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December 19, 1906 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1906-12-19

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Fancy Vesting and
Window Display
The largest and most com-
plete line in the city in both
Scotch and Worsted trous-
erings. You wssill also find
our prices right. We guar-
antee perfect satisfaction.
G. [H. WILL) CO.
311 . tate St
That 'will b t a 1i 1111(1to
(~. aad a Wl aurn Ior
YsorFn Ito t ii II
tfifwta pl
linty 1 is l1 slss
the c u try leanc . fts .s liiu-
ctesax t 'I oiuai n. LI. i e
Nttnr 5iuie i 1erkhire. AdbHle ~ y ftrRsoaini
certain )iihtut I glih ''I's
Evr ma' i bray atth Clsi,
Ooealf cI i 'Si ihim ofthelssie';
Christy, Harrison Fisher
and~ U. o M. Calendars
The tudets'Booktor
Money Loaned
Witelesad Jwly rpired
Biargan n Watis himonds


i hl dily I00la , xcpied) drn
the college year, at ity Enni st ashinigton
street. Bellphone 92. tiose phone 76.
EdtrAthrC oud11 Manager-C. E. Winstead.
... ....... David F. Stevetnson
bib] ticsre ......Robert 11. Clancy
Esil 1aige...Henry A. Montgomery
'sleic od lDramna. .Pant S. MoovrerI
h F se'Editor .....1Loui'se VanVortis
EGege A. Osborn J. Earl Ogle. Jr.
Harold C. Smith
H eery F. Schulte Glenn D. Bradley
W~illiam A. Mulhern Floyd It. Jones
('hauncey IBoucher George Hi. Hobart'
A. F. Ritchie It. John Wambiold
J. \V Mc'aodless Guy P. Blis'
lirin S. Cody William F. Gradollpn
BUIESSAFliii F Wre iaryi ll

I'm, liiidillc"1euresed by tieseii
:.1pit-. it() c ilmn moii re clearly their
'1 :. i I' li ha gs i~the 'siT
. ' I c. ec I li n t r ii
ai ti, :the isem'iiils ofsthe
;n:liwollig certinihiales of the
'i w ' s l ithil st the apprioeal if
Dlrs 'I l ls 's:ill in iet o stisitioiiito
I ' ills ie t 'I i he ha u iitlitiedlthe
.im' I \ wlo tiii that' lie iiistruc-
soel~dllgilltt,, i icts' higher steals
fhip Iuil sI thaniiere' indicated by
the ''lie t i il t siand tht i s i n-ii
due sill<Ind ad vils'have alraye beeni
fo cIise'l'h .iii s andiilcarefitu 'l itiiug.
'11e 1Ii us sinserely regrets if thii
cditial'Ii is'sd iissiornig Ceede
ouglt ssf Ii ileslsist fsr such ia elassas
O l!e X III i iiii 'll Is slto evelop.
Indic ths is paiethii orosIiuugihlytueliees
ii s Isili' siii iiti , e e of suh a elass' anit
«tdd eaietoseitsuuembesurstuham-
olil' tc, sc eS'.llliIiiliistS 'ei
llots that the i''tssiii'iisi ofs the pa i
f(% laysitill show fulturie classse's tie
valc o adecntcisiiiiativeeitial
1)cyit I s members leeupect to
,Ircdini siuielisus 5as silife aiirk.
It Nias; 'tttere it was tssrii;
Istsowesdsign.,i f iin '~g iwiin.

('Cait It Main ttiis andsevrlmr cniud
ii IInc wrsitiieni's ibe'ing won-
RATEnS: $a.5u per year, oan$2ana it paid in dIrfuissls us i illsif Itle flaig wiicht
adnance. Ila, (ssual'siiusiith Ie tLihiie'st lag
AdidressCliAS. IE. WINSiLAO, IBusiness .Ipldcifw- ssct. I usmostis js it, hid
Managen, 22 S.12th St. Phona707 L. not Isiket sle a hammiier, hut if the
Ofitteiflourns: 12-34i in 1:3i0 and 6:34ito ta 0; p Si isha nt fsound Iit ipossieito
P~. Mi. taily. li ' he isiiijC C
Addreuss: Ali 'ItC . POUt~NDt, Managing jI i1vI~iv htthe s tutistiw'osulid
liditor, Pit5 Manran. I
Officesfloar; 2 in 3 P.I. ai l's s att risc ba lat; on their iii ii re-
lEucnptttaaday. 5 isnili ltiiW havlii'eiicitlciieiitiissigi
(f i t ' lurs it New it r 1:30sis 01 1:10i toIPncluau tieciasis andisss iiii'e ioles
tissile 'u it ic ini ttsissss C, Fiviirsiiy 1ssf I ilils si's Mll, liiii wei ait h avse,
Hall to muh sntien ti joly thei'ility
lcal 'of1()d1 stil oassitiig ti the
C hicc/c i suh : coditon sc ertainily'
en lic iithe fi s uae t he Ii naiiiiii. If
I' iiitssr'Tdiy --1ENRY F. SClULtC,F trst silroghst aboutt polii
tiississi onnaiflaste it;gthe
\ 'l ;I>\}t1)i i'iissru Iititagitie),esiri'
______- hse" i trc i'sutcrt usessceoldsith liesit
ii ihii ugIltis'seiiies i heiiliiiiisstle t h nwpsco
I'resel lliii laii's eiiisiceee 7:30) i ii, Iin, t i a dsesi ss ulisulel theI l
isc.t -IlIiestiesil reitsal, ''Beethioentll', iipsycshopath iic.'T'hiereci'ldlibte n
is' 'shbtrt Lsickwuuouu, ittFriezesI~e s itting waii l wh'sitihtos lepietutate
NiiI i sit I s ilt thes is'iiim ili O iii 'il isiho lisireid titesc
I 55 hissl ctllug sIft Pilolosisgiclscii '' gh Isfir ils'e uuelfsrs' ofithis U.nivse'rsity,
cit1 n ,tiiiiiiti Ilsi1,11,a i l cnet'' ioi uwit theis ugee-
t :0 ).III tc~, w siltat tihe sevseral Ui'ser-
Iscc.si0-lectireiiy Prof . Bieiat desir } IiiiiliIi shld he iigi'sn itic-
Iicc 21 Universit)' elsos's inthe evn- tri''s'ithe iiiiisdserv e the dig.-
inig for Chriistmiiasiholiays. illsof itiiilimesiisd it'eibilii'e'etthit a
Jn81"ccssrsmdini all ste- 111's n tiiiiiectioni iwoui lditteet ''sithi
Uis itils ils al. I'll(- ai ly leasis ithii peiisurei t hilt'


ndintth'st iadihig of sucl iiiooksiait
is c'nstideredl as isteu, andwedoa e
liiv tha ist store ns' coisllgelf-an XM AS -
tntt i tllf r~l i t«.d S GG IE STIO NS:
hoosss maitsie sdelightfulreaig ad h
librry austfioritiues are to be Icugrat The Michtgan Calendar
lated uponsthteir sletioti _TenUcandrfr1 7
_should cotte first on yiur list:
Better thatn ever and costs
MUSIC AND DRAMA only hafas touch as formtery.
Price 25 Cents
Ah Beethoiviett trograitti s tos Isegiven
ini Frieze i Mitnoisl Hlullthis sfts'r'oontVerses-
st 4 :30i iseissk y lbshlert Locikwoodsss, s B'sRichiard R. Kirk, Idieto-
tti secn s''liitof his lhistiric at illoireci nrie et., 1; pf iM. Jutst re-
tats, ''ii coeiiirt, spplemettiailry, it ceivedh.
ma esid, to the oie giveni lt the Price 50 Cents
Sehl slof Mulsic'oil thi ettitning sof De-
cemettlir b6,llshsdevts''ed aeelnic'ely tos
Bctocsholtdi gi'- itt exceentt Michigan Souvenir Books
idea ol'f thei 'sariety's iswell aisheIiety25 and 50 Cents
pring r he suhii li rks iof le great cosi-i All the special hoiday gift
poser rI'liiliesprogramiuis as folos: ' hooks, caletdars atndhsott 'en
iSisiti-ii-i-Op. 31, N. 2, ini)inor.iiis e irs in wsie seletion.
Lrg- allgro; aagiso;5llegt'ett. W H
uon hastiO .iii i n CI i iti'
iiissionti;i ariettsiai:lsigio iii to sti-
For Christmas
wiiek w'ill w'iiee si revivl a t tileDe- NEW POST CARD ALBUMS
rit Oitersahouse f uthe eoldsmith NEW PHOTO ALBUMS
coiedy, lis"SieStoosistoisCsoiiie t'sWithi NEW SCRAP ALBUMS
hhIla iHiu I. ('rails'atnd IMiss EtisJe ff-
reny il htthe leaditug rols Theliteii'ii I ENLARGEMNIENTS
tiis Iidehsi'bed is, alhaipytliJaethpisis Nthng Mae Anepabe.
seting as it dios the' produciititu ofI
cassic thast has u'ithstooedultu tst sif EASTMAN'S
ti tuite rpreted by aniie o tutisul i' Christimas Kodak Box
geKcasut of play'ers. Conitaiis ecnhu ifor515iI lniteures~
fir. Crsaie hIsis tarredshini "SlurtosuJush the Thing o
to stu tonue" in i clijiitttissiiWith Suaet A SISTER or SHALL BROTHER
Robtsonianin iihis Sqtuic lrIcastic
wasss acisowledgedl thur lst chiraciter Kodaks from $1 up to $35.00
pteayll'he lihais yet givenutosthe hAm- A FINE LtNE OF NOVELTIES
eicui sage. .Hiss Ellis Jefsresis this IN MOUNTS, FOLDERS. SOU-
bst l's in I harshastie thi nh'igishi tage VENIR GIFT ALBUMS, ETC.
ha s oeseentiAdetothhl iiie es, wihiei _________________________
is of ani all-star varety, 'wisltls fundsuis Ne'w' Post Cards
Miss Marhigarrti]hue, ste leaintg liii' EVERY FEW DAYS
fuse JshuulDris', andiLlesli's e enytilerom
Ilichalrd 'sIaliuusiel's company. LY ND~ON Photographer
'ste.,(Cranie is sell k'ussui'nito lituer ii Tet. 109-J 719 N. Uial. Ave.
auine.Ile is a coedttianiof theuold
schooisl, vuls sidelightted lss ci ratgn-
ursuitisof" thetre-geoers, Mss Jefres The Ann Arbor Savings Ban]
is tit soswell kntilswn, as this is het aptai sosc, $50,000. srpus, $200,000t
first hitericanitoisu. IttIhEnglandi, how-i'' Reouress. s$2.00,W
ev e, siielihis a reptatiintfor rare Nire A enralItnking Busanisan sa'Iniictd
satilitys andul artistic abilitys. itrnntenis sCPhns,. E'. iisusus Pres.;'sW.I
'hue enugagemenut is scedueliledl for te Harrimn. icpes:'s elt. tansi
ecuili gs f h'eerethsr 24, 2s andil216,
ws'itl matitinees onTt'utesitand 'itil hheus- ct Spaldig's Oficial lit
day. BallGtilde Cotaiigth
_______ labl'sNew Rles
B Iisell carpiet sseep'IIPIa5 tierwihsul ipcte i teush by i'siii
Situ's r ueVhitonttrug, a lust's dsko { tampilis thislaret but
Bal id ve uh'lis
or a tusiic cabinuesill certatEttb ' ~I i inymFuloftt01si sill usu'i
i~o ctts foureast's
a titlst desirablet'Christmias presenPtt .'schesduls; ' .alAIll s rev orris;ses ill t's
havue a stplendlidlassortmtentoef thise se ir ....40 la slan iee 10en tsi. A. o
SPALDINO A&IBROS,Ni i'icse, Chtuiso
articles, lutis, whittis 'verys'impttot't at 4'siLIust'Sallin sc tnato ,.e re
thte right lprice's. 'Martint I Isuhipr'c Fur-iiBost.'WshigtnCncnnt,Blioe
nitutlre, Carpetstud iDraperys'Store, 1ItSendtlusiiiyo u she lans :tiafeeIcoyofu i tsi iht
ii-l 'hilt 1tub Est Liberty's i'ei't lus-75 s'scut'suusu urehls atit) icsills 'su i t l heneill
si's'ss'siu~lru' siulsius'''usssui'


hIss uIng this slay'sthis' uusus u'i'uusitofus
I~~)his hsuuci.'tapproaschetdibyhis'-
''i h''' , tos 'iisiese .1Walter isseiis

isi1isit be made imores cinspe'tp'byhistle
iii usi wseicessof tbooks w'shich
s hill sinclu e storiie's if this'life itt var-
isuis collegs throisusghoisstIthe eountttry.
\c do lotlliive thitther titu' Own-

Holi~day Gifts
'Thl ot ii a~ppop ipaite nImst Papphreciatedl gifts arce those
wh'licht perttttain 'st iversity' lihe. A fewsustggestions
University and Fraternity Seals,. $4.50
University Banners and Pillows, 50c to $4.00
U. of M. Calendars, . 75
Waterman Fountain Pten, with solid
gold band and University Seal, $12.00
University Pins, Brooches, Fobs and
Match Boxes, etc., 25c to . $3.00
The Store oaf thne Studentts, bay the Students, liar thue Student's

Thursday Evening
Thursday, Dec. 20
6:3o p. m.


S. L. A Announcement
W. J. Bryan Samuel W. Gompers
Chas. A. Towne Leland T. Powers
Robert M. Lafollette Albert B. Cummings
F. Hiopkinson Smith Oratorical Contest
Booker Washington Creatore's Band
$2.00 GET TICKETS NOW $2.00


1) ! I




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