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December 07, 1904 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-12-07

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.-" 0.-0.
~.t z***~4~O4*&*S1
Brushes and Brush Sets, Smoking Sets
ShavingSets, Chafiug Dishes, Cutlery,
Games, Books, Perfumes, Baskets, Chairs
Lamps, Dulls, Skates, Sleds, Tools
In tact all the new and desirahle things that have rt
been placed on the market this year may he had at1O .T
20c Candies, 10c 40c Candies, 20c
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 . 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 G.-O
/ I
Fall Fashions are R~ipe
Suits- Top, Coats - Rain Coats
From the wholesale tatloring hoose of
Rochester, fN. Y.
Illustrating the latest improved
designs, are now ready. We
have exclusive sale of L. A, B.
& Co. clothing in this locality.
Men who are more than ordin-
arily particular shoot the style
and fit of their clothes are es-
pecially invited to inspect these
products of Rochester a moot up-
to-date clothing manufactory.
Wadhams, Ryan & Reule
Biliclifield's Fine Tailoring
Trade Guarantees...
You the most skillful and artistic service to he had anywhere.
We always carry a-large and complete line of seasonable wool-
ens. We save the agency for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts,
and can show you a large, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt-
logs--'perfeet itting'.
Burchfield's [ine Tailoring Trade, 106 E. Huron
T I T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ . . . . . . .. .
-. 4~ . ~I * l~
Money Loaned
l~oaned on Watches.,IDialoonda
or oter Prsonl Property
1aal in Wiatches and
;k A atClresidece,:i1 1; -. Libert y w
x c All ba-i
Joseph C. Watts 3~
44 4 4 4444 " .. .. 4 4 A I I 414, U-S*
ISave the Walk Down Town
U -t year
Watches and Jewelry
We h ave trot-el answoe ansd 'oar-
Uane,-o-r workt. We selliFobs, U. ofM.
Pinls. an.d Bannera at Reduced Prices.
Telephone 310.
F.. I SCnLEDE, 340 S. Slate Street
Spalding's Official letercollegiate Yoos asr gta.
Used by AN Leading Colleges A tL N
Foot Ball Pants-Lace feast. At Tsuotte'e. 338 S. Stato
hips and knees pasdded with
fine curled hair, and thighs ;*.*..g*..*#9
with ease strips. _____________
A.0-. SPALDING & BROS. Inc.!
New York Chicago Denver
REMOVED Frem Athens thea-
Spalding's fficial Fotbldoeie r eariditopest
Football0 uide .0ssN. Slain, firsoorslnorto Na.
Edited by Walter Camp. Price t0c. THE ATHENS PRESlS, Printers.
_______________________ G~IRlL V1,I,1, I ARN 'TOc)SW'I. leri,,Il half-breedls. It has bhens ru- - - , 3
fli gils tlc tlT sil ar slilmocred 11ha11Lailollette may itatme timo- Aiseii BA ERSO
AL L E N.eS FOR QUALITY" Thelir~klisothe. Utitersity akssiti self, bttt as all oi his designed reformts ansoPand BAHBOOMS O
to mae useof th swinninigtank i haveotll beetncomtpletrtd, slimesaiy hr n0BT ROS
!'arbor gymnatlsitni. The scaler sap-' will noct yet retire fron ttteohe ttera- 3 re-MsASAStIOT
1111lItly 1011ich ws seculred thtrotigh tihe toril stattd. J .R8. Trolanowoki, 322 Sooth State St. }
mIde it possib~le to11se thletanks attdiN'O''ICE.
no Jr. lBrooks, the o n-wIdirector. -is N ' rlsik Tbe
caati to11 1 orligllliet- sltirni r lg classes 708 iigitteers'claiss tnettttg Friday,
bx , vliicli ill ibe tpen llto ll the girls of IDec. 9,.*at 5:10 p.Il.l., roomt 309,to wAT
tihe 1Uni1ersily. ITwo clalsses still ttt lenlgineerinlgbulding. (Grahaml, Pres. REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS
r - ec dy I s probalie tha~t tile spolrt Fine ____________ g~Cigars and Tobaccos.
-ilbcm very polair, sincertihis is PRcOF. STANLEY WILL LECTIURE J-as.xv. Reid. Prap., 31 12S. State Street
silhelirs tilesnc 1e gytlasittl was I hsvejoust received the accest.adfinest
°dul ha tficiellt wsaer Ipower cold 'This tafternJon at 4:13 o'clock, Pro- iso of
o he ecure toltilize the tank. The fessoIr Staniey snill lecture oim 0111 Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes
riesnwi1111ow0perrpliexes the girls MulsiclInlstrumemnms."1atmt-e mumseumm eer hrought to the city.
is 1 1regrd tilte kilnd of mmaterial lectulre rom. This lecture is prepar- FINE LUNCHES IN CONNECTION
wvihsalcmoethle sowimimingi- Iio heDomoetsc Iolncermlalt Everything Nest sod clean
o~ll~eg111-1110 llt_ u s~ Agents far B. B. B. Pipes.
forms. mg111 111 shtwill giv-c 1ff a w0ill give tilse wolw oisht to atltend lthle 308 S. Stoic Si. R. E. JOtLY.
litw111 beiil hiarre-l il) atccountl Iof tlilte11av clveairer conletlio1,111f Dill-
dianger ofI stoppI~ing theii watelr piplies. 11101stills subject. Pickwick .9
~ASjjl0N is plastic. 11it snta te1 11r of Ia1.i1 II1 I F;iiI: S ''II' FNOi 1F.StloyVpodde
Badad-atrull-s. butat tI ~t~etll m MAN.tyVPt-d~s
plygoaed taste goerneld hy certaIli 0111- NS.ilr orlvs l iRiil r-- * TTEN8TEIN, Pr~op.
e al 'rgtiohns. ilnulesfrpae nAepipe
All0,51a nd - T ai lo r e dClothes 'iiivrvisvuciisiderle Iluestionis to illinlrit-s 111a5' le 1had 1ofPresident O N m.Ae
are he - i1telirrh'dnsay r~nDARLING & JIALLEAUX....
clthe e0expresslparpoe f-Ifmakigiisly 8t .ii,1t n o1 .m
ati5 01d Ofste and qull ity. They'ree-lpe _ froiil \iscoin,11. (Gov Robet- M. i-Ii 'llursda.}Ifrom lii.1to 11 a. lil. a 11111t
0110 n Pr-nit hee-I-Ill y fotil llyI Foil llev helextI ivltr11 iy .L l 19Il a.11 11121 lichignPillows, Pennants
OivZ tian fikth~e ei ilholollI It 1111 he sekro1-h .L
wo'ttkI- 511 Ihin g ris. A. vciirse,. will 11111me tt 111m11. It i011 4 .11. san tie~ii lttil.hd Roomn Decorations.
laiesnt low. hutm lode1~rate. Siz rs
no11t eJV. Qu~arles Iwhosle 10111nSlmiex-F s..226 Soath State Street
$10 and $15 Aires \iltrliI 4 1111 Iwhosesuccerssoir_____
w__illheisseleedlest mlon~th. Quarlrs THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA GRANGER'S SCHOOL
illied imsef111 ithCllthle stalssart fae- O A CN
ALLEN. THE CLOTH-IER 111iii lofthe Relicanit plarty. It faiel Address L. D. Bates, manager, 808 o A cN
S. i t 1tl Fourth avenue. Phones-Bell, Located an Maynird Street, one block
MainefStrettelickrllet eediby LaFol- 1066J' Home, 289 Red. 24tf went of State Street Steet--Ground
lanStetlte o1101 1eiof tile soi-vcai-1lledblters _____________Floor. We love no autside acency-
our office and clans roams arcoenfned
caul hopye for plrefe-rmlent fromlltile vie- Get your Gym suppns at Cuahing's. trsoAcdm, Pae24
You will always find the right thing at the right time at the
New Clothing and Haberdashery, Stores of
EVERY ARTICLE NEW AND THIS SEASON'S STYLES. 121-123 S. Main St., next door to State Bank.
"The lfiogoaFolis Route."
"ith NEW 'YORK
ditec connections at Chicago for
the , Kansas City, SL. Paul and
ten WestL For information and
Rrog tikt call on or write to W.
C EAgent, Ann Arbor.
J. F. SCHUH, Sanitary Plumbing,
Electric construction and nupplieo
Gas and Electric Portables, Gas end
Electric fixturea, steam and hot
water heating.
207 L. Washington St.
Call so
316 Boat DMain St.
Thoma Rowe, Proprietor.
326 N. Fifth Ave. TIM TABU-Taking effect Sept 25, 190"
New Phose 4117 Bell Phone 45-L SOUTH SORTH
- Lv. Na. 6*- 7120 am. Le. No. 1t- 9:00 am.
" ";I-11m3 am. Ac. 5*-12:12~l m.
O ~uera , " d 4- 6:15 pm. Lv. 3t- 4:53 p.m.
" 100-6:d1 p.m. "1'01- 5:05 am.
Director aial except Sunda bketween Ann Acbor
Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 9$. Sunday. §Ssund yroly hetweenael anis
Residence 302 S. 6th A-ve. Phone 314. and Toledo. Free chair cars on Nos. 1 and 4.
W. T. WtILLIS, Agt.,
Ambulance on Call. 1J.3J KIRBY t}. P.A., Ann Actor, Mich.
Toledo, dhio. -

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