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December 08, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-12-08

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The Michigan Daily
,ivOI. XV.
No. 5S8
Far Westerners to Come Together; Members of the Alpha Sigma Fra-, Louis K. H'awks, a Freshman, Was j<
to Smoke ,'Lone Jack" aid Swap! ternity Take Their Annual Dose of: Uninjured When He Left Ann Ar,
Tales of the Plains and the Hills. Poison. bor-Tells Wild Tale in (oshen, Ind.
vacttt et al Nih l itli for la 'iat gilisalg. thialt te liilta Sigiii.t I. lllt't t ii ld, lti.lati. wht(
wtil esrtesceh, n c~o~et , uig h a lnh.i butet y I lle '' t it clto ,crt'a co~illgetoliac-j \l
i 1t t ,>bu1 thini ii dv - 1 111 be till ii a r n he un ve s t i ~1 l mt o n.re e e v d w ie le w s
give the newiitida5i1lbic to : beni ncluded iiin thelist t o ati I ibyij iing azd. Ilit liiine ofth
th~at e 111 with h l e.t iv a yI1nn hou h u i, tk IMea ''ia ifehm n ths fa Ii
lt' fianr on ona a Itaan ets dlts or . 'alv tudentis m tag ia ' ttrsit tlis rdthtt Il l ft l 'l
t l bt r (; lilt ttititi l t s i 111itth Sa rtt iiti aretil o c -peaig m(I liltrnh in ;, g,,d helh a
nnt r~i. Idao11111 tthe cow putill he1111111el he arrvtdtere it
erifronti \\I lilt tititstakeilhairgild i itit 11111bj t] ofiithetesti ito ititil 111as11121 nd Ifpor1eath 1f
t I lttiti eri frit tilt gti ,tiki i ht exa ct prpert ie lid t huhofthel andi ett l or itii it I u.''e als (t
th e r n e tl l n w t ie r ii gesult, ltin blis fa ilih itve lld i ltlile il i lthe e di l seii n e ith sJ
thUieriy _rmh__ id__ndic f qi im~e tsimeiaiday, lit M l i tll lar'till 1'' t ii i illi.i
it 1110 land "the ttt ltuti t I i hav bee ttltibttt 111111arly 2nd Iti t li eve 1 11 0. aw 111111ha t
"liv Illt'ent':l a titi e smktti etht he resu111lt.ha1ve1been carefu11111' ti'u-i t fk d teiite ,ofy i rd r t )
frt ber, orlili noilt late,.stIng ifne1al theidrit -i t e plan is 1111 ii 11111i o]-I it
I. L111 1 I sil l I() . io n tit h artrltev i oic ~l l iste ''diptc frm G sin i l
hill~lilt iable at once. It it r tl pi umitlt ill Id-illtttI tl h lt i .It'' as1 appearedt]it'let
Sillll iitt edii atilt 11 iitt'oii] i i mvr I l h ih it illor t timei be'iingli i fe ohr sln e f i ia a
I it pb io , nssttl 4ingo lviituii im tee i ~ tbit nt a ar d on t ok n i- it'
or ' o e rt n De n s ilg ind1111c te.Th e b''thiefid' gea] 1 ir.1 t i t''e i tita tii''oft ilil'stgahit. tlt it
fie a ut y itilt a seie o e yten tils ve t i it itltcd ;i l 1111,,n of'ii i hg t '''t'11. l l- iiih
Pnwhste " Ii'ri, o i ichii c trl sit ] It flit it itmmt t (11 i t itit it tf lth is tit'b att' di au
-t ThI Itoun o h r eg s otand h ur; lw 'ltp 1g tnt gfo sthe (itll l i
d i t ' ititti f 111 ttlfi
'es111en 11tled ilil' tiiHisvtoa li l i te I iiti ti lt] dt] 11 111ii lit Ittifl ii gh \trI'l 'iN t t iping. chitceiN hGI.
lnd Ilst Iit t lililt it i itios" w s pdlhd ls a or fiell it i Araba111111 owL'i mc i it t'rfAi'ig aI :I nn Arbor i d
\iltuvYork.it s eli iii Hnr .Ihnprprtei I taer xre It ew ]tv~k rntte ~tt i I -Ie
Ltl iI o ttn 2 t a e il , e ln n thsciittv, n l a ls plyia <nltil] islit' tat e
rand' i i thcbi fo ill ingl ape;: tetitibte'a 'l lt't hu i n atitt'1c1 hr11 a ni tlilvmi htii ti '1111 t illand t
t1 Th111 ita11111rpea,1y11 eri1togr1\\ t o]t t rc c le. Thelt he ii~ ill 1,ist]] into th cenifolb
litilitIiltil hutn 1111111111adilytin tlmt ayhiltodeitinslerwa1aknI,)ttc
Watr D n io ,U iestifM c- telve dotititi a11p1 undi I nth t he het hil'sc iitnt'it hr it'en til ,t l't'h' astlII
thate o l(,an'ttt sei l v a t eto t i tft 'en11 '1 ii 1111Fo ll ig is evr in 1to
3. R man 1nl ;Isi' lPt 11, Ju i se it s tapiec' . I i t h eet vefto s ftIer 1it Gilt e'viIi it 'ititre er i t,
Alt. i~o~oke Colege. Th Witlia 11sr 11me iinaI'tl ttlt'uro ftsand dui g t it li e o hs nrv, T e dct s
4 Ti h e:tti t . I ud tof D i '.ass aiu o
'Music of Bygone Centuries" by
the Dolmetschs-lIllustrated Lec
ture on Old Musical Instruments
(liven by Professor Stanley Yes
terday Afternoon.
,. andtIu hts. I tihitatch, assistedth hit
li s . atleen Salon. It se tat]
\uttuu of luutuu Ii' Ctills ie. As n
iitro u tuhuhti ti ,flu1 'eittS an-
av after 11111oilild'Iinti l tlitu i
ltl'h Prfesor t autt'utlet if
finne itan1 it ad ialls I 1111ills tituti toli
ferioiic tilta d Nii iihardhitly
- itet'p of tuut i it ill tit ,tutu otiltotl
iovgif tl there irettuti ~y vtuu ei col-
c i titi hi
t\]ii:1111ull e ii o plet tha1111 s
f il prsn tit. iThitul itvtl]o1f1
to ollt~ acouts oit heitit as ii'lt
iic o ' the it ii utu ii h ut e ivltyps
I ~i hesti isolihuut 'i l ttnd th 1 a'd
, ' ili . 'ir ic i r i ttir r i
tutu] If uhit anntltak'lit the gretat.
-rs)te o th vi olin nI h-,,htuitoau
'yii I Iined in o lt iiuiuutta.
L. heitdS tu t he reitl to ig t
NI it Kailt fo wha it wasutt. t
I. Theollowingbb is the"la pr'gratti for
173h'so1. lit lt Aiih: t~b
1its. Irvai r.DitaaAhod, n ts Is ii
tuuSll t Kthee St.u
I . owvlb', NhisstDia al I
a oe sotitl fesivitifesfur te tar.
hutxpcted t eartr he 'frehcapitttt il. '''t I I tutu aty nt he parii'lorius of the tutan atl bceat Graniger'sott Friday,
11NoI iilttiu.'tiac occurrebbt ut eberybbt'ilalbrl ttgyilt.Ibli(lSIDec. a9, ftromtl4 Ite. a. Grand marcihtrill start at
i- frteshmt utatnw as, tand lttiwear aIfrebhtol ii tp. Ilii. All uivrityt bsl'girls ate aor- 8:30 sitarit.All sothernlbt mtnticbit-
capitor-b-tt i'*a*a illivit'ed'u. jdially finvited.

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