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July 12, 1925 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1925-07-12

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rj~ 0Laumer,
i'everf 'morning except Monday
University Summer Session by
in Control of Student Publica-
ociated Press is exclusively en-
e ase for republication of all news
credited to it or not othe. wise
this paper and the local news pub-
s the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
I.s second ? lass matter.
ion by carier, $.5o; by mail,
Press Building, Maynard Street,
cations, if signed as evioence of
will be published in The Summer
lie discretion of the Editor. Un-
iunications will receive no con
The signature knay be omitted -in
if desired by the writer. The
aily does not necessarily endorse
ents exp'ressed in the communica-
Telephone 492M
or...........Robert S. Mansfield
.r,.Manning ouseworth
editor.. . Marion Mead
tor. ,.~...LeRoy L. Osborn
tor..........W. Calvin Patt.-on
rBarbour George E Letinen
on Philip R. Marcuse'
Arown Marion Meyer
turnis aph B. Nelson
Guthrie Miriam Schlotterbeck
I~ardner Nance "Sooon
Letinen Wendall Vreeland
Telephone 21214
..Kermit K. Kline
...... Frank Schoenfeld
nsterwald Thos. E. Sunderland
JNDAY, JULY 12, 1925
.Barbour, '63, '65L, one of the
ty's most generous benefac-
finished his life's work. He
called to that eternal peace
his just reward.
the history of the Univer-
re is probably no finer, no
ole chapter than that in which
bour's life and work are ree-
In his sixty years of mem-
at the Detroit bar, Levi L.
made himself one of our
ued citizens, and one of ed-
a greatest champions.
rved two terms as a 'Regent
Jniversity, was the donor of
gymnasium and .Betsy Bar-
'use, and he established the
scholarship for Oriental girls
early provides the advantages
,merican college education to
,many oriental girls. This
f these gifts, and especially
tter to the University and to
on, cannot be estimated, .but
iey will serve as a great last-
oral to this man who regard-
y only as an instrument for
od, and who did the maxi-
ount of good with his money.
the past few years the fed
ernment has taken long strid-
d impressing the layman with
that all government need not
ily be infested with graft and
We bav& had a really efic-
3iness-like, national govern-
that same period, large num-
local officers, scattered
Ut the nation, finding that
Ic coffers fill up too rapidly

ras of prosperity, have done
ig possible to prevent this sit-
rom continuing. And so we
over the country, charges of
n and illegal use of funds
against local officers. Some
harges are true, and perhaps
them are not, but at any
r are- indicative of the situa-
a few days ago, Washtenaw
elt perfectly safe from such
.- But then the state board
ors, went over the county
nd there appeared charges of
se of the people's pmoney.
'ges do not name any trenen-
as, but, according to the audi-j
Se has been a decided over-
of legal rights in the appro-
of county funds.
s there was no illegal intent
part of the members of the
supervisors, it may merely
tter of a misunderstanding
rights and powers. But atj
there has been a misuse of
nd the people out of whose'
hose funds come have a right,t

iionymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of commum-
ats will, however, be regardea as
confidential tw~on request.

t; ,


To the Editor:
One of the most exasperating rul-
ings every propagated by any statea
was the recent ruling handed down byI
the state of Tennessee, prohibiting
the teaching of evolution in publicI
scho6ls, colleges, aid normals of thet
I marvel at times how it was hum-
anly possible for a group of such nar-
row minded beings to collect enoughl
followers for a sufficient length of
time in order to pass such a degrad-
ing bill, which in all probability will
reflect upon the state for a long time
to come.
The governor of the state of Ten-
nessee declared that it was perfectly
plain that any creed or interpretation
of the Bible touching man's creation
is permissable under this bill, which
does not deny his divinity and does
not teach that man has evolved -from
a lower animal.
This tempest created by a wounded
self-pride, seems unnecessary and ab-
surd to say the least. In the first
place, man is not robbed of his place
at Nature's head by evolution. In
fact, a belief, in evolution confirms
him in this place. Man is still unique,
the only thing of his kind, or at all
approaching his kind! His body is no
less a phenomenal combination of
matter and its manifestations just be-
cause it is ,composed of natural mat-
ter. Nor does evolution deny in any
way, shape, or form the human pos-
session of a soul, spirit, or mind, or
whatever you may desire to call it,
however unagreed we may be as to
how or when we came to possess it.
An evolutionist may be a good man,
as profoundly a 'man, as truly as a'
philanthropist or a preacher. Being
an evolutionist is not necessarly any
less a man. It is .indeed being more
of a man, if one of the characteristics
possessed by a human being that dis-
tinguishes him from the animal is the
use to the lutmost our endowed and
reason. Fiolution makes its appeal
to reason, but its acceptance does not
mean degradtion or adulteration, let
alone the denial of faith or religion
as Bryan would have us believe.
What the evolutionist. believes on
the basis of scientific evidence is that
plants and animals, man and woman,
were not created by some superna-
tural treatment, but came into exist-
ance through the systematic and ord-
erly process of Nature
Knowing all this, is the evoluntion-
ist likely to be more blind than oth-
er men to the potentialies of a man
The, anti-evolutioniists are not look-
ing for small game, such as the dif-
ference of opinion existing among
biologists. The thoroughbred anti-
evolutionist simply and outwardly re-
jects evolution, and that is the end
of it.
Considered, and.I think justifiably,
evolution is not to be discarded so
categorically and completely. To deny
evolution .seems to be denying life in
itself, life in its slowly, wisely wind-
ing path to perfection, our ultimate
Evolution need not undermine our
belief in the practice of faith or love,
nor make us have lesser vision or
smaller faith. It can, though, magni-
fy our conception of Natue, and con-
firm our confidence in the limitless
possibilitiies of existance in itself. Is
this to be denied?

(The Detroit Free Press)
Some words which Senator Norris
uttered shortly before the death of
Senator LaFollette led to the rather
widespread assumption that he was
preparing to settle a question of suc-
cession by placing the third party
crown upon his own head. It appears,
however, that Mr. Norris was either
misinterpreted or that he has changed
I his mind, for he says plainly that he
does not intend to assume any third
party leadership and doesn't believe
much in , the party anyhow. This
statement, however, may be taken at
face value 'without eliminating the
senator from candidacy for the head-
ship of whatever may survive of the
LaFollette group in congress. The'
reader will notice that Mr. Norris says
nothing abgut declining to take charge
of the fortunes of a radical bloc work-
ing* along the lines Mr .LaFollette's
cohorts worked before the late Wis-
consin senator broke away from thef
Republican organization.I

For a statement of our policy, we
may as well admit we swiped it from
a little brochure entitled "The Step
Ladder," and issued by a doggy lit-
tle organization yclept The Order of
Bookfellows. The magazine. is sub-
titled "a monthly journal of bookly
ascent." We may a well confess
we fell in love with the conceit at
once, the connection between the step
ladder and bookly, ascent business,
appearing to us, in its own small
way, irresistible. It's rather a nice
idea, don't you think?
* * 9
We have no sympathy with the fel-
lows who are always knocking things.
Just what is the use of always k-
ing things, we ask. Any e can
knock. It's the roan who builds that
gets our money, every time.
All our criticisim is going to be
constructive or we'l know the reas-
oxi why, you can bet. Anything, say
we, but a knocker!
* * *
Reading The America'n Mercury as
has been our custom of late, our eye
was struck by an advertisement offer-
ing a very special. edition of Maupas-
sant for such a small sum of money
that you would probably never miss
And appended to the Maupassant
was a paragraph of blurb which was
nothing more or less than just one
peach of a blurb.
"You know some Maupassant. You
know his almost pagan frankness in
describing human emotions. But if
you know the real Maupassant you
know that while his stories are sen-
sationally frank and do not evade the
facts of life, he does not write mere-
ly to arouse morbid interest, but as a
true artist who paints- life's pictures
with surpassing skill."
Now, that's what we call a nice
piece of work. It's got appeal. First,
it says to the prospective buyer that
the books is the nuts because there's
a lot of pagan frankness in it, which
as chances go will make pretty spicy
reading. Then it says that on top of
all this, you also get some pretty
good art, so that besides getting a
hell of a kick out of it, you will not
be whiling away your time but will
be edified by reading something really
worth while. We call this a combina-
tion hard to resist. Rather a tidy bit,
Also we like the masterly way the
author is summed up. It's the very pic-
ture of Maupassant, and well-worded
too. Frankness and art: that's Mau-
One of the little things that annoy
us (and it's the little things that
count), is the slaps in the face the
highbrow critics give the lowbrow au-
thors whenever they get the chance.
It's the futility of the thing that
gripes us. What author is going to
give )up 1000 to 25000 iron men a year
becailse he doesn't write something
artistic? Without much fear of con-
tradiction it can be asserted that their
number will be very sparse, very
sparse indeed.
According to announcement Miss
Clara E. Laughlin, author of "So
You're Going to Italy," is taking the
same place in the hearts of readers
which was won for her by her "So
You'rie Going to Paris." Clara is now
in England " gathering material, no
doubt, for a "So You're Going to Eng-
land." Evidently having been asked
'how her new book was coming along
the irrepressible Clara writes, "All
the gods are favoring our English

book, and if I can capture a tithe of
all they're offering me it should be
rich indeed in charm and interest."
All success to you, Clara!
* * *
Rafael Sabatini, whose recent novel,
"The Carolinian," has been such a
best seller for the past few months,
extends the following congratulations
'to another novelist. "I have read
"Temescal" by H. H. Knibbs with
more real enjoyment than has been
afforded. me by any book for years,
and have a firm intention of reading
all of Mr. Knibbs' that I can discov-
* * ,
It is rumored that Prof. M. C. Weir,
lately of the rhetoric department here
will soon publish a book dealing with
the campus and some of its characters.
It will probably be sort of radical.
The S. C. A. Fresh Air camp tag
day Wednesday will divide the cam-
pus into three factions-liberal, con-
servative, and stingy.

For all unpaid
subscriptions after
July 15th, the
paper will b e
stopped and 5c a
copy charged for
all papers re-
Pay at Daily office in
Press Building

Summer School Supplies
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