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December 09, 1904 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-12-09

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I- 1
t, s ,rts
.; {
z .
4 '
Buhs.and Brush Sets, Smoking Sets
Shaving Sets, Chafing Dishes, Cutlery,
Games, Books, Perfumes, Baskets, "Chairs
Lamps, Dolls, Skates, Sleds, Tools
1i0 fact all the new and desirahle things that -have T4OAG 'S
been placed on the market this year may he had at i..
20c Candies, 10c 40c Candiea, 20c
lBurch field's F'ine Tailoring
TUrad e Guarantees...
You the must skillful and artistic service to he had anywhere.
We always carry a large and complete line of seasonable wool-
ens. We have the agency fur Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts,
and can show you a large, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt-
ings--'perfect fitting.
Burchfileld's [ine Tailoring Trade, 106 [. Huron
Fall Fashions are Ripe
a ~ Suits = Top Coats= Rain Coats
F raom the-whalesale tailsringchmuse of
e o L. ADLER, BROS. '& Co.
LI ' Rochester, [N. Y.
tllnstrating the laet oroe
' I,+
designs, are now ready. We
have exclusive sale of L. A. 13.
& Co. clothing in this locality.
Menl who are more than ordin-
arily particular about the style
and fit of their clothes are es-
pecially invited to inspect these
products of Rochester's most up-
to-date clothing manufactory.
Wadhams, Ryan & Reule
Money oaned Save the Walk Down Town
Money oaned0et your
Loaned on W'atce s, Diamonoda, w Watches and Jewelry
or other Personal l-'oopevrtY
Bargains in Watches and n<. Repaired
Diamonds. C aenrt-class workmen andguare-
Office. at residence,33 . Liberty St.. ato-vaedr work. nes e sReducedbPric.oM
Ann Arbor. Houis. 8t 1.34la.m.,y1 Pins and:Bsande7 o 9tpReduced Prineses
tonf3dentil.t p o l s-ruTelephone 310.
Joseph C. Watts F'.JI SCIILIUDf, 340 S. Stale Street
Sptaidngs Official Intercolegiate
Used by All Leadleg Colleges
Foot Ball Pants- toae' li,,.
biss and lkn''stcpaddeiiwith1
bam- Curio-ilhair. anisi shb
wvit h cane strips.
New York Chicago Denver
Spaldiugss fficial Football Guide
For 1904
Editeid by Walie Camp. 'ricel10o.
Yaonao tive k
Hot Lunch
At Taxttle s. 338 S. Stmt.
New Brunlswick Tables
At.1tle IDeivoit Opsera H owse, Tissrs-
lay, Frisdav' antil Satssvsav-. lDecembler
80ii. all, coil ioth, 'Mi-s, AsdaRehaon.
stippsorted byisy 11. Chlvesc hmastonso
andione'if the 'largest andimotsi ti
Iotn daaic' organizaotios i t oursii
this' seasoni. sill tiveseoin liitw lays.,it
which this ema~rkabsle actre-s.- a
acievedi - a fsamethal will enusore soi
lo'til.s-haricalcihrioiicles avehepst.
ForrNili', keluau's bief engagemient,
the first Ii she h splayed i isic itys lioi
seueral vars, -The ,-Sehoi1liiirScas-
oul" n The Tamoing of the Sloen''
ire anonioiedi. 1HevLady Teazle ioi
this Shueridaoocuoedy is as daioty aond
clear cut tos a caoo,u.anduolu other act-
re-sIiiiur titme has.achievedl greater
succe'ssioo the purl. The Kathoerine of
'MisRehan is an ott odimoettdoistiot-
Iv originsal withlher. Shlivscevery-
wher lien'lenacaimooed the idleal of
Shaukespeatre's ttuoitolttosih-eoitne.
Suits pressed, 25c; trousers, 10c.
Fuller & O'Connor, 6t9 E William St.
.. ~.________________ Fine Cigrsaod Tobaccos.
Jas.. ti. P.otfi.. 3tllS. SeiStcri-,
Alli poiiiiiii'tiii a t.ii c_-_li''i'. tI toei-lui tr-i',- i fes- rtie vcst andulionesi
C'ridit (i..suc iscr if Ai,.riiiir lione of
XisI-is ." C so.. 2o liiiifsiaiiiii - Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes
vi rv 1ivsulii. itoh ity.
Flebtr lSir Xmas ptiĀ°s'vits ,I\IElt'NFi;i 8IN CI)N'TNI C 'l0N
fte~id ,i i e ale Nlie .'iiiiiig I-le cv -orytiiig Neas anouolvan
,,,.Q8at he ~fl O he 'utna Re'cr Ag,,rents,fur it. to. tO. Pips-.
& IC". siiii.. ii8 S. .S"oic Si. 1R. E.JovcvY.
Get your Gym suppises at Cushing 's. G A GRSSH O
liAll popu. la si i ii v mtouo-liiSivsosic tj_.l0ttoetDANCliING
Mu sic Co.i.291 Xasiuiuugiofasitrlei's 5) 0 'St O:tStFor (Eu niiiotide
thew- Blood Berty (Gum1 and get tiGranger's Academy. Ph~oe, 24b
a pinkt breath. ~Only antisepitic gam
in the worldt. All dealers. 44tI Souvenier Ash or Pin Tray
bsi ll iosiitsni98cd. iatltie sale Given away with every 50c pur-
of the Cutinog, Reeve & Co. 'tock. chase or over at
All pioiuiiiusriiiic at 7c-1ess,, DARLING & 1VALLEAUX
Credlit C'o., puiioerisio'f'AnXiii Arboir - --- --_____________
Mulsic Cii.. 2a55 XX'si-iigii iistreetI 5g -.Pick-wick ii
II Iuse ' MieiigtisuI ioiotbllcal-1BOW LING ALLEY
eisar "ii-eufree' ciii is-ev r ie Stx-incty Up-to-data.
ofi $iososir over. S. R.OTTENSTEIN, Pr-op.
Ft oster Art IRosoms. 707 N.'Venlv. Aver.
\\Xiieiivyou're sihrosughlooiikig for
stltcaes oullcatehretcvb%.FouAiltCis t No.
5iifAl.X aidISit.dl REMOVED 's-smbilsigtoeNo-
______________:)u,'5N. N)o;0s, fir~st oursothiif pos-
L i o ie n h a d k e r c h i f s w o r t h o 5 c , 3 c c > i r i . i n y 1.
at the Cuttig, Reyer & Co. sale. 58-3 THE ATHENS PRESS, Printero.
Alisiioplar f mu5sic at 7c-Buston
Cresdit Cos., ipurchaser of Ansn Arbior tNOCH DIITELLE
Si lissie Co.. 2003 XVaslaiiogtioostreetI. 59 1Embaltner sonol resl Direcor
Trv .thsemssallsonl usesn hosk here fse Amblnce-Calls attended day or sight.
;3t0 S. OothArv-. ;Residlvecsime
sit caes. Ale, MaO dlt. 09tI IoslilO. 4AnnosArbor.
'[F you freeoot The Sosart Clsobs srtis.
or thoe t o of ths isoslosso lue ts.k. I olarI music' at 7 Botono
You'tl sev Ctlot he-,olsly dlifereot frsso lt7c
those wtoteto attpoar ltothe windoows o sot ' Credit k's'. purcirelr- of AonnoArbior
Clkiacb tcores
Allen's i-and-Tailored Clothes NXltssie ('i., 20() W\ashinigtonostreet. .5os
seae n001 -oplrises ,.rtarit-nii--si-still fshliion
pptates, but aro- tskenfrsm 0t'yaesloe list ?5sc Neckvar for 39c1 at the Cutl-
resod itotlie centers of wealtho utd culture..
o oofterready-for-useClioth~es asonsaiiv 1kveIsig,1{ey-cr kCu. sale. 55-3
trioes 001 owhutoosoivriv.If yiioliiiu'suittces ocre3-oure
$0and s$1sa'fe:.. leo,.:Haint St. 59tf
AILEN; ;THE CLOTHIER XII popiuslair toscic lat7c--Boston5
MVainsStreet irsesit Coi.,spurcliaser 4iAson Arbosr
- XlMusic k's, 2o(3 \Voliigtiou street. d5o
W v O D 10You will always find the right thing at the right time at the
New Clothing and Haherdashery Stores of
EVERY ARTICLE NEW AND THIS SEASON'S STYLES. 121-123 S. Main St., next door to State Batik.
The Niagara Fallr Route."
Rowe's Laundry
SThomas Rowe, Proprietor.
326 N. Fifth Ave.
{ HICAGO ljiew Phtones47 xelroe441
BOSTON 0 , atifirco
with direct connection at Chicago for
St. Louiso, Kansas City, St. PauS and1 Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98.
the WesoL For information and Reoidence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314.
through tickets call on or write to W.
W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. I Ambulance on call.
J. F'. SCHUH, Sanitary Plumbing,
Electric construction and supplies
Gas and Electric Portables, Gas and
Electric fixtures, steam and hot
water heating.
207 f. Washington SC.
Call at.
.316 Bout sMain St.
'IME TABLE-Taking effect Dec. 4, t904.
toe. No. 6*- -06 uta-rIn. Lv. No. I+- 9:0' ant
t- 8415ulp.m. Ar. ".5*- 8:351a.sot
* Daily except Ssnday between Ossoad
Toledo. (Thougho traias daily oeept San-
lay. Free chair ears on Nas. 1 sod 4.
W. T. WItLLI, Agt.,
J. J. KtROY. 13. P. A., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Toledo, Ohio.

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