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February 17, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-02-17

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The Michigan Daily



Whipple Shows Up Best of New Can-
didates For Pitching Staff-En-
tire Squad Reports Next Week.
If ott-half, of the aunanoce of freh
man material were to1 e aaiahlel for
the varsty basall tearn this year,
G~eorge I lob 001wo(1d(1owell 1to look to
Ilinis' 1)0prestige 0on the diamonotd. PTe
Miiare beinlg luded to11 te sies tiis
year, and11 it looks as if tie will hae
a fast laggrega"tilln, int onIIpreent pos-
pects0Michigan" c hnes fot retaining
till'tite of preminer lorelellers of te
west lookro.
Althoughithie 1(u11 111111111as0not as
yet eel) as1kedltolrepo1r ttteecage of
tile glttlasimttis 'lread-il lel t11is
capacllity Itwitlas(rnts forvarsitylho-
ors. 1Fuly thilrty pttcrs an1 athers
tave ikeenl worktig0(outilh' ast week
undcer the supervsion(f Acting Coacl
Sanger adtCaptai(11(t. IA-t leasthalaf
of temnarcfesfthmenltCand111conIseuentltty
(pelk two twibrlrs for tils years ean.
hn iteenb tirte 111encit (f cad~iates
beg~ins worIIkIlext1weekl, it sill lbe fond
J ichini~g sIff 1and 1one 1(11f111d poition-t
1,1(111 is in moo d shapie 11111 with1Jnter-
man11 w11ill be (iell to1tlke are f te
receivin~g e111 (f tie gmte, whil CI-
tainTt'aft at firs, Kelley at seco)11(1Put
withlNIagarity 1as ltility tinfieletoI
mtake tie Ioter 11011 Iustl or teir
jobs ((ill Imalke n(ill igtintlg fa101in
fielld. If-Capain NWed~el tl d Carre
Carroithers (Viillhe ileigibl,(sio tha
the on~ly veteranl(llutfieler', 1) 1)1
are SllivananI~d Wheller.
from whiciehlto ch1(11se 1(l tielelr, th
olnly conernt exterencedlis illrgrd
tol the big hole lft by tie loss o Siage
1a1d1 IeNeff. Howlleeir, Malrtn1islge-
(1(1(10season~s, a ndltie Californian i rll
unobe lyIe aledl uponltIto doth
((tl Iof the slab (((rk. Motoml~i~sing~
(f tile 0candidates for tie(tier placles
1o1 lhe twirintg staff are Whippe, Sib-
lee, (itzan1111 illerl. %Nhiplltis0tie
suchi a goodl imprelssion11 (o0n :c~lliter
1(111years ago, 1but1w(o11(1 nelibl
at thalt timte. Besides baving eery-
thinig0comm~lonto ilelft hadl erslhe 1has
tile advanlltageo (f hainslg iperfet co-
trol. iTisws ho10 wn01tlill hs lVktt
ill tileage ysterday aternon whIrie))
erwrr'Taft calledollfor it. Silley 1and(1Fin-
ery lreibott godli 11011and will prob-1
ably be import10111fators 1tolbe econsi-
eredi Iwhentit elomlps010to ch 1oig tie
team11. ()it/ (111(1is a cosinof1)11111
star rllinis11 tirler (f tesamenam I~te.
has a -wordIof speedIIand11is5climetloiII
(lire tie((ter treuilltrmets. Outfider
Sulllivan as ilseen1 Pt tie(((rk latndlis
respon~tsiblle for the satlentI 11h1ato is
a fini. 'The fcttat olloultfilers
(hIre begun w~tork ttm111.s iilpossile
tol snalke elen a tenttve selectiot for
Thle(reel', (f IllactceCj1u1st nded 1111
broel levo~ltedl ertrelytI, tie attery
11101, 1w11011hIteeent getinlg te kiks
out11of teir ,arm.ltt I In ext week 1110
0c111 for all ecandidtles wi le madeiO
howlleer, and11ten te regllar elage
practee 0111 sart.Coaeh MAlliser
cam0eI ieet otleusiotn 1151 year that
illdoor ibatttng prtee (as Iwoshr ia))
useless, asoit gets 1110 10n1i11111tie
haitdo(f steppin~g awl)y fromttheis plate
')ing t~o illewpoor ightinIttie cage.
Accordintgyte bttig practce tis

(ear (iii consist m~erely (If workin t
MtlinIg thte 1b11atll nd lbuting practice.
.Matoager iLairdl has iieentin Monrone
for several (lays it)connttectiont 0il)thte
ease of Scoon versustshoe Atltici asso-
ciatio,00sono new deveelopmnents save

ben ad pblcill till'matte r (f te1
s1e'ltion of1(a1prfesional lV oa.h 111(11-
ever, unoficia reor 11a1it that1 1Bob
LoweI, 1t(e -1star utiity lalll f till' ill-
flr th ie 1posiion1. ,01(1c 11s1 11n1(1ndless0
I'sp ill'Ies ill tie majolr leges , he-
sidies managig lth1(1'1Dever lub1ill till
Westrntlealguec, 011 that1 a10far as1knol-
edige' f toe 11 0lc e, lil is we ill l li-
iic to roach th tileam01. L'lil MNili-
ter's1successr is1 i~oelt Snger will1
Captain Tat (ill-gI (1111 eil atile11(
1(1 c~u til- 111(1ol zoltlcr 'r ill
C000 osil lOllOI (if ' DA
med--i ica 11pat 11,t flliclebrate1) 0 1-1
lift1 V-Sevethll loll Isar 0 t ci tlc
in th a ne l llli. 11day lilili 111
TllĀ« illco sis o alectIllllol at il
o'c(lokin 1helb 11cui lb -ie in1Sarah
CawIl' el l alfllwed 1by1,a1fac-
dane, ndr 01 s (nc i iBarbouir
ill 11111 11111. in thl~o~ il i,1 on11 ofI the
dci115 ha ll th inlcs of thellii i
the1 Ii's- (ilne''nd1111111(111otilh-
Thoon willlie Iwo loer etertin-111
men- giv1111 ~ late. nil wl 1111 lce
WoO , Jll' tir1wek in ar ian
ho1li1111. Rach11Of1these0%f111 e h1ld
i11101Barb og ~iiuN a([ tl cl1 s
Th ui 1progra Frido, ylelnViht1will
ml'lne. Nlidance.
rll t l ctue11(th 01(1in,-cIll b
SJ1, imi N o diin e1111 .Nlroilso.
DoT<has c1ho1e1110olislsker 1101"Theg
101(dcl h rtlalll 1 1011011, 1111111 il 11(
1110 111111 1110 1to 510101still0mu0-
01101rte dn111ng,1Much1 tile 1h11)illis1
reti hil rgi)OllIo 1111 0010l1lIv11a1011
i'[g heio0,rn (0110 fis01kgnl bly111(irt
frli of the sersicAdprmn n

SeotrsIll tile LUliversity ofI Nlinltle-
sot)a ihave ilogl tn-earng their 01111s1and(
gowtns. '

STATES TO BE HERE I 1 Cli'1- 1,A] )i-iA'i'i l- N

(Governor Cumnins of Iowa to Speak
Wednesday-(Uovernor Hughes
Comes on Friday.
Inl add(itionll tol O lll-(llrl I lugill-o (f
NN o ulr of Nicigan,1111Iv)ae xece
deliver1111;Ifl tiladdress -11und e(the cr 0 0(111
11( Ithe 11111 ;;Indent, 11(111 10as oiton.
I~ ill 1peak Wed esdy eve10)ifg;ril-
Pikesity flal, A thesubect,-Th
Osll .l Lastiflll he wa re-el(1)11 t
Ow )111, Nroi-)ci)r111iNh NhNii-N
rml maoriy, howrMll that thNe Nreilol
11111t1of 1hi l I i c(110 ellievel I-s1he
Il is re"arc cd as a ctilee mar it,
The offcer1of(heasoiaNion IIish
I-'-o 1( 1 a ol N e taN i s Ill ntIll for1141
11(1 ho0ditiisto 11beli-in theha llilhem
orshwilhl Wnppl y o 010 n tePoole
w~oolthis1en1b(NsInpeakers o uil tr
the l(hllhcture.ua
istnts 1)11 Il101y'th1e Dltit ( ies a(Pel
hil I heill o delci ll 111 l)1111).

whch wi Il h lcdin the1)110I I yIa
la(rtr. TillIc umpis ;l~l 6 inch sill-
0citaf-( celfntr'01111fugah'l, hhlh)act,1 )
Ili(' IIff l I h~ttl(( t( 111'II II1011 )~ , 1(
I) gal hi o wterlli((hh 11110t((hllIt
hvill he (~lircIlcl l'54110 et~ o llewletical1(
c~mlpnnd nr~ic whch Ian ) i ll's
ing. nit ill b 11sd for expei menta
Ill prsc on, l y, 1(11 l isln'01 e 11c whic
'Itlshhor r11111 otechi nIf\I rl the 1 care(
Ni(ll I t ilil 110111 I fo- w jfi-
sure w ll , d ill h redI I rns
low i(he s o l p iaih wa I w l s.
A111 (Ill I ill hieha .1"1aric
in he aboatoy fom t. oui,(he re1(
NI 011041( 11rtp~ry, (1f SI nI ran 11
for x(10 1 0 ;1(n ( - ci i (15tn-
0(111 ,1111(1 lshes of t i (;ingl bcitg o
1 1n w ompet11 1 Ilellee inc1
altar has lso hi (we (ll rnl 11 I~lili
1(11 is a ile sar(hill c II of th
lirct-on ectd o aII 1 1 1 e1-llectri(
(i lll n cI to f1il h a111. fo1th
'1 1110. ollelld 1 )11, be lhhlI lrih eh,
0ce sct' 11 ti llnd ih(c-coupil ed 1,1 ill t l
-o ilo att lh hrn hl IeI'll-'' 111 () i t
111plam cd to c(l mci thll) h- -1e; 1111
17 1 ( a 1 , ii t at el t ical gilt
MIl (10 110 l 1101i II ill l-tuentslih fgIIlt
(I siytn th op rallionll hof11)the 1)0 t 11 ~ l rlh
Lincs. It is also 5 tlal-ltol-'(,111if(-,tih(f
1w crp lsl 1110 10(011- ,1( 11 -N'er
10(11 ohnle1g lyIr oS(1)111 i casItoIll
1)1( h l) smoke r n thei1110oms(1st nllig-lht
11;0111 fity-gho ollng Otlbtingti hcli 11(
'T'e 10 viw me beswee niite d

No 1)1)
Association Is Tendered Banquet at
the Wayne Hotel- Next Con-
vention at Saginaw.
ThI'll) ectl in (If(lieos1Frida1y lfter-
lit1 (hund uh oh ofi lil )u ies's of
the id-w (te 1meeihhnt~h' Ithe( i c igant,
'01ollio -10ing ;rc te(-)l h-(lt 'N foIr> tei
1(1(l) hn> cll epr irn A. L Mc in-,
'01 (Cla1ir; t 1111urr, 55. ii. ook, 1-las-
III 011110r s lectig 'Sagnaw 110 tle
(01.11 (iaiio Ill-I Itenderei')l t lllhtt~lt)'lby
0111111 1111an ohi itty1)1)1))ro ket tie
I ~uecsin (goodll I hmrllht 11 ''l e ig.
Irecll h(i lt 1 FrankII 11. (o IllI lilng mileest
fur' 1 (I illsII)th [i 011 itil l- c~~omedit
the lw 11pipc i esp'on1)1)n01toltie
(-- I, 1(1 1 C lld Ill ((I M.ll elm~
1worked(his Iw Ar Ihoi the UiverVan-
andill1)'(0oroh the proinentSbhisr.VI-
'((ii's'en of1111, lit', em rkw r
(vl 1- illd mh eI (wa 1lhihit o t orthy
snhstiuno (5 tthe 11yor
7nhcI of a p cll yfArt-rIllwIn-rh
(if (;ran R Ifids, Mr. Van ,
lcnlng ttcd-Ithe Unierstyhuey o ie
ill ills iilc wir . Ile i.sot--
t h1 id hn he al de o trh b ne
ed(ible ~s cmct(llhh o nvention 511 w ithout00
Il railroadll (('11at 0tey 1h d re
hhe,ldl fonlO' i me 11 II i llemoil.~t r~
Pr&1. 10 1( (11 l) 0i, was till I'l ett
''Ill r ill the p I Is i gr (hoy 111)' ,'sl(Ioke
I"riy ll thce~ito, Nire ttier-
'livi I sO (
1hou hi; ci1111rv mld its n ep 11111.
rcur c i ;111Oh th e 11 10T h tial in
iii nl he eNii nn otecd h
11 IM s "tr~inr b or , wlt ilt)

h-I-c el- el--Itl(y hiimintl as cahnd~lidaltles
ic-trairy I-lss of 1li2. NIT. lnd later
Mid1t on'te (if ttil linhrsity's priz

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