The Michigan Daily
ANN ARBOR, \I1IlA.\E N51)Y ~EIldi) ~U
tlagoffin and Graham rlost Probable
Candidates- Rheinschid a
Tlbe footbaili catittiof t1007wlliiir-
ceive its initial impeitusthis ievening
brough teletec i ofaptain. Jdgei
senirs re lieeilogil canidai-tslfor
the captincy;iwile Rheinschild Ilt lc
iear's itea, who w il] bea sior next t ix
sear ias lieii]tspokeni (f a5at iieligile
tre wsiv kny Te cidnttoiiCa p
taini ttrtis lilt soifar delaiyed ithyreg
la tcorse tf vnts.In ifactviti
tureiiviwiill i libe tn un ftiisonic till
afir the holias.
DL. IDuIniiiaip,latyear'var ict stot-
tevichig a Keiiyotticlege. \Wihile
workiiig il the gyminiasiiimi therv, a few
iay vgil leibaly sranelhi burr.
Itis ptrobableithaile will11vtioivaii-
dego reatmeteforCueveeral iweeks be-
fore le aniagai eer iupo ii mork)
t Keityitt.
IDunlap i viaumenber ofite fauly
at Keityotias i istrictor ieof hygienve
Ini conineeio with hi ivork le has
chargevof fotboial, laselland otrick.
U~nder his instrutctioit the Kinynil i-
lege teaiiithis fal-didiistoteivereelcreit1
table work, le est tone 0atdetvouu i
years. FTe tean wilt very ligit, ut
fasiail aggressive. Oeli wsahelil
tia a o-ri sette, while in the gamie agais
Ohio Weternth tiieams screi 12
poitsi. Te es work of the sasnt
wathatvilagains Ohio Sae, wictiltwasi
heldl to a sore of six poits, aloising
Ohioitas nitchlias itat tivmail vlltie
As soontias iftkneev-peiits, IDut
laptiwill return t Keiyto iii mei
liii ivitk there.
0111ho l'Iliil CURS
The Ohio clt iet leli a stioker
at their clirots Mondruay eenig.
Aftererefreshmients ad eeiisered, the
eveninig ia spent i itgitg antItell-
in stories. A iquartette oitleuat o
(htio mit eliepedl iiovmae te evning
a pleasant one.
Al. Carsion, represeltililg the lie
Four railroatas tvirlelsen -itd vaa
ion rates Iwere araged fr Oiiotmlie
wishing raeir i iformatiioni iil leave
their names at the riaoums. Special irii-
leges in the way of a1n extra coahiadi
seper hvav bien gratied povis-det a
suffcienly lvarge pity ciii le seuede
lD. hBioyien Nins, insructor f pin-
niacy ini the Ferris Insitute, was Ihe
victim of tn assault last week by one
of his stiietins there. r. Nins wax
until last Sepembtler ainlsrittrin
the University .nd irveeetor ioi the woerk
ini the puhysiolgiecalemial lorvitory.
The conbat was the outome of anis-
uniiierstaiidiiig of several weeksildra-
ion. As ai result oi le affair a ittit-
ee of tie students haviergne ou nitiiia
strike, but tie faculty nirinbers sustain
Dr. Nims.
Moieled afiere the lue of the Acacia
fraternity, a niimber of youig womnw
of the University of Caifornia have
organized a Greek letter sorority to
which only studeiits of the Eastern Star
are eligible.
fiere alliiwascsaid anvii neandth
prr it f Presideiti Angell hdballe-
coetepropetv-ey of le ICiferity.
t task ffidfingaisuitaivbl'plae to
hangiitiiwlastoeinvfkinusig ;tu iti -
viiiy Itwsncsary, tof cur si, vt
it be a place of ptoim tft nc, atI i a
bidingitittitnis frequetedli. Ese-
huhv is itios to visee it wsere i
livuldb ceil iit ll. Flhe ideaiof
teatgllery wissearly giveti til. Lii-
leetit) Illl ws isuggetedilt utsemed
scetedto i f iitt -neusitoe eaievrly
ilflian liany i i iotherlac viBt evenuiithe
In the fiiirstp1ace, thy mllspaciiievi
exceidinlgy im eigret, aiidItcget le est
effeit it it s iisaltnottoiicrowdvilsueh
work as ktis aitin111hg. Anothier difii-
li t.i iAlilit e na t rl lih tiitian tpossi
tie get lutst viomle foteillthe siiismal i-
At ietc, thisiis intirlely ustliiiuienu . Ti
rettis li lvIeri light lusel vt
ini ftonti ofithicturivie. Atgeter, the
I val ffet iiint ,iiIis giiidIas itnmigt
Whereii the ic iitiler wiii ultimttely
havnug list liibentdeiedi upio, ut
helibrhrt is itfoundtit iisvaltgeter
likvelyitaiti wisill le left whiere it is
for ihe letst Ill iis very prbaldta
whetihe iii iiiiiiiliIbiiiligis coitplle-
Ilivias1benlcuggstedl ihaville Uion
itlisipossib l i tth entswouldnot
conentto liegftihle portrit in ia
1omrro n Nhtt liii, Itililvi
club willgive itiigmiail thu i inli
live tinespinhutand Iteilt liareil -i
lies t litetiestic
NWili,iiiiBI.Clarik. Sheidan Dome v
ifter. Proifessor Sage adcifiIiie lind
Professor Trebloodtiand ife ill vii
th inesititto(f honor.
Jt'NlffIR ItP i,
1Gil. 1117 (11St N 1(O11AY
TheL ntiii ee ite oc1 clbla
abo ut deidedl tponthe lit i hichii idicll
be giv-elin iuir Ihop ixtik Thiwor
of preparig fr this itniuialiplay ias
itteli gouig ilt rapily lbs lst fha lis.
N miiefing,-tiasibeien cled for tday,
aiic aii i dIuievvtor fuse theplily silt is tprobalethatiativ ue
reeariusitig Iwill beginThurdaylu.
NMinnuesotiia i s deciedltolloodNrh-
rupifialitlher new a thetic griavni. he
vthlttic boairut of crolh of ilie uiviier -
sity recive ta iee tieeting aIptir-
tin igned-ilbyi ovr tit)hiiudeduiscii-
tentis asking thatiiscvht actinbtenv.
Asvca reut lilyliboari itlte iitoivieethe
itl prvipaevlor lodin ihg t uoncvi.
i lianit-ure tlowleinug perfectediforfeterie-
rateiiho lick yto le pvyed' oithe
tew rinth
I Director Stagg of ECicvgn iiversity
tnt in fixvor of vny- radical chage
>iii the fotll - play-inlg" eles for 1907.
rfir lie says that- the nw slyly- gaule hat
luau vetlbe-en givenl a suiffieient tryeout.
ANOTHER "M" MAN ii IftXiI 17CllI1yl(tESE
FOLLOWS YCST'S LEAD i il tihl -l-i
Cl____-Ii tit ttcli t l xc l-iitutu- so iton ea
"Dad" Gregory, itormer Center, to ut tit c tttIl iteul l lii vachyif vrvitgitIg
be h1arried Thursday-Practic- lvuu t te li)rt hicttrers t(,lie gl-ul tutM
ing Law in Seattie. OI t titie edlurfing1hue resti(4fthue i
- ~~ti-u. Asill f it u-s dt le s, ctuuiui hleli-
C~ettet \1viiiauslt Iitt o a r-sec. iuutt-i ettnlbh as h-i betie ts cienuu i ll iii tii-u
-- -- ita Vrc l l ii :ichto ift i s
tart ill ta t N i thei i-il i-isit- hit
cuii N i ofI the iii -tilt litittit -
stt1uingttt msi c ii iit t itlieit iiii ' ii-
oy g inaeIi mn t l ivdeat-
hri has hetiiz ticticutu huts plie sso
huh tde u tter;md wasiank l
th e till het iii i cii t tiutiof v ii n --u
iiiaw s h o l t i to t i igt-li tout
tutve Nill-Amiu ica ton n u
exrsedtereadin whtu icih hewa
ntur jokvf werihgiii rre tev ud
callin tut huts odI e m ii, lc
fuul - Xgli, aIl fteif the 1 ii xi ;
tng suuuutiuii ldatesc uiluig i the factltha
A m when dattes lt en vii uuui u
therei tu i iv t a nill it s tci ,(n th
lpiiitil) t ih it tic n ntl h
c u I v)liuuson u Smiith, lvanuaryviie
CaC iiA.I,. uminis, (if tillvi, lViir
); tvield . Pirme-u-s, it-h tuivti 2.;:
c ts arh tih:-Wl im tutu i it s
C 1h'RC I -iRAiiiiIu
1'.:\ Iii I I liv tiIt,-ti
ta e tung (Ifithue Ceretli- wai
Ii uuuuuuuuuuu liulul in Tappant 11i1lviii
pres~lcn ()fthe ~crce ani-i vt-i-i101
loot it , p e oln . iin tt )
ii I 'i i-tt ,e 1"1 ( n r m c~
thatii te paut ih teurce i t
ite caii tspin;iil b -ic Maad
tlc 1n< g~rrc ibiM tict iii k i
X yIiiiiby iithem ini thueit asii rfo
Will Add Coiiecvtioni of Stories of Co-
lege Life iixhiiiion of Rare
hooks aiso ilanined.
w ith -ll ,lu t u-if will (1 l 111;- 1
it1til t l iilit''-(11hit t t 111'1 i-u-i(tt" 11:1
1(t' (hut vt-ittu1)111 ith iviuc- I ii.,- i rc ii
III] I cliti ii i rl h d tt ilic~i t
fli 11111 - -u ii v 11( citii - lti 'ti
-T c _1(icc to hit Ci iii,- ; 1,h 1( f
1111111'1 o i(i i Ic1 (11 ( o l ('
1'(11 .uitutit tlll th y 1 :111t 51'(+111
ii ii( , - ttiiuu (t i t t( vii iv tlt
,cii ar iiii1, lt (, 111 l i
tutu i (ch 1;;1( t- ~ti Il, " 1) :11
1 (111" -it I:> H i l 11- r a(i6 ) ti r
i ic(iat l afc hehi-1;1;
ii ii i -it i tutu10(1 i i l, I 11r 11i , 11
'1h u ;rla u y 1ctn-, f tuiu -viAi OIii ; i ~l 1A
Cutit iii f i w siOhin h ih- IARRIIti A ' W I AN,
tilry tutu-- ()f tIN u iti tis c>lt- it et uuu ueeuv-uuuI tN hees NKimtigiiti ll
ini ll( iiaintuuuiI i i v tutui ph itu h - it- Im " I c ll N gl i.i ss tv l tirlt l iii
It is. liii lii thatiav i natuuvi l t it ii " ll liv huticlt, ls V d w cai A r
l t irlIo i c tut u ithfcr \ c tii i uiuiuuutuuvuuuis aii u. tutu iA the tutu- ii
<ii ii -
\("I .;; I"( )( )'I' }
fult i t tt i t t
I~t r liv- r
i(Iii S(ii itt7 vttuuuvuv -vii
the cmpus is tc msit-vt '1tutu i sui usuvus iiit ul- tu tutu drigi t
ili n theuiuuluuuvu c u-tutun tutu. 'c lwicihutw ii i u lc t hesitighsuts.
T ii- t hy ii uisue unr lii fee tulont g ()ci ic an tliii ;ftiict-i c
abo t iel fet f atr. Itis utusor rtutu it iii us d i rri i u-tii-hu
exei tut rp ss by te ifa fn i sthe i ii of ipro celling tti
tngunerying ii iii ltist. lv ii Ih tuitu tt sc i p. 'tuu i'ltc ig his arcisut fa
mouuldinugiuututu iiof the-ilay or f tasty spc I andit he limttutu d c dl rc
m as I'heii formiii t- . i rstii c shaped ilit) icilindriftIuica lupp rtiuic ti mintut~f a
1I, Erc fr m tutu . clti5 I itlusthe i th c c e in i iu e f e
ho lw pafinuuuuuuhuyu i ii Iac iot. I ii tur avcaedan lohtiianthi s lilt
th atutu r e v fo u( thy ittu ii tp festelatrssa c
tlactui a lmchie w ichaliis tefl- i i nd usof uuuuuuiitlwok ua
ituiug tomtu hut guvinug cis-metryt t it made i llt i ii cp ttu ii lsti
figure. u ii ii l : Ver'y s ii - ( ii tsts liii
Just nowithe clas is abot to tmae made ithlakIhutfrigluti diisig t -Ns.r tic
soeunexvpveriments uvihldei sgnsof cufeu-a ic.. ocean freughuitr trey-estetiis
ftrtight vt-sc-i. lihe- t-huhut it o fin dil year, ciusome lumore- expeuru-uicns-will iii
th .tile tof vccsse luvhat if i =,vgiv-u-t tis-- mtvdel- witht lvki- feuighiii-r.It. is fc tut ii
ticm ntad udelie trtiniut-itt~~itin a thatuhuvutclityvavht u i i-sgi nd t tu
u-ill tffer thue hevastresist antc. Severv a-lieps tf elciwuill aisut hli(it-1
ii ii j vt tuithth liii
ii tcii ter f l r ric-c l ii
p c l I iiI t ufut ttu I
ii v-t- t'u1111i~ Sjcit liii
ty i it ii,- it -t itti+ l li n li fc i t
lull ht Ni l hlg t a
fi tilt -i ccI ra c t ) .
r{,tt vi Ncct An 1r o
natI cti i t-il iiit iii vsc'
not lateir ithaiitIiit ii
I'I'F, II ht ,
;111 tiiuut -;
I fiuvi it