S-I I'*-I rs'.I- * +-EIr~' --N4~-4 ' As+..+ <r . r . 'THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
So e hi g s ecialITais lav3An1Aborfyenral Sttndardl~
Time r -+
Efective Otoer 26.l92. r'
For bdturda /uh' ~ SUH OT
<^'"* No. t- ! 2 A. o. No. 1- 9:00A. M.1
No. 2 ili33 A. m. No. 5-12:3 P. Mr.
No. 4-8522P.M. No 3- 4:53. M.
fTainis 1.,.3,, 4ad 6, li ilt'ecept Sunday ~.
Kep1~dKe yor ee ol Ireeohair crs oQNo. and 4.
W.IIIH, .P . w T.WILLS, Agent. f/
+D, . A. A.& J. RAILWAY /)C LLAR
G. erJ.ittn HRuyes,).Co. 'D, STANDARD TIMLienand CUFFS
Maae. CL4i~tRPy rf C . ?l 0 rit half hourly from m uti APCiTHE sLD r1
.h _ t:1.m. The howyontill1:25 io Ypi- ./OE BEH
d109-11 wasbhlngtorkSt., Fe'.st. antloell ,t 215 a. m.and 1245 a in.For
4 i 1-kouourloo froto8:15 a m.untl :5 n
STen t 9:5 . mofndSlain. m. Barker's Collars are Stamped "Linen"
- - - - -Othr rao/ts adertied and Sold os Linen are
VIENOTsottped"'Litton." 'hhy? <
Pituesad raflsPatent Leather Shoes
HAVE YOUR P11010nt,Pi maehe __ byOOOICWIHO
lot' alnhais 11,11. 'R E NT 5SC L E R For anything in the line of ' Vsi~iING--H'OLIDAY?
Darling & Mallaeux's 0 Makr of Phoographs Framing, Call n Rntshler, t
rANCV STORW, 2Phone 389-2r. Cornr Mhai and Huron Streets, i
CO. TTR. STAT BRYETS ', AND L i<%BERTY STS.&<' $ ,$+ +< + 3 e 1 +8 & < __<_ + +<
M 51111 a1,1 miss hI.. c. 01":12111r110 l n 'r4 IFor 5.11111Iup-o-dat e ouit raoes go to Or aoOrtmet a nd 01dIiplay of holi-
it 'you ar1111e11o1ne1 of11o1uIrIday goda is holer this yearI than in OUR SOLl:ILEATHI iR CASES
Dollar Alarm Clacks --tile- prviousa(ton. It you1wantaice
O . H. Lxtz, Jeweler, 001-A tiatoola Phi Beta pin setl wih Iori arni chair or a gdlelilather PANGIo'' '
Ion 1011m. in1St. Ilolls blltween Arnold'sand111Gain- longo.e or a ine daenlport, too ran c~,
".:dd* ''*: :.- r ,:' .", ,«. ills Ihi louse. Howard if returtied lleyllal oi 1
1 . 2 8 W\ a s lt le n a w a v e n u e . 6 0 6 2 . n e rItI A I I o c nF o h r l T I Nw e Ih a IeIn u u I f a
Al Alen 5111 ailfitid the best as- FrLls issslasaililaa
Mlehlgarm HBannsers GSA Ham- .lrlrent o1sut caoe. ly fn line iofatSnyrtia, Wilon, Bloy
hers of all other Colleges - _______ lraaaels aiid Tapestry lrssei raga WAG N[R e CO.
at n all si--s, and can suit 3.011 i tie
LOEL°SCONR T~LE'NOTICE. patterna aaswell1aaain thelprces. -- - --
[HEandCR-RpaR IOli'inted china tr Critmas Vry rospoctully yurrs,-
v~ gflNs at Lniverity Art Store. 56-x MARITIN HIALLER,
ns11, l1d & 11G1>. iherty- St. t P
27wiht En Watkins Pn u 36eStte lenng'j1
sTeo,:16S tae lannOne o Allesa suil cases for Xmas U L
TYPE>WR2 . Z NG s'loig andl Repairing. ClthesaIadbeaalprsl.
Dro u a cadIto323 S Mair t. t0iled 10r and delivered. Leave o- oudb
a hdiv cl I f11111ur wt.1o
M,+n w ^v whn n . r rol at Cushling's Drug Store, o Fonain Pisa at Cshitg's.
phol o 82 $1.50 worhi atwork for ___________
Cha.-lin's h:1.00 JOB PRINTING -MEYERS, 215
American & European hotel - - Main St. S. Phone 28L.
Ovem Day .-rd Night Lost-\V'alrcl111b. lBea Theabadage ______. ~ ry k se
OOWLlftO ALLEY 0N0 oANCn oAtL. 1oil1one101111andlin ~itials R J .5i 110a/ tesae
H1? 1111110 11111 e,l l lll 1111011111 Iled lta Illilor. Retulrnl to1604 . Stae and University students desiring to a- oe o o hs
1t110 a1d11ro11111irllrlavl IrrI 6.2 crn positions to tech will find it to tierreg ford es 'e
Tryllttfllllll~i~l~tlll~lllll st..~(.heir interest to write to James F.
209-211 N. 4th Aw, McCullough, 6311 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- woid like 'for or-
* *111he1harmonic Collred Orhesra caO.f. der for iroediate
C racker Jack dIe Sires 1ltoirma the tudenta that it dc//Verg or for X-
F~ose ~ ils ll -l0l s lpreparedl 1o furnishi first-class mu- MAKE MONEY. lfl'O. fec tem.
Furnshedfor artis all c 511h iclr alloccasis; (anes muic a Wanted a lady canvaer who can
Socials at wholleale jices.- specily Addrelas 1..D. Bates, 808 work about tsos hosrs daily to sell s
@lForth ave 61-6. good article, suitable tr Christmas ___
301 S. Sate St. [. &I GI[B[RI. __________ gifts. Address H.. care Daily.
Students will make their headquar-
IWrs at Root's Music House thin year EARN SPENDING MONEY. IiC'
tsorposular music, muslical instru- Wanted gentleman canvaser to sell C L
11n111s, uplies and studios. wfs new, quick-selling Christmas gifts for
young folk. Apply at once. Address 3 24 SOUTH STATE.
- ___________- 11, care Daily.
Wanted-Allassistanlttfor general ___________
j' oiedicals work. Most be a gsod m-
cl-rsellpis. 'or salary anid other We sld your Grandfather good
- Iarie-Ilars. address, A . s Crane, ed school here. We want to keep it SprdinS and
r \ f. ., alaazo, Mch. 62.up and do yours0. Halrs Jewelry
" _ -KaamzoMib 6.Store. Bruises.
Bath Supplies of all kinds at all
_prices at Cshing's Pharmacy. Suit cases at all prices at Allen's. 000oon I r lIverI at
w ho 1 1 0 1 ll 101i11
WaRORN EMO Win i ( Ill 2ep 1 II l LOaLh e 0t10l11
PR S D N U R P O LIC Y vlalrmd ad
UVNThe building up of a Telephone System with every possible mod- I'-_ Slp ~n Oia(ll
Su p n es emn im grovement; the giving of better service than was ever thought for prompt'llllllad c o-
work in perfect harmony wih possible before. To be honorable, courteous and just in every detail. To E.YPTIANI OIL. clas lnlstl
Comfort, Style and Service anticipate requirements, To overcome impediments. To be satisfied 1''"'~" lgse e11111111 (Oi
withnotin sortof te cnfidnceand ood will of every citizen in e1h (, e o11 "lrensthtsi
ABSOLUTELY thegcouty.s1-s0allthe1511110115n1re 1111 no110ease olo
GUARANTEED ,-sor al li ,5 a som febstadm-o'st1de
Trimmings cannot ut. WA"9[N Wto oI[*LLIcaUI ul~ll11'1 51l5l o n 0010. tlectat s at
Prieeltoandl.e,scyotoreortmal,prernid. Temporary Office, Liberty Street. near Fourth .,5 ,:- .St-itl'nal o~ er-ttary yung
THE C. A. 01)0IRiTON MFG. . . el (iso ll1-tanlllAsociaionlll l. alonll.MIch..
"I ha stolllgi 1yptian Oil)11both ex-
leraly ndin elnally for 1111' (1s101thtse
A j )1 '&: Ct"TyetL an 1(111t is e-l lusd 111t111fol
- a sses 1with exllletrl t sIo 1
"7eNagara Folls Routel.' o hsttelorecommenrd it as a rbnritdysof
TIIF IIIIOETLINr. CtqARL'r s I s Magic Egy-tiasntilis sold
ANI ARBOR to tj~~~~~frolvn in Turkey.d 1 1 1 515allt l
CHICAGO Quarr-y a Caempuse Drub Stre.
BUFFALO Lnjoyed in America. Will. lbo cbrcin, }
withi direct connections at Chicago for St1. Cotk Tps otrPain. sta " V fitr,
Lois, Koosas City. St. Pasla1110thle Weal. Sane the Couons.sea
Fnr inormatiotn0110 through tickets eal l ottlr
write lo W. W3. CASE. Agent. AnttAt-bar. l~bolne 667. 303 Z. State Bt
Always Ahead
In Styles.
The Best
of Everything in 'Tailoring