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December 13, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-12-13

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. ]0



Michigan Half-back Only Western
Man en Camp's First All-Ameri-
can, Maddeck, Redden and
Graver Have Places en
Third Team.
Waiter Camp, tie d1an1ofifoot 1)1)1.
has chosen hisAll-Amorican tool hail
teams anti He tons ofi Michig;ana sh
onty westi-rnt tuaye to behooried otil
slht hir-I ea.Caps etlimioare
as fottows:
First Eleven.
hodlney 1-sristreton.
tat ht -tii-an, Yale.
Gusaridt-witPriire toe-.
(i-alecr--HioferDar tmuth

First Ctntert is in Ypsilanti There- 1
dlay--Many Affairs Planned fer the
Entertainment of the Clubs
While en Trip.
Cthitmas 0tol].at tlitiYtiltitii Opie-
rai 111,(01 =Thiursday nigtht. A gloat
man .v lO mlts iaret10plianitiig totac-
t0. l.1 1 i I lititl,, tittir Gatnd Riatii
ill5 l::,; 1 1101 a tr llonin ttt ti
ii tialwilt-t eyliillt ttoceuptitittis
Ina hetilli A aning pttyi tttls

fin Tournament Yesterday Mrning-
Hope that the Fencing Team cPlay
tie Able to Accept the Chal-
lenge te Go East.
In ttthe ;prelimiay t-esciis turna-
seheldoityisterdlay mninsg Tct'Ceau
190t, Ntriouit, idefelating Johinsoni by
till clioeinmargiof oine pit h
resttiult, 110 iof stiilthetornme tlcsoM c-
Jea tautirdtmison the feingitelans
for tthios year. liietouiriiamntt s
1c11d11tiedl onttoecmatcittsiysitimSic-
lean tutu Jitlohnsongo-i1110pilacs.
EAm1111g1 till ctte-staitsi i-irie: tiiig--

No. 6 3
j itfl[ PRACTIC[ CO1RT .
Senior Laws are Given Actual Prac-
tice in Trying Cases at the Bar.
Onesofsithticprosninentteat ureasitf
the tisactica stsuitktorequiedg lsth
tan schosiosithusc iversit y sifMicia-
igas s thle practice roars, fur the stis-
itt-sts iif theisenissrsi eayi-'rhis uprac-
tice courl.is suitositIhi-50110ost ii-
ciat iats ofsthlairsistdsit's ciasei-o
aidsit iit iuisoeIthat. sissondis but
few is ithioIaiw schoiiiis ofthi-coussit ry.
lTeiipurpose of 0tecutis so af-
ford ithlistuditis pratisIscat isistructions
bhallatwand ini i01q11uittiniei the
lyina ssoitftheli-Siat'an- d - the I "le 0-

Guiard- A.MasrshaltIHaitard.iand ti et willtbe noi()iItihe bo tile xcitintg one, ia ll tacolletissst o-ie its-oi-"coe"siri-eduresedooiin
Tackle-Knoton avd ocialt"istltai) itio 11idaolsbig 1151111evenlii tati lid. ii 1theri s.I The ictialst piencstolwhichl
Qusarter-or hnssossCas , >it ii) o which oit --i it -0 Si per oit he11 mtcl .ll hi thel iniIials Mi- andsi itatliof iases iiiiou iihiall 111011
1-al-ietonissichsriga,-as or it-ttltiittlihetiucraliti iitlittediniLonwa frsuiotolt11Joiihisoniti slagies. fo1 1Itotriatli-ouirt ito theil o-
I-tail-- Rates I iscitoniiy low antdllt iii nisi heitv1tt wisill be tho fist srond lost in theii secn o uiiiiriti it O ti tiiiubtless ivlttalt
Secend Eleven. ~lii~i tt 5 u i'151i itiiVli-I-tIna-i 1 lii5ltsis5li illi
bsel amw iofiis ist-hie110 Ii ti Ii - -.Insis t h 1 f io ti suit ti tll st sl it - iii -li-rhtjiig sliini f aisl ieaty),ic
fIsal lh e ,55Co5lmia. 1iri ii i s ll r f te l~tustliof i900,li i thIi th10 e1 decIits isi 100of ith e tdgs n dii tiila d ah osithttsistr ilasoficesare,
Guard--R15 less at ti t_ wo o is edMIheCiaiinso' h ink at thityeai'sut Sit Iomp11110 futlidii-stutilisio h eircas
Cetriii n,-inst.ii o(ro 1ici~nsget oNo.i, ii (an tc0 l sa ac tuetin hii tutun10isll-
(tiasil filosasa Dasritoth.ii I.S3ifotaltliteaini Professoru Sta1r- i1o1111flthe strionig-si,111111has eisis iiiiilto ilt ens-fitce.so
'Tachle-- Schat, Iinsts t: il eon( iti--Iliaiat i 11 liih 11111 0 i td toe Isilceisit r SAccsrd- I'liei- torta ofitheii rsii sem0e11sltsr ldeals
Essi-ht alo 11arttmouth.lin to 1is it hi- Ii hi ococrt c anthet irdmmbrorthet itariiiided byit isshi judge,51' whililthe
Half- \icholsllasvasul ittllt-(> on stilt- alShet-liti it iteiiasiiis suiluji i tth Ilechiallenuge- of wortt ini thueseconisu eme-usteurdu-lo
Half-MtcllcitYale. Otoritalsctat-tl lesda}'lanti 11 iutu u-rutheiiicl11b.1Ilui csofiitus "ii u(tiolins of I-as-"'wsiuch are
Ful-R. Mier, Pruniceton._______d____________ tuit litheialti-ul tbecoimeus isot deit bitei ur, o akeethue
Third Eleven, Y.M.C. A.NOTES. third 1m10mberluofiithie team it, lt50r10is work onii ri-tv pra1c111atlieveryfoirmt
End--RoiddenoMichiganueeldout ttu ilthttlatu SLteauu null upholduututhat isusoin1trIiyin-i actualicaseis1
Tackle--'irtr haiuI Ii i i i i 1 l-l- lt heI cu taili io11111ieihas i-aunesit-ilo yed.iit
Ghuard-Blethke, Wisonusslin. terft lat Sundiay ev-ingtoiu il olr(-s Ithu 'i angle, tubltishedl by tIhue All 0stuetssare allouwed-utrOy their
Center-Bhu uce, Colsuumbia.1to 1111 5th sit u imen ua thucSilltiti 1all t 111ivesity iot Niw a orkus adI , aoatl se s bythutruitofii trtoul liii ifIthit
(hutard Puelsas otis Pesosstatemi-til-st IhautSitchigansinte1deitot Stat1-eill shichrtihieuyintndto psac-
Mr.suit-Riugwasrfrmerlytunestit lIrte i tt o li be, ii heilin 11NteasYorki eauhisitalettoge111 ter asndttry tir
qtuarter -arsrs, Minnsa. lls fittat ofitliiDtotYiil '5 51.0A. ,ryi h iit-s alit-il s-u-- icuase s lby 1111lawss ofithoeiownstate.
Half-Graser, lM-ichigan. t Itu hs ra -,sv o liuuuc anuIth tutuei uwas e-ut ity iunuat flu chll iiivey slt- sue ofi law thisrusare
Half-Stanard, Holy Cross.s-ito-u hutis dtdhuc1uutihu tto1bring tusplan usi ii onfotutuat'uMihuigans.iiItufour attorney~sItwoihisthie lusntif
'tul-Salmoan, NioteDante, I t it 15t/iy 111111 its pliiin50 itgh 1ustis lsidsile owever, ghai Ittuicshigast andtwioitus rusthueIs ii uaush Evrsy
On slhe secounud easn nou -tillug-ohi-- ltturul Hainuug tloug bteeuuassuiatl 15it t-te(maosonsposse tcoiiulwiin iattorneyai-sri-quuied tou nakse itspeecit
cm san apears lust 1155tiii-thuid, ti-authI thu am,1iuterested in10yo l un eituu I ;hi-inltercolleiateu fencin115g uit t i t o tli-ashtluiften i nuities fur his sushi
places are giren lou Redden, ss IIolc isutuani 111011li itd thuusig ivetm hi-- j itis thuehplaunsoi Ihu tAhulothu Ass wia- hill-ienht..iirOstts-- attornssuogsIl
ansI Graver. fhuh i.itt o 111io -o suidt hutermio Iast as stabtdtie plitiffuumusst fhle heir"sussu-
Oft Hesonthe grecr( itcsas: tliitintg nill beinshiuhoil ltatluinit-eTiansglo-,liie ifeiling learsu ios."s'Ilisinuhuty fl huir ueclt-ara-
"Heston of Michigan is uof tho u iutlIst111tild.15130 nducos uun - iii for he sitlu - ri-oto doliiitsuiaurt iullholdinug the on lustatingtug eiruchrslargi-which thai
cf Shsunin sutYale, hut about sixi toiat I t iteeing sh 50i s. 11t111ic 1 5r1epuhttinioflMShiugani.uis(' i-l-iuihluuat s atthisnciys ase oblihged lol
plouindislighter, con chases-'10 yardii i s elhs chllngedth i SIuhu-ipu is orthe'asnser.Alfte iiihesei hrissnahutiusshith
v-nlundler-101/2 secontds and las i hliiritular1semi-on thutlylthuusuuuiss 1Ist 1 two00eass lust t h uislfh s usies appeugoas inusut.andlsteasgis
lighto foe the toot sch. Hiii sequtallts til iito-fitheii-cab~ineo t was hutlit il11tot bo-sinuanciallyh ab1l11to tutueill-ucsints tuithuiss eanhtitornssey citing
strong sin attacko and diet-ense, anditl c soi-ii suitoom tut sighut. S-ar i t-ehlllh-ugi- casefos rttuhiss owrnsshall orthlist oago
useo his headl erery sumoetntlo ns nlliii l ut5 1th iii 5 wtre 0isus isedit nStaThIto-ofiiial-ts liiie shiuaciust usi ichuu-lt1hi-cs-i ubinsg ltriediandl
in taking his speninsbust i uststslIthlaustilt lierst, thut os sit is great-, coso1Iited iofNagiussoandl Donnell-ty,!iiuotigthi- taw as lie inhsls.ulto hut
an otpen iid" Ily1isiat two cut sits itfIbatls auudl titl-,.;asndl I-sihauani tuuor. uinthai;stall-.I Tie judge deicidesthu
1Iars r t b uh seditantiuliiiatu-s - u-rill-- at lair alfter hein555the
-- lIt reairi. t i pltalinodtl havieI OPEN MEETING OF WOMAN'S us iitutu sts, accordning sum the wseight if
COACH SWEELEY'S RECORD thits ildo-l}t-t)1( hoi-ltiday a cia tutuiLAGU E. athriuity Iisall ifthit stateo. If the
EreretSweeleysiwho ucoac-he-dutiii-so1 thit 0,( liic tilt iii uss tutyig ihere t uTesti isut of tt fur ottuntmsut-iiat-to--ehs-oi-eitheriideutas-cnosusoat.-
MorningsideIowa, tearerthatd a siuc- willt hi 11111 till luuit I co1 oI'll gs tuhichi sity-anuauil lufettgldiy ihus iouauth 1thitjudugmenttuhe iuy nmag
cessftul yearwih tisuseamnavor-gn- ttst5tllthm ori a h.-tuiguuofttheUn-Isivesily a cg iii- itherluclse11111andtry ugit again its
it2 posuntdowhen fat. i-iei-os enoiugh After thue motoutgs tuetutu stulut ss-iii suisnutthus moin~sttg antdla gruof th hiii gher c outr.
steam in (hoerboistio tunlitupti2$91Toyedihs-ocil tune.usi Ihe msutrtisutihili t lluiliers utlif ' the ugoititolatlush Intheii-secondl ismesrthe wrktiis
psints to their oppotnents' Illsrinnng theii- o1111 11 itus storiesandasinsugingi- ti- - the sutmtoulistenoti lihattre- husquititee-sting. Beside-s isoning titu
noveout of eight ganmes. Hi may re- tll-gassng-iaftir whic hirfsiisihillsrt of Mss Mary lFarswiotuh rls--iplropiehProcessstehe eparation and
turn to college thio winter. tutos ocro sered. (Coniuutused outsag-)threet) (Cotused sun page three.

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