The Mi chigan Daily
ANN ARBOR, Nl~ ~ .IIlf I)AY. 1)1<2 181k 13, it
School Would be Separate From the
University-Under Episco-
pi Direction.
1Te founing oth ieologica ein
ry in Anm Anot, where students ma
prepare for the ministry while takig
work in the University. is at project
claiminig micih interest at tiepreset
ime. Bishiop Williams of the local
Episcopal diocese recentil advocated
stch a plait efore te ittnnuaI piscpa
conenion in D etroit and iteds to
work for its fulillmten. Mr. Taock.
he presentt recor of tec Episcoal
chtrch of tis city, states that Presideti
Antgell anid other Uiversiy authorities
are favorably ittclitedtei oward th e idea
and woildl lo whatever is necessa relto
tipeit totesalishmtmofthsdcrp
Stict a school woxtld linot ardn
ary seminitary witi a cmpxtlee curte
of stutdies, btit ivouxliaimtolifurtist
instriucitrs xattdleuipmetixiifxrthoixse
stdies whicht a telogical stdeti cn-
not pursue ithle university. For ex-
ample, sttehtsijecs s tdogmiaictel-
ogy, church histraitdlte ixiterreta-
tion ef the IBile wuoldl lit-taught.
Thtere are man cutsesisnowt given itt
teutniversity cvrricul ttit iwhicx are
(esirable supplveents to teloicl
work. Atmotig these re philosophyuc
sociology geteral Ihisoryandullagugages,
especially Hllenitti (reek ntl le-
brew. ' Te matttir Itasbentinvsi
gaed y a pesutcomtpitett to jdxge
atd it was feundtih iat til less ta
forty professors audinitstrctoxrs are
giving cxurses wichiltcuitl e comn1te
wih theological wirk.
The plata is to ae the sctoxl vi-
tirely separate frxita the Utiversiy, lii
a stdntulcoldl tmatriclate andtur il-
site sudies inotxisittionus. The
organizaion -wouldlle idetointaiitonal
aniduntixer FEpiscopal mnatagetment , ut
its priticiples would le rixid enouag
so that stuetts inthiler cuirhes cixli
irofitably itrsue its corsi f stadiess
English colleges formtia prlescxlientifori
he methtod advoexdlx, as sxixdsnts ii
sitch titiversities asfOxfoxexdIandxiCtil
bridge exontbine teoloxgialiwith tilt
utniersity work. "Such tisar rng-
ten," said Mr. Tatlock, "hssagrat
advattage o~er tile-'"oriniarthlexlgical
schl.x A stidentii raiig for the
minttistry wtoulilobtinxit muichiibroaderxl
preparaio. The obljectixn to oriniaryi
schools is that the stxdett is takeni 0ut
of the isonuds work attil nade i ri-5
ien, fr the tite, ofi ttnisitituionii
renmoved fromttie great wrldl i uwluh
lie tiill have 10oxlvihis swortk ]Iis is
apt cto ate ai tirroxxintgrffet cipon is
mnttal hoin. Unite.tixie lproposedixcc
rrantgemetisitthy sluditixwiouxild xxotxhaie
i chanxetto ha liv is hocrinshut ldowni
uo hi. 1ltik ithati aischoolii of
lxhii essripitotis tixroextxrlset oniiits
fteeltoildtatinedl iith liii-lxesi imen,
woiuldl he infixnitely p'rixr tox xiii
teoloigical schoin- the i xxcuntry.
Mr. Tatlock also menitionthe greatxv
savinig ofeipmenililclt I le worxk culdi
li ne withoniiiimxtxer t ivlexnext
professores atid itslleipped iitielvxog-
ical lirarilxoisntstit-
Notthitgdefenitie haxs s et 1bell ac-
colmplishediltoxcar oxii liii-tuxirixk-
inig, buttiIlishixptWilliams axxiiiothxie
prminitentmit-t are geaxtl iteirse
int it andilare tmakitg effoxrs lxxIbrig
i to xi pracicale Iasis.
m'vSIFuwiEs OrF 'FlESTARS.
Last tightiPeof. J. W. Ilssey ideli-
eredl aiiiiteiresing lecture t lxixlen
meetitg cxfSigmta i. etitiledl"betw
Studies tf the Stars. Te iwestixtiltii-
theater of ithe nye medlicailitbildixng
swas well filledl witu aix applreciativ-e
IF N() li11)1 COMl
'Iix lltwsing itaIxvvibeetihoc
for thit teai's xxtxxr lhop;)cxiii xiit -:
'lix r l sitairma, tan le~y (" ('
tision ipixt I,-tiiitt'Po., Tp t
cttwxtx Ian uxamii. I , cot, l'ii it lx
secondpitace on dccii rati, c(cititt ,
Gog Iohaivri ideeent; iiil t xi i itti
txiniaxtio n ony xx eS I Viuuiut(
Psi lchirmani iiit lri'-"ii'txcomittte,
IA. t. Dukett, huh ,I )l; li en
slae o igcetionI ltommsitI tic txtt ii
vttonlxxiixnixix is (Guy I Iuxex- It -
P i: tssuisi, Iliu.t M1t isrtt Pit
firs plc xni receItixtn otmitteets
G. iilliganit . apa Sigmta;- secreary
ILlxidiTI Craete Sigma Nuit siondi
plaxexinarranigemetis commtitteeI'1igr
ma ui ccImlitte, rthuri tJaqu hitt.
Phi Kapp1111-xPsix;txtid le IonlrrJatigtt-
ixixtcomitttextC. NIDitislDeltI
lpIlolxxirs lace onti msiiiicivomittet,
I. If x, lphalTi auiI iiOmueg; capit
v ixixcomittelie, A. IPatersoxn, Ihii
x'eciti-iiiiiuitry nout o ile- test-
iii Fenicitng clxiii xtiets this afternoonxi
a4:0, wh~eni six tint itill le selects-i
tournamxtii-tt. iAfte toayi's selestiuns
arettiaxde, te successfulxcanittesle
ba tutimg utu Utilety uslit the thrxeiieli
ills-ilnIhate becn-itts lectidfrmthe i
The Itrixls forltodxyii-la be lienii
tuser thes-oldiregulaxits of fteig liii
mimtsrestig axi xtitxiandithenxii
ne fs eaxchxg oitbie ithit t mtntu ha itngt
th xtlagestixituxber xoftutchles iiihis
cdit ini fourxinu xtexs-sof etasitti e.
Th ixs-itcnhaxvinig thex lagisltier-
cxntag tog-x theti rsediit will b leii-sitc-
xcissfulmetic-i x tly's booxts.
(f tile' new umtrn, Tiorry- seetisthlii
cveirest tanxd titlst axtciv-e. Rosewter.
(lreet ixiantdxScult xiiixx ee itmongithexlx
ledr ifixas lxxir's itieaus Sda,
onei of xas seasoxn's thamuupiiswil
noti apa huntiltuhe gandilsrinug tur
naxment-xiof te lubxli.
yu hR. Cxarkx.'tilawliiinxex ofi the
most proising xstrintuerxs i liii I. tut
-t ltsla, is siv xiislyill anxdiithusptebh
aility is slight lxhii le wilile axi to
apper -o th trck miii- sinxeg.
Cibsrk haxslxilxi's-bc wil (lie sxme tt,
lxxi Ii'xxhiixxiti st-xs nil e ugred withii
am .i' xuxt i l Ix'( i-iix',ix~ hcu i
itxixreaxlized-xithat iit was' ominouiils. lw
xxcr heli meic l attendanxiixxts aclxis-t-
ingx u-ery effoxrt xxxeffect his recvlery
adi i, hopedx-ithati 1his improvuementuxx
tiill be'slits- andiirip i-.Ilis prtuixls
'il-u suxxexpecedinxxthei-cite loday.
l'RES. A Xx ;E,lFx uhfSN-fl uh?
'hts W'xshixgiinon icrxesponden i-it of ai
Chicxagoxlxaier is' autihority fr sayitg
thatibecsestso f thechaxistic cotatitiots
ixlive I ichigxasenatxiaexl cnites there
s ai sronxg feelixg oni the lxv' f the
legislxators xtohbr-xk tawxiyfrxotmathe ro-
ucsedl candtiuates utnthelect DrAtgel.
Alhoxiughi lxvis xnoi aicxtndiate, epiiot
toldi seu tin udixate that Presidenti
Antgellwusxxldi maxke- tile'sceihettcoin-
promuisie 'aind lt-e ieal uxuxu fcr the
1)rI. - ' IJ f~ f , i --ux i 'xxe 'riti,'xlh PIl
iii VltuIIIux--is xxil
ht d hii tc clx xxxiu't'i fromxxiii i
m r- 'lI. lxx-x -x'11u1g. ix t as lexre
drtIii' W .J. 1(d-x'x1 lxxii n a verys-lu
crtclxodio i iit still liii. No
deitilt a, to ihis ci hance, oftixixuti
lweii gisten.
Giris of Senior and Junior lasses
Begin Special Work in
ilr iiis shx'xi iicd i axltu icle c tuiy is xa
soi~l ~ rein lu-ili'-x''uic x' erc isesxix
tixuk, Thiisihis at O'clock Iis
ope toj liiuuiiandixxici hllr, tcii-till
at prcstill bol x ir 1 1 li.l member of xx
rllx numberi s teny-svei
Or. llt ii IBrooki,tis 1the 1insiruto inii
tlills, e tsxand it is hI-x'il to livkil'thei
girll Suchliii xx iii swill l1 x iisi(xxil xx
them itherixi intt xx lxvtcixud Ifg' r-tu
icto xin txx ix xx Thei pi acicli de
of t.,'vu tichi' oxrk is tl i de siul .
shedl hut h h eli oryicixof gymntislsuIi
forms partlof thi us xxxi
At hrlsentiitheigiis ie stuy i g thei
Sish form' xhx ofiilx exris. Tic clanlxi
lit 'xirp -of[Iii i t) 'IL~cicatihi iiixii '
''ik ill ii te ill' io o ilts
dut xi ii lii 111'l xxi' is. lxix- ixuki'
lii 11111 d~iuis cxxxii,.lntxiexxh i n b-.
,eto heC M C IS tox txxxii xihi-gils
how xto isint :I Ii 'xscxs in liiigaxdes-.
noi giwuiisui s xi_, piihixc o f theiwor
de t ini thils 1lxxivcr ill hutjlt I'l.
lfix S ell '-m, a. Swlxxbxirl, s
xo rfiii uluui am ux xl ;itfirsxarr sie i
a., iis li i x ls lxiiiOtt proinstg
thir i n ti l in lcxxx tnt-ileure
tox perfomitheiixcliii y
\\xixixiis xlhe srli of1;t Japaneus uuixsi-
c tl a d l onxillgs t f tly o ight
-tixixnug. Ie ill ist i s wrkii
lihe U'ivix rsituxatoni e
Plan i-;tee-beig nutuixc flite proie-
same t le given-lu xxiii ht liii iii uu s Of
hi' Mic'higxanhUiii sieux'in Pelt-i
'uxry. If suit-it x iii uttuelut uxuncxxis
sxteescfuxi a xrrieut xxithis uwinter, thei
Theli Chaxsepotit iiof Presicelt iAg.
u-l haxs hehxuungIinu iitstepry
home, t 'tutu ecy thrrit 'I iexi-
lue s n the cexiiie it theuirclr al
abov lthe t'erlxx sit hithis
m hit' g'x'tivx- inx i ts t s iti u a x' i 'tion ta
it it-xsit t he ut' tt t l ofuxti x i in'lu'situ-
lxiii lxs Sxutuh ix litthe o l poussiblex
obhjci'onu i ll i is hr t pii i iit ein
thei factht' x itiihus soitte w llsa e
ilwcr xiiuiti smreta ncc
wthen-t onei'conusider-s, xs ditite ionI. l
xufl'uuu'rs thaxxt uxto'hut-ut' nttheiiCamus
thnil hic' lihuexunx.
Theioloo uikerinhiuusmaniuy tutw'dligh:s
i h lix' ui'iiii' for i e llus iigeti turuk
of xa simuilar' lxxiii nt, moreutunxlxii igxncx'
s xxxi'ssxuu'i'tox txkein iii lliiits s blte
ofxl ighu t nd shaxinhxg. Sxuisfxxu'ixxxu utu
g'ra.tuitue xxxre' the tenori f lixrln~k
made b thresons whoilokis long xat
tud-nacig'''tixs lxo he veniwcd
luy liihe i meixal eptmenti here Il has
cald fo t x igi'txi'ui denuialxxi 'f lth -
sttmn e I iii Vxaughaxnu. I
Iaughaniii si hatthies xxi x :tv xver uxuxi gi
lxxi~e on handxxii xivui aleay xo supixiyxxi
the iixtir dmai, xxnd hlucidlxs tx li lxx
la",slxxxxxi provded hexuxuxfor acqusitxou
ofi more i if i he'xase-xiu-uuxxxx wihhoutxii
r ii' cc lithe opertx-xii tuxulxux xxixxx,-
lsiix'l'an'ixotexifecgthaxiie oxi
vit, Ow ,wee 'ain u p a coli I letion
fromix the-sudet :;'iui lkn ie. Pit n l
fron stat l ii i tui inxis file hti'1 xxxi i -
vi~io Ina bee mad -arcgenthrdi'for
dissechuion, Or. Vxtughanxiii cxixhat lxxix x
PIi SCI I'hll-N if ,;Si i ti-.
I xii i ilsi' toI'' lse - lu-ix-rl rixx '. i '-
("xviii'se t ii orn ll hi;' t teIxx i
i the xxi (m lxanu etxx-i Sxxuxxvxixx e igt.
Pre ide t l ii tl it elxx i It,, 1
,'Il)n hchlfxilof xihe tuxuxuiuu ofxx
iiiiiinuversiy mdothe afflx icted sadxx,
li, I uhisiv lxx 'iixixix thx-ihy- it-lt I gvxii'-
filapeifion 1 11he.1kit u 'xe~ i uh
igxuu lxiiin.
lxxx silixuixhyorxes,
j. 1, Su iuvxi.
klSii~hL';L~US (II SS hh-''hl'.
IIIlu-u-xs, tx l m 'ighi'tuy hi-iseen it i
andi x'cs-utxxixxjohn ihisshuater,iby it
hixuss Fraxrthe u--lgxieingxxxclaxss i
llo oc oeotmott alliseds ucll i
hes amlte xIncI Iyall Mhoii kin-w
st sympa~ithy Io lhe fiiiixly il lu-inrlhe-
Resolv, Tuh hat xaxcopyxofI liiis xxxso
Tli-h iix'ihiiati'ii I iii-,xixxuilx txxi t
lix shin x oiilth iii ixixxius ofxtis l a
xa~fs i lxiii SMf lix-i it xi
iiis i ll xx marslxxthutin socuixilIliii- Sxttir-
dayx u xxuxxg nwitht a clmoiku-, lhe-fist
of sriitib hltxxhhriitxgh xxxi liii
yeu.The.iii uxitu'te i chaxtegiofxithl
eventx hus seuredul aihaxllion Maiiisuretu-
Better (trade of Materials Wtill Re-
ceive Special Attention-ILiterary
Arrangement will lie as Usti
.1 ilxxxiiihlxi a Ie~il t' t lt ;tt
Itr~ se Iq the tar; l cli-ga x~ixx'u
'w llithich ae s r ,n rc I rI , i
trciv lO i ndxx in uig a dxhxx thri
a ar i tat ix lxxxii xx , kn ~ rt tc
thei ltad-e xas cu-l grainx o1 h liiie hi
Idaerd in i; i h i y h li l c te
tx-nv ill h lxxx olihshexoilxxbritthis txill
gexult e itxul eathc erui llx avix d e
cxTihe' inkuse d wxiiliiheu-t-il dank- lu-
sh de %v ic if isxxx cmiid 'xd i - est xii
hex the' i c larness andh ld iini , w c t
c igri ,4 lily xi ,nrxi byI N,
lxiic liix'xxxxlx
clx id s he xxx I 'xxi dulx I 'ix xii lf tilt
111,-cher wll e short iii lxxxi lxxxor
ta ed Liii il( " n1O1,(11a s" ()
w ill a s I ate ii} s in n t r . I
tee (4iuuxivhx c~c t I t e anp i
iI ml I- ,'etd
.11 Ix;1 N Cii - FIN Ni-A
IhilfEW1I I,1, iAlNi)('I^'T' lI )Ii' u
Mlichiiganxx xxxix 'cv ix hx,-v' ar,- iniitci'-
lxix it, - 1,lci xx ix, 10i-u-h .1 x- ix
i-i -wo w kvi xxx lix xir ,a1
oriilxtr, tI i Nco xylil iiir ,
li I- -1-u i-.'
I It ''xxi ;a 1:.I' isxxi,fl1.''' a xx lxiii
xxi li,- 1 t t n n a i lx, - .il'u'x'-ix
loll a) h, tfe t t at i,,xx inII':, ,lxxx
judge 'Kn xxi ii xis r~lilrt n ni
PrfssrTuxuxloodxulasin uxSitu',
ix ixiuux r adin ii o lix c t{l
-xxitic x-cpai oniix s f,1 ix teii' ixiux Uxinxx of
,V1 tilnux-li' of Ii-vv,vs " ('xind<is
AixA- hdfirst,;icls %tias heildl iculthii'
dcinwlxxe gix-enx oniJxuaxry aix
iit'ttxgi'itix -whillih trobaIhuiih- xiittuut ti I;3 iaduuxtuxihex necestscxrytrexuuge tutls
comuic era n thle:sping. lute a general gosoud tune.