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December 09, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…~Ir I- 1 t, s ,rts ?HU MICHIGAN DAILY .; { z . 4 ' ruhsHOLIDAYG GIK" Buhs.and Brush Sets, Smoking Sets Shaving Sets, Chafing Dishes, Cutlery, Games, Books, Perfumes, Baskets, "Chairs Lamps, Dolls, Skates, Sleds, Tools 1i0 fact all the new and desirahle things that -have T4OAG 'S been placed on the market this year may he had at i.. 20c Candies, 10c 40c Candiea, 20c lBurch field's F'ine Tailoring TUrad e Guarantees... You the must skillful and ...…

December 09, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…THE MICIH (IAN DAILY' b444444444444444444OO6----------*~*~ ,w ORIGINAL MILK CHOCOLATE No wetineathasithe charmn of PETERSit MILK ("C11000. LATE:,itndesApite mnny pplarnity anit lear e ; i on itheineas i FOR t EATING ON LY at GoiM comfeti aRB ervSHOP i.TrnoheBig SohtateSt Reyor&Con A-IMPERIAL GUARANTFEE IN EVERY HAT. ThteColr andWear of ths atare Absolutely iGtaratnteed. Toar dealer ittthorized t repta cetieoCharg, any flat wich isNottifactoruc...…

December 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ,ivOI. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBE2R 8, 1904. No. 5S8 FALL ROUND-UP. TEST THE DRUG GINSENG. HAZING STORY A FAKE.I Far Westerners to Come Together; Members of the Alpha Sigma Fra-, Louis K. H'awks, a Freshman, Was j< to Smoke ,'Lone Jack" aid Swap! ternity Take Their Annual Dose of: Uninjured When He Left Ann Ar, Tales of the Plains and the Hills. Poison. bor-Tells Wild Tale in (oshen, Ind. vacttt et al Nih l itli...…

December 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

…THE MtICHIGAN DAILY THE L J1CHIGAN -DAILY.I ' F RETORT coIw'RTous. " Arbor a iiefendir right in tiht heart if the 'YOU T O KN W ipo it iite.~ ye <mtyMd IPL OK 0~ t ei fi~vat itlidFr ait i 11 i'iaarattir c ti. or the i monthattis f (bse e t or ide 2 t a t t tr e i r t t. i, n r thu p ite i iii ilr That we are doing hbusinesas Ma wg. ditt,-ithdelicate roslariaroas ts be- hotBuinessMan.agerCLAUDE A.THiOMPSON. iii~*aittttttli : OUR NEW STORE ...…

December 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…THR MICHIGAN DAILY IfhtiOn account of the late sason you get OUR PROFIT lOTIIU[ on all OVJ RCO.ATS. This inciudies Hart, Schaffner Nl ark make. long, loose, stylish garments. All $24.00 an~d $23.00 OVERCOATS no $20.00 All $2o.00 mL~d $22.00 OVERCOATS rsow' $17.00 All $18.00 OVERCOATS riow, $13.00 All $15.00 OVERCOATS n~ow $12.00 All $12.00 OVERLCOATS nsow $10.00 D~ON'T WAIT!I COME NOW!I LUTZ, the Clothier, 217' So. Main St. 'I F ~ Sce our na...…

December 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…t THE MICHo LAN DAILY fr Ni p+ N iNN N ft A N dNH J I RANDALL I P PHO TO G RAPH ERI 4 4 4 '4 4f 4 4f i4 Study with a Good Light Thbere is no better light than THE WELSBACM READING LAMP~ New Shipmentc proof Shoes Heights bllios'stonlgue, rat (I1e sole. iliiu Igil 111sy of FatoryI 111 South M\ S3op FrMen 4i~l S and Women s Walk- Over Shoes Formerly soid as Purian Shoes. of Water- s--AII : double soale, lyoileds. Store 111i1 lain St. 3 ALL ST'YLE...…

December 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…TheMi*chigan Daily I vN.5 XV. ~ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1904. N.5 NO ACTION. I DEBATERS OUT. ( EASTERN TOURNAMENT. TO VISIT ANN ARBOR. o~r f Control Adjourned With- Wisconsin Challenges Michigan to Fencing Club May Arrange One- Blackfrars Comic Opera Club, of out Voting on Freshman Eligibility Debate on Primary Reform-So- Prospects Excellent for Strong' Chicago University, Is Planning o UeldBaseball Coach to be An- ciety Prelim...…

December 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..... ................ THE MIICHIGAN DAILY. W E WOULD H V neorco asool'lond i israott at the Asi Ar Postao. :WYOU TO KNOW:. Putblished daily(olav xctoed duringthe f 'clege ear, at117 1.. Wahineatnstreet. *bsrnn f . lor. side sotrance)3 Phony 892-3r That we are doing business at Managing Editor. J. STANLEY BALEY. OUR NE STORE Busianess Hanager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. 311 South State Stit Athletics.. - _ ______.ooi L1.. DEW ___Ne...…

December 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…L. THU MICHIGAN DAILY .-" 0.-0. ~.t z***~4~O4*&*S1 HOLIDAY GIFTS Brushes and Brush Sets, Smoking Sets ShavingSets, Chafiug Dishes, Cutlery, Games, Books, Perfumes, Baskets, Chairs Lamps, Dulls, Skates, Sleds, Tools In tact all the new and desirahle things that have rt been placed on the market this year may he had at1O .T 20c Candies, 10c 40c Candies, 20c F -k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 . 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 G.-O Li / I Fall Fashions are R~ipe Suits-...…

December 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…THlE Mid-a I ;AN DAILY a - Cuting ~ Arkansas, Texas, Mexico, "*:._ \!CALIFORNIA .es1~s S .- ~9~ ~hf * Are Best Reached via He e flI~III , UUoo St Louis, World's [air City R, - AR PAND THE SOLE AENTS. Iron Mountain Route KEEP II ON YOUR O;'L2Dily Train t '<,)rle a. TALE /Leading Clothiers an-( it ' 4Oal aist) ,t4t. Youi will find PETERS MILK Hatr±n Fr CHOCOLATE Not only a, deli--' nishers.___ cious confection but a nourih- f rp ing and sustaini...…

December 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…,.- 0i * - 6f 0 e p a= '~ v o = "' 3 o 4.. C/} 0 o W '' ;° . v,. u 1 " r. r ? 2:, .-' J J U r n f: . h . {T (4'- 0 W C {U\ 0/Y 22I 22 221 0. {j 2^ - 2-- O O Cl) H, v o I . e n c ;r v Ui Q Lv cl PS ..r r of ''' V r . - ti-. f, " . W as .J i. r ". v '- r ._... c v/ F ."^ tel. - " r 77- I ..--J .r ti w ^ _ N :r 'l. '! E u .c r. y-c H 0Y 0 A4± {/3 E-' W W a1 '4 H o v v1D -, _ .r w ' f ^' A …

December 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY NN r o~+r THE flICtlIGAN DAILY.! (Continued front page one.) W E MAE OULD HAVE * lx ii , unxiioii l t the 1Ai n in itnttenance.The se eis xii * U- Ci I'. clxici the thirteen l"M" otto the ViYOU TO KNOW :si llxllii 'n i t enquad. Coachies Yost. Cole f y P~~~~i . it 1 x x iii , , Ida n~~cdcurn h ev ttr i i E, ahliix.oix 'ureet. \Will \\eksh, Traittir Fitzpatrick, * ~ iiii li x.Mlt'iiI. iiiiix 'PhoeI-r boarxi oftlltti dirctor, ...…

December 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

…THA MICHIGAN DAIL t There niever %vas made a better, nor a more deserv- edt1v1popular OVERCOAT than HART, SCRAPE- z NL iyx RYTaON; long, loose, comfortable, WVit a '1 let of ts ocx n and a quality look aboot it that makes a mhan think well of himself every time lie xt t iH. Se them ibefore buying. LUTZ, the Clothier, 217' So. Main St. i f... ..-..our.natty... o e of SNECKWEAR Received this week. All the late novelties of } the season are now o...…

December 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…THiE MICHIGIAN DAILY IRANIOG I R.A P H IC K $3.50 ,aw :n $4.00 Walk-Over 9 Shoes gStudy with a Good Light There is no better light than 4 THE WELSBACH RFEAIINGl LAMP ALL STY11S Al All.PRlClS. , The Ann Arbor (Gas Company. a 1stZ rme I Spading's Oficial Intercollegiate Y OOIEALL Used by All Leadig Colletes Foot BallPonts--Laca easot. clips anad kntees padddaith tin eeurled fhair,ad flaiaglas with cae strtip.. s A. G. SPALBING & BROS. Inc. New Y...…

December 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. Xv. ANN ARBOR. IH, STNAlEAMIJR 94 No. t}3 HONORS FOR MICHIGAN. A CHANGE OF PLANS. HOME IN A SPECIAL. { THE RHOD.ES SCHOLARSHIP Maddockkl'evolutionizes Football in [he Woma n's League Entertain _Ke'yst oe lob Chartersa Train to President Ang~ell Calls Attention to Utah and Now the Mormons Swear, ment ke-organizedt tpon an l~it Pittsburg for tlheClhristmas Vaca the Time of Examination-changes by Michigan.! tirely New Bfas...…

December 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…W E WOULD HAVE ' .YOU TO KNOW "*That we are doing business at OUR NEW STORE 311 South State Street That our New Woolens for the coming fall trade are now ready. That we make superb gar- ments for gentlemen. IThat we appreciate your trade and respectfully solicit a; continuance of the same. - G. H. WILD GO. fAILORS 311 South State Street. NOTE-Those of our friends who hoe " not been or patrons we would cor- j dially invite to eome NOW. - Specia...…

December 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…rTHIC MICHIGAN DAILY HOLIDAY GIFTS. Brushes and Brush Sets, Smoking Sets Shaviug Sets, Chafing Dishes, Cutlery, Lamps, Dolls, Skates, Sleds, Tools *nfc l h new and desirable things that have HO'/"1r/l b enaed on the market this year may be had at ,QJL 20c CandI~IJPIis, 10c - 40c CandI IIiI SI I2:0 i I G I Fall Fashions are Ripe Suits = Top Coats- Rain Coats Sersm toe wholesale tailioring house of °L. ADLER BROS. & CO. 4 C::l Rochester, IN. Y. ...…

December 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…iRl1C MICH (IAN DAILY CuttIng / fir 1 f y 4F ,. ALIFORNIA flI er VU'IX .UU * t. Louis World's fair City, ...- ~ot ( 'Y,.SOLE AGENTS.ATH Iflll ountahn Route KEEP lION YOUR 'r -~ I~fRIAI.Leading Clothiers, ABEjLVIHA. Hatters and Fur_ ° it) You will find PETERS MILK 7.e Color a1Rd11; 72r tisl ac r nses 5 __ CHOCOLATE Not only a deli- liorized ti"r,0liceFe"IC . zcit e cios confectioii but a nourish- j Y.,n . wt! .N. tsuyr 19- 1EatW sigo S.p =¢T eB...…

December 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Daly AVOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1904. No. 54 Y. M. C. A. BANQUET. , A UNIQUE PARTY !SCHOOL OF MUSIC RECORD ENCORES GALORE Eighth Annual Banquet Successful- (iven by Woman's League Yester.. The Best Ever Issued by the nstitu- Marked Last Night's Band Concert- Pres. Jas. B. Angell and Others of Gday Afternoon-Result Very rat- tion-Managing Editor to Resign. Sou ta Given a Hearty Welcome- Note Answer to Toasts. ...…

December 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ...+ TIHE M~CHIGOAN DAILY. plin ongmn ne if tlnvt r p i c t<) i _________ f"-- - - Oer innre lieal 1i11) I l W EWOULD HAVE E.utc ani-lasintte atth Ann tatsthaitistdet atthe aoui We Guarantee Our New W O O*N W chosare atare ef the in idtittini, YOU TO KNOW Mnaye~ope~d rngte e-'sting and that h nmatteriit lee .Ari 1aindr. * ebasernttheo. sideentrance Iohone88'2-3 _ anteng the iundier ilIailtaii-i Ie ai That we are doing bsines...…

December 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 04 ~ OA S. There nev er was made a better, nor a more deserv- edly popular OVERCOAT than HART, SCHAFF- NER & MIARx Rx rONs'; long, loose, comfortable, with a style of its own and a quality look about it that miakes a man think well of himself every time be puts it oni. See them before buying. LUTZ, the Clothier, 217 So. Main St. i Sce out natty N i eof SN EC K WE AR Received this week. All the late novelties of the season ar...…

December 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…THrSMICHIGOAN DAILY N NN ON Ir Mf Rr l1 * and ^4i fWomen ' RAN D ALLI PH O T O G A P H E K IStudy with a Good Light., ftThere is no better light thanc, THE WEL.SBACH READING LAMP ALL STYLES AT ALL PICIES.% The Ann Arbor Gas Company. aa iJa. v5 .a a u J.J J.HI.+.* ,+ aI a. J+JJrrJS JJ~iaJ. .,aJ" ac J+ar New Shipment proof Shoes Heights Helavv tar tares, Ibellows tongue, ras (lie sole, thotroughl Hod' of Factory sa'lve m~oney. I 111 South MV $ O...…

December 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Ivot,. x~ ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, 012 0EMNBER _ ' 1904. No. .)3 IDIEALS IN JOURNALISM, intersting and Instructiv e Lee te--eie in atUniversitv lidu-I cation for Newspaper Men. Ii It 1111II i t t r'tor ( i li0 ct.t ,\ lln) c\ rc~fk' ,;I-M arch(1b H Ittgli f 0 i fl \ Ii l' 11 c 1 ( )1 I l ( ) 1 11 ' } ) ' )t1 11( ) 11 1 t til l I i I 1 1 k a l 1 ) ~ ' -1 " , I1 aI 10 1 1 . }III :1 1111 11 111111 ii11) 1(d1t1 ~ltI ) 1 11"a1 1...…

December 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…1 'rHS MICHIGAN DAILY THE M~CH IGAN DAILY. ilHHtlctbri Hoftihe iii itcetHla E ~ JE WOULD HAVESFbt'a itci ,: iit 4 h ln(il tiH gi1lit Ota v i lttl Ardr YOU TO KNOW wt Hu ' HC ltHH HreedHI, -:eel tH'I'iI Y i t 1 uF. 'Hahl4Hststre. 011Ht f71 hg it i i That we are doing busines at * Manging IEditor', J. STANLiEY ISALiHY. -i XX teir huH igi'5t iicri,. Bsiness Manger, eL LiI)IA. hu~MPS ON hl ilHt'.iiHi .l OUR NEW STORE * 'h ii c ier lit. OfMhiigan, ...…

December 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…THIS MICHIGAN DAILY Hoag s Home Supply StoreK Fall Fashions are R ip e Corner Main and Washington Streets x *Fish Nets, Padlocks, Wa.ste Bas'kets, Brushes, Card Racks, : ut TpCat ai ot Purses and Pocketbooks, Knivesi, Scissors, 'racks, Pi(Aures, Ash F, rotmte whose itorinoT'houseaof Trays, Paper \Weights, Stmoking Sets, Soaps, Towels; Strop, and L. ADlLER BROS. & CO. Pipe Racks at popuOlar prices. 'Plis is the p~lace,o ~ 5 E. G. HOA.G. .4 x-J'...…

December 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…THE MStHIIIAN DAILY _ Cutting, TABE.SCA7LE AGEClTeS, : You will find PETER' MILK INEVY AT Hatters and Fur- cious confection but a nourish- rhliecrtized 0 ltr cl eeoara nshrs ing and sustaining food. asily antyflIat which is Mi tiatisfactory. oI U9-I iEast Wsigo t digested. Does not create thirst.'Wsigo Insist upon Nr fM wf N * The imitations are disappointing r h NT C HL r Pmotg rather iCollegemen 'find a grateful degree of comfort and service...…

December 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily =COI. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THU RDAY, DECE~MBER ], 1904. No. 52 MIUJICAL CLUB'VS TIP G OOD Nl1STEI f1A YA~L FACUTY CONCERT CHICAGO NEWS Holiday Trip Schedued-WillsGC as Thethsirds F aulsy ConcertiiccursI 5Chicao Adherents Give the Chai- arWest as St. Joseph, Ms a ]ti-iarlfsd ganmatslNew ii Ir a 8eoriosi in risz es'-In ponship Honors to Mihigan- Forty Men to Makse Trip. If cidsi sss of e-ings iwiebii'noniiiat Hal Ain formersi...…

December 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY fl .r..+"...TIi [I ICnI G AN DAILY . 0'~0l.Aotottl'n l f* _-_- to e s to 1Ie nd'r ado -ssono W E W ~OULD HAVE * I,,tnork~ , i t . Ii-~ , , i It:t rle.tau hi 0010001 t hnntUSS1'"B8111' 11'ftisIli soovoIV ipatcltati i.ltYOU TO KNOW' *1-o be o'tlawdand1 WhdranwtA 0) as ie itf or, io. e Itance 'IonHALY l 1 (111 ~ il 10 atI L U E That we are doing busineso at± MaaigEio,.,TALYBL Brlfo ]lr ahets m hreaOU N W BIusinoessManagerCLtAUD...…

December 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 52) • Page Image 3

…44 ' '4+.i. THIS MICHIGAN DAILY H 11. i;iiai'Satl}l'i'l i PT' "' TTi F ~i' ""' }j i i- 4 - - - i- 4ii-M i--1 4.4-- '-M -~-F--.4. -r ~ '7i Aytr i ! ai '.i 4 i-" v-z-lz- r-z -i"'- "i - i 1 -a s W a Is .a ........... -- -s" 1 OVERCOATS . ". There iii r wxx i xxxxliabetter, nor a inure deserv- edlyxpol~xlair OVERCOAT tihan HART, SCHtAFF- Ni x 5: )l x Ri'toN ;boll, loose, contfortablex, wxiih a sty le ofxits xix xx and a qinality look abont it thax...…

December 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…Trum MICHIlGAN DAILY RAN I PH OT OG I Rt A P H ER I - qt -Study with a Good Light .,c "hoee is no better' light than THE WELSBACH READING LAMP ALl SIYLI S Al ALL P1lC1:.l. The Ann Arbor Gas Company. Spalding's Official InOecollgiat Used by All [eadingo Colleges -r u t'.' ' N Foot Ball Pants-Lass c'cscs I hillc'sccand'cl lo .tie ih77 ,} A.G. SPALD5ING & BROS.oInc'.' Aili- EVERY HOUR New York Chicago Denser To AL OH,.MARS'HALL, BATTLE CREI Spali...…

December 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Dail VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 81, 1903. No. 67 CONCERT POSTPONED. "RS. ANGELL DEAD. On Account of Sad Death of Mrs. An- gell-Musical Clubs Concert at Death Came Yesterday Morning-Her Ypsilanti Cancelled-Remain- Life-Her Work in the Univer- der of Itinry Unchanged. sity. Owing to the sad death of Mrs An- Although Mrs. Angell has been ill gell, the concert at Ypsilanti last for several days the news of her dea...…

December 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. T HE MICHIGAN DAILY Fall Entered as second-class matter at the Ann Arbor Post Office. Published daily (Mondayexcepted)during the college year, at 117 E. Washington street, ( baseent loorside entrance) Phone 892-3r A nno oI I MANAGING EDITOR : S. EMORY THOMASON I The Senior Class of the Yale School IFIlY CENT8 [ACH of Forestry left for lumber camps las wee. _heme wll _so__gone , ti___i__- The Largest and Most Complete L...…

December 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. A A l All $9-5 and $24 Overc yats new - - $20 0 O IA IT a SPf~I ale, All 8205and $.2 Ovrcoatsow .- $18 H LD YGF OyT coatJ4LVLU All $18Ovrcoeats now - - - $15 , '11$5sOtercoats now -- 12 [OR "EiN FOR LADIES 5 This sais includes tile femrous H. New Neckwear Fine Silk Umbrellas S. & i11. 52 and 54 inchl long coats. HandFurhefsas andecarefs Black and Oxford. Plain or the Handmres LaceBoasladecrfs U T Dress and Street Gloves Toi...…

December 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. + ++++-+4..!..4n.4O 4H"* "4uO244.44 l.4-91 wI+64 Ciuettr Peabody & Co.'s Arrow and Crown Brand 15Sc Collars for 10 CENTS ---AT CUTTING, REYER & CO. F b b F _. 4 4 F ',a . a R F .l F F " F THE. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time Effective October 26,10. 1 SOUTH NORTH No. 6- 7:20 A. X. I No. 1- 9:00 A. MS. No. 2 -,1:33 d. IM. No. 5--1::30 r. m. No. 4-- 8:15 e. sM. I No....…

December 17, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VoL, XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1903. No. 66 CHICAGO LETTER. FOOTBALL BANQUET. Gle .Club Concert-Mandell Hall to The Team Royally Entertained-Baird lf .Opened-Eckersall Returned Talks on Eastern Game Question. to. College. FOOTBALL BANQUET. Chicago, Dec. 15, 1903. Last evening at nine o'clock the The Annual home concert of the mu- members of the football team, the ath- sica clubs given in Mandell Hall l...…

December 17, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. THE Ii MICHIGAN DAILY Professor Stagg is now able to sit rafyC[NS [ACI up and will soon be allwed to leave sntredas scrond class siter at the Ann tle house. Cailsied daily (Monday socepted duelngte Tbe indoor track is. te ew Ci i I ~LmtdUiin college yerat117I Wsh ingon street, Go gymnasium will be redy o use PI l tLAt' CtttS'ltlCltTIS Anflflnflj m ent.. ~(b aseec~o L r, ide entrance Phone &2-rafter the oidays antI track sor...…

December 17, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. a~(W NCN &"4. FOQ+.:+ ......+3..41TI-I F> F " HL-IDlAYS .1 UCNCETFRTE"The Niaara Falls Rote A Pre-Hloliday Overcoatrertecrrc vnn 711E SHOnR LINE-warte oretEvnn ANN ARBOR to and Suit Sale4 Clothes bearing this famou CHICAGOmat BUFFALO frd 5 mi i i NEW YORK Every Overcoat and Suit (except black AND BOSTON ; suits) marked down for The Greatest ~ MER ~ NEW YORK wIh diret eoeetionssat (ica teefar t ; Sl vriaguaeanA uA br Louis, ...…

December 17, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. PU an ShCIGARLTTLS + GQrot~vn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. { "MOUL SOKE AKLS LCYP1TIAN SMOKLRS Fofor5 ens Saethe uCn.RriCo lilmitIi'From IOUII - 411. E. 57th St., Chicago. Caps. cud Go u 8made t0orno OPV" der and routed. UL) ~ ~ .Pennants for alt colieges and qgl 11 lN ,i frto.teo utie c'rroed Clapcss Gs,-Cbaand leam. * - q. 'a, Send for Cata logues. 11101 ~MONEY LOANED ON + Watches, DiansocIfh I Class...…

December 16, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…heMichigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1903. No. 65 [UROPEAN fELLOWSIUIP. COLUIBIAN OROAN. CHORAL UNION. MUSICAL CLUBS. The Association of Collegiate Alum History of the Pipe Organ In Univer- Successful Concert Given Last Night First Concert Tomorrow Night at Yp- nae Announce the Establishment sity Hall-It Was the Original -Soloist Wins Favor With the silanti-Special Cars on the Mot- of An European Fellowship- Wor...…

December 16, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Announcemfent.. The Largest and Mot Complete Line of:.. WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be found at G. H. Wild & Coo 108 Gast Washington St. ret pains have been taken in the seletion of all sating. troserings & overoatings for this seson.0 G. H. WILD CO, 108 E. Wash. St. * 3ws~eeeeeseef iStewart Edward White3 Anttho o Citue is." e iTh Baz, i, l." eta. 2 THE FOREST = Thesnnan Fogary -0 A book folo the charm and the mystery a...…

December 16, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…THE 1'MICHIGAN DAILY. VAThin sals includes thm emrous H. S .&MAL 52 and 54 iosh lonaecoats. Black and Oxford. Plain or the F elt INyton. + 217 South Main Street ' Phone 513 J+ .i 4+ ++ r .t.r-r,'r :Jr*s~s< 4 # f 4# ! fi 4 # 4 4 ? 4 + : * ++ *.*Ir+ 4 IN NII + li~ifN w YbI a>t ' tvro tsnw - - $20 ands w l~ii.O ()evas w - - $18 _ vrcots ow - - - $15 't - $1ohie Tu'aii ;t; I FOR aNew Neckwear SHandkerchiefs Um~obrellas =Dress and Stree :Soli...…

December 16, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN D6AILY. t'r i~~is* it~~a *s r+t*4et+s'- ~tti *'aritA~THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD.ti , . TE NNARORRALRA & t !A ND STEAMSHIP LINES. S omnethinfll SpectLial Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard ' V 4.Time Effective October 2(6,1902. [for bdturddLJ.-W OT OT + No. 6- 2:20 A. aM. No. 1- 0:00 A. M. 4. No. 2-11:33 A. M. No. 5-12:30 P. M. S No. 4- 8:25 P. am. No. 3- 4:3P o 4 Tan N.5ad6rnbt een nnrbor. * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n Tan o.ladaoetenA...…

December 15, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…The Mc9 nvai0 VOL. XIV. SENIOR LAW PARTY. Successful Party Given by '04 Laws at Granger's Last Evening-Unique Programs were a Feature. Last evening the Senior Laws gat one o the trettest tarties of thi sea son at Granger's Acadetoy. This is the first ot a series of tparties which the class intends to give dtiringi ih' winter. The tickets were limiteid to the enmbers otte eass wichtetmade( the event a sociat success. Atot 60 couplses attentte...…

December 15, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. y71 -THE MICHIiGAN DAILY 'aI1 Enterd as second-class mate at te Ann Published dly (.nai~dyexee:ed: dring the Annou cem en , olee year, a 117 E. r Washington street, (baescuotA ittoor, side etrocti) Phone M9. .3r LIUU L&UJUA1U11Lii MANAGING EDITOR: ________________________ S. ENIOlY TI10tIMASON " . BUSINESS MANAGER: ROS3COE iB. HUSTON The Largest and Mot - EDITORS: Cmrplete Line of..EIOS Atletis. - - - iOTtiat K. WALTO Nevi...…

December 15, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

…"The Niagara Falls Route THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON~ with direect oeotos at ChicagotforoSt. Loots. Kns City, St. iPul and tho Wool For inforeattiont and through ttcol s oalo o write toX. XW. CArlO. Aet.t Am Arbor. New Brunswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS Fine Cigars and Toacos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 32 State StS Ithave u(,reeootltthelargst ad ietilo' ineofo Turkish Cigarettes and PipeE hvr roght to th ...…

December 15, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. For lair 7J Ann Arbor Store, I I I S. Factory--Brockton, W'as~s. I' is Qjroken in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. 'MOGUL SMOKEt MAKLS EGYTIAN SMOKLRS 10 forSS censi. -......- For a (wood ('oul of COFFEO xCHOCOLATE Made Right and Served Right * PIINNYCOOK, Tes Cofc-cticncr, 310 S'. Stati:St. D., Y., A. A. & J. RAILWAY 5TANDARD TIMEI For Detrodli tlhlcoy fcom 6:15 a. m. until 6:1 p. m. Then hourly omil 1...…

December 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…. ]0 VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1903. fl[SION CHOSELN. Michigan Half-back Only Western Man en Camp's First All-Ameri- can, Maddeck, Redden and Graver Have Places en Third Team. Waiter Camp, tie d1an1ofifoot 1)1)1. has chosen hisAll-Amorican tool hail teams anti He tons ofi Michig;ana sh onty westi-rnt tuaye to behooried otil slht hir-I ea.Caps etlimioare as fottows: First Eleven. hodlney 1-sristreton. tat ht -tii-an, Y...…

December 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. TI-I MICHIGAN DAILY are not so fortunate wil be given an ~ CII A~ ____-eqnl opportnity to help the clubs FFYCNSEC Entered as seondclass matte at the Ann along at the concert at YysilantiArePsOfc.nxtTrsa Thswlbehe_ 1IPabts hed daily IMnday exceptedaurng the initial concert of the trip and a rous - IeCiaI Limited IEdiOn& n n o u n c em e((til e year, atti7 Washington street, Ing send-off will do mu dl scsftoward tna POPU LAR ...…

December 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. o-caist~t' .y: e f t +i~a , >*t*+ft' '1 "t la . I Al All A 0 and $24 ( c~tsyafnow VIUI'UO.L All $1sOvercaats naw VaI I $15tOv~a52 ero ata110 W- This sals includes the femrous H. / S. & M. 52 and 54 inch long coats. v. 4l Black and Oxford. Plain or tic Belt IRyton. U 217 South Main Street T e C + Pbone 513 - - ;$20 - 18 - - 12 clothir, I I HOLIDAY GIFT rOR fMlEN New Neckwear Fi Handkerchiefs L, Umbrellas Fi Dress and Str...…

December 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. S-I I'*-I rs'.I- * +-EIr~' --N4~-4 ' As+..+ <r . r . 'THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD - i AND STEAMSHIP LINES. So e hi g s ecialITais lav3An1Aborfyenral Sttndardl~ Time r -+ Efective Otoer 26.l92. r' For bdturda /uh' ~ SUH OT <^'"* No. t- ! 2 A. o. No. 1- 9:00A. M.1 No. 2 ili33 A. m. No. 5-12:3 P. Mr. No. 4-8522P.M. No 3- 4:53. M. fTainis 1.,.3,, 4ad 6, li ilt'ecept Sunday ~. Kep1~dKe yor ee ol Ireeohair crs oQNo. and 4. W.IIIH, .P ...…

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