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December 16, 1903 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1903-12-16

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t'r i~~is* it~~a *s r+t*4et+s'- ~tti *'aritA~THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD.ti , . TE NNARORRALRA
S omnethinfll SpectLial Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard
' V 4.Time
Effective October 2(6,1902.
[for bdturddLJ.-W OT OT
+ No. 6- 2:20 A. aM. No. 1- 0:00 A. M.
4. No. 2-11:33 A. M. No. 5-12:30 P. M.
S No. 4- 8:25 P. am. No. 3- 4:3P o 4 Tan N.5ad6rnbt een nnrbor.
* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n Tan o.ladaoetenAn ro
..Trains 1, 2, 31, d5, and 6, dalyreept Sonday
lKe+p :::tmr ("V e ol5 Free chairecara on Nos. I and d.
.1. J. KIRBY, G. P. A.
.4G. 3. BUSS, Ittil' ee 8 o TNADT~
++C ttiManRagyer. . Co, FrI Dc: af ory rm :5a. tm. until
4 ri1 ,m hen heorly until 11:15, For YIpsi-
; 0 -l ah~~o ~S. ~ t n orall, at 12:15ta. .and 12:03 a. m:. F:r



i44446'44..0.+(.4'4.45 6644c44'4.i......4;J...«+4..4 Then44.. ating1 p. : nd 15 t . W. f lain. Brer's COllrs are Samped "Linen"
- - - -- -- Ohrrah:csoadvertie adl od as Lirn are
- PtIN- P t n ea h r S o s NOT a 1red La ae." V/y?
Pictllres and Framfes P t n e t e h e
put:u:i:::lull it::: \:t s ; ti:::'t:he :: , 44..t..4e.44.-4.- TO (10HOflIEWITH;,OR'
for:n x:: \ it.114,R EN TS C H LE RFor anything in theiline of VST 4.-HLIAS
Darlig & allaex's hone Maker of Phtngraphs Framing, Call on Renscher, 4.VSTNiILDAS
Daln u hn 89-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. 4.
COR. STATE AND LIBERTYSTS. a 44..44..444g.44g.44g, .4.4.4...4.4 + +g~g . ...4.44..4..4
,you on iss:: i a +::: e.. Fountain Pens at Cushing's. Fountain Pens at Cuhing'.
3 rfi ,V(311Uh -m v e one uP ton r Doataar ataAllen's.OUR SOLE LEATHIER CASES
O. 3. ut, Jweer, , Solcass t aliricesatAens At Alens youo can find the bst as-
4 0..LatJwl, .JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 215 orlmtrt of suit case. SANUOMl 46
4,04 281 Bath Supplies of all kinds at all$5* $5
1or tlbriolmss we have an unusual- prices at Cushing'n Pharmacy.-
B d iiiri l line1: of Smyrna, Witon, Boty
Brusselo and1 Tapestry Brussel rugs NOTICE.
Michlgan . nevsry, iars-). ' li all szes, and can suit you in the hadpitdcnaf tlrtna WA NR&Cn
ers of all other Colleges Ol(ssa tl 0 ntepie, gfsat Unaivtersity AfCrttaie l "
[OVEEL'S 'CORNER STOR[ Very rsisetfully yours,_______
_________________________ST___EMARTIN THALLERI' n fAl~asuteos21Xa
112, 114 & 1161]. Liberty St. tf e flnes pre sesfo Xma
J Dwght a W tis7 _ would be a finStaeeUlenintent.
D fihtE.[ W tknsj Paio , ;, . tae.Ceain, 1Pesin adRepairing. Clothes Univerity students desiring to (1
TYPEWRSTSNYG calledl for and (delivered. Leae or- cure positions to teach wlin hd it to
s151ro us L::a:1::: 323 S. Mains St. :1:-s at. ishing's Drug Store, or their interest to write to James F.~ ~ XTl~
ad I::tsss+ll ::: :s::t:el. vk 'plhone 52. $1.56 worth of work for McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg. Chi i ~ lj
12.1.cago. tL
American & fur;pean Hotel EARN SPENDING MONEY.
Open Day .-<Id Night \antd gntlemn anvtsaser to sell Or assortment ad display of 111:11
'ris al'::t:eIiug Rooms and W:l in:e 12:::::: new, quick-seling Chritmas gifts for day g00115 is better this year than 1i1
II:: ' L:: at 1::l::::ND::::: (la HLL. "':: -Apl tone ddeshe previous one. It youi want a nice We hove te saes"
O l llYA15 AC A 1I, carefol. Mrris arm ciair or a good Ieather ag qr hs
Try :1 anrut I I I:: ~tr:a _______ lournge, or a fine davenplort, we can fire candes 'e'
209-2SS N. 4th A've, \We old yor randfather gods surely pleae yo,. old lke pdor or
ed chool here We want to keep it MARTIN MALLEN. tf dr for toyoedate
Cr c e:J c ip andl do yours. Haler's Jeelyelivers} or for
Store. GLEE CLUB NOTICE. m aS. ee tlem
Fturnishecd for partie1s an:1dllchurch_________The___ '1G lee Clutb will reearse lTue's
'lb:dligat Central ansounces the clay and Wdnesday a 7 p. m.
scial st ::lcs ele pries. '':l:etlog of:tItniteriy brands ticket (id-.l5. lPARtKER. ______
301 S. Sae Si. . . I.B[J. :office in fi c :~e of Tlreaturer Sole
Mo:nday,: Det 14, to flrniosh studensoINOTICE.
, -ac : il'inlformeaiont relative to rateos 'Th law social club will givtue
'I..fr 'hisna vcato.hird party of the series hrday lH I7
6: t~:'P sIt roll'tlflll trgtl o uyevening Dcc.7. Theteason 011tikets CA I
then 'i lit-:':oa:lthis toffict,tDec. 17, 8 are not'taseal nd wl efr
Ill 1.. taseate011(illef~- 3 24 SOUTH STATE.
feted, if presentedl by anyne other - -,
~f. 1'V. W. CASE, Ag. than the owner. This prvision (ill ______________
$ Fresh L.owney's Alegrettis, Spar- be rigorously enforced. 14-6.
row's and Hylers Chocolaten at Cush b ie' eertdF~IinlsS~an n
Z.inoPamc.Face Cream for sale by Miss Vaughan R rui~es.
Fo1Nr goold uptot-date suit cases go to j tall for sample. 707 N. Univ. Near I
Allen's. Quarry's. tf,
________________________________________-_ ,0A_ -' MnTM CR .I: ryli att L.il:
,l5 5'1 t, 1 a ' S feer 1 slit
gjgyL JS)it n cl, t to uWiLL :1"tslyat:ld
The building sa of a Telephon.c System with every possible mod k;1 cation " wir, e
Pr sd n emimprovement; tegiig fbttrsevc ta wseertouh Isg: yttiat:Oil
anpossible befre. T em h tvn fbte evc hnwsee huh honorable, courteous and just in every detail To L results :it dstsr
Su n n es atcpt etiectTo overcome impediments. To be satisfied GYPIAlN OIL. a22lttes.
Whtnsd ie h te ie with nothing short of the confidence and good will of every citizen n si~lc-ray~tt' a Ie l~tis:tps lat sOil
takes. Comfort, style and service, the county.,ndsass: te lot(: g1'l, es is p1: ~et-so
Absolutely Guaranteed. WASHUTNAW fHOMIE[ TELEPHON[ CO tsattt:,al so:ialt::s :1 II:: 5osiadl m0ost
Metal trimmings cannot rust (e"" Ofieboatre, erkton :totin ltt l ra:: t I tretttcts at.
an 1 n soearmilpead emporary OficesLierty Sret erourtn t::e ndleasnt tu a u
Me his-: ua:-s:Ass:::'s::ss. I .l:'lr, M ielh..
1:I othaveu lt I l::a . ;ii - lisy t1s:(('I (:tts e-
AN R O o.._ rCIGARE/TLI tr oIwIlls IIa i, Fal E ttt l. i usold
AN ABO t ioln in TurkefLy. L111na01 :1:11eldt ~r'es. tsfa tioss ly
CHICAGO Perfected in QarysEgyptsDaa toe
BUFFALO Enjoyed in America. WUL l boCbtcint,
- ADBSO a tt with direct conectionss at eg u~ t i">" Cs l~lPi
Louis, Katsaas City, St.iPau] and Ie (test. -> .., Snan he ouCpos
For information ad trough: tickets 'cal on or
write to W. 5. CASE, Agelt. Ass Arbor. lPbonle 667. 303 a -SState' St

Always Ahead
In Styles.

MILWA D, T E TALOR. of Everything in Tailoring

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