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July 12, 1925 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1925-07-12

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a. No. 20,



[elped to Make Possible South Amer-
ican Union, and To Settle Irish
And Indian Troubles '
Lionel Curtis, of Oxford, England,
11 lecture in Ann Arobr at 8 o'clock
n July 21, on "Civitas Del."
Mr. Curtis exercised the greatest
fluence in bringing together the
otter factions in South America, an
tfiuence which made possible the
outh American Union. He suggested
ome of the.compromises and political
ovices which made that possible.
ater, he and other members of 'the
ound Table planned the Government
t India Act (1919) and Mr. Curtis,
imself, devised the "dyarchy" fea-
ire which is the heart of the whole
heme. As a secretary in the Brit-
h Colonial Office, he had much to do
ith settling' the arrangement with
ie Irish Free State through which
te present relations between England
id Ireland were possible.
Mr. Curtis is a Fellow of All Souls,
xford, was a lecturer in New Cl-
ge on Colonial History, and was at
ie time Assistant Colonial Secretary
f the Transvaal, and a member of
ie Transvaal Legislative Council. He
the author of several books. Mr.
rtis is the British representative
AS summer at the Political Science
onference at Williamston, Mass.,
here he was in the same capacity
free years ago, succeeding James
ryce' who was the first to be given
at honor.
While in Ann Arbor, Mr. Curtis
ill be the guest of Prof. G. H. Van
yne, head of the History department.
"The Youngest," a comedy written
y Phillip Barry, and originally pro-
iced in New York City, Directed by
obert Milton, with Henry Hull,
enevieve Tobin, and Katherine Alex-
ider in the cast, will be the play of-
red by the Bonstelle company this
In "The Youngest," the Winslow
mily have been in the pin business
r several years and have accumu-
ted a fortune. The elders are very
such shocked when the younger
rother showsda preference for writ-
ig plays and attempt to discipline
Lm by cutting off his- allowance.
1st about this time a young girl
>mes along, whose business seems
be 'to cure the younger son's "in-

Underood's Retirement Opens Senatorial RaceI






William B. Oliver,

John H. Bankhead, Jr.

Thomas E. Kilby

The announcement by Senator Oscar W. Underwood of Alabama that he will retire at the- close of his term
has started a merry scramble for his senate seat. Among the men expected to seek the nomination are former
governor Thomas E. Kilby of Anniston, John H. Bankhead, son of the former senator, and Rep. W. B. Oliver.
Others mentioned are Breck Musgrove, Fred M. Jackson and Hugo Black.

First Congregational Church
The morning sermon will be deliv-
ered by Mr. Jump at 10:45 o'clock, on
"The Spiritual Parable in Arlen's
'The Green Hat.' " There will be an
open forum at 12 o'clock at which
Miss Hutzel, of the Detroit Women's
Police, will speak on "The Night Life'
of a Big City." A student canoe con-
ference will take place in the after-
noon. All those who plan to go will
meet at the church at 4 o'clock. The'
subject of discussion is: "Questions
about Heaven and Hell." In case of
rain, meet at the church at 5:30
o'clock as usual. The motion picture
service at 8 o'clock stars Glenn Hunt-
er and Viola Dana in "Merton of the
Movies." Paul Wilson will give a cor-
net solo.
Unitarian Church]
The concluding service of the
summer will be delivered by Dr. Sid-
ney S. Robins, minister, who will
speak at 10:45 o'clock on "Religion
and Philosophy."
Church of ChristDisciples
The pastor will speak this morningf
at 10:30 o'clock on "The Mystery of
Survival.". At 9:30 o'clock the Bible
school meets. On Wednesday nightf
at 7:30 o'clock the Bible study class
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
The students' Bible class meets at
9 o'clock. The regular- sermon on
"An Example of Faith," will be given'
at 10 o'clock. The Lutheran students'
and young people meet at the parson-
age, at 420 W. Liberty St., from -5:30
to 7:30 o'clock.
First Baptist Church
The subject for the morning ser-
mon will be, "The Perils of the Or-
dinary Man." The, young people will
meet in the church parlors at 6
o'clock, under the direction of Mr.
Ted Trost. The topic for the talk
will be "The Geneva Conference." A
cordial invitation is extended to
First Church of Christ Scientist
The regular morning sermon will
be given at 10:30 o'clock on the sub-
ject: "Sacrament." The Sunday
'school session meets a 11:45 o'clock.
On Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock
is the Testimony service. The reading
room, 608 First National Bank build-
ing, is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock
except on Sunday and legal holidays.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Holy Communion is at 8 o'clock.
The morning prayer and sermon are
given by the rector at, 11'o'clock. The
reading room and libft'ry, at Harris
hall, are open daily from 9 to 5
Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medical
school has returned from Vancouver
where he has been delivering a series
of lectures before the Vancouver
Medical society, .

Education Leads
In Enrollment Of


Gyrauuae ScfloOL MAJESTIC
"Lost-a Wife," a Paramount pic-
The education department of the ture, directed by William de Mille,
Graduate school has the largest en- and prepared for the screen by Clara
rollment of students for the Summer Beranger, will be shown here through
session, heading the list with 188s
while the number enrolled as special Wednesday. It is an adaptation of Al-

students totals to 151. There are "87
taking courses in English, 34 follow-
ing history courses and 31 taking
chemistry. 26 are enrolled in public
speaking and physics courses respect-
ively. Courses in mathematics seem
to be the next most popular, there be-
ing 22 following such courses while,
21 are signed up for latii courses.
The remaining departments have en-
rollments of Graduate students as'
follows: botany 20, rhetoric 19, zool-
ogy 16, economics 14, French 9, po-
litical science 9, actuarial mathemea-
tics 8, German 8, psychology 8, pub-
lic health 8, romance languages 7,,
geology 6, highway engineering 5,
physiology 5, sociology 5, astronomy
4, chemical engineering 4, electrical
engineering 4, phsiological chemistry
4, philosophy 4, Spanish,4, bacteriol-
ogy 3, Greek 3, mechanical engineer-
ing 3, comparative literature 2, geog-
raphy 2, pediatrics 2. There is butj
one student in each of the following
departments: anatomy, business ad-
ministration, civil engineering, inter-
nal medicine, minerology, municipal
administration, pharmacy, pathology,
and psychiatry.
The total enrollment in the Grad-
uate school for the summer session
is 781.
Only four first round matches, all
results of which must be in by Tues-
day night, remain to be played in the
summer tennis tournament. When
this round is complete, 16' men will
have advanced to the second round.
Records turned in yesterday showl
that Epstein won from Nuekerfer
6-2, 6-0, McIntosh beat Meade 6-2,
6-0, Bergman defeated Sidwell 6-1,
7-5, and Heinz put Ford out of the
running 6-4, 6-0. Sidwell's defeat was
rather a surprise, for although he
put up a hard battle in the second
set, Bergman had the ability to win.
Both Custer and Whitener ad-
vanced to the second round by de-
John D.'s Estates
Bring $3,000,000
New York, July 11. (By A.P.)-
The sale by John D. Rockefeller of his
estate at Pomcantico Hills and at
Lakewood, N. J., f his town house and,
garage in New York City, and of his
winter home in Ormand, Fla., to his
son,, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., for a
price "in excess of three million" was
announced today.

fred Savoir's stage play, "Banco"
which was one of the outstanding
hits on Broadway during the season;
of 1923. Adolphe Menjou, Greta Nis-
sen, Paramount's new Norwegian,
beauty, and Robert Agnew feature in
the picture. The story is one of a1
young American traveling in France,1
whose one great weakness is gambl-1
ing,-after that, beautiful women.
The question centers upon who is
boss after the marriage ceremony.
A Sennett comedy, "The Lion'sa
Whiskers"; a stage feature, a com-
bination of the accordian and xylo-
phone, by Jimmie James and Lou1
Adams, a new Aesop fable cartoon,
and kinograms will constitute the re-s
mainder of the program.
Beginning Thursday and running I
through Saturday, "His Supreme Mo-
ment," a First National picture, di-
rected by George Fitzmaurice, will
feature Blanche Sweet and Ronald
Coleman. In it Blanche Sweet plays
the role of a Broadway actress
and dancer. Two of her dance num-
bers, an Oriental fantasy and a wild
Spanish fandago, are presented on
the screen in natural color, by the
improved Technicolor process, by
which a portion of this Goldwyn-Fitz-
maurice production was photograph-
In addition to the picture there
will be a Christie comedy, "Air
Tight," kinograms, a stage feature,
"The Bird Cabaret," which includes
feathered creatures, the smallest
trained Chimuahua dog, and two
smartly trained house cats who work;
among the birds.
Jack Pickford who was engaged by
Edwin Carewe as a feature player to
C support Nazimova in "My Son," show-
ing here through Wednesday, has the
"name role." The story in which
Nazimova has an entirely new role,
is a drama of a mother (Nazimova),
an erring son, a dancing siren, and
the temptation and giamour of city
The comedy, H. W. Witwer's Pace-
makers "What Price Gloria?", topical
comments and International News fea-
ture the program.
The "Confessions of a Queen," with
Alice Terry and Lewis Stone, begins
Thursday and runs through Satur-
day. It is an adaptation of Alphonse
Daudet's famous story "Kings in Ex-
ile," which deals with the romance
and intrigue around the lives of the
king and queen.
Pathe-O-Color, a Sunshine comedy:
""Nobody Works but Father," and In-
ternational News complete the pro-

Harvard Man Gets
jHonors At Oxford
Oxford, England, July 11.-(By A.
P.)-Expressions of regret at his
{ leaving Oxford were made at a din-
ner recently to Prof. S. E. Morison
of Harvard University, shortly before
his return to the'United States. He
was at Oxford as first Harold Vyv-
yan Harmsworth professor of Ameri-
can history.
Superior Students to Have Special
Study Privileges Out of
Closely resembling the system re-
cently innovated here, Leland Stan-
ford university, Palto Alto, Cal., be-
ginning next year will give especially
qualified junior and senior students
special privileges in the university, re-
leasing them altogether from class-
room attendance. They will be per-
mitted to map out program of study
leading to definite ends aid with the
advice of professors in the subjects
selected, follow these programs
through in any way they prefer. 1
The aim of the system is to make
college work sufficiently hard to give
exceptionally able students a chance'
to develop themselves, unimpeded by 1
classmates'of lesser calibre. At the
end of the courses difficult examina-
tions will be given, supplemented by
several mid-term examinations dur-l
ing the college year.-
Any student whose university rec-
ord is of "B" average or above, or
who is deemed by his school to be
specially qualified, may enroll undert
the independent study plan at the
beginning of the junior year or at the
beginning of any quarter thereafter.
The degree of credit for the period of
study shall be determined on the basis
of the final examination. Faculty
members will act as advisors to the5
The new plan is the result of an ac-t
tion taken last fall, following the ap-
pointment of a special committee 't'o
consider methods of dealing with the
superior student." As a result of the
committee's study the independent
study plan was adopted.
Four boy salesmen, winners in a
national Y. M. C. A. contest, passed
through Ann Arbor Friday, carrying
messages from John R. Mott of the
international Y. M. C. A. committee to
Dr. Burt, president of the Association
college, Lake Geneva, Wis.
The boys, Edgar Frazer of Harris-
burg, Pa., Bartrand Beeson and Mal-
colm Hill of Wilmington, Del., and
William Robertson of Johnstown, Pa.;
won in a selling contest for subscrip-
tion to "Association Men," the nation-
al Y. M. C. A. magazine. Edgar Fraz-
er won first place by getting 102 sub-
scriptions in one week.

<, (By Associated Press)
Fez, French Morocco, July 11.--The
situation along the front, where the
French forces are holding the Riffian
invaders in check appears' calm f' .r
the moment.
Abd-El -Krim's principal hetivities
are of a political nature..
These, however,,.are almost as dan-
gerous as military action, as they aim
at weakening or destroyin'g the loyal-
ty of the tribes hitherto friendly to
the French. The natives in the Quez-
zan region, on the westefrn French
zing, are showing signs of succumb-
ing to this intensified propaganda.
Ottawa July 11-A yield of 365,000,-
000 bushels of wheat for this year in
Canada is estimated by the Dominion
1 bureau of statistics.

Frosecution Claims Evolution Does
Not Go on Trial, Says Charge
is Breaking Law Only
(By Associated Press)
Dayton, Tenn., July 11.-With the
first preliminary steps made, includ-
ing the selection of a jury, counsel for
both defense and prosecution in the
Scopes evolution case today planned
conferences to consider-the next move,
No session of court was scheduled'
for today, the defense having asked
for a day to consider angles of its
The jury is composed of nine farm-
ers, one school teacher and farmer
combined, one fruit grower and one
shipping clerk. Only one is not a
church member.
With indications of a battle in the
offing the defense intended to de-
termine on what grounds they would
base their plea for admission into the
evidence the testimony of experts
along scientific and religious lines to
attempt to show that theory of evolu-
tion does not conflict with the Bibical
account of creation.
Prosecution attorneys, in the mean-
time, were drawing up their battle
lines to withstand the expected at-
Indications were that the defense
would attempt to have this testimony
introduced as a matter for the infor-
mation of the presidin judge, to be
dealt with afterward as he sees fit.
While it has been known for several
weeks that this probably would be the
basis of thei.r arguments for the sub-
mission of such evidence, they still
were seeking other grounds upon
which to base their contentions.
Prosecution attorneys, on the other
hand, consider the case one in which
only the question of whether John
Thomas Scopes taught that man de-
scended from a lower animal is in-
Basing their contentions upon this
view, they have announged their in-
tention of making a supreme effort to
prevent the trial from leaving the
purely legal course and trailing into
a religious and scientific controversy.
The only issue, Attorney General
Stewart said Friday night, is whether
Scopes taught that man descended
from a lower form of animal. Their
Vstand in the matter is not a change
of any previously announced course
of action..
The administration of the oath to
the jury Monday, followed by the
reading of the indictment and the
'arraignment of the defendant, will
bring the opposing counsel together
for their first real clash in the trial.
An excursion party under the di-
rection of Carlton F. Wells, of the

rhetoric department left Ann Arbor at
8 o'clock yesterday morning to in-
spect the Detroit News, plant and the
Cadillac machine switching and the
Randolph plants of the Michigan Bell
Telephone company. The party also
had the opportunity of seeing WWJ,
the first newspaper radiophone broad-
casting station in the world.
After the inspection of the News
plant, the party went to the Bell
Telephone company, where they were
met by Mr. F. T. Bolton of the gen-
eral engineering ,department. After
luncheon in the cafeteria of the plant,
the party was taken through the
Cadillac machine switching and the
Randolph plants in the Bell Tele-
phone building.
The faculty of the School of Edu-
cation' and the teachers attending the
Summer session will hold a baseball
game at 4 o'clock Wednesday at Fer-
ry lield.

t up.

complex," and it
the most of the

is through
comedy is

11 women in the Summer session
invited to the Women's League
nic which is to be held at 5 o'clqck
Inesday at Whitmore Lake. Uni-
sity trucks leaving Barbour gym-
ium at 5 o'clock will carry the
itcers to the lake.
nly the first hundred who sign up
the office 'of the Dean of Women
1 be allowed to form the . party,
ce that is the largest number which
be accomodated. The charge for
supper, 25 cents, will be collected
the time of signing.
Nine Indietnients Returned
oston, July.11.--Nine secret indict-
its were returned today by the
nd jury which since Monday has
n hearing evidence relative to the.
apse of thye Pickwick club buildinga
y 4, with a loss of 44 lives. j

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