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December 15, 1903 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1903-12-15

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'aI1 Enterd as second-class mate at te Ann
Published dly (.nai~dyexee:ed: dring the
Annou cem en , olee year, a 117 E. r Washington street,
(baescuotA ittoor, side etrocti) Phone M9. .3r
________________________ S. ENIOlY TI10tIMASON
The Largest and Mot - EDITORS:
Cmrplete Line of..EIOS
Atletis. - - - iOTtiat K. WALTO
Nevis - - - - . S. BrEY
S Clifford Seetsn,tRoy Peebes,
A. M. Graver, Hory P. Erwin
A. C. Pusnd. A. I. Ormeyn.
W OOLEN S Josep: Y. Kerr. Stddrd S. More.
Ida M. itrotnrig. I. Waite ayne.
Ge. A. tsor. Harlrd C. Smith.
Barry 1. Adrewss.
in Ass Arbor wiii be found Editor Today-GEO, A. OSBORN.
at G. H. Wiid & Co', 108- tcrtotToIoiaiirerpaben
ast Washington St. Grat odsic. IfllDoars::afer ya., 1553,b2.0)
pains have been taken iti _____ f eiqun ftrNv.1 90,103 26
the selection of aii siiag, OffiaeSor: 12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 in 7:30
trouierings & overoatingo p. m. Daily.
for this season. Adrens-ROSOE B. HUSTON, Business Man-
ager, 331 Pakard Street.
Telephone. 461.
0. II. WILD CO. _ _ _
108 E. Wash. St. CALENDAR.
± ;DDcc 5-Choral inion.
Stewart Edward White Dec G17-eeic Club Concert in Y pi-
9 tw r lochti
X Atortf"Conjurrsl[tos,"
" The Bliaed Trai, ec: 4* 1SlbEvening; Holitay vacaiien
THE FOR EST __________
anid wit: dewoa:ts by a Tbte sittatitn as regards the pro. i
Thoe.a Foarty ! posd astrn game next fall does not
$'1.50 NLI I *seni very bright at preoent. The
Easotern teams wiah to dictate terma
~--~-~ ~anil to do so in a manner that we
counot consider. It iat:ibe hoped.
A book fuii of the charm and !I oee ita Esengm a
*the mystery and the wonir of hoertaanEsrngm cn
9the great woods. It has been be satifacoriy arranged. I we
said of Mr. White that he "has cotld get a game with Yale, Princeton
woods as the masters of slt wat~ wold le very desirable, as boh teams
r fition make you foci the sea" woull have a fair show there, and the
! and in the chapters of thi-i book champioutship of the Country could be
9this quality of his work is me:- establisheui byond a doubt. It wold
Wprominent than ver before. certainly be a grat game and the a-
There are stories of experiences ~ mdb eodbekr
±and adventures "on the on g t endance wudb eodbekr
Ztrai," in the wilds of tasnada,
b its of woodcraft. sketches of the
9Habitants and the woods Indians All the studtts should ttrn out
of the northern country, pen pie.- anti sptor. the Choral Ution tonight
tares of the great forest in its9 at its itiial appearance. An iner
many and variabie moods. es ing progran aiso beet: arratged
45an1 it maylitelp on the prospecs for
the St. Louiiis trill neal spritg.
S heeha n's Will the sopomore who slipped in
L 2AI ARBOR, DETROIT, frunt of West Hal, strikitg the side
9 20So. State St. 160 Woodward Av. walkt will: his ea, please settle for
the damags with the side walk in-
+ RANKING of the CO[[EG[ [[[V[NS +
Throtghout the ctountry will le aninoitcetd it:
Name the FIRS [OUR it: the proper order ad you will
gt [R[[ a years's sibcription: to 4'
23 cenfts0aWIoty $3 1per year 4

+0 Setnd us te correct list it: order of the first four teams4
in Mr. Whitney's list, accoumpatnied by 25 cetnts fur the Jallu-+
ary Inumlber, attd we will enter your uname for one years stib-
scriptione to Outin:g. Thte January Oluting appears December
24110. All replies mlust be in hy Decenmber 2 i51, six p. M.
+0Setd us your vacation address an~d the address you wish en-
+0ered with your siubscriptiona.
239 [i flb Avenue, New York

The forty-ninth Convocation of the "++ mt--
Univeroity of Chicago will take place lca iie diin
on Tuesday, Dee. 22. -SeilLmtdEiin
The University is seriously conoid- POiPULAtR COPYRIGHTS
ering the slan of building houses for
the various fraternities on the ilni. at 10'L f tSlPhRICES.
vrsrity Campus. A meeting of the F:rt::Bllalrs. 8 Illustration:s wiltCarleont
Fraternity House Commission was Lazarre, Illusetrated
held recently and the following cques-.glatyee:rttelleCathereoo
thou was discussed: whether the Uiu- tCan, lCharlesKila
I vocally could busiltd hotises g Aditrahart::Linco,1ln velli o 1.. i. Illiltle::e
goliTIe ilil Il il it hif:DavidCo:rson:
enough and with a role of rent suf:- Gliar Ito Frederli:ck os
ciently low to make it more profitable 'I'l ti.lda.ll ii,ii atc
for the froternities to rent1)f the Ui- Till Calitfornianos Iertrsilv Allertll:
vestthan tif private individuals. Tile Arisoiir ll Gerrurdr Atherltn
vrty pFlotsaml. Illusotratedlhery Celo l::: mrt
'The discussion seems tol hinge on thie A aMsler ol Cttr lWl. 55. .hl::'
111he:11Mtan tl fIlijlh.llu11st5ratedl J. Zangwcill
satisfactory solution of this tquestiotn. ariekool t heIl, Kos lsi
However, it was decideS that if the wihHosiflel.ClrdillusItrtiys
plan were carried 0out that the ho:uses il Il Fiti SiI lorencinl:: el~tly
woitld be separate; that there wouldhFor tLlve 110 trownt. Illustrated
Arthuir W. Alarelmtllli
be no attempt to moist',the memn TieLl'ieAfflirs ol tuild Ma 'iLil liane ll
hoard ot the Conimons; ansd that the TileCta:01i oftle .laillarTies
biuildings woiuldlbe similar ii avehi- i:l J0111115111.IIotameiisl.olow:::
Lecture and atyle to the rest of th~e'rhe Bhack 55111's Breevi. Illus~tralted
bulig nthe t'ampums. i ul tirAl arris hlDicso
bsiWedl.igter110l bransbtort 31o11re
Suggestions from the Daily M~arolon .I. Store'r 'lolsslan
fo~r tbe new tank: Othler titlv iil lll ddfrtrim to timle.
Holes Governing Swimming Tonic. 5 E T A
Rule 1. Students adictedlto itie 50CNS ACl
John Dill Robertson habit will not lbt
allowed in the tank.
Rule 2. Before entering the tank
each stmdent mst pOsstihrmoughbtwiss' o Rak Stovpg
large Jewel filters sod mtust lbe mis::- IILLS roughly boiled.vs
Hole 3. Students are requested not Up Town Down Town
to chase the gold labh or tel steal thel
peoria in the bottoim of thle tankl. N l®sstA~~~O®®
Runle 4. No life preservers will tue
used in the tank. This is a prtohilbi-t
tioun district.A0
Rue .Neo sons with clothets 101 Suitable Holiday Gifts
con enter the pool. OnlyKndos
be charged for meals served inth ieI
Rule 7. Students desiring a sea 0
bath must furnish terown salt. 3Po hc,llc..t 1:11 oldlhist oh o
Rule 8. No drowning allo~wed in 5 FnIb 1.aw,:,) vols. y . s it o
tank without special permissionmifroni 3liii 1110.1 lonLawll.I1I t olun11 1311 *
Dean. 0 Reosl ilan1;r 1l .... 150

Where is the student who has ciii
At evening, when he went to bed,
'I'll waksen with the crowing click
And get to work by ala oclock?"
Where is the man who, rathuer late.
Crawls otut of bed at half past eight,
That has not thtught, with fuondlre'-
"Its better not to work too hordI,
From the Brown ansd While.
At the annual apelling match at lie
University of Minnesota, ala stu~dents
will debate on the questioen: "Resolv-
ed, That Force is of more benefit to
the human race than Omega Oil."
The foculty at Northwesterni has
gronted the debaters one hour credi
for their work in the debating organi-

tvou. :ls e.. 110
Il turr5L' C111'ltl'lll-,11,lll olll 6 Ii0
Vo h-t olst 's Cocsuios's 51an 1
* l liis - l-o s 101 or'1 te1 % 1 8., 11:
1811vo l e s... . .... ......... I1 oo 3
e Law , Ivllssadw t.. ar..o... o4h5 j
Curmon'rSepdene ~solloie. 3 3
1,rit C. E.c BARTH4 vlueLL.,8 3
Iel uuu ii'iu I:h u l umes N w 3.00
325S ttest1. wQ zz 5sbecondFlor,

MThe~ Syracmuse University German 'w 1W@O***@S~SS
Clab will observe Christmas ini the
German fashion, with a Chiristmoas
tree and Santa Claus. The ceremony ________________
wvill tahoe place in the gymnasiumn. t s1i yu
The Minnesota Daily contraudicts faceC, donit experimencat
the report that Fitzsimmons will traimnSop
their football men in the followving wvitli Sh1aBvi ngSop
headline, "Lankcy Bob Will Not Trait: UsC Williffuls'Shffving
Team." Dr. Williams said, "The Stick.
whole thing is a fake. It is made out1
of whole cloth. The rumor is thye ________________
worst kitnd of yellow journalism."
Dr2ANi1M..$IABOLT, Mahoager

Wednlesday, Dec. 16
Melodramatic Mosical Novelty,
I ~ E'OrothV
~Pri A fesv at $I.00.
Seats ow seling.

Thursday, Dec. 17th
When Johnny
Marching Home
The Great Operaitic
Military Spectacle
2 Curs of Scenery and Effects.;
80 People on Stage 80
PRICES:-Parquet and first row in
Circle, $1.50; Balcony, 75c; IGallery.
SeatIs nou sehtimug.


w r NNNr o NlN NN N N N IN O


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