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February 16, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-02-16

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T-he MihianDaily


No. 98.

At Meeting of Michigan Press Asso-
ciation Prof. Thomas Discusses
Uniform Desk Rules.
Newspaper mtake-up and the ethics of
jounrnalism were the central thres of
the discussioneblidued by the il-
gun Press association at its mido-vinter
costvettion held in Detroit this week.
The adopting f a untiforn style sheet
and itae aliue of partsisnisiiiiformted
groiund for deate, as well as certaitt
timiely 5testiots of vital itterest ttpit-
lishers. Utder the latter heasl catte the
citsiveratitottof te 5riposei ostal
regilatiotis wichim tot c raise the rate
of postage for maositnewspsapers. 'The
treatmienttof country orrespondece
alssi receivedilattentiion.
'Tle meetings wser Ieli in the suit
iarlor of le Wane hotel ott the after-
toots f Fel. 14 andstesisirisnsg ad
afienoonsof Iec. i5.flesuires tere
intserposlatedsllitsthe idelieratiosiof te
assembilly, takingg le form f a dace its
honoriiiftesmessibers glvens by Fred
Potal at te Griswoilil Ihisuse, a as-
sqtct givseci isy Jamtis R. IHayes at le
Wa~ye hotsel, adslass astomoablilesrise
andisp iiectiont iifte Cailac. Mtor
ciiipasy'a~tbly ltsatcompi~ay.
A a mpsti~le sle slies s-iusibsmittei
Isv P'rof. J '\ I. lshoma s f le rhetoric
siarme tsn ibehaf cf a commaiite
compotsssedl (f x.iks \Vhite, Ososso;
J. N. MC-ll Ihac; Gorge Banes,
Howsaell; X. JIElter ,GrandslRapids;
11. P. 1Hlthetrigon, Detroit; X. J
I litisaker iSginw, -sand Professor'
''Thomtas. TIhle soe sainat features f
le smpitle style slies were aimieu at
te5prdulicion of srigtforward mth-
sais itswsititng adi a iroad sesse of
viatiosntadilpsnctuaiion. Amsog te
top~icssdesslt swiths sere tepr ier cosi-
ceptioss of sisglasr ansi slsrsl verss
le adsississilsiity ioi speling out figures,
sidth ie capitalization of namiees of
places, orgasizaioss, adu religious mta-
ters Amttong te isterestisg proili-
sios enaeraedl sere teustarof arti-
cles as openisg words itsstshies, tesar
of "very," te capializatisons of "cot-
gress," "senaute," "house sf commonsiss,
"sup~reme court,' etc., ads te us its
dainisg of such phrases asa"te spit of
say," or "Junse 3" Positive provisios
apearesd it inte Ifcum of sus recast-
msendations as taut "sose" should al-
ways le sisgslar, that "is quotel stes-
stisnite inerrrogations poit sssussd le
pit inisise te qotsion issarks," etc.
'Ike discussion of this style sliesuwis
lively-asid sstained. Professor 'Thloms
swas called upsont o asswier mnssy ojec-
tions. 'The sassembslsy ok io iers
ationitsuponate adotios of a unifors
style slie, apparently regarinisg te
tater s mrrely a tetatie adsivita
piositive ses in slur right diretisn. A
numbster sf tesessbers expresses them-
selses as unswillisg o shift frms te
grounsds upfont which personaloinisciinatissn
ail placed theist
Disussiona of jouralisic ethics wss
resosed into a o-sided debate upon
te proper political attitude of a sews-
paper. 'The argumetsrs of te four gn-
tlemiensshsp ioke spnthie sttter iee
hasediupon thesite ia tiatusa sesspapaer
editor sholasd always ave thet god
ufr temtost people at ears.
Edisatnd W. Booth, of Grads Raids,
easd a paper uposn the "Eftics of Ide-
pendtets Jouralism" Ile csntedd
that tesews solasd le isriteswithost
attemspt o distort or rcoyoite facts fiat
parisass reassns:liaheatstarenansiis-
stes should receive he idepeeinhst
isespaper's splport; asd there sosuls
leto official reations betweei any or-
gasizaion anssithe editorial or stras col-

Perry F. Powers, of Cadillac, fol-
lotted Mr. Booth witll a paper on "Par-
tisan Journalism" The suppressing of

indrisidaistic tesdenscies its those of ai
great political csmpsign, M. Powers
sa, hlpiedi o roadenste idi'iuals's
ieswssindto prooteaist anste otltiok.
A paty' shichs is aloases to cosstrol te
peoplse's affairs at all smssst ave st ot-
tomvpiciples wsihatre gilt, anus
sletsspiler swhichs is partisan ints sit
ligters ni-se smssst necesssriy ibe'cpas-
ile ofi exer-cisi" 5atwhleiisime istete.
A imorse tdetaidconcitsieratissntof a
patcua haseiof te sassme isisa %5t55
lrusgit out i Ti''he Nni-t'artisant Mist-
icital i~ictisii--tsits 1,PaitrisanssNess-a
pas ctSupportsi 5I."' by F.NlDigle,
ofi Kalamsitsosuits inhges csnfine
himuslf o v-sti zinguus te piciptles
lidsdown isb'sitlis.uoohs situMrivPlist
e-s. :A fosur t speakeriDelos FIWil
isix, f histit, denuncuiedroundsiisilst
ssiitus uswsirs h hslloweIthusir artisa
ingclumntuto 5 ifluenteireditorials
1551555 o ttposition swstil me itby itIrid
Socumti, os asrs, oniithus-iropsedscirv-
adjustlmenut ill postgs ats wich wituill
increase ills'costus f ii inguhtoiimosst
it-its 5pcc stint. Mr. Socum isokse
St ills-the itail oser m'' sagzines'swshichs
trse' filesd up5withtiwluts edn
tatradfaiudlilentt adver'tising msat-
ter. ' hhitssupapes CmmandussusIhighs ates
fist atiiee551ti ll' I ticar tletoircuat
visitugilt'stils a t pisce swhihtis ex-
hie setins mesi-t al to thlit iis- slc'fruit
lite tpostal sectice. ite ugei tiatu te
ightserateis-ttis'i'atedi tus ralsly berne--
ci. exceptiiins take-uto is Issar-
is lie s iainumbhe iof thiv membihes
)f thi s soation.li
C. C. Vausghnu, of St Julis sffeevi
at nusmbshers'fimesily suggest is auon
the treatensusut vii "'t' (ountruy Core-i
sitsneit fsa Weky Niuspasper." iT
ssuesoiuut sho iuuul hutimprssed sas1iull
te fact trt strus, sillspacsseuissantdi
od thatunuusatvoy puson aslties arev
Printot he 1vop~eingu"sessoans ofitie
'ssesiat isisua sirsltsd to the q~uetini
f printuig raitoadiitimses tbles without
scmunerstits .uiSomtute uee chnvicdt
thatucass t ionet as isagoodui because of
he dusornenee isovseusers. Otherserers
just ua sethistsister therittle tbles
iteecits this lst aalsits51dvherisingiltit-
'r,lt'pinstig f thirstsgratis iussus-
')uauuessiks sidt his su e usruuct u-
TheUnvesiy a representdl at
te-covitsentists by PIoesso-siTho1m1stlsi
andu Arthur vC.I'Pou, Gerg A. is-
slies, IIiramu S. Cusy andshCal R. More
f lie Mihigan Da~tily.
'heUnivrstitsiy Chess ails Checkers
clullsuill hold a tolssurnatmensut hbegninug'
Iis ashe.russnsit-,io'clckei, its thur Y. h.
SC. A.ipaerlois, t uhdscieshse matke-usof
te aisteamla s-hichs sill seel thur De-
heoist Cs anttusIChaceriashubMrhi3.
Thue etuisuill censist iif ie strutec,
onlegoupto sisy'chests ansithe tuthiler
cihiers- Its the cnuteastills tsc De-
ctesilubis v-sch tiasniwill sisy fue gmssuc
std tie tt-amuu winuig tie greate utu-
a>re still bhueclrcsedcsuterosus.
I lDr. Kapiuski cifsluresungieeig si-
parmuentshot-swtill mchuiste smestcosseni
lis theitschisst-amrsu, il ssinstart-hau
beginser' casusibuschess.fie wis nsi-
Dusnce Iis plas uat tie- meeting this
N . Banksushs, caionthschess tutu
checkerstplayer ofiMichiiganu, is ito give
assn x shiinbesre thurrush soue timue
Ithis motouh. Ie uill sisy six gmses at
tthursasute timeu sthlebliindsfele,aund
sixteen games st tonce ut-leusnsoit blid-
foled. Forav e-ry gameurhe lstas Mr.
thBanks agrees ts oisrei fisn. 'Thuexact
1edatc fihIsiexhiitionisuisill he annuncusuuedu

''hue chapterr house of thur Psi Upsilon
fraernvuity as Syracuse uniesity wsare-
censhy udamagedl by fire to thur extenst of
sEaut $10,000.

in Addition to This Are Severi De-
partmentai Musums About
the Campus.
''hunfllinshstg inteetiniug accunsst of
le Its's- arilysutsuappe~i~'aseu-iniithis
hist issusoI tie' Nwsu-etter:
The use t a-usbuisig dtslssafrmi171
an tnsuintheii suhwstatllfithis
cmu.it is s-itenidaily' fromut8Ia. mi.
toi hip l- andsutsite recorskepturibIsptic
cuatrsiwtttuthi'is itunuaeag
si bou onlit estr lutindrd visiltos evryut
Notall thur collrctionuss oftheUnivles-
sit, I tilsu tr, a'- eti-' ssuars i s te usseumu
biuidinig. Forlactuk of rooms orst' lfir 'con-
t'ntuiiu'r' intahuting, thus'nrl n
botantuusicl'cllecis areitored s'inbusrent-
tatin sbidiitgs, wshile' tiilt hsrial stu-
dalin ad cons ac plcdinusthe sart
gallein-u' ts it- uer suory of this'gul-
eral slitrsy hbulding. iChu-emicalh idus-
his atutu5setiltsoIits tot,asditee r
varou smllotue its ist'e tmediali
suitmseuitshsbuiig, howevter', cnu-
tinsthe lvvilios aii zoolgy, gutslosgy,
tarhateolotgy asuithnolouitgy,st svtetearns
mu icalcolecionuuantdshthur Chines usx-
hibttu's tedretso-tetUi sthus'yNtihfe-
s-tutu a tattiab bus ertsh New s O usr-ii
resettoPhe''''sienut Angll, fits-sunrty'
susbuuas'' tosChist.
Tiie'geoloiugical iculect-isoutits-ustes
abou sti St hoitiushd peimenrstarduulis
especally iesciitsuvaitis ofi -stuer ore
sait sttser mineralshrInmitthur bak Si-
pn-io rev gusts ofiMichiigans. It is bster-
sts u to n hitagt 5suusiShesenfact'-
ts aof thits tesaitmtteti ofthi n sscunt
theve tisseausathiss ttu ofiiithurltir Geni-
uSal Cstair, v.IS.As'., testsgvueuhlag
numberiof fssilustsliehdssctllctedl
ini thus'VYels'lsoneValley.
Is zooslogy', usn'uadditionsiths larg' ands
Stadiluy gowinsg collecinclsuof thu rdtns
slit inamtma Irepilshi n ud irssio
:Micshigansitheturvy nnaigosup of this'P'a-
cflyccsastantutuls, saitsai large cumbuser
ii PhilippinetspsecimessscolecteduI by a
scietx p seditionusii1887-88. 'Te rom
its which spesiesua sre preserved isa
alcoholisss pususoteed fromitfient oly
usy sit ssomsaicaspriklrrsysemitth
is su iiedselflooru, wterp~rof,tis'
chrin ssgsutsidei'thin builig' settt
thsaroomti ulglt bSifrs iosulnswills uatr
wit shoss uttiny this se rcisso f thin
fist uosu allslreatusrs of thurciii-
lis n hsar'ue:-
(t)The oitastl setion, icuinlsg thin
sntilrs vChinsese cu ahsshsmei edsl aoveusu,
ste'pslo hsinsgfistsm i lutisll ts r-
petestootlsa sticlsitssundidlstafrist
lCith iuiina oms u tututh his Iilippineuss,
seuedshisyte heal-lt-ec ens'onuhuu
01 t8788
of musial intuenuts, cmpsn g over
1,4i1otyuil i nusueshofiiallnit ionusi
-ancientt Iastil luttiiri uscivilizedl anit
aas-'-uillusrtng hesSurlhisy nifusmusic
stilth~e uprogesliofIlmsical ar. 'Iis
susheionsushusreenittly tess ctlogud,
Sy proiiif Mv.'teauvula
(3) A colcio of PIsruius adul 'ew
Mxicansuerits icsluistanclinuug'a n enp-
tistaly titessearies of acietIPeruvsians
stsuSa ptthery isisdsmoduerns insts a-
cunes Syt hiveal-Seeexp seditionandssi
so extensisve aeies of Net exhuiean
hustlery eeivuesfrm i Siathsnuin
Ins tislutistn

hullsbot Sy puruchsetanditsexped'titionsi
hoenlartsge thslurclcins of te aniast
ii the stte. 'Asa rtslttesecimesds
ofi bidshammusssuualshand ets ilescantraitos-
ss Sun cthus susscasuusfsisimths'ostsh
vatuablsse seriesextatft he ictreusitil
sluteuitbats fs- hiss is al' ads lrad
upil s'sr't'eb1)1111)0.0 olu st busy.Tll ahelst
Suit sist'. lut' brdh ~t ct'iml bt i lsts I 'sir
specimen . 'ihls' c tutu- lli m'li tls t y
tam'-sigedl sndl;tnedrin bust and pe-till
proofl liim'tal icas. tlthips en5''t'ime tuu
patclis t'tionhu is bis-lg'gist-ustouc
thie coltd-huhooitseushvertebraItehs'an'dtShSuncru-c
ieds' sai e ttb'isbsg elrged s-sy' rtpidly'c
as this'resuli othSe sworsk ifithis'Sate -
At a meet'sing'oftu s'junsirs'lius-utssy'
casheld tS edaisuty'ii iituitl C, I iuitti-
ably' Stll, ituitiltion fors i ll (I-'Suentush
Couttt iunc t' w itesmade. 'Te suei-ntg wst
tiltsled tto t .1 'clock bhyIPretstident t
itisees, tSwhtiosintuediiharrsy'Hili, thue'
Counil represen5ativeothis e cai~s s. k-l.t
ill inl hi'etiours of hisreastilsadf
'Intnoiatinuuhlg situnifliiitis offie
youtsusaltlte itscnsidrasutonuonlusy'
thsesamemer-us ofaii ltutuorsclasiwhou
aunts regultrlyunrolled s msemberthsi'ofu
thus classa si uujof, ilsuitrus iiitinthus-sI
uithsistuusitafistuwsuit'rus wsllig his
rspn t tu atnily tse Stothis tll ofi'sae"
cialm eetssr'igs, sitsd ush iss usli assuse. hus
ea oStia biibs ofsthe its e'sits h tils hIs
idaof duvls-sisg' teis Sit-a ouIsutos h
thir duh' ltits
Isse declredi utt thur nominatusiosu
use e-i'hs eaucr-, ual uit-itbhr t'oInomi-
tute tt's, ussrut y' bing'theits m ne
iuontalis iifstints-vwhicihs t'es' collected 's
Suy assiy sappoinsrtitels. ISTlell
ts-u,'' i'sati, it Sit-tutu ltici t hii isi
eledctin, and anssysss agistho husSuis hl
charuge' atSn' povnsu'-w ill bS cs-ideit'ed-
dig a ls I '
''his-electionitkspanx Ihrs
-sty, ini R ttitti C I, u tu taty I Sll, ati
'liok.Te' luthdtS oinu~sg iill hut
simssiar us lhstsofsub sususuu s . usua ''h-is tis
potiehush thebultlethin boStatsh will hit
ass followtss, s fiv suitsoiated have,4luis
wtithrawn tlIitill ams.a S te sentltusre's
1. V. StevesonuausBi'sbees Xi glli, Iushi
'tus lEverI'tst.' he ist ralul istsass olii-
suits: Wearytvy ilndtls a C u, Nans-
russiPr, ces- Harr'iiusa ,'55 vs Rihar's .
KaeHoar, r'm, ID aisusIvis(Crigh-
tn, Sr-isis- u l, S l t o'lle.i
Aftetheliss esit-'ng smssssuof' iclas
uit'-s iw's-i's- hisilutsd by thuth ir a
ofi thitescomm uittee. Ths hiselassatus
'ntshnsitutisses uihis girntwusstrtw-u--s
fromuu tniugis t s arbsunSsit'gymnastiumus.
AISl-ll member i uit-eichss sit -(ugdtoi
Vesterds- truIslunsusss theuSmus brss- ot-'ss
itsessocisalcomittee illfstIhe siorsulassu
csas liii'sa'suitS (lusts s ill 'uansssugu-s-t
fun this-in 'uals pasty' to hbt'gist-u til
I XWahinigtonu's uit hay.sThe, eventiltrll
Its hud n-hh Grilantgr ' s s'ssl-ss. t h-
wtays is one si fie ipsrlutsoca
fuctins ofthi cass tTe somitsts's
uasa'psit- ssedifrus teslutatnsiadopteduifain
smiar upartis'siustle pstanthiSis yarsu
- expiettol'sIsses vlisus itsw ivetres to
tntrtin'vts holise wst iltsu ltrnd.
- het'eu-sy Sypoutrtills of thusevsninthg sll
Iretakenusits)silthahit informalusrsu esau-
Stin, itu' gandsarchnotcmencnsIslh 5511'hg
usil0 9 do'clSctllsDur ilg't ureetinl
sItuneighth pieceuorhesrS lush SpyEugnse
Fiachevrwill play, 's uel us ifurnis
t ussie fun thurdaninsesg.
A n umbeusr ofithi ltsumni osithe us--
I artmeunst finsists roevit will nsadoubtsuu
suattendsltie exerie sUiresity Hl

inbu thus' aftenoonus, it is eaxpectredis thur
s conaitth tous hav sse turi preent at tile
;social creu. ''he affair is to Sir thur
- firestidocial funtionsoiiitile gradsuatinug
nclass of Ike law drpartmnt Isis year.

fir. Dieterie Has Consented to Assist
in Prepartion-Mlany Female
Characters in Cast.
ho is' four thutihul'simer its found-
iug, theIii' eirschr'SrVt-rci-itmill sanumgive
at puic perf'rmanceofi a iitr i mcoumey i
thie sul Scm~tltl h'ucli Singularsmi sccss
Slis atitended s this'tprsnttin iof ll
hut'su-of st' fursetprount ionmsshda
listseuhuesswys gnusethiii'
cals.- ''he istsatsu-ssmp ts mate' uithi
thes comed-sy' "IDic' Iloisssis'e," ii
''hulaThslas followed'c imp"Flacimmamm
sis -rit-Sur,'' i ssoo, tilts"tie Jommnmal'
shel,'' i tgoti. WiXhiuulest'xperienceltl
frontssthis esrmetriasl, it imopdl Ilat
Ilw- sufrne b ofittt "Derii''lun ibihimekar''
Ihis s'-ear iliaddstsill ftn'thcurmtoathe
succsssea' lss ihhisse crowed' ImtVi-
issan effos
playeraslwire 51o5ched iiyiPronfessr
Floruet-'ouf hcss Geuitsau diepar mentutli
St tid lyws carrsunsut tithouitimu
facultuy I'llin ssgJoshnui Feumurker, whott
ituusow layinsg us'saiBrookluynistock
IS s us trus ating s sa ge miimangr
1sa thess'Vsrinthlistsyein hatssuomermeir
its us f atng usnSthus csmpaciy, The.
Die-telu- sufthus'Germnu depa'isrurtmnt usas
'ostle touls s sias ncacms uhsthe'sienn.
lresso-sati IShisSsits' arrani umgdl lie
mthy fy- lute tesl-ur prdttinu, as i1s
lu-sighsnecsu'''sitatedshnot sulills'abrig-
ing Si'the logr struts.
Sin saisobasiesedhu sp 'ecially sut-
'sit'list'r at sotnisio'sutitus kind msh
hun-es bnlittenussughstltsu amonuusug thus
V~ euitt sit-hut st l t ill ll tie'patus.
One sts i s'-slsifIsau uns' oii ha playis them
asse- ttisuher hof female huarsmctes ii
te drsaatis pur-ssuxu, hils brininug the
-rsof thut'VXriitobustoreuspr'mn-i
11)17 iA' X' CANDIDiIAT'IS
WXithu this'optenibng of theue conu d ,f-
-stir cosust'atheibooinssusbsg o ile missIticiI
canon t ts' lists depattrtmeunt. 'fie
<'msaig fubhr thueu-srinug relsction is nlaow
nnsin ee.ins s the- bsna- ior slass. 'hehrenm
rcs ct'e i sut ItsS lis- tous his f il sitthlie
-ususisg etionum, til dtseu'of uhihihusi
smith yet t isten at-.
H. . 'IMarst'ttin tsa suaoumceduhIis rssm-
iiassy fmuttituo usnr iof svleicorinim.
It was~sits Srtasits lihts heuttstli he till
Ins'y t ~si t hnslh erls-'mn, though
's ys'I Its-is bustSitu'lshuwithuosuoposi-
iC. C. Foige' i still sh lu'sy canidahte'
fo lassahisltourians, lustsit s uepislus
ssm ,unesu'pu~usstiosuu uill shirtlopm uihium
etew lasiuy. iAye noinses ivhusex-
uss'si'inhabse sir it cas pot ursums
The,- pre usssupo st-Sir-SThe'ihis1mSgmu
Dil SihalstsbSee-nusprintedshfuss-amnuhlmrof
ycsspai sta su sstuke dwnmyeserday
tnur tnd condition to beIsismucuseu buts
is ii-vw sauu-ra 'sitn Maynarsd atrs-t.
Sly' FeSb, up nslsasipall of thuresfftls
aof this-A'uitsArborusPres-s will Ravue lien
nile, sns insisthatstimums'Thin Daily
swilhut' pritntd inthi-netr viiiniy of
shuts uamus.
'Iher asebalgame.,sc tledmkd 1mr
ch2,han. eems changedultmu T'esmy,
i's-l. uug. ''Su' luamiss uslump sn this
ightS suerthuts'it8enginaersavs, '07 laws
amiss'17is ss. 'utlasusOnu XWeneday
ighs tlts '0qs staspliy'titus phmtmtuics
'mnssthur '553lisand'tu'07 sugimenarsill
aso latsssy-on tus mgst.

Occausionsally a'in a ket Sr si15shmirc
bsy tu kiuug 'lulmsuk sfthin'otirfelloist.
1 tx.


141)'lie eltlmtigY sedtioll, inacludisng
uensisg apparel, imnpemesshonf u-ar suit
thue ehase, smutshousehlut uensils of thur
lSuth Amuerniu, NunshsAmnrinbs, ass
AaXuskanm Indsianss, sm fureexamplue salthun
Aaskassusn tmicbcolumsn, stll mumiburr-
raisting serirsnaf life mmasksawamut"lponus
- o thur South Sea Islanders.
fyI,''lie ezoolosgical sections. Four sev-
mush pers uparticular effort has keen

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