T'e- hord of IIeaidI advisix-i thati
lbiing th g cityv- i'raie'i fo-i ri kiniig piur-
posesiiigvii is :t i illiiivivi iliunil ivvii'i

Portrait of Popular Instructor to be
(lift to Department Laiw Will
Attend SWlno-Out.
\ s riI lr u i 111he i i 1-11'liiic
hllli° lily iilli l I i Ira
he lirii lvii If li ( v"I i l ii
et"tf r ,t% l iit licar 11~;[, 1111 nvi
'hi1t1I1 -a1 l[ iii I ii1w m111 oilw l
Iii'iihe I l lNv,0'-cv ItII' li
i 11' ii ill,,' v i i' viii I'vii }l
the Iii', T l piii 11 1 1 h, vi uvvi' l ~i'vi
I'r \ k ,,~ c iiI i -viii vii liii
,el l~ ii lvtII I ,. lv
pii ng, ofilvi vi 'i ipn ' lt r f -
i Il( i r r ' hIi I l~l i ll-i ,
vlih r t ih imIipiniu li v I iii 11111'
c t nl; ill r In Ii ;I111 eii I f thelii
,It] tlvi 111111 to11111
IIII~Tt, ~i ii" '-i viir,' itii''
lviiiI-~fI;t iirv =c Iii
lv~II(I tvii n i ilu ii , te <l~~it
li ii Lt c t lvIII - l I I I c l LL t ii
f r"I ll asiIi n lvII~lT"
liii Xlvi ll i<1Xv>i li lv I,; pa iii
i ; IT i Ipii t11111 I f I J vivII vl, cI
vltl it IIyr ,f t eI aIII- i i nii I - Iipi t
J ii (I~fti lI;,fIII ~
ri i Xli 1111 i v v,- tI LL I Ti lv i~
an tato xiiv iiv LL 1. J~ n<n I tvvil
orr~ I vri aimiii111ii;IfII
IIvI vIvIlI. kiul Il, iv lug iilil f I I
Iil~a :) I I w of 4<II" ITd l' i-i
i I f i 11112 faiiiv glviiilvlvc;I iItItc viI vii
lhvuv I, ~cI' T1I,~


T - ' C 1e 'I \ lv i vi i 111Il ' ;lii I 111
i. itlvi ~ \ t''
li 1- wlau I 11111'' o ii vi i
1111111it t lrc d Il,)1 ;1 cr
I Ili i If'it 4 ii Figiiii
;11 .1 irr. I ild e;,nt''' ic~ ii'
it. i 7tk, t t ct llt'',e ilt' tit wri' m i

c L ii, l i aii

rll l it +t' " )Il,, il l l I
Iihrwhc i iii ldllt
.(" \ ,rl imi~ 1)c iii-

)1 ti

' Liii11t
11" iti 11 :1


I<1 }I{ii I lI c I f- t i)Ii r
,I- lilly' ll H~CI IIIt ill ixi
M t I I 1 i liii l n)Iv ItvIlil I-I' -i IIIc
v1 ):() I)iii viIIIci yIc' I \ . 'l ]-i wIv
It,, ))iil II l i fcii iv vii vu ril t 1(4lu
lul III sL'. c 1
I I iiNJI ii vv NC' X

Committee Plans Joint Production
N ith Musical Cluhs Tryoutv
ltegin Next Week.
1 ,1 p i~)ili, iii'iiiu liatl mlv 11)"
,Ip ri hvii~ c il 1e l l ,f ,, " c 1
ii; It i l i i vhvpitilg S
111111 lvl t I i lto siii' L iifi v v i ,I ivvi
i liii F i v. \ ii I _,1i clv cl.a
th s ,\ ing Ititi l i i i c.i h , :
Iwarill ~ rt~ii.It ., p 111l ii t~i;1i
.\L .Ii t~ i ,f I i I i:,l l tlvi i l liI
ii ii iiimi 0 1,i i ii ; ,; Ik
p1gtk11 11 ;1 ilc l ,11 i crtrr c 7
lvli~< i i11 ili I I il i -lull viii vr I I -i l
c.r ,eil i 111 111e i in iri i rv ll
:1 I iii iii 11h 11 vIh: 11111 h a - ri( l
II L'Iii cl i hil I, ill y i~iii:- ~
A lv :11,i(" iil 'i III -i ivy1 ii11111
ill all ill i. Lu lv
/Liii'iiili i Xl I ),. iv lilii i i i v
' i t i l lc' i ,, i-, III i i- II r vn c
~i:i p rtl 'I ;1iit vi ~ v
-v/1ti iIluli i NId t I p wa i i'c h
cri l v; xwlii N'Si I 1, 11 Ill-il/NIh,
i - ,iilull 1iI vlciL 1 I aldll I'IIiiiiv'ii'u' i ii
Lii (11iv- iivIvi uvui i-i1i i i;lur/ll
flii I li "1 [ ;i l i -,lvci fIii' i r'i ii
.11,1i i l li v w i , m i m t c
int i 111' g la i ,. l i i-h 1,1
;[ili' 'l ii lx ii iii I \ i11111 i1, lv r
lvi guy: hiill l i, i ii ii,, ~in i , hvii
Stiuilvi l- f~ %, l
i, T lw vlil vt( i tx
II 1I11Ir11 ),li 1,Nit h i .
111111-v lX i Ii h "c,,{ (trr w 4 11
ai), t~l IIIl ii ii , i ndi:
Xvic c<a1 1 : tI~ii l kii illc n ,T h

iii y(cu-i ml'l- g fvjlvviJi, L u'
a i 11111 'Ivuui ~t' (,C Ow lii ruii riu-iv li /
iitli{ i o I I ,iv 11,l lvii 1 1il
r Ior e . 1T!, xiiiluvuuhvi- i-lci
Iiivz(iriui i li l (i Li vii.

I I I t It'Il;I - ' c ,ll i l i ii i)t 1 ih
1li'l ' will heii i nter)iii thei n wliii
t i. i' h~iv w schi; r, i~)
still Ii i ,; dii th - i b ibi iI/ x w a
'- l cai l) iii- v ci""v X1 )- ~ - - l
v~rc it -,iii ta d n! iiig ;M
4 i6,rch il viiiI'll ii I i rii l i
I ohii ofihv llug vii g th l ic
W ntn l ily lviii i t an dc-ict
tl;t ii et i--i v-il wai the Nettev

'10111 I I Li-ILL licii

L1I" ~/s

The l lvii I y am of tv'Jovnivr'
tlii ri l )i ill-fa tth tth vu lnii' i
1111%,, 1 liard , lulla , lIv -l to111
Ow yIn. WLxi. 11 lin vvav-oiii''i-
ut~ m f li-ui i uvcvviig'viiuuvx lii lil

viuill uiL viofNMarch,

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