TLUS~DAY, M1AY 12, 1:125
PACE ~11H~
..,,. . ,. .. e... . ,. "....+...+.. e.. w . .A..., ,.
Humbled King Cotiw
Guest~i Reads Several Of iskOwn ,
PQPI1is Before Seri le fit
11i11 Auilitori haX
Mfore than n'5oo mothers, studenfts, ; .
an1 others heard Edgar Ghuest, :C"'-
I roil Free Press poet, in his ;uldres;
;,1111101 i n lIfil auditorium at Ihe
1 Ttln '' Pay university service alv- -
rin 'mt. by the Student Christian as-?xy' t Y°! N7f\ i{
sciciatioli. TMll. Guest read a series ot . s } ap a:
telli 'poc'm, ,giving brief Coli1il11lt 5 bC-
tween the readings. y x '
Thme progranm, w hich 1was arrangedr
o honor especially the inothet's ofr
students who were visiting over the
week end in Ann .Arbor. inchldedl, bh-
sides the 1)i'ilcipfll1 addres:s by MTr.
Guest, sever'al' musical nuIIel'bcs ,given
by the (Girls CGlee club. 1Fic 1 ing 4 I. Is ~',>a
Yost, (1irector of ildlo re"ollegat e ath
leticz, iut roduced the lpoet,. ReV.r
1)01 Triinierinan, director of mn 1su e t s 1.
,si udcentsa at Wesley hlail, gave the;.:.".......:
,criprtui'es rand themprayer for the 1.
servicec. N ola. C rane, 1H n t arranged o 111A d 1 111h r , f l h e t11 g
clhailruraim of the meetin udy 1i
Mother and the mother of 'Fterry 1 lay- I ______________________________ ' '
ctln, '25, were seated on t he plat forinI ing Boris of Bulgaria, redlucedl to the state of a c; tV, pu ppet, by a
as guests of hionmor. military dictatorship, nevertheless continues to to the i ' 1 1 ()t 'iiiut jl12 I
Many house pa rties were held inI being a ruler. Ilie is seen (central figure) recei ,iiig the prei ce'. i'roflW',,or
byn vArosfrten iitiansooriesTzaukcoff, at lhis palace. This is the latest pli~ ot he1 e I''eci f'(l &i otiz,
by arius ratrniiesandsorriteswhere a strict censorship on dispatch es anad phmot os i:4 cN iAt it.
on the campus. It is estimated fi ______________________
several hundred mothers of students
wer?2e in Ann11Arbor for thc te eeendl. /. fr qflgfl Rc u a ioiOt I U
Mr. Guest's talk Sunday W ,Sii
large a series of readIings of hi"S(own ,ct ' ,,70
poemsi, most of which Iel ated to0 ' aval 'C rafit .F avorc .A.
Proe ssor' Cross' esim ation. The tun- DO CTOR SflPRE RE c1 EIIEAT..rTS fAN
r'estr'i cted sale of arm,, provides an oll-
porlty ii1 iyfor l U arre 11 oni Ccounltie s t o IROMLANCE LANAGUL7I1GES PES.+ .EN..T.EI
ill I1,8 cont inual s~ttef (ist iirlanco,!
t>d s e . ail the o nly sol utIion is by!iii ''11 wi irlEC3('It I T e fr t p o t c s a en -, Of o-t c
"!i I Olesally= problm( ' . a;I ihal, f
he r unm11anl.'' isaid, 'if om st nonei . ieitsfo"ocIrhitiiIh0l;iro-,ii d im 1: i ieV lli
h iIt is thle sale ofl i;rea mis, lhe cang<1a11ge 1a lt ve enpme' ~ 5'pL'l HI: i iiry C (11, li'i13ii 1 '
to amilot her to procll'0'(r('t111, or lizGs been issued by ltme deplartImiiei_, of i;a-
o f . <e; :. ilitratu ,or s t o be de-tr 1
l 1 ':i1. ' +i ' " to ia1c e ii ' ('ourS. ' ii
S l~lte :;' " 'umue ,f lt'en l' : o . i,
cvii aP IY 11 alii ii011 1'himii'oniallce Iauigua e- T'h is t 1S - }I's
'''ie (4les" tll tis a Yillieuei('ah'd (115 semldto the fl'cn-rl neuilbte ' <t a
ill wiliiic tji t iolii i (u-Opo iat aoli'is o .teifiame l ihat
,ll' -t n:gt. o a ce r Ii t
it?('FS>m 'l\ Cres(t l I'itaili (1002 hlot 1ight11. 'The i' lii'eliieilt.5 !) ri 1'-
li hi' t( )1'efui,e It0. _ I _armis 8 iid replete p~a red by Po'smsIt. 1'. ' 1imie, i.
her O~lt' 1 l'x elul U lal~ vI L. Adlaiiis, . P. Reitihard an ,t r. XW.
,(,o to 0o11e1'C0111 ' i ~':; a iid proc(uret~~ ~
them. (an lbhe ot.her ha mll a wel I- 'hispr ograini ;tthat 111,1t
(2ipfi tstate is alpt t)('(lt' einto conllielgi ailuate st 11(l511, bef'ore being e eitt
Wit~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~i( I(t ie' e'(si1,.1'we.hsa(' das a,. candIidate for the tbtn'
ar voable to buy tro)n (lnirlt5:-. ii gas vid 1 L ~ n
Cr'al Bill a iii, I hey are l11s t 1t' o k);x
Ii ad thley qti valeut of hour ycaris 01 high
l1)11 ihcietre ams amditt lhiit~l'11
whIich saves ';I'lieii 1,1111(11 ill exit ''[ <tliidsii(qil'~ ta ieo' e lr
i'~uatio rt erIha loliht ), It, ip ,;h'.. -ei f tttattif Pm'eo,1 f em'
_Fe itii>'1 ariiiieim lan tir've yeal's of I lie of tn-
"voll a., ~ Ihv( i 01tilitil. Tho l1.n-
,I a->,+"> l x llit lu h i h ' titliert' I it; '1.'
:- I' l' .' lin r st V is;,' ; )U i ' Iiale all
ti s. itl ls Ii 'llix: Kil t' i ': . 't'i 1r,0
tfi1 i , ;i. A 1(-. -h , I II ', no t; M U I
t1c:15's' litui aare hthe sIt' i 10 th
u's- I Hi-inl :J'I ine; s is.!m'
o f - a s :"l i ' ii k . i ;u ri i h i i ll , I
in i's. l ;t)hii I # ''.1 f _ 1 V (lit N)ii I 0 1 ...M
~,it-mnliu t 5 tij I ~ Sejilom' (~ii~
:1 5 ~Ill> (I~(;5 V ill 101d a
5551118.' So ~t ii; :11 :1 ti'eloek 1(1.
nil: , 0'i\ uli)miHil~ ill 50(1111 8 I~ ~f
lii. Xx''. I 1>1gm'-. ii Vial tdi~g.
vi' I 'ci, 5111)..l'iptjoii:3 Ii) 1 uS
\ ia::; a- tel...':x'and c-lass (;8.'S
cii let :sI.
1W A I? TI! 12 ('P A ~lliIi2 ~ A US,
- -~in~v
N oil
R " kr A ?fy r4
y.{ S t°-- t' i ''Nn
t ,y, ":F y
-~ 7 y
IS35Mr. Clc:'tf/, ' lieYit ig 4liu'i p 1 nQ°em fi~'iud oiia~ hde (!' 1qorry )leave AiumIl
/ A;' or a nd l I li''vorua b :I a uoil I i o mi :a! u at' l t i' i*° r e. ''1 1 1 I AB I' '
i _)
ltcA', rf
; 1
;Jl ne F'or t'Xhie'i
vrel;a I') 'ou fr these
pi, At i n2 , ina short
H~~~t explain.
home lie and
to mothers.
Although I ie rec ent. prioposals of I'm 01>1,I -s ! >' i' ili s
Great. Brita ii to the' offet that war- I"(i o ip ,il1- ::;I ,5I' i'
, i slllps m! ollll[t;cst Ironl I ' m ' (a legt)7 y of
Tloday 'S jiieslioii: 1)0 you thinmk
thma t the new plani to inc(orp)ora toe li
(Chimes with the Sulnday 1iaaiii
section of thle Daily is a good one?
~hiere ,)e:kedl: The Library.
TL'4i answers:
A. A. Arthur, '2G --"fies I do. The
Clh imes has beenm a decadlent insti ta-j
Lioni f'or the past: two or thbree yearms1
aund it isti me that. it died at natural;
dealth. If it is mem'ged with the niag-
a'zie ectioli of the IDally, no Sale.".--
man will attlemipt to force it upo(n ao
lion-recepltive campus.''
Ruth Vial, '26 .--''Yes, I think it is
a goodl plan, because the ot her' stud-(1-
ent publications on the camipus will7
not. have to imfeet: the fimaial mIlos-sest
of thme Cimues, as they havye been do-
W.It. NMitchell, '27. "No, I do not
Eru aImimt s w uli wil I lbe Sublje(ct, { ill -
tern Ut iinal conitrol, arc's entitled to c-n-
:5id1e1r11iont, sonle kind ofl'iclense is'
(fO ireiieiit. shmouiildibe fimpto"'e l u 101al1
detr}ti' ' , SuI)liizi'iies, 81(1 tigill
cru isiers, in Itli op~iion o01IProf. .Arit i-
ur :1, C.(ross of the history (Ispart In eld.
9,11e iiiteu'iiatioiia collferenece onii;'
'(control of arms and aziiitui, rs'--
ing held at CGeneva, is r'eport ed aisre -
c1eiving ~withIisurpr'ise the neroi' 01 jLi--
aini's intent ion of altemiing liesirn
mneat policy.
'"At the Wa sh ingt on soumfler' 'ii ;
P91''lrofessor Cr'oss reiutirkct . *'; -
ital ships amnd battle ci'uiser's wem'sIiliti-
ited by t'he great. powers -ia't icipf(a. uS'.
Nothingu. however, wvas done vg '
the linmitaIiom of Iligh i-ru il':r ,.
stroyers -and iut suiujaiieIs.
"'It appear's thatiGr'eatl rilamiii',; niw
lives are rather mixedj. Sloe is';a g-
shipbuilding (counltriy. At thne p;re!,-mii
tine Ithere are 1 ,200),000 aneuiipl ox ut
meln in Ihgand. Shipbuildingis -i:
of her three languishing imls is
11cr argument is that guns and amui-
tionus cali be smtuggled --I hrut it iuS 18 lit-
or, to i'egulat amidControl
shilps;, aiid (omhs t:lt'milIhEtu I xx a mum:
should(11be'ill ase 11 'pi Ii' ('8 eo-v°.''
'*( 'lti:: ;- ;ijc Is ci 11S)- 12 i:;
S ia mm i tu( J)IlO 't j> on :;1o -'r 1111 i - in' iii
' t1II .'','[ .. '.. SO'f1wn i 1 CX h11 s; ' -
lih t ,~ is i~ : i' :~ ' i'i p
lceep m'll r!;- tl i ( 'i t r m;i 10iui 1-
' rt'
m'p~ h,~e orSue-
~- USI i'S COL-
ae L, 1
~ iiiamm StF
:R. :;
' 1
i ;
, : -
5 -4s, .v_ e.,
by C ader Sullivan'
1atkW~iIace eev. Jacqueline TI1 anil III i
~r~ - \-H( NDLRS
the Now Nla' rch 1),4 , xi
- r
r79aimuizit Ilta' F"rst Nmpem-Pietmre
TF hilrsdity k
"THE l AIR h pcutGlraSv;uw
AIR- in France---the o
MAIL" :0; l has bee n talking abo ut.
N nzat ;nifi ;et )rILuC601Of otth-- L,.-
Oar~ re~tinne 1 1French artlists.
by H. C. W1itliter
'lot i R leviei'mimd News *,Events
rcr ~ a -. r....em ta..m .to % "'.. . a t.'3.g _-_______r ii11 A,
believe iii this planm. If we are going ;-
to have camphums publicationls each one SuininsMO 11101,0 ilt'. 1 1c'l i jIillio8 IhIt:-
should lbe comilhetely distinctive in' A up Pim vi I Ih' et t em' frtul na fi hani-
its own line.'' ci-11 stndmpoint, but I (do no(t th inil it,
Katherine Fitch, '25.-"Yes, if the isii'air to the time (himes to do away
Daily magazine section does mnot suf- frith it that wayt."
fer too much. Let's have iioire Sun -
day magazine and less Cines.'' i SealtI I, tt - IlA thesi. 5 al Iii
TI. J. iMurr'ay, '27.-"'No. The Chimnes lhavte 11 it' a.1 tI it7'0 ;'11i1:x1i i'ui g-Pt<;
has ben improvimng and lI believe it ('a ssia , 1311 . ', s: -u' ('iI ia s -t '1'
wVouhl continue to do so if allowed gold 1iha Lx ii' i
N. 1). 1a 11,lireiori1
t) °:l ' fl hI, al,'PIilI 'S IN hl~ll l'N' EIXX EiLi
4'le It)mm fromt
I. ' L11( tnN pm'It by Pt)N('hIIIi3 y
Liz CQ.
From the land of Hawaii
l 4 1 r E Idt 77 E
,,'1 r YTI I I' A'TI
Bl~l'itlNi 'I HLtB iIEitIhthi'i' BIi~) ~1~~'AY S'I'IIANI) P114)idLim.1I 1NT11 '4A'i~
I .,~.-