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January 17, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-01-17

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The M4ichigan Daily


Noa. 8o.

Carefully Considers the Conference
Question, and Then Sends Reso-
lutions to the Senate.

Studentsasn geneoral lavses- 5005anx-
iously tooting foran expresatsino
opiniaon itesalt fasra-n(estion5051frons
heir reparesentative bosdy, the stut(1st
Coucitsl, anowsoa-that body aslsoen.t
After long and careful considalation at
tih- quttstionflfrotaall vietwpoantis, h
Coutncil totodluntitatottasla for wath-t
dlrawaal. lPresidet faa appoinatedil
comm11itoo to dra taw preoaltittstt th
sntas anlonprson fraomathe Sa-t
alt-nt Coutncil. Neetleoss teatsaythe~t
C'ouncoil's sat ain st is alialwt
thtat of ntyttata nan t tof et-etya tut-
load stadantsstt i ttt U nivetatorsity. TPho
rosa ltitas followat
Tlo theIHonorabldeSetetsof theUit-
versity oastMitchigant
lbs :Studeantt Cottiat1l teIUsile--
sity- of Micshigsaablievitgatt h aat lbefaoe
toe Sesnate aattsttdarsthaeaaecnt raulinags
Ofth lonfsettttntae asasmlldaat Clhi-
sagas Jans. 1aatttawtol iashsle vx-
sasin of su e t Oasila t he t I o aat-
atitdtialy saspitedalytht e Ctountcasil
sutlbmai thlistftlastwisng rtstltioan
Whearas t aaiste snisestatsofsalhla
iSdn Counscaasis1l tatte Vi asitas Cast-
fooaaoo, alvted landsal trgasnizeda
thraoutghlteinstat ttatnt ay salolte.San-
ateof sahIis Uivearsitylassbsentssaofatns-
timssaleotlueinarsisinaag thaeattleatis
>tittlass salintertoalle-giate acsivsaass itn
toe~a ssad itsthoughot atoun-trysii
in gaestealaltoaar'i aits aavoacy salusi-
faottratroseslo lagialsity saldscolars-
ship;t u
Viltorsa s asoiereet legislatiotatto-
ststonsbys lond sheoigialscopeaa-of Iis
tastiy as hiutS ~a550(s sof slts ogaisiaa-
tinansasd ls lsash s asbee afon lay Oexaerience
t leimaproaticatble adiasiptsia ablofat-
compillishtintg the rosu~lts alasioredis ilst-
leticrfoom.Ta helatsefosassilteopo~insion
sof the Situdenst Coassithe lsaC'ajoneeass
lasa osutliosalitsousatfuslnsas;fao
Is is sevials t ass aa hael cassli-gasesre ore-
ssisaldisn tla Cssoneest at ves-adaifferoest
situsaatossto altsalwths -aldIhaveoot
enosughlin coasimsmonssstomiaske usiafosts
logislationiswilsth twostking iajur to s
sssslissom f tm:sail, thatalthes ecta-cs
legislationa tnds tttdemaoalize- \Michigana
athletics andsreardaallteiiimproemesasi
stats bainig madeasonass -roy Field;and
that deorsissoalizaitionaiofsaatla-tics insa i
Cniatosity tomean s airt o sitsmaany
oaotrintereosts: n
\Vlseeais. withdawa-al frosthlitCoris-
feccno mtaght orsadily blaoftllowedol It
a costructtative afft sah silt iostldhIplats-
-icihligatathleitis as nc utal
bsasis; terooseisobeasit
Rfeasalv laath sate CUiveraOsits- sa
M-ichligantiwasthdaw isa tss sass-assh-olip
s-sase- to blas sittol l Isa by its ratles -al
Itoriy II s i at
Charilsts Wnted
If lia-i I. Fl-sase-.

ti ClfCE-\E()lS \VIII. Hf l
stat titigofs lIs-ganser al ct ntc
fortatla Juniotrsshop w aasshldI lassiaght.
Oin toi tagilesillnes-saf Sals- C. Ca,
gnrlc alanA rthur5-a555-5 R atasistpa,
caimaniofthe arrangmett cmmt
satines of prspatatisnass aleadayi-ati
toastedisI taesasstsg tassgivna stat
to th aias sasn f mnordetil:
Ins satiser t to a mpr ass tla g n asi aiistt
doo astr ss te dIcisisi treis sis talk
(ia t crisa-t it ii isalansa s, touga it
ais tott I kno55 t shtilrtheI plantiis
pr~cti~ilc r ot On ass- loa that
ass" been decsided- u-toit-si-ithelertion li
ofas o .Id s stirwaylseadintoa fa lla
-l~r'. It-oss itall ela s ally a s a o
Th555e5555 taltey 161 Oseittd tithis yarI
5 'th a pecalssis ot heli accommodla-
to fs pettos slec mitsate a sita
5 as- at soarang ate adcoagtion-
si ts so a sisal alasthe t fromstial
statio s libeteentoteht
sda tags- (allioy tisac t, tll It
padonstal m Sheshan',ia weekslabla
Opo'uittis atf fordsedlto-a n-sliioi
stdettts tat stis aa high shoalassicfa-no
as a ssel ass ioagaiss satetr-ial las-ait las-h
gener-ous ust a-i of tia'la ts- Ca-il
Rhodetli. Todtay ss ssandsmorrw lthaex--
amintnsofappii~~liats fois thesolit-
shlrhpat(Initial uiveresity- arc
Theaqiestist sbisaarsotrep5ared5-51il
Oxnfordiandsislntsthlaos aosin Latin,.
(;ooola- -riu at asasoasalgbalo d iisIga-so-.
t-v. ITlasaswsaresnt s-stoishOfaod
ass ail d llatthee.Th amsaso f tlass
stdnswh IeajudagedatoIavsaet
las as assexa istnati t aret-rep-tedslaalto
gaits scommissstt Irait hals csts-s
sass illsatplast t fsat Iresidenst Ansgll
PreasidenstIDickolfot IAllistnscallege, and55
Prt-sietS -l oumiof ai '.Iatszoscoa
laga. :sletc i e l masssrtioma alas oasi
poeis bet su sitefta-ilaesaaqasass tat t
nmdisa alas-sill of Ca-il RIode;.Thet
'he shlarashipib yialas ltr aeImstsi Issa
lons serlisg assits-aly. Is is p
a d h t h s asm ia-l slllufice firthie
sal alac f hescsolarsaat Ofofrd
asndilft o as vacastintr ipupotheaa eala-asit
inass sAss me sricsaa cllsga- still reqirastt t
stass-icstanoledge if at sistanal Cot-ak a
s tstially gained-l Iy ila- casts itosasit
study sat-esi-languasaags throutghostthtle
sishan al sophomatoe osars, adasia a
assit-ia 1ssttw la-aga- f ttstlsottatis as is
asit-lg a s sailes te isuy f tatranch~ss-I
tla~- los-iitafre s ansars. I tlso ul
tlso hl - os-saill 111csits- do sotf l tsio ft f
srt tat-ifslal p o laem-tts.
N-If'i ACE I VIllIfS

Head of Michigan's Department of
Astronomy Recognized by Wrench
Academy of Science.
ass-s-s a lass \\illiaattt3. Husasey sal
Iis lash a-c sits-salIR. C Atks-aslo
xct a ss r insdoaldrils-star i Iscosaiefs siald
sas i fgaifaaaaa aslt atilft- alaaraatiaasaa
T cIs i al assrer , wad i a --
sits lls , i ca sits nIhsAs c falssty f Sas-
esnce aaasto t sassm isis itsrIperatnsttitan
ala, ua c ate o t it uesalt at fail.
,creationtora%%sasstentthetbsttiattit) r
lasr ac plt" s tiitsas I l mst se f-la
ktlttolt ires iofsastasiosialyla
lit&)) Iofssr busseyandNr
luia-fcc \ I .f-sls s uua sss
tarsuesaOslandatli ork-Itsas abhaIsntabya
ifa la titlist tate ha IIo as- sit-fa thesI s
ater Prf go slutug sa-iorka-reall
colmencein st ailspingof1 g lasome
ofi tauilt. ter', worktit as assdt1itit stats
carryaonlaugh ttittittiu tg5 heran
Prfuo l~~ys aisoverits las-ia l-
fastoI smia 1,340. t Ist atsii n tal i s
cmrig hseneadlaststarstats t-
p-aredt with fsituritittta sasst will
heerits eC tasis a li hi r I a s vaa tt nalas-u
usa s eetg ssd sassociate sails fat has
R at tAutlst onomilasltSoc iety a tlasits po
5 ssasotth noay Itasis inlats he si
ass N ic an r it alas cc liss il
('iih alia,'; )1 C s aSIla I A
asTeiamat5 csluhedIspcamet
iit l~tnig t n nrt ta9il thae th-
gnrigbidn.I sits atilfo
pica tre ofthaces daill iesa mtelt oii ahp-
pe a s n he Nidtig Is- si sal hA lnc
sass) c, ten: n tpcs lOlt a tabw ala
drrstapea n theal to ure 05wil
nhuasla i 5 lut tati al itasasonc S saltyP. ust.
153 lan, listc if list I m lstc Ig foraclugaus
spin orstal as gTshs cat it c lasc bg e
IIt tr o us ltuflalst ofatileaUllaag luas -
u sta i il paa r a i te s 5551) his as sat aura-a
tais othus e con tatst ail asspulaishs-ei
ftrstin 0 TheaiOh.


Thu Iteam ti u tulI . tis I sa tNara
Nsterit-at akIfatstati attomm irow tnglt
uals Ihis uuaaciag far IChicagos sail
thsa- f-bichigaau aCatittl 'Pluh-vsitu-as-
cm aal It)- Professor t latasalabi
Teaswsill gas assontilt ta Istoniandasai
(odas ights aehu-asa altniat. IF itfa;tt
utill hlspenast in are-sting faal ibiseal-i
srainuf i sthes past titthss 1andhgtisg
inothi stsaspossiblelcoasit ionsi. fIl
bals m555 h15auoitu g sisl tfvill fit~ds
toa batha t fthiae sliliveifsa ridlst
sir, ill lae taknuuof theseas('uotrIti
Lxagsauhhasanadt thatialte saeries-
published sn o iel statsChica5go ast
sdauas> fishlaosdthisan ofbti pusl aaising
the~ abltain fwhslishbhr las- m stk
INIf-Nbllflf TOII)S lt I
A f-f-slA 'sS aa5 f-I1Z I
nus er lsi a ha s hssi ts ofs t hsailtireta
srpa eialSausral It hi tll Containas
int al insit t s-yi t iass iii layo
lsa coverita5- sptsiallbsdraansautoas
tbcfsslafatsuhubhy ls h~itus 'aistVof-ta
h bais, aasiwomnats aitoassail bie I ilt -
Tetills-a of lbhe scontt; aria -tggiatis
ofal 'e tasid in ateuristgoraaingtmatr:
"lit hactifay ao fabil, hab) -iss
Itarblaira NIAlaf-Is 51 hlu Salbseandais
the~ Snubinig PAts Alagrical Fbe
Efvidenatly Nail Vritutenhasa WVian)"a ;
"A IDay-osalehisinss"abhy Ltitist Vant
Vooarlhis; CaslionaAveueass keta
n-ssbssbithlclclr- nalit tutu 1sauau
as continsaueadlSoray ISat IlbylasJ Freda
Woodauarufla:handstatratire_ muisttl a55555-
aha lIalsadcit atsees is ciiig ail
lrm tGouia rs-(iageaton I ( Va. ) Calicgcs
joiroI sat -tasgaia: aa ai s ii
"ittiOi11 thsmaasinesktatiputi thius
Insashss In-Ia a t-f-d-asunlthesahust.
Wfhiattplba-s; mosst ofalsal is ibisttac
it- hlosks salftoe paier. Thebasha-eas--
go ar ttist uoi theus taff, a adtlas I mshlga-
Its- appe55aacs, lhau-s-us slishas Iis
sdsaly f-f-a-knownotasi rtilso sssvo
this-blarltoi hire s ra t o t he-s cs,
II. J. f-fAf-hohflhu Tah
f-l-fNACVI\ INDNlhf
aair n J. f-f-saisla h bas js tB n al
pitd luttitiess manuaigr softhus I-
lad t s u ttcs-i- ale R.ul 111fSI al, talo
rc-s-uthy- rigneuL Nilf-h a mo~llsduulis at
satbersf thus Sel-bas fa5 fraerotity alas
a 5reaoter 110The aisiy-staff
SlSIINX 4 hARTYfaha1aOaI1f,
IIP If h AllT-5I RANtI f S
It hass hst-t iltcilideto shld thissa-
imlparty- ofthus-Sttix Socisity at
as aultlaos-auplasnediTsb. hfifs cansge-ast
has a islis raaaamauadet ccmoate a ts-largi-
stsubcrofas oldtS as-sshtrs who s act-cs-
us-tlug;Ita asia-stabThes-pastsystill ak
place Fridasy eveninlgJans. of-
L hR'Lt: 13 IfN NICCsfhf~E II)Fa55
C: N C o te l lalaela Chf-ffatf N
sass- asis-cninehutshalt, ohs-a(1 ais-g
broakenas hisrights lgut suaboveats
ankulea. Xlthoaaughu ibis-aidtu tool
hubai a nit-hago, i is expecteiaalthat
f-It McsCre-aryitill bI nsaaalatoiave-ssu
fslu.ahousoat Isassalsoe-c seek.
All S I. A. aus-oss alnItickt-Iaitaks
whoa is1lu ato rso as use. lioligausa-
Chahaagr areIbac taoeet aif oom Ui-
verasy Hall, this afurnaoat as o'clok.

Chicago Sends Strong Team to Ann
Arbor-Statistics- of Teams
(iven out.
asia ala lass I w hld last ightS
la sill igatitiat slabe lolia
- b55in s te mttituti agaissas N(t-
ta-ittritt a~ft ibis pl p-iionuatt hftalitt,
that5 a a casuoc itsh boa ~iucc ass huttld
iastatvist saaslthe ssst-rbalsh vcnnct
c n tt li n lit at a cla slt lt tt
las ,hin - outat il qu sti aT pr.
bara tis bltah I nl baisl:dslh o r5500
thooug thansaais sn aca-viousis
wil,;~ hris tat 5a- ara if 10cc
I'h t~tn whch ;1, i t l' will
sa~l h t c ' tle' n % il ts I ii do
n il Io l11is barb alas~ l a llt
;s t all ass -i l sv h tm(, I bil sat
sisal a .-, i ~ d ll an i
r~ 11(~1 vita hattr(. fausdiportsance
;it he p -"Il Brne. ll fct, it i, sione
t he iunulant 'c m as lau3 lieat
sita-tala asit cl h) that c basal t attais
hrom bits tartshovussa- theal e
Ro ot a-N ir - oichs t-asau
atlm, SausuaSa hl itsqr Ic fe
lb rpsimo ' a sf-bloce asere
stat111 uk s sit sisal lao-alt hi, -A l
it] ~_,fici ~t tautlyl nea-sckam
tn c t ass P e:I -a 555555rii 555 Ie sass
ci ash lb rt. I d le a s-us
ilg a-alas
Victr I.Kcy , hal, s I)t usa-
Poo talsa hi s a ,n li theat ic
sit} ashf (ilaa o hdasie hnit tlr
tll--,a- d al, et - l ashe ~ Ive
,it ofCok md an aul [ ibpis Ifas
s'tas.I leP las amm. sht gta ai t ansh
in te U iverily 'J (It hour 't
wesnay , s sa as alt is as Sonthsis i i ba-
licitst~fcstiscatck a ics-bbs-go which
hasates.t- sa is-
ass-te bsf -sa asts as hbi's as fortil-,I
Veal-, ad ha in the inaas- asabb g a a rlas
acs-wth lb ionthus-l in sas. s
'ias owtasno ntecolg fher
lbsif ecrd of u \icigan as I a
at I assail Driter h ra tN il
s111 i o t a aa bs-speti isa gallaris
sat Jll] . I s , as a as h15 of5 lis
atc lo o has sia t titl isl .as ("ctassaals
oo tas cosa m rh fibse tasi
hal s t eauh Cnv ra salf Chat
cgoat Assm fAhussl, ass uP, ass thus Par
isaare ley,,.,susg "hgare Ics- ;bon n

sigh sabasasb ,Ib istsuitahsiicandasalusrc-(I
(Contiuean Page Thraee)

- a~~h Ill itsclb ic ittause liar thus f-hl-
Xsc,, rtldsy sfts c r~l~la 11limas hut oal igassausra 55 usil hes I tl-na t us as o o 'ocsk
thoasse-whoitsxpetto isparitcipate5u in astbeSautal usaymorhiatug at Ifasuaall's. A"s
conteta forcla sasldayoattic usualitstills pic usStrer is disintulbsaslubh piture,
PrcsidentsshFllask solftoeaseniorsawlass asss. itis55urgsedthuat all Oi assassWutot-aossrs'
sAllb tptelimstatysarranugem-enus concesrnu- sialht memsisalibat thusclubthoosaanyi
sag teenat tseralacdasupon.555 The1 afeternon best, s suss aual ft0uolockuald
scontestill trbu hlfAsril O26a busts esah55complete1 msmasssasiptaroranugemesa-t ac
sorautitn is tosbeina sthis hansofribas hsas ss ncudedlin sshebpicture.-
rasanttt-iappoaitedI for theic aacasiost hlans ealc iu uso aefuor as skr ao
us-ore Apoil a.-Thosss sesntat tesehe t-shl bsist ltoesmislelof Febriutary-
nsa-sing san-lass willitasks-lasopartnthe'hssucceaas ofahesis-lasalsskraka s
asuotstawerFrasnk Doty, IHsgas Son- iratcab tasthscmemersthotshunt besidhes
tientseit CGleatAMcKhinley, If.IIH. nt- having ailame, thealsocbtsis tryihng to
lain, A . AaMKee, I. C. Bownt ILI. T.rinug thiosmnsas closely stogether, as-
Martin and Floyd A. Deahl. rially, as possible.

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