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December 04, 1904 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-12-04

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The Michigan Daily
VOL. Xv.
No. t}3
Maddockkl'evolutionizes Football in [he Woma n's League Entertain _Ke'yst oe lob Chartersa Train to President Ang~ell Calls Attention to
Utah and Now the Mormons Swear, ment ke-organizedt tpon an l~it Pittsburg for tlheClhristmas Vaca the Time of Examination-changes
by Michigan.! tirely New Bfasis. tion. in Personnel of conmmittee
t o l Ili. c llge d lilt e
lilt ,I ilt t r ic - A . r i a k l h ,
th ti s i i f lth ea , < c id
fii-. itgiidt\litiga I
fitth r ti 11"1111tht o iii tg ex
th 1S l Ca5 3 ,tk
it.} liai~ t th _A te i
y ainst Ian~t tilampll aai ns
La d c i at i t her '-l iii t e t
lchgi" ndMadoI ii tilimei iiwi
t ri t t lh i 1 ir i i h f o o b al
u' tuu ig ii tie
ld it1"sliii td o tm al n~
it tha lit 1'ti l lrtiiti w it i
"'ea sye <illilti tutu licii 1111
4 ' ioilI f1 1111 1111 id l t lpiii rii} hu
Ii, a11 cu ioll ai li f iiill -till le
yI l it tt ii h re i I tc; Ilt
"I'll I s' stpi tt gi ittu te s itu li
laitt i lt n tilnt of Yos lT c f i'
1111te 11s op ed nt lw r n iii I
a lttlntla tter. amt it t e co e ti lt
it' th tii i i tp ic o e en t,
l t litnn ith e it thi fit m akeI
i, t ie t ,i p e \111 , u c~~
ii l c ,c re ti Ml odtit c ach1 h or -,
itchdI ~nti hruhr
hot if a aeaan t tilat h
lit> watch it k d tt h atr
u't uc lit :t m ild .
t al t l l ii t-- t e ami it yl a r a g o , l
la1,1 to u l r tii d ti at Uta '1ad111
tit a ntt s h o h a . fr 1ld n t h
I lit int d c e t s d a s l it at ltj
iIt u tomtattic, c il X C~ illiuli
Vil, I lii 0 t it i tnt idefgaitiii-
4 15sg 51 ,-t~ l t e t comteIl tl s l lt e,
ilitiil the iteves tillrI nht ii"pettilt
h Iscl beyondfl i lit 1 -ti iirlltr
lt Will it lilthint ltsselsit t i a:il
Il t lcl h b li t oo n h t t t o e tI -
tilt l i li 1t itii l (111ti t li
ltait t it;lil iii lititt ili
Aiii i' i til iii il "A
11-e t l l it r )ll ;11(
nl} a i i tli llt it iii~l
til)f t itthe i m l iii I agn itii
t c r tliii t I twc llt.
t i i.
ii -l ii
lie r1iii
ri- I ce ;l
ti t liiiliii~1
Mitt thu irt ri l
liii 11ilI("fit tI _
\\t ttSii
W) 1imni, t) W ' 14-ident tilt ell, ne lte o -
ii lu i i uuI lt nite w ih h s i h re the seleic-
,t it n. i1t'p al ictrti tuu ip f lt 'lltte iiof itliiga-il
tt ~ tt r 0 I.illhas it l iii tithee us i t t i t nyone tie-
0- W ililtaittred' itiring tou h raiiii t h uerthist'
i iai stdn i hi s tthdeire "f those ik it itar-
.1 ii he lcvt ii th lla ith ' s li-t tb s hi ill beforill Jlil
itill itiraiphas so the e a inattion' willt-u kei pla4c.
vti hs sr alier111 t .i thi er than lat.iT heig Ox-
t t lt it i ith11111 ford iitlt itics i shii lt make.nit-
iii ti, ll l tlt - tlii reac ts 'igttii iearIlir t'-
tilt t Zit ni--l i Ir-it a i tets.t Preidenti iA.liG.
1111e 1 itthe i i est wumtiltKlamao tcllge.lii s
t~ ti n w tlion ieen appis.n~t ie i heutlace ofPres-
1n liit- l lit -t thii denitlWt G.11 ;petrry lit fi i e ttirl-
>inm~s"! rate eaq it~clt-i-A lg th il) Pesdn
:iitiit-tr..iiits ofathu
gradates 'U dergadutesai d lii -
It liA iti lit-it tita d a ll l uc r A t a ol l l o tit tt itr i i the i 11111 iitti tox~s.Inipittits tio ito-
tel t i iiItiiltierei t. il altl t lilt0 1 tl~i~)t.Mac 2, eird to have taiknowle g oftari-y
IR o sNil i ptin fts oit the act hat
I ti-ti btititit o lli teind tirhtittan n tt ti a l ilts- titl ii t
i ittist. t-illargertjt patt ti s-- whii ch lat li- - hnh e - - to b i rect
- till i Ii not ll itha t o ldeiiofthteselutitir-
H hae eeit w n by th Leguirt .. vut : i tttl it iticrel cIutiutkinitriiis
antaswdte ien n). ' idoi l llt ii liii t toi ll itI it IW e i t lii ii-eitlliAtt lt
Jitit' liii til;lii ii t asI I ati iii ii ittit itiilc t the so " ly de i ib ilgthtt'atuthe stentt ts
I t apply to the ltarteieveninliltrtie .wh l l b 11111cted t it'e lila r-s
.3ile 11 ii 115t ihi-lili tOIi 3 lill tot heilinished w
e any rss pa ty wllbegie a lsit slt l l ntlo it il meItlyltblitilwormics,
usua ithistu ear.tIl t h isi benl pti of unil ec.>o. n __ t~i l t li t i utiaeti1111 f ii
W ay, llplc. 1l d I ti alt tiKenneI Itt ld iire tttati i i l ii'lciont- fit tu t-
tim i ft r t e C rit a n lt i lIIitt t f itt ltl. iii ii llit ii tin lf t
accoun ii t f the illnessi' tiof I -Dan acche-tI m l h aeei l toUC li i ti i tnuruniai
rit i'titil t heit iiW ynn iiii'Tie i-it'hit-t e iet w ,hv hrslt' l~ l
Ilp ,war i itt-lt is i ll l' s-i-i \ n sFlao ( c~ai " tarl r viu, t s c e it- nt-m sxnly ioueorse p dor ts such
Xin Iiiii I .l . i In-tIfsat.Ic sunt fual tsofit mraoid, tth O ce a-
havetaige theirtntin f om
lit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ae dev ilii itl, tlti it ii l nt t iotnuto tut , symthu y orci
tit1iti ii tl ilttt iii tt i itl t enilotet' i slofte it e arkidlitness,
tilt Eiiisc iu tlutssiittuist Int\l i t. lind huro-
An ut1 s Ian tlit)Iavelherttrwnii tiletifittr iting sc oluerysuof
u-i iii ~rhhtr ~ h l i ii t fteym rl tortnt oh clii t i.tcriand ftitra
tilt tutu hahtode mae n i tuti ttu 1t u i r i i it ts tt1tit t leI i n tolie an ief e st o
itt'tttit \ii iert t Xniutu Ilutbthtatiotiti og ot
I ci iishfiiiiptsttlpesniw" pa u luui -ntuu flliittde itltt .. i hi t o esi..teemi t he1ud ptrformance i
O'hu tr ul itlitlt iil iii hutan itt is tutu tr o Wt o iigam wa hutMich- f Ipubililt d ut.. tS isnihitg ihe t -im.
lursuie 4 auri- uuii t leu iiiutilt-e i gn1 uat in dtstani it rgte. hu P Xiiugri scr iu u'u ufthi 11
ti-ill tutu tshudsitiuit -Taelireheathealsigwhol
diulctll it octrreithistfyeatr.nit Ital tjhas ju~st le ake d o t e ae fr e

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