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January 19, 1907 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1907-01-19

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The Michigan Daily
A\TN A B , I~ ( I 'lt.Ni1( IIK :N S '1IliAY, .\ NI A i rkIt()(,1)-7.


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Team Is On of the Best That K.1 I
Ever Represented Michigan - R\),
No Report Received From Con- )
test With Northwestern. .1 I cc
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HIyilitI Ill tlithe p pr llt in Itt.igthe d -
Lo aiPt napn ake o ht Hnt fI in ~rs
ill~'c til t.ii'tAt IgllI.lttK'.Il
of1t e ttti. illt lilt 1
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It It udg l h ve nl i t I tly t .itttt t i ,_It ,e
the lltIniettl oft ei I .tti1 Itt it
Atgi I i 11 %%ari t i t, hie te ,'i, h,
:Ill' plcth emiit n t tn
t,1V t'. tt, i. '.' tdtt t atttt po-t 1 HI Ill ,,l
r i 'i'rtll, itn Ietaxli oul heIit c
Illy ' lritlthe Ii ll lll; l tl nmi 1 ,II co11111 it1--.
tignity ocde. ,~n.a lv n
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tltlnilHion olthl:mtii illIl .In1ot..iill
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cti t" . .A1 r f k llcĀ° . A I r.

Lairge Piiece of Land Purchased-
Appropriations Voted-Salaries
of Istrutors Regulated. ri 1;1-1t tkcWlchilth
1;11 l~ iiclii c~ "-c~t , 1111rclli, ttl


1" ll l it.



4<]iri(;Il' ]ilJl C' allt+' 1 \1 i +
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W "w" Willm I
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Definite Action Left to Board of
Control--Student Letaders Con-
sitter Conference FIight Won at
ItI-'i'i ))Ir .) r zett 1 -.i its .'. ctt. -
11 r a p c,, I i 1--I '. 1 tit - i t
II fI1. l =- H-- tw~l ( li the 0 1
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88 ritti rt Pti, 88. 88',i1 rit,

11 G1 H'>VItitJittit t NUS11.1t- 'iI HIG 11I',It.

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