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January 29, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-01-29

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ANN ARBOR, M 111ClAN~, i'>FSl). \ \ XANCNs' 2o, ttlit7.


No(. 90c.

Michigan, Chicago, Wisconsin and
Minnesota May flak Four-Year
Football Schdule.
TIhe latest thing in the athletic sita-
tit of the tttitdllwest i te play of
a "Big Ponsttr footlall scitle. Ci-
cagot till tthy Micigani et fall, Wis-
con sint will comte back oto the fold
againt atd lMitttesota, nmtre lhan anx-
oitte to gaitt prestige, iwill tplay lbotlthtei
Nlarons ands Badgers. The schedule,
wchicli goes as far itto the futtttre as the
fall oif t9to, at tresett is ithle "trt-
pesed' stage.
ITis -football seutile is act itiica-
tionth lat att ictner circle cf te "ig
Ninct"' sill be foe nei td that it will
Ie the policy of te ftiir larger ttiter-
cities to csttrtl tle athletic futre ef
tie Conference. ]litt te Ctnferetce
ctlitgs of Januuary 2 sill still le it
force. The retroactive feature of te
thiee-yea r rlitg ill still lar certain
sniticr athletes, atdbutt ie footall
gamte s illle play elisteai of seset.
It titme, a mttoce literal pitlicy tay le
Thlis plan, ititiaed Iy Chicago, tic
form a "lig Four" itt the west.twhici
shall itt titte supersede the "Big Nite,"
has itet twitht nitgreat outbtitrs of popi-
laiapoatiti eillre ii Ann Aboi.eStui-
Icettoiniotiit has ntch al te to crys-
taliher ieiitely as yet, ut mtany at-
ltics acid studetileadcters look upon the
propoisal iwitetretme cdisfaor. They
regardth Ie "Big Posur" as mterly the
"Big Nii" iii diguise, atdldliinot lbe-
ieee that the "Big our" plait will re-
moilreauy cf te cs-cats of irritationc at
At the tme of tirettsylania gamie.
Coach Fieldinig Ix. Yost tretestec
against a play whlichc Pentslaia i-~
istedtn tusing andcui ccitallV did cs
tic gocdl efec. Ciac Yst's itbjctiot
referredl t tetiuse cof a liemcanct
care t ch' all attil tas aseion ccii n-ii
tertpretaticicothle tiles mtade soitrly
ieftre btetc'fitball rdles ctomtccttee.
'lhe justice f the staci taiti ly Coci
Yost wass affirmedcl It the rececci legisla-
tiincf itiIdetrles comiittie. 'ITe foot-
all rgulations for le seaontof ti907
callow the cstofca liniemtant ''ileutun
oneii'condliititn:he ttt ista iciscoi
iccicutil teIsll i cput i ply
'lilt rle goveringithletforardlpIss
h'sa soitechanltcged. 'lhe pcaty fr
cct ciisicci fil-acttpt:at sear wiss
lost f teial; ftrthiirsasonot0 i07
ac iosisofiftfeentards lias Ittenitsbstit-
tured. and the siide filitg retais pis-
ecsuin Iofthe all. 'Ithi- sill materiall
id th tiotfes and Imialc te forard
pasless Iprecriuts as ca pay.
0%lto icte sck cof scrig last sea-
ccc anitttenicsciict ties.tIc engcthg
of te hlles listsasgaini cancgel ic thr
Iy fee tinuictes. 'lhe doulellumcpcic
55 seccialutci c ccadeitbligaterv.Litter
thisyearsrehs it waus tmerel suggested
thaiiticwo iumpire-e li ei u irec i
till ccatcht the cdefenccseund Ite iothe
tst,,crititiage line, cwhie the official
will Ie free ticplace hiis- tle atentini
onl Ie offense.
A senicicrdetal seciety twhiht cill
hold weekly meetings cocducteeupto
le samie lan as those of the Stte
Dental Conviention has recectly een
organizied. Paters uponitistibjects f
senutificierest till le read aci d i-
cussed at these meetings.

Thhe folloswiccg officers hare heen eec-
ecl: President, X. E. Wilson ; vice-
president, J. H. Licnsley; secretary, R.
G. Gix.

Thte Israel C. Rtsell sinttary roomit
is nociiisic nearly compciletedcthtstile Cecle Francais Plans W4inter Work
cassini physiographiy accittnitiecr Two Lectures and a Play
rent literatucre ofl geology ccill hereafter Before Spring.
meeti itherei.Viothter thutntls period
le roomiti sill tbeupeni tic sudentts of teic ' cccicLelra. h einn
detartmeniit f geolog fr reachng lit enhauhrcIdlaioiitc h
thoicughc inly cc IporionuiofthIe' hooik r s eiern t cis flctrscnti
yetin pladce uponi theihelve:.i The cii ii cunty id the iirciontftheiititAlli-
Untitedl Siates Cferihgicait Stin, i mtsel'riiiIci il~clsikcc inc tilt IhCs
Gteolotgical Surey ofCanada.h andcte tilcs t lll ct ciit''t 's ccci weit inicg
St(tGelogiccal Sreys ofciCotiuutishIt Socok (Idt hsef c cii
cii. Gteorgia,Itlinois, lowaIndiahuh ccii ivedhr rof :A Gii lii Iea
Kacists, Mcrlandtcii.,XMihigancc \lcn,ctofi ii ittti n luliii ncii iiycstiiday.
Newt Jerse'y, Xcii York. North Crlnc roe>rL trtu" o 'uuc ciii
Ohlio, W'VXirginia,'candcIVignit hcc ati he.itutulionofth ii ihfautty
agreedh itc sntl sll their tututti' hithlcti ld tiecs ir lcci IFranc i ,candcche li-
tintilu(uc'libraruy, salthocugh the r(nter Ie an'a ranIfci i, repucalioni
re'gulacrly- re'cived'tcheIc'ge'nesrcal lirry slitkit ciii "Thei I ciicciiof Fran'ce
of theis'vtsersity . 'lhe geological joucr'"heilVaclii adite. ii clii and
nal to suchi hrofes-sor RIusell regn-C Ii cciii I Poitionc ofc cciu cii amocnicug
ily subcribcd-l, andiIof ciwhiclie liI- clhe FI'ncttPti in tilb l
hi-re cntinedcu licmscaci sses full ses, c et, rtttibyIaintr~e l Francociand
are's troughcthe genefsiirc-ity oefacc umbe thes French' lait guage'
f indcividualcs ti con ccitinueducfori' dhe A XItci l Bra washorincc ccc Sgo at
lbay a d this-current l cnu ers 'ill Ikdccciiinccctie :c X u utitid tis ofiI ccttei
herea-cfter hue-focundcuinc acsmalsclimasgz'ie RIttally and inithatiprovinci i ecre-
racek iiins tieicarroomuc twhere ithey 'cit'cleis earliriedcatiioc-c Xiirrc ii-
mayci heregulcarly' uss-te- bysntuces.
'11cr use'f lie Russellromiias a
mee'sting plces-fori'scuns f golcgy
itill beuenccuurageduh ulject onliy itc thin
trovisoc tatithis'rights frarus airicre
noti tic he trenchedul uponu. 'Ihetwll
liii heeiclcuhunucg withi accuctttler f ic-
titers possessinig geological interest, cli-
sceilutioccs oftwhichli c-ll e foundcusii the
Cituiti. Otipousite te entranuce is an ex
cellenitlfred puulholtouigrcaphtofPifeiilsor
Russll, abovei' ithichities'panotircmtic
cutwssofthe Alaskcan glacier wshicli he
did so muchuetic masie kiownutto icthur
wourl.'Ihese views twere tckenu Iy' the
Jute i'Ahriui expeiiiit,cnch ttere lre'
seated-c iccProifessor Russll by' the tpho-Ili . I: . C(ccclii it. Il-suiot i li- II'ccIt
togratpher f the exheitiii. iwass cci ,i~tliii, c.
a result ocl Profesor Russell's experi-_________________________
rutsi' sitchthrocught his advtice thatcithe llinhseuain tIuih a
pirty ail ceeiienuaibleuldo reachifte tpit icc o I ictucIcu rncindC
suucuctioif lit. St. Eias. ~ t-ltci i i ct I iu1i-ct c
'hhe roomuis cie f this'netest ccl its lieilitrci cii i tit ives o e-
modaulstions for uer thirty' iticientut,esceliFryancndtadl citin enIndccl cii oft thcii
studenect beng providedh sithu aclckid Frtided.'atr l flt aa - y wrc
drawser. Receptascles ccl all tsus fr cusiie,-ri-ltlii
fed c iuut iii t ii ca c fom hchii sui
there sre isabundcane.mchrntietob kcd
'hrouught the efforts cclGenersal Agr cccii cticcin to Isi u d ftltflceatetcsi eep o vroe na
thus'I ule-tiIcrnfeunt i d iiruiworkuif s-er otu
tucucuccicl itopograplhicl atas shieuispuihitriiitlti l iiliiim riititPIofessorI1
fishedaust inersals tiy-thin govsernmucent. La I 11 nhl fnuy:-ee n
'tllkow t ci mothciy clintenudis
"J" HOPih IVI'l'X'h'lf)S ing"Pies I cciiifcc tigrccuac u--u -
I AVE BEEN XSENT'h'OU'T tr Scugs ocut tc 'Ictnv, e
Patrn Tei Iigluicitti
Imtactioncs at--cnous tccifor this-Junior f' hid diI i tclidsok IIV oeta
hopl, sthisch osccurs ciiiFtetbruasry I. 'hhuy'oc cii 51 crowned bys usticsFrIch uca-X
act hansoelens'uugraves-incl nl uh dtioy,55ait ttititoin ittliiinhuh .dii
leterinug accitt cappeausrnitce-crt-ti-ill- i--------it'v1ywhre titraci1teid ct
fitted 'cas ucan uuuc's-ccc-uuu cclthe ucmost xtt a d ac sdut iii lit t dii igliy
i p ra t sociail functclion of thus-year. i te tcng 5:I, t 5asinsdcci
XWright, uy &K(C. ccl Detroit aesin l e rceIce isba nw cm-
encgraver-ts. 'iekets stitchsouensscir ri-c-td s teus cii c[nInuufosrdctits rucg cci
-rots hun this'htutuwiltte-giv-en utccithe liiintg 1cc6-i7cuThelii uuccc ic tfolowintg
cate art ofl thi -ek anitchgalsry-tints',eorL ':x"lcue<, etSt
ics wcill tbe- plced ontut ccc.ct Ste-tccc's cccli ccil II.[li cture i in I ccci mi c
boouk ,stre ext Saturdavcy. b r eo 1iciii ii if dhlt~ii i
'lie ctituiitlee lias dcidedcucticcresere it t situ iof (lhi co I rofesor iil hl ia-
a portionc of thin gallhey seastssaboiethe Sun itsccli sigg citfitsut r-t t Ii sngto
cintral hrt uf thue gcuucccsiuuuu, stith lir ilidsti di'' hi 1.cdiii n oiaontt
these twsenty-fives-cents extra nill b he' oftAril ~ ttieCer clcli cllutic~ctM-
charged. 'Ihe chasrgs' for eschliunre- iescmd,-~:\h lists I daii ii
sect-s-clseatiisft ,.00 'lTis carranugemuent Thoei hling atc ssodciit membcrsip
i expiectedhtpartly to chi satay with the tinets ii thin CerrIsc iiheticccteditoi
cronuclg fr especially dessirale seats tidmissiont i ltto1nublit ondilei lrid
codigc- , art.. ""t"ic'- itt-s _ i tu Itm. ikets mayciestaie a h

Till I J XidIII)'S huh
Fi c-cs cc cciwhenuthe clreac-l si-ccr
it-i c - sth r s i i, thi struikigappartu's
ofl ste lit ccii' cluch gts :t-i tle ciii co l
odr, li' List dear ticquateruc'tur ci
ucn ts cwcs te - cTtc-cc-t, uc i s
t-e i is thei armii ofltheusrcuuc stuucc i-.
The i meihanisi h t c cgilieste
houri' siitttilti a s lls tuc t setliar it ci
cc iht is ci tdci'smalcliunotusc r
cogs This is Icsts- itch ac i c ig accIi
whts iich cniiis hlinche tckiy ascrics
cut scf tts ccc braccs.'s XXhis-ittleiitoc
strikei- lii'tuho un' thut's,' cl Ies accci
iic'cuty i-ilu-csc- their hlcd oii te' ic-cit
:ed llw ititotudr'op XXIow-nutie t ccciii'
dccl , tic' scfeties again che cc'k ic
perod Tich he quarit~ter ii ' ccii- ittt5't ut 5i
th tit is gearedulsicthatitii rkec tre
time i nt' Wadccit Icccc tuter idt
When-ucilii. suit i udtc tutu ~Ics- sts
iccinc ucucc t sutuacit cotdaurtic th ~fy
eer eaily c ccliii whretutu-cc-is
touch pressure o stll ,such s tee
iso tutu lu s mcuall ectis; cndit ilc citt-itf
hiss'cogi ge-s cbitkeniiit ultsts cl th
ca.lcucatinscioI tech iucucy cait cllcwc
the- ~cus loc o sikett atccvery msa.
ti i'-. 'Thtis "og b r, 'docWr ,ha
ic-i-ut t'i'iuitii ndl a'itt onc asititti i
itt-it tnt- will tbe made cin theIcc'obtseva-
dcc'timacine its-shopuhs.
It i ithu-le uicIc'uc cid ha hi cc l c hic-
ocncsinallytigut ciifccgeu-sit It uwd,
sic t p iiin [l 8, lucid iw iity futu cI'dsi
aigo, 'ccit ucjoyss te- tili reccrdt Of
noti tWic-tg 'stpedImore tha il l hourc Iccin c
slt tatu litle. '11ec'e-c-sit' cleu-u a'cd lt
the, toicnchcg lucits listvie Ictcocccii. uic 'i
c'tsctly' cc-tcattcnd it ccwi v: t btic-
plctted- y ccl cc-neltss ulm t ti c-i-otime.
Asctis X.htcns'sthas or (ometimiltisiitt
tiuc-to d lii tcbranch of' h e Icintbusicis's-ittu
uless lucy' stu'ucsm utde ii tib's cc i c ii
thei highessilhl, sulis tie workm'ieni
ii in the lsii'.itry shopcus. 'The- servi-cs
causicofclthe-lonugasussucition ofctheli- I
brar jans~.ccitoru'with h li esuorings ccl dli
m cii-ry. Icspea-ckig of it ystecccdIy
Ie' scd: '"I liss,'es-watcedct work scut
loncg 11uad I sseem toc ureardt iit more a4
plaything tania patrdoficiy wit i
If theIcst ittlhu h incg gd-is cciii ofior
sdcr I 'ca oi c ei's iit ittittly'scand
thniiiicly aqsccc-stinoftractuingcutcii
till' wcaiiiatichI is noi t oring propert'li--
IIVES l'l'tIhC hd' Tu It l
lie citalccof ill(,''Cisedfit
'swing to0 0 irint lue cciii exu cco
leis ut. d'c itIduiui it ccciii cc itg, ucs
th ciesa del- t heyii i'tt'cian. i il
Pr fsor T u boo e t-iiiliti c diii
ccied tthe c uts cc dciii cc k
tit prepi ng h it tic i ic-cu"Ret,
lucius, wholalys te tic cdof oic"- of
the ticuticuc - is s itpcttoic ke ut
acliii, wi e s itu I tccy M ltccci', us-i does thi ' '
Xucicchoclus Sicweltic-It cu t r ccc, ccillpr -
itchy hh rI snsr liii'tccoinIr'ciIdis. c
gi dut, ('Clanc'y, Lictiaic, Sucule, Cv -
atitch agsill, howovernc-, slt s-mt o dc ic cc
for fints I honors.i. I'hl(,-grutoo, d cim
ca ncumbesr of sars, cbui teir worktspsluaku
tut itself.
'lhe Univieresty cclWiscoiiiicsinss i-
itech ive hundutredl schooucls throughotcu

Stluissate iito participtuue ini a lug inidoocr
relacy mceet incthue varsity gyuc coinMarchu

(reat Sociologist Writes Letter to
Civics League Upon Eivil Condi-
tions in (reat Cities,
Thes I ccii itu ('tutu' l,i'gttis i
it ii 'sit i cthe ic-ic Isuuls tidied itr,
and ii' stog i P lc ttr ci, lccn
ccitnt 'coniin~s inIcc-cYorkuc-nd
tiecs it oi luct I iii i acc i t tn e
dccciexert i it sitne c ccaatr
i c ici.c %h, dis-he pleadi oiti5 ieti I
Xciiowrd'illcerdicti etofslthur
to ii ci i irtu' it'd
Ic-tn iic"iug tui' . cci cty sisc iuo g
Ncw ',tttc h , the lutt utu " Iculttiu
dIi-n i cs t tit s lcluae trc c i ta
it . Natura'lythie s ui-ir t ic i, fllentut
milecr i-the c icc tugh sid (',raft i nt it
i-fit isctrilt ittorrupir ofpoitics"
''Xiii ''cctoitt, ihtillwis cr
heatittali t iii- .t. i 5 c i such i ti Itt Mu
itt-i-c titiche , It. ciof-dcciti ttu cPigs
ccitt c i i 5 5 ii ifrom 55itti cst'n d ssc it-ic-
cc i y itit e h t, - l.dt i
w ithOwpwe, f ccklii5' ad at
,;ill tu law c i l hi thecc ii stilt f-it
:n ' fithsdchic is cmiitc; h' enl ci swill
thus' stit ccc cc a ic 5a si' it ic-ike i-
.tilt %-1 c 11""ktt- i f f u l 5 ccciii -itt 'i
icuss cuc f'dlrii't--s-fs -S Suiot-tc
din id, iii i- si' t siiecc ii Its- it ci
'ifilc t tic cu t iccs uidcc Ii scute l
ctd.tl-cccu 5y dci n uy 'dccii o Isis, ,ai
-- hlti I y a noi v , iw ;;
'd I ,idcii iti i ii sis tcs ittitig I -i
tI's y'siccg dmeni ofitodaiy lut
fiti li'ht to I i it I sl lows haI ll uec-ata
'iii' i'-li'tic ltutchi cof 5-tomorrow -5 ll
cccii of icc-cu c, oc of-c e'd's If the
lutist , c - aii ii toi (til cli dcci 5' diiicii
I hltotstur, withu t . i cc i ccli ccc c-
mcs-i. X ihc
lus ct is i th ics c's il t cic; o
iliculucung 1<it''s li. T'It. GIsis shut'I
Brecan, wsicht sillt ic'e 'iss rituu s-l ie i
luts cn-iletc'g Cost s u ii
IFN15t XSIX N )V1ItC'Oc''
GOIJs i' IN SXls.h
~sccilito~i s icic -i-iusly acss
-it sc-scnt uuic cu or icg litcthus strs i-sc
cteaIi c-ccucfloorsof-l(!c newiiicss- hus
whch itc mha d si ' ptlticehac ii ll
his ovachc tcpcketuchch ut-sc im;tcht
hisutology i'cccreroom-sccuSeenh ccp~i
isritil's cancedctodcbe-worininthrntmcdlboaoyswrl laze. ic
quicky 5cucuiiguishutch it uCaon cuss -
cuss ell it tias foundii hat d i tt c iii ao
lot.5 'luttheti tc iitu i overcoai 5t i dt '
usc-cwre ratic all'ity deistroye it
JC Iltth 1,1cc 0 A i.'h(IN
'thi til itcl isc sgle cite y st ic
fitch shutsitg cccir-yiahntcus c-ctt-c ic
lsts ights . XhAbout ily cupscutuis it c
s-i. i slsr tint-ch nsta lproidedits I ie

cussefur thus- -s ccicug IIn stich l
pirty, Refeeslictsiseres- sreech,

All the gaillery seals, howeveru, will coot-
mandt a gcod slew of the floor behow
'Thic list of patronesses who trill hbe
in clue receivinug line at thie-hop has
alreaudy- bscniannouncedl, antI inTt'hurs-
dacy muornitug's IDaily a-ill he printed the
unamtes oh all the other lachies, alo are
to take hint in the tIxt Junior hop, in-
cliuditng thus-chaperonst oflthe- various
fraternity groups.

ibis 'slficeiii 'tusnifsty I cll froscm 4 icc
6 u o' bcics clck -eery cuc ciio. 'hTostudes
senc tinsie' chllarn. Admccissioncto ProIns'
tutux hi-z ecurse ducts-estill tc-fifty
'Its- urcuuoncic scssociccucatcYita- ill
pirouice lucd's "'The Prreenders" as its
annual spritng perfoirmnice for 1907o.

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