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January 26, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-01-26

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The Michigan Dail y


No. 88.

ltmphasiscs Inability of Appropria-
tions to fleet Expenses-Athletic
Situation Briefly Outlied.
In Ptresidentttangl' report to the
hard o regent.t, for tit' yer eodig
Sept. 30, 11)0(, teUresitys lck of
roter futnds to mort theprsnned
,If the istitution is pairly set forttl.
The attnrdance hIas bet ireasitg ra-
idly tfe faculty lis suffered ttrogh
thtr deatht an 'a tittritlrof s'ereal
of enstttintg 'ittple'atccottttttontts tot
te greater utttrttofC 01ttttdents cnn'et~
to teUniteity ar chl year, tese tt'
of tftegreatesttlfftetltes tolbe tmet
tduringthle ya'ir tree o te lest
tmemtbers of tefcly rfsosd
Pot, Pattengll utid Rustll, ae ied,
atid tire moreroeesorst 'ttl,atrgflirr
adolIfett, hfteiii I inducedtttkit
Michefigan and tatkerp woro t 'r 'Iicgs
and fLeland t n' trterd ritrsit t sit e
pctiely, gleteropprtitofr sttdy
inl research Iaviniig Ibeeti oferd Ithem.
(frn tegrotndlt at rotger tnivri-
is are mkto uch ilt itroa truon the
teachirg focttandIthat the cet of li-
itg is g rowing hig e, DI.InAtgell bases
a plea foe a moree juist sale of salaries
He ettttfaies the fat that Saafarge
university it is absoltlyneesary fre
MIihigan to entee te field rof comtipet
ion for the sericers of tefet ment
intt(th coutry.
'Theaigmenedrt teudane is leitt
fDr. Argel's oin~din, to the itr easing
numbriter f goif preeparatry 'seftos it
le westmintdftegenelraflprorrrleit'of
this setion of ierrotntrydufrirfngre-
ent years, as well s tfe spredingfitgn
fiheoicertionu that ecollege t otragitt
cites te greatest effiienctty i i ws
and Isientiework. fIIarly alio
the mre poulrar ifetpartets terei
irs benr a rerenpytey i t aikigthe~ i
reqiiremnents fire gaduiati on mitter stin-i
grim to oe romre the emularrasig still
ationttcatsedffy te icrease ii attend-
title. tIre grintrg tpier iiti of
corsesombeitinrrg foth profesier ifanl
literary training is mtakig icrerasd if
fir po tefaci t ot fte ii-
flr t si rir schoolft' is rpilyrtaking
t plaenfa ,feat iporu lcrand rigeat
tenane 1111ben 1ww ii growing rat
lir 'h atthai t ima n trscerns i
ilt ,drools sierte fir tiri f
thir wortit rthin falltwit if re t
itrs in t hisitfitufillnii til rr'irihe
Istritter sehool to agreat dfeal of con-
'i tet ort
tk rf suficieient friris lhs forcree
ieltyin themii-remodtteligoitthme dmd
ilafbuilinig andthfirereeltittsitneir
buiildingteI', esei'eiiitrncit et
little fren mitaore i ilIresfop f te
irfimvrtoriy nl a ier releetig tie
stripe ths een tiririreiffor
Ir.InAigell takes te oitfilitrri -
ferotf to tltank tfose in Irais irsr -
timter teir l~lo!ifsan estfl-w
itesttionial.liTegill f th ntrilltI
-rurl garrienitis alsr iiknotll h rgsif
iltonetion ite htlei t tri A g
elf sek tnt ft ittfthichaftetrinsi
uterI fy t-iWesterntiof. tiereice iitsii
campfaigni fire foortillf rminIleay
ha otalsiems detiedtoocuf
tniimpoittrtt plaite iintlege 1theis,
andth fat tir(eftfots it th Coernit
to obvriate' profrssionalifirsm rf terio
ileirafle fct firestill nt hfi in.
Iuneconcfusio, fDr. Agell stisle i
fpositie fat tfle fpepfle f tefir e r
satisibedf that fi( estiert is 5firig matdre
of aprprirations turfwiltpoittte liii

thre extraernrxtettitirrts wichlthf ~e elit-
bluied growti t he ro nit-in-siy tde -
m iamrts.
Cornell's total rcegistratior fertehfirt
year is 3,4'22 student.

Il{):\f117 1ff'" CI{)\TftfI I I tRS
rt te mfetin IftthI ffhletfichoarf
f cn o latr night ii'a'tionsit sI
tkentin ea tro h atteras a
whthrort Miihigaitn siii N
Irate i inl lt t rill ii ier'. miing t
c m hatit n s in11g illi net- ovt
the nt' atial' n. Theriftte-w srfre
IF( IS T'I'llH111ff tI'll.N IRON
The otlitili wtch--'Ifobis iwhicri tie'o
he ivnh e fi emerili1 of' thfer'senioe
'rigirr'er inng claittoi'all te tutel t' fis
have itv'''rrsnted 'he lailiss in fot
ball re 'ifect i''to artitriv e -ex tie-I.
'T'h se; ops are ilve, 'ing ti football
in reliefi ao e 'h l ae then' r als
tilt 7,"o atilbfineaitil the %4tintr Is li
vt sity it o f ifrig ii
Th ' re'tolhe' prearsetedto iee'
fir N-c.hs evriplyedOn i ett as
lean i tring tfi r' e yas th ls
hshesr'tprr'se'ted iniithe'interci'nl'ss
sclAn -tri ll--IrishI'temtaking fir
plac Of'r hla'stea tils ir r stya. I
all. t setr une it me111 i"All I'e r'ci'itr'ris
of foblthourrghill o is ube r
no tprerse'nt attre'ndfrng fiheIUtillesiy
Th' '''reng'neer taillatur~edifthe
yer it aed resifir t thi itls Iyear otnli
first to thit'freshlien'i r's inthfli l
gameri'ofiithlt itterlass stiltsrftelts)
A) l Ill SC ISETY i ~ltf(V
'test nil i teitti n thiIe 'tif('l li t- fr
tilty toiltt let 1ini a sotbsn
'ii ii riit i r ros in iii I n t s
tIlln fTe socityhr made frt i eesstry's
airi rag tilt i s ii tirtfe renet' o theii'ir'e
ig rpresentiteifd iiinltir tic'figi'ti'isiti.
'f~li's slfr'r'rs for' lit terins if te year
wnik'err ti atron t2Vcoka
Iv d tiles st I r to av th pctr
C~k lii itiiXlli el
limstrireasflo :
Vicefpettern-Wa -te leek

Ft. H'opkinson Soith (iave Varied mdetildt t iter tfrtdr tid 1becii sfn'etrf
Progranm Last Night- ead IFour liiringlirirthfee ttre nurto shine e
of is '.Short Storles. toti ll rmttier'ce I a fterigrft11ting sri
iithe orim si lii ithe lrtw' iftgur.'T' he'~t
'Y rn tri mti sir'' ii t hit(1m1I- ttitr risiflue tosar tilt u~lsh (
nri 'lt , w rd is slitIan mm fyir l thi s 'ii i't '0 t)to iref ect ti hat
h I hphiii 1 Sii'aiirhi ins I n i i Ifxf1 the lavhre rfaculty wtitur r'itsirfr'iirg inir inig
1< \ t, h ; s)n it If her acei ItI ' a e c! t n t i ll.
leer. 1I r sirsith i ts irishd sit the plat-1 1 licri is tilt grotinrift ht'fv er'n' )i'
wt k Intet ttri l " sttirhrinrg I I'll
lls Ov vo ls 11 st(ir iri lii('fthe'r r list I inn hri ria rcIIn ' tu in t' riir(I Tint
lark, pr(iflirt vla, in Il 'tint' IInt'l'
1 x.Ic'tl1iis ~ iildcii lirrt(
sitsv ithati' i'lssdi1srl illt' - 4ttl~-
)ga Ih 4plr ir1I)IlsIi urithl nl I IXS IS flUBIIIfSftf"f
\'(tt ,, ~ rlevc sad lr.i 'iriths "Nitil-
setir :, llcrae ( It iIs Irirwh iiir] 1 :;,b rtt h Of i iatrri t ftre tihichti hfir' etica
tilt sfa , h list sri mmliii icc liits vttrsr tlsh fis wi trid si firng fias atl t e
ih slitshoseIf uslii i I n tae letn n the h n- best ilt' tliittr's
it 1) timintle m t)he I -c e - 11( re (int salt, wi l i lt- i'thirdh is still
snu1g l 'iiv in st s r ''1'(tinsant in nim ar till,.
1'ht rac prl~ie r I;1s womw ihr 'Tfh r rk is a troduct f t i tin ttr
ilOt pr l iii s fafi t-t'' ys111( hr I tiel l abo1hr s 'if trn Jonhtsi"nson lSo itttu
4r tseriit is liii (, ia h (. )t fr-i 5 inifissi i o f inn ltol r'inithin- ftini- str
ina cnty ,tttd. ob* (Io n t k ow f ii i-A tire rmg, turf . n J. I tyft ire 'tc-
ri iv l siiaut u' 1 i's' til vc ty wI Ii i atil i r irIn 1professor1 it ianatomyr i t the
vc~i(, atcri~l m sceireurn hInnsiniml I till ~itsmy nsf \iirniga inn
11h tnt ethttt iii starit ing dvllt huh ims IT'ailt' alis isonrsisms nsf firme tilititim'
ite j st it s i it I iii~et. Ai I hllr'iig s ' It2ixl li s t l I ,ntro esi de-Igh nsrm'lt
nI( e m t44 t tliw chthe ,lnliri( h hl tste tmitnt rfritlsgnits nt igt v itirm ni
t li 'niui(s hll i lrtv ilisinl hs IssI n iIt'l'l pagurns an tt e sitin ti rui t tue wrr
Iii. kiuitit rithis in ~d~ hs ueet~nitsnt ftel tittrn'body.-he workiinil
by i ii i n t ninOf the In nc nssrl f n wl i de 11 eth ~ hrnn orfn.ancuratcisr lunst'n'tilrn'
Intb igs s rc n n nrie nnhntitlist I (- Intsxt is firm seitctlo un slrrinfs 'tntd util'-
Icnes' y ' ieytih cI- r n f tilti itrs itt Ilhs frill Ctridimc ru- hat i ti
pr sirt li) i fli nntr ies ir u rc n~h' willhprove m'fnthfun-grieiteIst v e to nt Itmit.
tol sinus' Inn' - ring aI i ~ iOi u nInns 'Th t t is a tiastci-nin-' thefre ca 1tnt hue
hadanii 'su IIhtill i i li e nhuI Inavrnni t hi. Sofur 'is ihis'sugfm ti tretat rmetnutO
ittkr wil (iea d tus ito In stll li Ithe snululnni Iris nirr'n'm bfofre'brnri at--
i nt'l 11ghrm' e's 1 tins sun 515 Of s rI iii nsliit css 11111 nlt(,tleiaI st ini Iis i'iiuttt aniti
I'I n "ruSintlhi' pil a n t 'w u ids failetots iif r uthwl iitiftain itheur - t
pliIcd his cI 1, is vm ( ce11111at tnsti t -lidthetn t- ti fiffy y r'tis
I'm u, fr s ( pn s e is srgn y ry n in't- n'I' 'Infer Eniglishi
, eiiig rut h e ar, )sIi, ts I te I 'lth in'trst ylur nn -rit a s s, as a tun-
Iflstihtglnl Inn m tltsis truss fists i- keni )fite respetiheldl fir fDr. M't~ ir-
yolii- Ingigs a tl 't ornir rn I l{ tise, rish ias iii ti'n re ttuf -Rethie rity innti
a 1r~ ing rld (-('ist, uril I.I llsslrls ir ,tInj tI til ]inn itpprii' atii of s it:i-o r'-
Smrt hi s l, r'ut~iclc Ln h~l ) irnc s' srig I unr spnth in t heit li' flit f-
aw tit' 1 i stc : p)if)i wa lnl i1 (ftis work. sa r unrratwiiiL, t)n hav

"Hamlet" Will lie Produced in Uni-
versity flallin the Afternoon
and livening.
11111 o I \ r ill it-tcill IAlmtint -
run -iat I his mo5rrrrn I~rrmeheir hre
sc ttil ils sno55f ''I ruItt his'' mlii o
ands ruvn ining fIt' oI'situifiii s ilnts
ity hac I fn~ rutm I ruing iwhIe-me'thin-I
IlL mdlafst nghst, lnrnm'srseStenuel
nm ur mu fllowIIingmis thin minslicl per-
nulelnrclitill h iss mum fby mim:
'unlatrin f'thii'du ni 'iuhstrnbi
IIrw . .Y,1 l1hre idt (154-t 16-ln{)
ruinml."1tiuuuil, slush nyu; 11511
In I kl ..i ihr Jr it ir (ilium -(eerie
I'a rueusi I I /S. inusl usI' t Its I v. l-i
It ris s t t l : Mr, ary
hi m : 1 I, nl onilIsiislmity.
"'I II rua n \ ts c'
tin-,IJshuni S lI{15.5-tfi5)
strunli m 'flit, hoings Ilim iig' Jig.
st41110 (i 111 t 18 -~ S
fa~ rit ofit uli irtt, Ii fru'
t'''fllu' r ursn Cmrrmnn
intntfd ition tIonthin II it'I t in rgani
flieth 'rIn int I "I uli ythny if n tly'
r ,in t intuf rhilmurn il - n-nsf till fur' a 60i-
intan 'ts'eltre ts sntru mmm-
x n ,. ;n I rt + il
Inn' ig Ihe nlay rih'in il l( mtrilcu'is
in~v nn in l~u ~mllres Itr
'o g oi~s nf I Ill i;i l iithin tints aneitiiati's
lih IImi inn l t a e ta iira
fi t krm i uggr's sasng Inn Yuith
bhu uI limit ovI;si's' u rlig st in- Iuns'
IfIi, tiwnignti l aI i whiihSalnilespnlcu'i
'res .hus I oh h aItlt 1 111th
tiera llc iii I I s arcngoiif
:o ttiliptrtit huh urn I ft nhieyItill h
Sr'1's'1tef Mtci't iin ill,-iin 'its' etun'
t- lsd 1thwIill tis' 111Hilhm t'a silrt
Nilii' songs'Italeratethi ssn n gcs'-its
-'sun's'e4 tllamst5' u its-' lithe stn
Ict'sioif 'I-t tI'the Itshro iet cothu'eshi
his l, c Y tt s-I1111 i s n s um nofillfl'
ha in c r "(mumli'll' gm's'nlr' i 'lst nithat
pk l I i, ftnished h'r sr mttill
III 11111 A\ hurls n .'Tul rin Xf M In 'h
tint till. h1 I icrt incumlt Ibysi Itlofes sh
ft snnn sun
\ h ' at ITna. urn. Sngl r s'T d
pet-o ,n nc, Juno 11tt a t fte fir -I
pml tilt' trillc trits'm' han t-w
'I' Idlill N', II'
't infbot'smatt 1a1ingli parutyi'wittis 'ists
tin l- p inx t srsl i ' 'ulat u'itit'n'm's I.f
Night.m AIftl mihi t cI Isilil t'l''' pnn's'
-Int n run 1nm e flt actictand 111,1h
ns iii1st ans rush eve ingit ipssed-u ea,
In l istr itul. r s h liT'e, foloi l:irit
stdilts wcstuns I rowI iforithe ots' tl
hmIrs Im N uns rn 'thsI' lsrsn,lns
Vaim I'nn iandl 'Ies, fIilifilis Tl'tns
rnull unI ra f (t- weca o tilt Ill's Ia
Itatry d nl ccla a r ntri, runsl
olI 's ).lulisvslai~ cC ,),C
It. Irrtlnr~n e, (,coi'rgc 11.If. br

Itinth WXilliamnCh. 1Ot ;-rg enti 't'''iIly 1),t'i11
s'rri I s t u t u-lit I rue ship lls i thin' Splfliti
'intl tere- niirn tc ell gehvay afierlioore

' lit lulrullIa Inn run ~r
cols'l nillt(Ii~ m

+r-Ii <td i
'tins' tsr -s16 ()
l Iilt ll"giisi
Sns . r e I - ies


('JI d l~t I tI- ft X ' 'll XI ti - ' Ih~rIl itn liyco to
-- h° ls hintirhsuhtatI r, s 'n'In ofhssn 'ths'
Thcr'' Ce ssminid Clh ecketrllisith -n helu 'an s - ani Ir 4 t t u lur ti fri s
mtin illhrtInsr- N i ianoIngallnhni rr fr Inn nslg i ne , h ,iirc~ u a dw
Ihe npur ho r of pasinfgilupo nn th mm- ii si urI Inn'' li-A this' )ill
sit ts sirnI'nia us hr O clurisn fun ~tn s ~t~' hf teta
huntbe s deif ded touf s doptrfnl Ihn'stggi's- cI' 't i)tttt~. \crs ng m ts)r i.
in. ITno lnfu te his lts nhu h e prli efitsilet iii 'si -mitte;(eh }fuir' li'nlngrI'siai-
in s luts tantll mrsmubIe'ts me tm-h i uls nt' lu--n- inntilhub - r
''m'u'nmg at 7 s'm'isi i miV.:''fC.-A. 'thcis' sit iintl tst-nt : tcntt w t
ICC hT W trl e I''-Tttt:" I octtl
ii fl l ich ilt'1 am esswit h'he ui'ini't ' l w 'I hills a1t1 a~r ttt
htr t 's h li s 'ttand C firin fris cI m (ml iii aIInut tins minI I si-i nn Icc dr iggi-il
hrIifedtat thinur e l ayed'st dur int te II ,th11s15r its tin sI ttu'is1 suin r-'
fla li'ifrhpa mr t of u nI l u s-nsf frrr egon- n i, e list slsir
11511 rut I thin hint
ine multi atilitlto dcshun tsI Iiheesniui liiuilrinflimst hush usto go ba : t
nm-I sfI heIn es lu a nt i m'hmlr'k-- s 'It is , 'j Issnul - rt
Wtill omrnvnmiu Inhnnrnr 8. fltits till 1'thi n 'imilh i1m s nm tush 'Iumn 'taror
also reshdetheindituduan l rhmpioun umlti tstea inS ~ttht l etr -'
o fmhe Intnrrsnit 'ur'sI I 'mum 'mu i~nigt,
The rr liens ruoIn till furl mc
ehatnerh suer thle fleni'thiliu 11it h ueen till I shills sinini sill ffnseil] 't 'th-
ur'ru'ru-- nro urfrom n' Chtisnua trn t 'urns ''m r, t o i e(shn I kntrsilsl Il n rriug, it Is
Inn mtumeir prpofusalh ftint eieuns ofut nun'tiniiutlitiniis in nn Ins - at h umurit~s rIn'.
gairme' s t u-hhld n i nn V 1stnt srnnmun tturin 'tlufurrrsglm in' In's'at'sin inis runs bIeirti h
rhuing thin it ntlsemnim tIn. XXW it thins (sly mm cet ih ili r mm
nn minmuu Ihelt' restidtli o fi rt I th rift ean- im t o l tsIs le ur showe hi inere meb
nf~ ivte lfrlayers o c ' ring inssinefac'i' tors stw tin'
cecker'rrrs Ill se it m nt he mi eatrnfuture Inthum costItri ted ml Is arum ar ll for then 511
inn regardulthumjiniung t t'eclriu nti tpa r s ot t he Sstim u s"' Chrustianila15so-
ticiption i n mtne fourntmin t,'ition.

mlmu c lnbs s1) i n nsettf bII sinrt ItrIs VIu unuu-dtani
Inurng inn mii- 'mittt It uit r-t1 hrils t Irvi's.
-Ihe rcs' inm'tirin g i' Hini t l l atu n dnith itill
w lit mit sr t~nt' rurlls wnitfm)i11 thent' x~
)1olI-I'fiiitliitsgfm trale n'th ilnsst an1
his' 1ll whnt i ch in-e igti weln)'itiin's.
I IAItINS A 'I Ihlf IflC'f 1ff t
)'lint' followingg isetilisls fi t r -i'lhr'
- m, sm k~jt"Aitmitl uru et r,,,uthn
Is W1hmmtill If1C 5 w1,tult lmuhs IInn (usur
mmmli C". ' , in I l ey '''"T e l ull t~
Isrussnun C. ttke o 1 l"I'le (ud
Soton for ItnhfOldtrbl I Inn i.- b11
hi Itsrtf 3ion Itavetardl Ieins111th
's1)11 tn tthuht i and lt 1 suhr i by Prof
be mhmu ufite 0 -'ntl
flu ammissitsnfrit'lle-ltyec lit-iathIntgi
stun mlmhasmhce n rsttif byasitin t l if.
11)111ns1 Ihsunter'to inthIn wiork.t
juulge tl(st whelesnyhni1 theld . uinnomI;,in
Nsceuulnutseiiniff fr- hnn'gstyl e ythin
stlr , frnlful tsthnmy elumigof that n
itnstitultiont0111'tondlay, Januaurry am.

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