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January 20, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-01-20

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The Michigan Dil
ANN ARBOR, \i'if\S i\ ~ R 20, ltfil7


"'(_). 8;.

MICHIGAN SCORES I«\'l l'isrr } t iii lfit'
- - -. A ntcts'tgttwas ittid last seveininIt
Championship of Central Debating the \\'e1ster literarys soctvtss rai)1sn iII
League Was Decided by Con- telaf,'t itiisitic. Thiiicstiisa'w"asellch
tests of Friday Night. ittenit c, as Ithe maintttpurpse wnas it~
- - - ele~~cict officer; sifirtesnit;,tetr
ifi ts se icttortyof ichsiigani iri- 'litsusc cesssfulcain itiates ar'sas fl
dlsy tight, tthtettNortwesterntwas (lei- 1()\\.

ir ttithe itte attttr itt A'tittarbor, pis
tite Ftiviet'sits1at tihe iteadi ofs tie' Ceit
tailcating~sgifcw . 'Tsfat that it
eah sase titsdeisiottils ttiatittoutt
fist M\icigan -altiotigit oeteamttiutpt
tcgaiis'--snais sfte itors siecisie
as totlditiossislsirbec tisirst. ihicagt
tsotih of ier dieiats, whiilNrti-
weterisin wtoi oneit iandt issth soths, its
victry ticr Chiciasgbinig wonstithouiti s
ai tissciiiitig issic.
t d JXX' sl.ici igss i Witrp-
sdeciiesibytPiriftfJesss \iacet f itsv
Colee Juists ttice 15Sot t sitLdIof ih
ilr, FaittestiStatsisti ciittorneyt
HairtftrtI isis. Tsepr'siittg sf'ttr
ProifessorsTr Iuebloiodisiretrntetsdifto
i'.w ttststtu t'strsiwaftnoon, a nateir i
rece''iing ts contgatulaitionsitsaif in-i
represenitiativof 'Tes il
trulyiprid f tisemt. They rciveisdi
compttl imetitssituni cnigtulasi'titnstson
'v'ery itatns. (fitseuof te'judugs sidto
its's'Yiumhn dlfs edisttis ittis the selvs i g
nitititithrou 'itgiosst its' onst.'si Js
ticseCsrtr'prasissidte'men oiteirt1
'lT'esvictorytias ceary istihigai's Isour
teamtshoinit seltf ipaiclalisti' rosniug
sli i'eisuta. Nsit'iiti'stci'tuignoreidsthts
iwilit'of alinhitit'ritalcs'tax frcont the
suiidof sociali rformiianditised her is'
casesslargeliycslitith estiedsof t sithe'ttnu
Otis sttim spokiescisearsittiwasiseasiy
unde~irstoodsilit ' w as smewt itidiffi-
silt ts foliiowi'tiwosofi Nortites'trn';s
"tiosti'uty csetheitcdiciat' iifists
shape witi a rsiiec 'f tits rgtitcts
for titenegstivie'. Our stys ditisiaei
exceptional teamittsork tirougihoutit'
iske H'ai. iw'herc ts icisat was
ihtid, wasilletii o thut'dtuors. Ii ts'
auienii'tce sere Profssr Futoniis f Oioi
Wesyan,diciaiers froitiPeoiriasig
school, iasndl .Mr Hiditay, wsoi'itss issnlis
it0 Miiciigai's dtsastisears.lici-
gan hias tutw' ionstwiecnty-oneiic st of
tirt f e'ie'v'ntcseisicti victiesss.
.Xi'tangcti'tts hisis'stt! saetis'itsub-
isti fthespechsi o f tiii'eigteenticonff
testants. 'ihiesc tillfurfishinsi fosmas-
tion wh 'iicih is ts'sistlt f mothtiuus f
AX Imeeitg oift sftthe s'pr t'ettlii'ssof
the mncmbes'sof te issgic iwss hlin
ftse Auitrium i Ann xit Frtiiay safter-
noonat. ProfessisorHochiss of Noti-
wsern, Xir. C'handleirssitCiicag,satnt
Professor iTueiliodosf Iiciiglitfwere~
fuereSpsenivelii's. Debiatig polesisct
iscsc discusssi atitiaragmencts were
imadeicfort an aittsstitcitts'it of tesu'
jet fosfts nxt dtelle alsi itlgi
toi alows imsasstitms for preciaaiion.
Mticiiga's teamtiisexiectd to a-
rive in AXn Arboriths iis minatg.

l~ecretry-.-M iR. 'Aris.
Thefl tit ude X fts.badofrgns
Inih n iiviu ill and olle tivlyi s ms
strn l isi i to fits's \icisiiga's breakinig
isis flitoisltse i nferns e andif liiA
Me jon hnd ih tels 5ft. ' fist it
iof gthem h fa1v 11- ibfis spoen tifonstiff
s sbject iand tweresfromtoit xpsesis i
(li o litsil5''ti't' i
Reet habu. v i vert hu ll f
knowinftos'iiganenhis's . aumi
from s icg ott'sit i 't Iime t fits FWin
uhf ifn, nd go tilt. I f ass i n faii ori
ft isig l si siis athlfitic sa tthei Unt
'sits ni f a bo' d 't'al liyii
ths c netilts will' itts t, It bi evefst
:Michuigan shoiulds i lii twithd saw fro tlet
list t d sits is rs lf.,
fat expreiof n o ~sfis vs'siws oni thel'suibf-
jectisisaid:itIsi sit i wel shouldiwstu-
draw fistmil'heiiBig inuef I bleei
putig the ics i tietastills os
'"As tiiffsisic sin ithe U ivesityil'sitsuit
tirsmeficalfits' rtssiassi sf d shouldbi
fit gamin'g' en fterpr' fiiiseb t goo'. (fits
fItaltttso t ikthast tars weihs ve it
ever, ttai's li isi ihtte bad o otrolti s sits
sit o i f firs' iasi sben voe d w

Shakespeare's Play of -Twelfth~
Night" Rendered Last Night
in University ilali.
fiss n t l sit ati his c'sls fis ii Sftsf(,
11 155s iiit fs i f th w1 ( i ltsay fiet wfis
} cia 'th t ha c c tit'litctills t if t\
sitsd fill I 55 ll igt " iflitl In i (
alI il i I 1 i;:lle itftltl(t(s (fti .s
f1' i t l, s eill ii 55 '5th t '(ec
sl h fi 4 till t, u ; is1t ists h~a e
'sit''I( il''( l 'i'ii a11 l ii l irl ,X 1h
itc fitsf stills i iHa lla t 1i
sit'1 aiis s' tli (f ll. 1uu if su()itan 5 I rts'
icrcit thuati titlist isich p'.((
5sf c1t~r andc lien~i 5155 ("(tt fafligs
I t ii' 'is ,1l- titt'f' 't(I(toii tills,
l1if t s f i lc fit m~l' tis'f1sit 'ttr ta
'situh Xis'llt't'iiusat .lsat',it s po its'
s) ,ic~ila eil' if Xiiiartt()fi t ag(~ssi'
ficr t5 is'1i5(of s't'this ci b~lps sa fKaties

tincr ll if ftesi c' ic f sst't i t' i istt'
'W nc ifS NaiX 'i a 'i it i iffs'dii
Ini i tt'ittat it~ '-tra's rt' r
"fttlt, tisci {f cti f ii i y ltt r
II r l gnil l (ili f Ii' \11I11 1 t~
I , d It is i t s -r I II !)I td :! cil
(, kec , t, g , t , ,,n~it)c ill'' st ft iiI
sill , %ll lits acrcsss H'ill i c is r
is )" ii f liiit ill' tte cit' r ( ~ r
Inept f A-)fis f Itltitfi l f i rsts t
inlltic~ cll (stl Ills wlr
csc.fil ii t J.i A rm f at app"'ills
ass itan I I~cl'r t$t er (
till tire acshift scd b 11 rc i ill
ill li i( l nl() ii if i in in i i nr T r
it t ififnvt ll t iprlls iii 5ill If istod
a ist 5 siitistts ai, a Illandtilsi
fiti 515 Iii fill.iC t irl ill i an d
1rtf s tils i is'si lls' it'tti tuf fi5alts is
(- i l't IIiii 11i55. iflist Ififi illiln
c'sp55555 ifs fit' fist' illcl cs ilcnv y
ali 551

Athlic 1'Associationlec'ts Other
Officers Without Opposition-
Tre'asurer Reports.
le i ;~ i~c i ' s'7'14 'iist s lil t' ' ii
ittt fiutisi 'i ,ii 111 iii 't''si uti its i lt'e
clcctc a ,t' ,1( tirs su)it's
(liii' l til'll1h it'.l( , + lefit lI'
1u ii slt's i''ti


'1.11 hilsl.tii ii

aai l !ii t'il{c.
f tli i . ,111
is'1 i'll's il" 1 ;l it~ t1 iii
F li's's i ill
)l111sfli' - fitll

'I ilt uft (I ii.
ll , f > i1, i I la la, ;c' I
t;r i l i i tlilli i
Ii~ ) I1'' it lt'ii f t lt
1 ,13 1 7
'. {I f 17.
ti it} f
s lt il
jo51 .}()

Charics D. Williams

University Hall

To Night

f' :

(I t a t lii f 'suIts tilC It' s is i t11ii1s t' iVit.ll
1 c ( lus srt'lit (i Icut l ' itt c ', lt IIi'
ret tIll'cslugLg Issit ii's Crafl ilf
clent tiff' idctvo''' 551 11d'time wii
si itrisigiu(,f vtvsh isussgisuisug> iWiss' strs'

'i is issOi uuiOi''i
I is" ITI'


H10IfH HO.NifR(CfONF1i(Ruit 11-nd1s t ofusi s t ee1iltiypesd
ev r cion l as t ()Is is is's 1 1151rtt rl
Atia mtin hg offit ssthe drns ian- u1hb Id steppdi;111(1 tuitted and
gsussgs''Xssfro'thtiltsdutfmtiltsistifti it iii ll' t ill
Nuts HaveniFuni Co si. sassottIimsi' ago
ltiste 51 5 I sustaiim ,riufusi u tit iuifioli
i rsufssurs Scott usas elcteds prcsidentlui
ofth issoiiotutu fot.lCus s i nts'y'ear sit. I i'
'T'eisi s ciinis 'uath mo sutiiportant its ii fil iii il tsis'
thu's iis, tn 'stupuagi's it is'cott astilt ;ifils tsasff1 ciallfit
orit zasit i finistlsts ill'America. I iI st f, i
io sisits fris's' tw hos''afr fusch rst' I if ii iits sfliutiftno feiShe fur s ist ip' usfsr
Enish Ft n1h511 i rmttilt S pa'is hti' asd p sto7 il te pa , se raie e
otuther upmo ids'n l ig r's 'I t is mafu r Xitsits ;I hefist sh t si illeini X the'ss
c n li isnit io f isiuWih 'iih s 'ttf lliii n i, ili s ii
spitao O'n'ceu t us ui in sev icifuriosu i vet istii Xifss iisii
fi t he'r' ttu is is' t its' irnchif coibineiand Vionft1',ti 5s Xii'

ts' Xlicii iii l 'rc t )iltti ill s.a
pa cr o iii c'lleg 5to 5 51.d 1'
fts'ls''uitiftiu ofiltsii i i wh'ii i ch li
is I) Iifise heliltheif ii tillslutistart
Ill ch . i 1itriu i f iii ii uI r 5 1.15 an'5'


1}is if li's's' fist',, tilt'

c t>3Jc tc
i ti it:c

iw onshift(]tua ssu1s) lifts
ctav ;tt lh" l .nt sutst ~fist sit
tr~a~nr~r %%erI- fill s ar Ii-.I ltr
III: c c i, t a l aiII v I S . if 1
iii r]si nalg r a all t e :r
rI 1 1- ii t~i t + cs t .t I is iil
ti n a i,1 1)' l) ti 'flnul l rfss i

l S~lsssi fo f i the , us ii suit Oiu1is s lfusuts al
( whic usp s a'', to e g~ r. 11
!Nst'i'fthlt'i i 1Pu 1 litii7 II p lw o
it's;'; isstuflAISpXfiiftg, Xia I t i l<'(i
his ; Tii ifsan Inere iiiw
fts "oet s wllal 1b h nde15ff h,
fstsin i 55sf erfl, nwn55ff hi',ilascill li if If
lit i tso seak ith i thli yi;j
I ssta t iltofs sjrT h i sh ;rc Al
fticts sti st it'e bf it' P1 theIf it ilu s (,fit :si
all studentii it s I itt pauifif ii , ;
ff1e I sit i ,I~ e 1 b u r

'ii ll




TheInlnd erMI or the Restfl
The nlader-lONumbers of the Ye.a...50Ub


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