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December 12, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 70) • Page Image 7

…I SA1TLI'DAY, DECEMBER 12, 19525 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 500,000 Greet President it Chicago PH6 PUBLISH WIL !alin, formerly an instructor here Chemical Sof.ciety A ~~iM ~! and no~v of the University of Okla-E j L. 1b oina. This is thec sixth series of his- Offers Six Prz s R~gENT ~[fj5 L"tues delivred by 1I1.Albert I Sa o ts 131 ouw er, professor of geology in the,___ Technische Hoogeschool of Delft, IHol-' ix ~i~s f 1,000 ccfl ore tv ol mie...…

December 12, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 70) • Page Image 8

… PAGE EIGHT' THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. p. (11:30 a. m. Saturdaysl. Volume1- '1 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1925 Number 70 Motorboat Replaces Gondola *II i , .. r' n! ., ,,,.,.,... Senate Council: The next regular meeting of the Senate Council will be held Monday, December 14, a...…

November 12, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 VOL. XXXVI. No. 45 t4tn aiI49 MEMBER. ASSOCIATED PRESS EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS CUNCIL APPROVE 4 CONFRECEHRE ON WORLD COURI SUGGEST S. C. A.,CALL MEETIN( OF MICHIGAN COLLEGES NEXT WEEK DISCUSS BLOCK "M" ( Approve MPans For Fall Games; Than Graham For Cup For Best Decorated Fraternity Discussion of International World court week, a national project being fo...…

November 12, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…THE, MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOC F'M r RR 72, 1920 F_-.- THE MICHIGAN DAILY TITVIISI)AY. NOVEMBER 12, 1925 ARMISTICE PARADE Straightens Out Railway Tangle CLOESPRGRM~For .GovernmentI M~ayor C.azzmJAW~I A (AtgO 1"81 IIHl" ;,".':> Of iMews-A3°go"iin it d va e ii ~ In Allied ?vv s {';4;.+ f Ala kan Esk mos Pro pe V~th tnp ove Iiaysj s~iwhich affords meat, hreat and Aleuts numbered 25,000 in kn archi- (tit and the ugrook, a large seal l peag...…

November 12, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…I'I JSIlhAY, NOVIEMBER, 12, 1925 S HE MICHIG'AN DAILY -PACIF TfTR-ETz, __ LA CLR PLAS DRYDAKU TODISCUSS Will rs ,s t Sfdcllts hInSelection (Wi All ILaws I lviaeid But' Memibers Have Fufure Vocations 7'Aieeiw ';Noted Laiwye'rs .' o Receive Bids Dr. C. S. Yoilium, of the School of] !Business Ad ministration, will Speak! ATTENDANCE LIMITED on. "Measuring Personality" at the'f _______second lecture in the vocational gums-I- P'reparations are ...…

November 12, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHITGAN DAILY THTJR =AY, NOYF rT TTR 2. 1,425~ TWENTY YEARS LATR -7/ /% To insure that at least once in his SIlife-time, or possibly even twice, an {R Pub'lished every morning except Monday I alumnus" shall have a choice seat at, during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications, one of the year's big football gamnes, EXTRAI Harvard has adopted the polio-, of 1A Members of Western Conference Editori...…

November 12, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 45) • Page Image 5

… TT-RSD)AY, NOVMER It, 1925 THE MICHYqAN DATLY __... _ _ a-- --t - -= ----- Q ftl j M1AM' I f .. ___._ x s_-____ .. 1 -^ "--- .. ) rig~ [%IT[[ O 5 19K ppQf Hockey SpreadooiWN TOlI~ diOM N OTRSo ho~:~ myi lt r ~'::(: IN H0 EY HNL iVO ICEs dance at 4:30 o'clock today, in the Women's league room, University hail. All of the committees for Pan-H-el- leuic hall will meet at 4 o'clock to- (lday in Bar'bour gymnasium. I me-, -wip"mm- ...…

November 12, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 45) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX / THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'rIIUIS)AY, NOVEMBR 1, l,125, isiol mmusommos M Aff K EYE~). p , ., FOR BATTLE WITH CHIGAN WILCE PEFECTS Cook Stars As 12 HRRIER TEAMS Reserves Bea T PASINSATTCK~Kipke's Squad~ ETRILEAC BUC KEYS: 11"NI) To PLAY. AT G11)(AME SATURI)AY Special trains bringing 8,500 Buckeye supporters to, the an- nual Michigan-Ohio State foot- I ball game will arrive in Ann Ar- bor early Saturday morning. The Scar...…

November 12, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 45) • Page Image 7

…THURSDAY" NOVEMBER 12, 1925 TIlE 7,MTIHIGAN fDAILY' PAGE SEVEN I __ _ _ .. v . PAGE SEVEN COLMN L A$SI F IECOLUMN AT P.A.DVE!RTI SING AT 3 PMI WANTED-Boys to sell Daily FootWall +OI NTAIN. PEN' INK Extras this Saturday. Cood[ Pay. XWe profit by your satisfaction. Sign1 up Friday between 2 and 6, ink we reCcommenl~d is first a n P. M. at thec Press Bldg. 44-45-46.i ink. It is the best flowing ink - -~----j-will not clog the d(licate me( ...…

November 12, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 45) • Page Image 8

…t i-, -L PAGE EGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY Iloilo I'llilill - .1 1 -1 .-- - loop f DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Puilication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volumne 1I THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1925 Number 45 Boats Defeat Florida Embargo _' f h ..__ Membcrs of the Administrative Board, College of Literature, Sc...…

July 12, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…Ip 'ummrx EATHER UNSETTLED; BABLY .SHOWERS Lit 4:D ttl HOT? HELP KEEP T KIDDIES a. No. 20, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 12, 1925 PRICE FIVE ii IXFOR OMN WILL DEIVR ECTUR HERE0ON J U LY21 IONEL CURTIS SCHEDULED TO TALK ON "CIVITAS DE" NOTED INPOLITICS [elped to Make Possible South Amer- ican Union, and To Settle Irish And Indian Troubles ' Lionel Curtis, of Oxford, England, 11 lecture in Ann Arobr at 8 o'clock n July 21, on...…

July 12, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…THE SL Y rj~ 0Laumer, AL NEWSPAPSR. OF TE ~ERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION i'everf 'morning except Monday University Summer Session by in Control of Student Publica- ociated Press is exclusively en- e ase for republication of all news credited to it or not othe. wise this paper and the local news pub- in. s the Ann Arbor, Michigan, I.s second ? lass matter. ion by carier, $.5o; by mail, Press Building, Maynard Street, Michigan. cations, if...…

July 12, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

….Y 'DS COOL BUY A TAG WED I x B CAMP 1Y1 C.A.b KE EP T H E BOYS IN CAMP ,/ se $400 in Drive to Deray ' s of Fresh Air Camp For Boys ['S WEDNESDAY . alvin Patterson) of the Summer session 1 an opportunity Wednes-) in the work of giving city boys a vacation ata ity Fresh Air camp atj son. A tag day is going or the purpose of raising .ey to. continue the camp the summer. n $1,600 was contributed ents of the regular ses- e quota set' f...…

July 12, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…2HICAN D! J DAlLY OFIALBULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of :he University. Copy received at 'the office of the Summer Session ntil 3:30 p., in. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday). Voume T SUNDAY, JULY ,121, 1925.Number 200 ill Rienbers of the Summer Session: Your cooperation in helping to keep thle Campus free from unsightly r is requested. Please throw~ discarded newspapers in the receptacles Tided for waste p...…

June 12, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1925 ,..., a , i Est Of Senior Girls' Play C HOUSE120 SENIORS FROM ALL SCHOOLS FORHONR GUARD1 PRESIDENTS SELECT PROMINENT MEMBERS $'O REPRESENT EACH CLASS NAME FLAG BEARERS Guard Will Accompany Speaker, Guests, President, President- Emeritus, Deans, Faculty WHAT'S GOING ON FRIDAY 10:00-Annual ineeting of alumnae in parlors of Betsy Barbour house. All Michigan women urged to at- tend. 10:00-Class day ...…

June 12, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…rbor, Michi tter. s.5o; by Iaynard St as evidence in The Sum e Editor. receive no y be omitted e writer. esarily end the comniut If the Princeton offender has any1 ground of complaint at all, it wouldI iday seem to be in the fact that he was by compelled to submit to a mental ex- lamination by an eminent psycholo-. gist. This seems rather overdoing it,, ews even if the intention was to make wiSe the punishment fit the crime. Sym- pub- pathy f...…

June 12, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

….EATHER GOO CORRESPOND . A GRADUATION SUGGESTI Ladies and Gentlemen's Dressing Cases Cigar and Cigaret and Hand Bags..........$3.50 Up Incense Burners Writing Sets...............$3.50 Up Book Ends Bridge and Game Sets. . . . . .$3.50 Up Gift Mottoes Purses and Bill Folds.......$1.00 Up Graduation Cards Diaries ....................$1.00 Up 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickles Arcade 11 k Y* ti I ght is at sea again after atively modern. She is see...…

June 12, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…flagstaff an' ave been tr, ill proceed 45 o'c' of their wives. From there the various ciasseE headquarters where they will b~e received b faculties, and their wives. iterature and Graduate School: Angell Education: Tappan Hiall. + Law, Medicine, Engineering and~ Archite ++ Dentistry and Pharmacy: Alumni Memc There will be a concert on the campus of admission for relatives 'and friends may 1 Secretary of the University and from the. Sec tion...…

May 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 164) • Page Image 1


May 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…/ PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TVICDAYMAY 12, 1921 'A - 'ESADEIAE Navy Repairs- Old Ships To Keep Strength TO FEII' ' YOST V ......... S 'u ALUMNi REUNI Mfe5tiJngH Here Will Follow C'onventioni of AssoeL In Detroit jINCLUDE 34 CLA iONs JUNE vv Trienniial 1111 jell '19, L. A. Lundqjuist, Indiana 1larbhor, Ill.; '19 engineers, Roy) W. .l-:liott, Wichita, Kan.; '19 law, P~on T. AA(- bone, J ckion: '20 medic, A. AV. (oy-f on, Ann arb~or;...…

May 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…TLUS~DAY, M1AY 12, 1:125 THE LMICHIGAN DAILY PACE ~11H~ ..,,. . ,. .. e... . ,. "....+...+.. e.. w . .A..., ,. POET ADDRESSES f Humbled King Cotiw VISITINGMOTHERS~ Guest~i Reads Several Of iskOwn , PQPI1is Before Seri le fit 11i11 Auilitori haX SPONSORED BY S. C. A. Mfore than n'5oo mothers, studenfts, ; . an1 others heard Edgar Ghuest, :C"'- I roil Free Press poet, in his ;uldres; ;,1111101 i n lIfil auditorium at Ihe 1 Ttln '' Pay u...…

May 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…PA IV F'OmI THE rMICI GAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 12, 19 25 ___ .. ....w....,. ., Published every morning except Monday during the Uiniversity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republicationi of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. E...…

May 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 164) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, MAY " 12, 1925 . THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUEDA, AY 2,195 TE ICIGAv DIL 71T__- * PEN TOURNAMNT IN INTERHOUS BBAgL Interhouse baseball activities opened yesterday afternoon with five games on Palmer field. The closest score wvas made by Alpha Xi Delta when they defeatedl Gamma Phi Beta wvith a score of 7-6. Another closely * contested victory was the one gained by Delta Zeta when they defeated Collegiate Sorosis 15-11. Delta Gamma defea...…

May 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 164) • Page Image 6

…VAGID SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILV TUESDAY, Mk 1 , i625 TUi~SDAY. MAY 12~ 1925 S lfIB1 Ill __________ 4 u y !Aom , -- - - -- wwommah . a' '3 _.._._ - TRAC K TEAM LOOKS M22 )EDII 7 MVembers of the hoy TO BI G TEN! TITLE11 rt;so cnge h 1 hw callng e the tranuiralofie Peelive, 'Victo y Over Ilticiteyes l14reslz maii grouip1 Stzi'engtheiias ('ftances cllipions can also1 x(1 Vaisityj medals ilt the same of ERS B1RIA flAW fIflAIFSII ISRI...…

May 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 164) • Page Image 7

… 0 TUEISDAY, MTNAY 12, 1925 THE MICHIGANDAL DAILY PA0V, S EVr:N s LA SSIFIE f CLOSES I CLOSES AT 3 P.M.I ADVERTISING AT 3 PM. NOTIC E Stecond semester freshmen whose marks for the first semnest er were of '"C" grade or better are eligile to try out for positions on the lower Business Staff of the 1926 Michiganen- sian. Applications should be made person at the Press Building 'Tuesday or Wednesday after- noon b~etween 2 and 3 o'clock....…

May 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 164) • Page Image 8

…FAQ~iI ~T .lfl _______ THE MICHIGAN DAILY__ TUESDAY. MAY 12, 19.75 .a _I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all member of the University. Copy received b) the Assistant to t* Presdent until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. m. Saturdayo Volume 6 TUESD)AY, MAY 12, 1925 Number 16 ('onunif tee on Reorganization of the 1Iegstrar's Office: The Committee on the Reorganization of the Registrar's Office is re- ...…

March 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 120) • Page Image 1


March 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

… PAGE TWO TIf~iY ACT1,12 TH' MICHIGAN DAILY TIPIRSDA , Vx RCT-3 12, 1925 CARRITT SCORES I AUTHR'SCKHG[! DJCFF."-1DS UN VER.SITIES x~. I 1 , 220-11 Yester~day I "TELEPHONWE"--INA UG URAL PHO TOS IOptional Attendance Mady Weed "Out South America, and just as the Euro- Beansystm ismost practical fort that j ~Undeserving Students, Says Whitney continent, so will the plan which meets the needs of the Udnited Sfates t be) the (Tre which will ...…

March 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, MARCHII 12, 1925 THE MICH-IG AN DAILY T'.1 i :.. 111 FtT , i O0FFER HYGIENE IN' SUMMERCURRICULA' MULTIDES 1TNESS INVA UG IA TI Nl CLASSUNITE 'I* ae, OUt fHarmony TO GIVE flANUE With His Poicy, cp .'_i of a position in''thle bn1 by Jn- averse vote of ti! Senate, cy UsyStanb~lerry', C1O, flamed b7 d(iftealod by Senatle vote. 1-b ft previously served antd resign jtince J~(~Ext ensive Instruict ion Phys~j.~ica E(I11I al 1)11a ...…

March 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

…PAJE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TITT RSDAY, VARC'TT 12, 192:) PulAished every morning except Monday during the Universit year by the Boardin Control of Student iulications. 1 t E t f l Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en-1 titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered a...…

March 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 120) • Page Image 5

…T"UTIaDAY, MARCH 12, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ThURDAYMAR~ 12,1925PAGEI FIV V .__._...........Y ....,_..._._.....,...._.._.. , '4 r V ( .ddmkL I OsY "° m1vl -zs, - .r '1 a 1 i i : i l s I ,: j , i ] 7 7 _ ,; r 3 '' r f S ' c ti T 3 .. 7 f . C omas' eage T H~flf PLY ~Y.Wc.A Reigius lflI 2IMInrrn~~SENIOR SUPPER PLANND I VOCATIONALN IM r ". i.Reigou fILI 9 1__ T VO TO9 9K odAiucion Sale LUUUTalks Opened By I flUl ill LL~I _ Alini...…

March 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 120) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN ]DAILY TUULRSDAYF. MARCH 12, 1925 Ally " x k .. ........ ' . 7.... ,. . ..... . il __ 1 ; + ""r+...,..,,. ,, .. ____ --- ELEENTRACK STARS LEAVE FOR CONFERECEMEET AT EVAN STO N JI eiiiiiiab ' 10 lemibers o f IIe ! ii I Vne giv e hii' fttaiii ine points1in t he To'Il( ' Fi l ;tve i v jj e(vent. F(13 ekerstands out as the Tngtbest ple :Cvaulter in the Conference, itnot ini[hle country, and with Dean EXP T GOOD SH...…

March 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 120) • Page Image 7

…THURSDAY, MARCIh 12, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _. ._.._.. . +..-. u,. v.a as w..,ra as a_+ ,r THE MCI-IOAN AILYPAGE SEfVEN WESTERN NORMALSHDUP, COLUM NSES ICOLU N ' N O N E P A O T S in cas51h as i)Cl fl OJrCdlb h \s MA-Y BE CANADIAN GOVERNOR -- Y lmx L/te y . .... ' ' U n ' ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ t N 112lit a nYC .3!' 3gi foier oir IOIIclita, uilyoul 'ti.e t j-:, d oU) ah"' e dvantaE 0ofthese teolunuzs', . jiuie will be glaad ti 11011) you...…

March 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 120) • Page Image 8

…PAGE. EIGT 'THEi MICHIGAN DAILY___ THIURSDiAY, MARM I12, 192,- .. - ; DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by theo Assistant to th e e~ent until 8:30 R. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday, Volume 5 T~IIURSIAY, -MARCH 12, 1925 tiumber 120 '! Serenade (Sinding), Lotus Land (Scott), The Elf (P1hillipe) Lisla Critten- den ; "Wayfarer's Night Song" (Martin), The Blin...…

February 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…DEDICATED TO JUSTICE EIGET PAGES ANN ARLOR, MICHIGAN, T IIRSDAY, FEPRUARY 12, 1925 at l MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 96 ____.___.r_ EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FLFIECEN' ELEVENH ANNAL MEET ON MONDAY1 ROAD ;,XPERTS FROM ALL SEC.j TIONS OF THE COUNTRY WILL ATTEND $TU DENTS INVITED 1eclinlcal Phases of Design, Construe. tion and Maintenance of High. 1 ways Will be Discnssed The eleventh annual conference on highway engineering, to ...…

February 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO Prof. F. N. Scott Writes Tribute to 1niversity's Deceased tegstrr SENDS SYMPATY At the meeting of the University club Feb. 4, which was the first meet- ing following the (leath of Wr% Arthur G. Hal, late registrar of the 1 nier' sity, the following tribute which was prepared by Prof. F. N. Scott of the rhetoric department at the request of the directors of the organization was, adopted. "In the death of Arthur Graham Hall, the Unve...…

February 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…THUSDYFEl,:'U IARY 12, 1925 THE MICHIG-.AN DAILY , YAC ;: 'a'11KLE Ai NOJJNC IJ , YE, .AN6UA E UOUHH7 sl Hffead's Relief WenlagyChosen To HadBr, itish :1'd is ad itle, I'. p ONE COURSE IN .Al OJT TFort y-O11Q co2:fl 505:i]imodern for-- eign Ilanguages willi1be offered in hle 1.925 Summer s S'Sion. (_Jf' lhis, uto- 1)01'76 courses \willI begiven inl I he (Germanic lanlguages and literatures, 13 courses in French Ian g uage a'Ind...…

February 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY f Meiieur Ut- e. (3 'i'.c k diu4 jal Ass~ociation. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Yost-j mseGeea.bSubscription by carrier,. $...…

February 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 96) • Page Image 5

…THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIFE At lt le 19 0; ,) WAvA v .: -zs-zs -\-517-1. 1 -- - - ) Admkk AmMk ITP T UENB"EI LE TEAM stTO TIE WITH tERM11 ONLY SPORT IN WHICH WOMEN MATCH SKILL WITH ANOTHER "U" 'Relief Director Outlines Russian Education History, "Russia is a cross-word puzzle, and 4 Intercolleglate competition opens this week for the Michigan women's rifle team, when they match their marksmen again...…

February 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 96) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIUIRSDAY, FEBRUARY' 12, 1925 f J Liwoo w - rd VARSTY REPRESMichigan Bowlers'MN DOBE UPOVTR S iin riin TMhian first match in the inter- HVUOuRflDowling touinament wasVVO RK OF SWIMMERS TO BASEBALL 3-iled yester day). It w aatelegraphic ______ (f;ine 'Wili 1diatna SaIIII'dhiy and Ohio j( IlCt against Depauw university, anti sli 'itl )40Iondy E1the :Maize and :lule lbowlers rolled uip On Schedule; a sccie o...…

February 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 96) • Page Image 7

…12, 1925) .. T~iITSDY, FEBUARY 1, 1925THE MIICH-,IGAN DAILY PC1 EE PA OR SEVEN I Aft THISN COIUMN COLUM-1 L 'Am S P61 CLOSES CLOSCS AT 3 P.M. U ADVERTISING AT 3 PM. jmi 1111 milli ."O1l tRENTl-si~poe room, wcill 12- Yf l , qu t o ,o G 3)fo doors from Camipus. FOR RENT--Single 1Ro0om. $ 4 is', week. 1127 Prosped, "';o-W. TO RENT-Nicely furnished , newlbouse. 33G S. Divisioii. NOTI21CE : 1t'iK W\ATCHI REP~AIRING A rvne!l Surle St...…

February 12, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 96) • Page Image 8

…V[!GX EIGHIT THE lLMICHIG AN DAILY DAIL OFICIA BULETN Publication in The tBulletin is constructive notice Wi. all -nembers of the University." Copy r ecetved b~y the Assistant to th4 PVeident until 3:30 p. im. (11 30 Saturday, volume 6" THURSI)AY, FEBRUAI AR 12,1 112 H umbier 96 TIhi acourse wWill moct ill IRlooim 30(sA. It[., Mon day, Wedtne sdlayrand 'ci- I LunlichieoTl humrday, Feb~ruary 12. at the U nion. L. I. Bre old., A'Plo n...…

December 12, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER iILD; L IHT SNOW TODAY LL Ahr ttlx MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I VOL. XXXV. No. 68 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARLOR, MICHIGAN, FREDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS PAUL BLANSHARD Huff Describes Sew Advocates Humorous Rise Advanced RateI WILLTLKTODA OfModern Game IONMUSOLESHOALStIn P.O._Service FARM INTEESTS Chicago, Dec. 11. (By A. P.-A re- Washington,Dec. 11. (By A. P.)- markable increase in popularity of Postmas...…

December 12, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWOTHMCHANDIYiIAY EELFR1,12 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBE It 12, 1924 NMAR , ° , ,; ::: . A; -sia a~aa r ' I' ; ; ' ,. , WHERE TO DINE m E A T M A T 11 Whoa llaf 'VT ant] FAeCombined F -- The rsult is inevitaly a pleasngQ one. You will fvd that te cU principles are theoufndaiotnsl upn A L trial will convince youL Purest Crushed Fruit Tlvr withthe most Delicious Ice Cream. -n- A. R. '.vi',i "Never tasted any bett...…

December 12, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, DCM1I.1,I2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _._ i ,.11ihistry IBeclires it is n114d estud- " rK.. V( 101of Prtiy i~ine aip e s; l Frain RlecentIi Elechi NEW MINISTRY LIKELY ? Berlin, Dec.- L--tl yAi')- Ih Scabinet at a ince~in, yesterdIay de tid-j ed to resign. The dle of its resig- S nation will b~e fixed b~y agreement be- Stw/een Chancellor Wilhielmn Marx and P'resident Friedrich Eb~ert. Unless Ebort requests the 1\4 . - I Stresemann cabinet ...…

December 12, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…PACE FOUR f THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1924 -.-Y-......... -r-v a. .. . .. _... - - ...._, .. ,. -- every morning exnept Monday :wrmg J uriversity year by the Board in Sudent Publications. .wV-t-rn Conference Editorial ~~~~ ~ T The Associated Press is exclusively en-f titled to the use for republication of all news lispatches credited to it or not otherwise< credited in tnis paper and the local news pub- lished therein.E...…

December 12, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

…I -IE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVR I& IWAVA mw an=& .................. .... . Hlonor Council Organizes League Houses On Campus' i : ;. r';; 'i. i f. i;. A.. 4 :'. r i :S"i . i. Y'.. 11," . C j BAS KTBALL ATTRACTS IHospital Kiddies MIC Make Gifts For SUPPORT OP'STUDENTS Family AtlHome AT HOME IN PORTLAND Greater enthusiasm than ever 1e- Christmas presents for mother' Lise Boy '28M died Dec 5, at fore has been displayed this year in fathe...…

December 12, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER I2, 1924 "' 7 I -. . U....a _ _ _ _i ..;; D MATHER SHIfTS BASKETBALL FIVE FOR AGGIE TILT TOMORRO NIGHT Visitor Here FgMR OR O!SigmaChi ead 48 FRATERNITIH MES FARMERS WORKM CA E TO FINAS IN IENTER TAN ETMCIA OTS Sigma (hihovwlers arIeeadiiig thnwWRESTLING TOURNAMENT k INTERFRATERNITY SWIM- MING NO'I('E Special practice this afternoon and tomorrow morning. Get your entries in today, stating d...…

December 12, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 68) • Page Image 7

…THIE MICHIGAN DAILYI PAGE SEVEN COLUM F ' HIS~Novel Rotorship CLOyBeDeelpe AS V I I OLUsMN By Ship Company AT 2 P.M 3 . _ ...w'T T aTSPM Whins Pe acePrz FOR SAL 3 FOR SALE Two tuibe.7, (Iy atteryi radlio set, 2 l~ai r ot phoneis, finte re-' iults. ('omipite $2. Call Bean, 22111-W. TRAPI~DRIJM Outfit $-5.50. A sgood as new ---Easxy Payments, UNI VERS.1LITY MUSIC , OUISE A GOOD C-iVELOI)Y Conn sax .phone for S, (. This is a bairga:;i:n. P ...…

December 12, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 68) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT 11' IFMITC1 Hc;A'N DIzLuY FRiIDAY, DE CEMBER 12) 1924I DALtFFCA BULLETIN- publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th4 Pesident until 3:30 p. nm. (11:30 a. in. Saturday, Volume 5 FID~AY, DECEMBER 12, 1924 Number 68b Students having in their possession books drawn from the University Library are notified that all such books are due Monday, December 15,...…

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