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December 03, 1904 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-12-03

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...+ TIHE M~CHIGOAN DAILY. plin ongmn ne if tlnvt r p i c t<) i _________
f"-- - - Oer innre lieal 1i11) I l
W EWOULD HAVE E.utc ani-lasintte atth Ann tatsthaitistdet atthe aoui We Guarantee Our New
W O O*N W chosare atare ef the in idtittini,
YOU TO KNOW Mnaye~ope~d rngte e-'sting and that h nmatteriit lee .Ari 1aindr.
* ebasernttheo. sideentrance Iohone88'2-3
_ anteng the iundier ilIailtaii-i Ie ai
That we are doing bsines at: Managing Editor, 1. STANLEY BALEY. ilicrit) iior ilk c ciii t irU -tait
ORNWSOE :Business Manager. CLAUDhE A. TNOMPSON. W11<1O vetsbebetea I i'aisieh )i-i (
EDI3 atoSCaried Inniiopenl atd ii iiibh, if. T e lns oxu o
311 South State Street * Ahliliiii - CL 0L. DOW Theliuesttouveniricon
s w_____________-___ * i. X s uR Cx . Pattn hinmdiniig a I in tSehthe ol tt gn-ildraatug
E. h I tg .. Joni ph Y. Kerr legsastilleeof iorigtnlal drawingsi
Wom411111en .. . MiesIa M.HIowri g on- a tn that hihle setae
EDI~TOIilAL STAFF:11111 ie tigr u cii lasspfor thelt tiN
That our New Woolens foi A. 1t Ur i e IIairy H. Andenws iii li -ljebeieni it t- ctp ouced in tintcit.
th o ig fl rd r .WieJyei er en dsusd e-now ready. brg A ASSU~h'iS liiiitiici anduilclaimsiiit rtoiii tis hA Clendiiar o1 Uivixctyt
iltitA Osorn Arthur 71. Hug otcIci i d ii-lii i i ici eont o rIn nivrity) $ti-
dteA .4 Roltiy IPe es J Eale ogle,.fr. ht enm d l 01Vo h ur
A H.iOrleyi e Shdney I. Milter cllito' iottrnalt. owe are iii lre- den t.'
Tuh ln W ti i XiI C. Sanfo
That we make superb gai- Clis.it.Aiibiise Louts Stieney ccled ito hbelivc that te uli a
meuits for gentleumen. ii u oa ot I do icliicl icthse r iiit, umitti for 1,1ii
1Y 1Vli t . N. uey mot pr rm pae r nlt li
Thtw*p rcaey u rd .I I felice A. B. tImu kCtn-ivi alsi of the initeti lec
Tatdwesappecteysourita trade I intirtic licwehc that itch i ictic t iiof
continuance of the tamte. atan ilce i c r5.0 ad ii ith e 11tittiiiii ofii Icac1-itin Wi ill
.i..IOffic er: 1230 te1:30 and 630 te il1:30 tiituiligle ienn i c giiiiil theii limt rr
p in daily. te g - il l
G. .rlanager,1331 Packard St. Telephone 461. t i i illin coellge tlcic limet ue T i
31 oth State Street. u suiitltli tIheia section [t t n- i UO ~ S O C
_____WIDOAdrs:_LADATH rPSNBsies ile, fftto n ime a I u rityii iand
NO Toeof iur fienhot It ayeIilegd cil o llet a ll iig it eciil rcc I UIVERSITY HEADQUARTERS
4 ntheiorpatrons e woiuld e I r -it---i--I--t\fte e nt ityll leley t iti'thisift 0310s S.Main St 36 S State St
dityiiet oenu OVEditor Today-Clarence E. Edrdge ieat it frto rei precc leni nion Il
* - - - - - plet itilieqilitd iiclithltheoperati___I__
CALENDAR.Iaut ii.er ity, t aimot ho'itiD N' E A E Y UR B OX ycosatcna t ig iftrttire i lii
]kc@@S@@@O@O@S@O@OO@S@OIild__ aughteriti it liiwitt itbinge lonc.itti i jDNT EAC OR $O
C. A u Cotics.iet litsh uildl hittdonie tihnli hk tmtue by wrXliing o111 rtiIi hi s nie lton
Dec.i8-"NumsiiofB ygonie Cettries iiahib out, if til pc citicenrct-ll ut tll siesili f the1 itice il, icimlnily
-Arnol111 Iol liiiti-t, socond in- Iist.but wti n cincttiously hut ic iasmnyii-do, wit-It-their nateon 0
ber of IChoiral tnioit sere. ttif ahlct s aeicetniiliiei n ta e-ent p a osthoutiiigotictie, ogll
iti i it Johutt . P t tmcat Congrega- Iraticnit t c onillege- (Ic tiit cc it i i tci uh oin tti oi
11111on huiiiiui tough ililegitimalteiie tnt it i oetin v -etasa l elis t 0111ndcure Q
M~onogramu i i aIOlitie oitS.],,. b tomn oioters lusarlull a
cInitc wit hi te istitution in llac 01i3})iea y um e n me iil
notbe nrhscd ,s he nu u iiare iitili- ater ani the best of
Stationery kt i andI li, bandthhave g iiivnthe IOl a.Ihywil lwy remliainhhthiC -i lii ttt t
tu 'itilium a wartmitt lce ill Ilti- tet tilatiing iii I o Ual --l~e n d It~hicll Cat nai cslet- lam cintl hI e
At lest thani.cregulariign-t niiiisiila -oiigrtil, k
Ac les trlal I'areg"lrt l i tiaidctit tuttros.l h cii tItIciict ciicccteh-lbe-h tlsi h I acs of youricboot
c tlattn glt was it iii-1 t h e -I)ite-)willthiadma lteill to tie1
n- icoft t. hin o ltle e rteh, aii M ll - IAR1 OF CII Nigh hi All1?CUPSi ll aaltitl ofittour mi ihiciy ant i",l
wee lk n u li t e gientheml[- iretciahoalet- aneiOf thue icll
* TO EE IT f1* s e t t iitt t ii t heca hbuuoknlatn-l.or cifayo On sutoill
plcd teuy l ii itilet thin-ItibtUln- i vem iii tyt) iwill m cit 1eXt lauttihutnot hbe-ablhi-to iiiigiin ti les o
crmliii oseiei hclniggto isti cetid
po sucpae ''l an ocrtb vnuing iiodtc c ni der severatfornc eass atsn isclue rmnc natet t
mia .d h, anls nnie ii, an 1 io tnt mttrscT hit nim, tliiiti Ite c t-oet- Of lahihl iill e ut
Also take a 11)k at fiaoitr a mithututwitit le)on - titI ciicinim Iiit: ii rul iiwll hb e uteduan iml u Ins iomntal ill imi- itwne itaai
Netv Souvenir Post Cards gale t~ te ptronummft thm~e ecto an on. Judge5V. I t Le, womcliiitiium scuiiig his iprlpertc. No aw sud
"Thlebest ever producetd." c imie i clpanitce iui ihme o~ f te committi ie i i t a e--i tt C aniiitifiri tu e withoot utey
tyevi ngmt f rmiteal plct ml andahi-vmu ermtt hin w le rr F icehnl, hi is ob iggilis i ne laytut u)-slt o n-try ten hat
ii e g ii i ii li( t av m.iintircutendlecircc recortmmci tmit i Tilltitctt e miti mi ii i nattin thi-o reil a
ii ii-~ o-~-. hl~- ieti hte lt~t tltit alittehi llnitinIt ohe unmital figturei at C. E.8
QQ j juj gg f(( CV. helde tita corse ickr. Thenian kicd. Te elestin of BasLallcoBookheStorewBok Stre 36 S tStte
320ltt t hti u ii cittill t uc lmt otui otsat iii i t eet.l secnt l a ),I Annmuth , An
12t it t iii fr thi- u-cu uhl-nt- itt it m 1cm-ithi t nillg. Aici mgaii All ordcrsm-in lli 1onluilth
S.i Stattic hied tit.l i
lie epot ofi itthi n niimmmum n n--it
Tile N it c tttame-Slmltiticmreenmt ilintlu fori tudeiitnits am Col umit ~im
y il i i d al ictlei n mill lcilni eluts iit t a t )tear Sh wtI it tat ilt ________-__________________
It 'is generlly h ackuo legd I um" wih opnly cull tedutultal l t mmliiiiieu-cmaide m h oni~ta h ags n et tc f o he nvrii n olgso r-crc 7 011 n I u i T i
thntkiiI out tti h t h f c-ietAccutu ngctt tihecumenth wasuearnedi miembIIi-Yo1iare Not F'airT
CIG R( rlilc efrre I)allColeg pti- ~lam cceg ciciii not tuuil l to your face unless yousu
CIGARS: leeIve;lttersfromm a tpr-$1 5.hlcmIlsemewmmarncticte it pl iy t wththe creamly, he1
10atiLritaindthmghutut ml tib t t e lt live thin ii i) t cuum ti ttu I iiece t g.itLLC
in mgttheuuh imlt-.tum lii thhecmi iishmu tt tatiimu I l a ter of
BROWN'S DRUG STORE h tteILLIAMSttm limI utamu;iielcS.ttmTucuthIm lmtC m tK
Jt~ftrIclila ojuumiumhii HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY __________
----- --- m- ----- ----- ----- -----
The Students' Lecture Association IF YOU NEED A
19 4 f~t .-~ st! ea - 190 S U IT C A S E , T O IL E T S E Z
Russell N. Conwell Henry Van Dyke an
Henry Watterson Leland T. Powers Collaran Cuff Prflo
John T. McCutcheon Champ Clark
SOUSA'S BAND Hamilton W. Mabie
Edward Bok Open Number O O
Season Tickets $2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra SAESRE
Single Admission $1.00. STT SRE
YoVan ecreentieketn from student nellers nr at Wahr's State street book ntnre IS THE PLACE
Next Number--.GO V. LaFO LLETTE-nDec. 15I

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