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December 01, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-12-01

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The Michigan Daily
No. 52
Holiday Trip Schedued-WillsGC as Thethsirds F aulsy ConcertiiccursI 5Chicao Adherents Give the Chai-
arWest as St. Joseph, Ms a ]ti-iarlfsd ganmatslNew ii Ir a 8eoriosi in risz es'-In ponship Honors to Mihigan-
Forty Men to Makse Trip. If cidsi sss of e-ings iwiebii'noniiiat Hal Ain formersi'yeas the I Water Polo Team Organized
Arra5 sill ills rsa~si toails iii 55551 imii most was 5515 v sr555.n i comberi pogr amli(ii'iiis ofitheil naur ____
a aierns m ~ntiil ~ liiih tiesisaici rye.;lhale isthsi s'ii isiioy11,iil1liiii sa
an s a be m iplirlr'i for ill(, ih 1ily trip t i~uots to el. .r ae wih " lloiws : CiciagI, ii os. 2, 191.
ofth varsiy iIce andsi ,\i iii 5111ilsis sle c us I liarasiirriiisrii Chicago studssens weire gven a
(ltibs 'le i ti s yourw ill . r. v " theWh K a il r th usa d \'fiiiod sisotrs ity toiifrns their own
lcuges55 Since iS41 s lind o. I weridiselili fCwairealjiiidg iiiue r s ito ltrecstroges clams
Ii eatI5iiiis iaryehbe ig laa y l the ci1 is ii 'r iiilsi L . )bi at Ifirlthei wstsersi chaplioshi
toii bjloWailtic A mses 01' st inii;r. . . i whentis innei sotsila playil iere as Sat-
Iri bti lnis iiii ll l i 5 i siii ~ 'i'15ilis.arisiiicitijs.flnii . essFstn. is ssose itN rh
whch te ob to t show t bv wichth Y iesyte s iiii5155.? ir.T esrn hwn fN rh
them a rustf tme. cit me 1 aesisct Alegr conrioed eltrs'r s anrprise. T uciihi
tii a isski ia) Sair isill eis'allotteInii ii Aasrripiiiss, Airoirs-herrssd gorsrswhrlisi i'sion
$ot. he ht~r ion fist; th t is iliiI siiiiiri a .. abisanon.iand.iill ideveoped i-
U10 da e i lraiii el ll art55 o i -l te ce t r oill e. il d irs. 55 i il '.ils;illssi iiiii
ti lubis ss 5i i i slsi iisii s iii:ate hih te lorder iwill iheAlis-sos is'Iski-tsc o 1f lseyi-rsial isThisaracteri-
riss I si sil iilosse s liw\rirells- oivsIis i r ls . .. . .Rubes ei n i5ssisassis as. Te Mss
exis.l iienell s esr sibcase ofii iiin-sn i . . . . i uiti s siss ts isiyou -isargedi.stheir
eletsliflt ,Ac rsals d ii-issindjusiei fic ..i..isi'ssiss ii s heias s siisii ier o po e ts e effective-
In h snos ti cdu ui orsit(d)i iiof Norihwstisrs's backfiels ini
(hAdo hshasaGrisiis sirdmu s ills e siai ss ssili sophoiis ii- advanclingilthiiibal as due to its s-
is sills isis' ''Iluinoass-s iii his lossssilsissaiss' l ii il-ri ri s-ors sp-' eticiirid. isless rie as-
Wreonte;, nots IcuisYiss <r5ad ia- e s tepr- a 1ooni 5.. ai.fieehl ser i s iof lithe5arli sle, rle rsph
e otbcer of ihit tii isarc is.
neso jst ii iisiii iiiil5lir II llls Xl l e .ca ta s upporsiiliitieir caimssto the
5su aer P~hii"-S- (isslu ssit ofe ikt r ob l_ Vccnlait isMni I a- c asisisonshsi. tCestaisly tie insres-
ofMandlin C('iii S heir'wioodSia-'.'' nd oehsSCRIPPS LECTU RE as isi a as'raile-oseMiciigan
1h: lie r of Baio5Clist ihnSi t- No d'' r a, asasissi Iby05 15is K genei'sr als ositesdes o hae the
p IiC wei5nill 51 siheisi ilgs o' . B tiCiicagnssw iod
ItoiiaimsillseIsl.s scl'thelis iiislsisleseles in
tsnlll5.Ii ii s ie lila is I ursis. As dsal s IsofJ unai s,. " is will ake th ine- nybywaaylssit p season cerainls e
(Ic ~i.iis-issal. isis. IYsifor ss sibe seks.aleeauie is's.' s in a n ilthe' lTapas iaii iecturse A hiiiss a es ieeti
De. ' 2 diaoit s , ardli. I s misi s ~ V i I u ilas :iss. 'I'ls tssssiista t'siionhss bee
ids , (ughsisii.- rtiestdsents ito ie faculty during
25 isaspisussetl' III. ostedillIs i liu is in i e usot i r. Sripp~s iwtuil seak iee y he tu
(itt , L9 ssityi M. il 111Lssl i -liisIharloui ii sll si liMuhi itesrest. Mr. thus past iweehs whicls sias sign-
be. 0ualofc a a lui i ght -Kiule is ss hofi- qsahlel edi ispretresentatives of the fifteen
Deeletcurin ils til.ic esh u-ilapnlsn iaion, u -I-sut ti-rsuur i-ia cs es ratrnsits atd requesed that the
ra- hissagosilli. I I ~is utuuiaisi sial arilSge u mbsusies- luss-susisiiatoi t'ule be aoised
Jan WXissil-llbse by i lot 1k underi Ilit- ailasraunssiaiiovess5s Accordinhisg to thu unpopular regla-
hat usi ilssouls iiy l a~ dag ftis Is o-
Jan hiGrsnd -- 11 outlined. ttnt o ha imlissin now ftitsfosce, freshmtsen cannot
als s - agisawi h . b. isitiahusl uttil tey hare received
FITZ TALKS ON VA~L V . C. A. BANUET credit fuor three majors of work ii
SENIOR LAW MARRIED _henveris- lty. Ff ratristy- men feel
____ - -tat if their ipledges could e initia-
Vile hi is thisose at theiii's's Michigan Traiter Says Micigan(Y M C. A. to Hold Banquet-Pres. el promptly they- wold give sl-
tirideltlie-sctsnSW. S. htipst I1 Could Bat Eastern Champions Angell Wil Respnd to Toast- aile assistance in fraternity work
ia snisor last.issue siuuirsh s a -Yae Interfernre SlowMoody as Toastmaster drig the frstthlr emonths. It he-
houn)its (Pi liP. str. Xl_____been learneI on good authority that
as rhiutsestiltscests amtltll con richctur Iacons The ueight, assnusal ibants of itthe tils peition il e granted.
15 t5hels-s sits- p usrus'ist)is Iisilass Uivers 'ssityp onsgSMe's tCristian A watet'polo1teanmiwill represent
Foper' is vice risienti of 1theh y istis shuhs ilr i s o News iHasensis nisi Asociaistsnill tbe ihd tsnights itsthe ssiver itp'this yar. A ekat-
Ctii lists.Ihiss usinsuin SAiisiat's sit-eosft:s thie- aud itosrium iosf XMcMilans Hal. A legus has een received from the
RESERVE SEAT SALE. suitlluscomparesoIlut- thasnisfasvorably rs.ceptiossnittthe hirom :lls :;to Yle team and other matches will
Wi___ tthe urgale ls- aysuedi tspbig 5eatn-nI 'S h p . . isw-eslist-guests nillflitupts o-on e arranged The excellent in-
Tit1-s i' sfrisis eams to this' baquet al. dividal work of several Chicago
iti t p la fs s-ug seaiittiisits ,lu i hT Ihutanuual hban ~s.ui ll's'tesimmnes has ecosragedMrOs
hit lu si sr i ll , ssus 1gllisouisldiru-sits-bestaY9ae- itrIHas- piial1 e1 ns-isat thits'. 1i4-C. A, car Knudon the swminusg coach,
rill sal 1'iisealstso-Ifar hus t u situ uhe rpliesd 'P"'s-li['is tee I ad s alwasyss caactesried isy witty to call out candidaes for the team
I essd hatususionso uc ha I r snss to thus'toasts. Svera and to serioutslypconsider the Yle
Cii hodanus be, ch tttt-ahavIs ui ilsgiitgiluh lyou ion.lt SayItu ussssuuush stueithas bi nv' - sitdito challenge. If lie decies to accept,
'dset. tinti .(ei ssiss.e fa ltsi n dluubig seaki ansdallshaveliacctpt e en-the athuslace hatd the tismein
nulhu 1fs i sbissit ei siu iisill-t wil, bilut is a halstrd comb 1 i Lntisictt Co(u. of Datit i,. A stisakes which alspeased in the
to ans r upeOils isss sill be un liustion to asn sr. We Ias e a liii ri suits s elsush owu n i iiss caaci- lat ulsishtid ecsicei Te
fl"Ittsdiffelustttint ils iofliiia-.sipystillsy, savsituptills' cessryiapisity it atitt-Itsit s tione550 was c.. riing the
nave a iumbessruuof sialts itsties.' me Yi- alt-movedi so'-u s soi tsh tisiwuss-cottld -rusiass s's ri'se'sils sAnge illnihr-.- "hise'e-tat-~s-t n sot the Never--
slp li si ts r iu is hsu'sui'g'i sltsi ss- shsu s su dsh Illsl all stoast 015 'I"sssihshp' Quittets' CusP'
tiplayd ob etn no a vrgdirtpost e n , 'tevatnesaleand pyet when I renmarked about he (Psf ssss asTynie- sill aloisbe.'call-JOHIN S WRItHT
WISCONINWILAANDN Wha~t! Fa ser thas tht? Impss-iAthutss"siil p oBUSINESS MEN WILL GIVE BAN-
GRADUATE COACHING. hit-' lsilurati' lprepasratiosns hunts' beess QUET TO FOOTBALL TEAM.
'''hosei-iifellown s i till nevenrpbodpsinades-fitsthis'occrasiosts Puo's (r-
is -In555 -ist t sees. to be i s lull' u. 'isesthisssiuaterbak hess a has bien n gartgediil.aisdleepy 'lie s slush of the anuial banquets
ga urla t riiiu Us~ isiste s hut-as i' s -Iloossih c assulip- arouund fist-a insal ffort has list-is adesistns hislas sthis given isp'thu AllisAror business
\u'lss-ssisluofWssco l sdcied shit a11wheis-his- ids s sitsd awsi bianquesiitus sstupqal o ify o' house intheh enssc- o he nisersip'footall team
no abandon lthu graua tesa ystepmsifus lliuisn lii's isis sialt i-serybiody w ihl ash. A fewt-icisku-s smas pushhis.-usr- will behis'unhiaost he stidle of
his. ltin all i isis ass ii tu-51555 ill Isis issite totiskit em vet r.lii's i-ve shased- by hip Ioss' si-isis elnt-.- slshytsfDecembelr.- Tie snuber of tickets
e iade o ndce PiiitKiss-- ii ards is uling uts fisthsesmsasd olihit 11 t itswill hbe limuited to 211, and the g sests
stir n oc teelvnnx al sulyi ae,5ie o n omk will include the eans Coach Yost,
Cin l enjyed hefeputat5551ion1ofibe:hilhi(s necessarp gaits.'ihere is vrp THROUGH CARS TO DETROIT ue officers of the athletic assoca-
the lies sucoach in tihiss s'ss ti l Iitle ills takenssouist bcurss sse ev ry- -- thus i n ind seesal of ltse tnivers-ity
C" o5nsu mcslush ichitligansstseiss huhbody isget s is' enugh pi betwrsn Anisorderlu- n- ntou effsect Mndsiay profesos.- Conmsitees have een
5Ichus byiYu s t. -pliiys hissit downutti hst.51 I was lonithiss I. Y. A A & J. ft. nhere- lapphoited Ias follows General chair-
a__cl__n__gartuit Alc siit iinosggingp ut isp six nspiasl cars nitl te run daily Mia, ratt HScottgeseral secere-
RUMOR U NFOUN DED. hush sis sstilets-eitsbal wsnseuver hushyi.ens Jactk u u lsonadDt russ'sThese Lary, JamsussRs. Bac; finace co-
_______ thiss'sgut a shuncesirs. Itbisisi otis csndicass sill sh isto p-nly as Grass Lake tilte A-i J. Frite,,'W . .Booth S. W.
The rumor f asmisallpox fishtal it siulsd IstarstIs thirstsa little for ('helseai A liiiAbosr andutYsiantui Carksons; arragemiets, Dr. R. S.
5 ntleip sufunded.lu' A p ist- -fIthey ss's its n assspsys and, l roslfsorma- 'hiss's' n ro fr D toi oeanJ ms .R bnsn a e
ereltepe assee atthedor o th Lonsenluel.ls's.tw hursiti eistn ig it-iroS. I B chiviat i, rturnson, Jm
s.ns tI st-ii the eo ths-rlusts'uifethus brtiti u-alter sip g me.5ss.'sp isisverytwo h urs be gin iig n-ills 3o it BarMl issi.aon Arthurn rowe , J
Br. Co-so liii',wn -s inuterv t ni s'-whs-edsn exsss-Xne ss:gIslls t .re illTu heisrgn-il to u X' Mlai.H N risniJh
byb id iiti s hasd bul e- nitnt ut-i'-s u t isise-u coh iispa ftoutislli-sd s i i iI:its Tp Jacko'hiss'bes-iseins hu ich,1- ur; Hennrhin , G . WGd.God
so neu55 an a iuius Ie'gave si ; stdent. s -id upsbeindlsshthis'band 51551 liiIll-tills i 0155'hour adl tune-
teC a dice Isiat th lmliliseof "It '-hu and arcshedsutoishiss campsus lus thial asates.u Th'ils is a v try st isfactory CATLI N IS CHICAGO'S CAPTA N.
- luly''are as nili as csan Ps.e ias abouut all the jollifictionth lep iitusianoniiantislthin'elecrics liste sill
expctd,',1t] hat the aistntussi-i -niussos'sths ot audubtedsils eiv-iissmuchusus sssus- ia- Hafack Marc Catlin has een
have tinesituatiot well inhand. b1 .Ihiisllarlos expesass ins.sun-.'sofsurrhatieretoforcalec aenca ofa thef 19e159 Maroons.s
-p__ rs-u-ie t seisisgs soanypuuolMichi- T-_________ hisre nas a spiritei contest etween
NOTICE Part men isausNssws Hasen. Thert- were VOCAL DEPT. ENTERTAINS. Calls and right end Kennedy; eight
twas manytipas ifteesnslies saidsr-io I_____btallouts bhi-ip necessarpy to a choice.
se iiitothus large detindsshfuss'Icait' ups io extendheslrstsin-iises 'fur sorl depuartmesnti osh the
L,- It ShutsSousa concti 55 Itsr S. for anothers's chasmspionshiip pyear. S-rhooul of StMusirc etert ainedt-l he At Stanford University a produc-
ho1 A. natuapsisit it s deidedils to li I 'Susigsitti' hauls isas outus duing ii usis sn'ss is f theistureinsstaii depsartIlion sof Hamlet was given Nov. 19,
Wi11j ashadvanceds scssuatshie.' tils cstomary sp si55 stn with use Crossusent sinusplusntslpy yesterdlap een in which everythisng was of Eliza-
Dn 110~ lars- astisalr's boouskstosre Co~tutrpy (listsandiS irpistltingtstrpy ispgsatIFrleze- lssisorial IHall. Afisse ethsan stp-he. Thse stage as well as
D. OStaentret-s. 1ridhapyfromss2 his5Sfor fsrsthehilsif itsthu spuring. susisal urog;rams wsisgisenhatesrkheaccessories was especially fitted
Cr130thil rnesre r t-seas-sts andsips-t-' ,Xln i' tlipltricsklpaidl a short visit whirlc li Ssthe even n- as shunt 15in los representation of .Elizabethan
that n55insiosssiill his-sit sale ts as Hisarvardt Suture returning suit stay- uantrng. Lightr refreshmnents wireI dranma, having keen constructed with
mue. ed there osnly a few hours, served, tat purpose in view.

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