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December 12, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 12-12-1924

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-r-v a. .. . .. _... - - ...._, .. ,.


every morning exnept Monday
:wrmg J uriversity year by the Board in
Sudent Publications.
.wV-t-rn Conference Editorial
~~~~ ~ T
The Associated Press is exclusively en-f
titled to the use for republication of all news
lispatches credited to it or not otherwise<
credited in tnis paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.E
Entered at the postoffice at Ann arbor,.
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of posta e granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscriptionby carrier, $3.50; by mail,i
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street. .
Phones: Editorial, ;244 and '76-M , busi-
ness, 96o.
Tel phones2 414 and 126-
d ..itor .......John G. Garlinghouse
v iitor------...-----Robert G Ramsay
City Editor............ Manning Hlouseworth
Night Editors
Gecrge W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Sports Editor.........William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor..........Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor.............Verena Moran
Music and Drama...Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph Editor.....William J. Walthour
Louise Barley ielen S. Ramsay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann
Leslie S. Benneta Marie Reed
Smith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
WillardB.y rosby Frederick H. Shillito
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
James W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
Joseph O. Gartner Herman Wise
Manning [Iouseworth Eugene H. Gutekunst
Elizabeth S. tKennedy Robert T. DeVore
Elizabeth Liebermann 3tanley C. Ciihton'
Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Hall
Carl E. Ohlmacher Thomas V. Koykka
William C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 960
Advertising....................E. L. Dunne
Advertising....................J. J. Finn
Advertising.................. A. Marks
Advirtising.................H. M. Rockwell
Accounts................ Byron Parker
Circulation ................R. C. Winter
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P. W. Arnold V L. Mullins
W-.1F Ardussi K F~. Mast
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David Fo. N. Rosenzweig
Norman ereehling Margaret Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfe'ld
F. Johinson S. 11. Sinclair
L. H. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer

selves worthy of self-government. Her
ultimatum to Egypt is no more than
this. United States has done just as
much in the Phlillipines and has
aroused the ire of many Filipinos who
feel that their country must have an
independent national existence im-
mediately. Any person making a care-
ful study of the situation has a certain
sympathy for the aspirations of the
eastern peoples, but it is certain that
the domination of western civilization
must be continued for awhile if world
peace is to be assured. and the right-
ful destiny of the subject peoples is
to be procured. No dependency of the
great powers is being treated in a
tyrannical mainner, and their ulti-
mate welfare is closely bound up with
the continued exercise of the existing
political jurisdiction.
Any suggestion for the consolida-
tion of the nation's railroad systems
made by the operators of some of the
transportation organizations them-
selves might have been regarded as
merely the desire on the part of some
influential railroad magnates to be-
come more influential. Such a pro-
posal coming from President Coolidge,
however, takes on a much greater
significance. In a series of confer-
ences with congressional leaders, the
President himself has taken the
initative in inaugurating a drive for
legislation not only permitting the
combination of railroads but also en-
couraging it as the only possible so-
lution of the present problem which
is confronting them.
Ever since the motor bus began to
take its place as one of the important
factors of transportation in the United
States, the railroads have been in-
creasingly driven to cut down their
expenses, their service, and sometinies,
even to discontinuing service entirely
on some of the smaller lines and
branches. One of the most recent
instances of such action is the
abandonment of the Manistee and
North Eastern railroad in the northern
part of the lower peninsula of Mich-
igan. In this case, as in many others
throughout the country, the people are
being deprived of a needed service.
While the motor bus industry has
grown immeasureably in the past few
years, it is not yet able to take over
the entire business of the railroads.
With the constant increase in the bet-
ter roads in every state, more and

0AsD 0 ILL

TO-NIGHT: "Tickled To Death" by
Donald E. L. Snyder at 8:15 o'clock
in the Whitney theatre.
* * *
Anna Pavlowa, who is to appear at
the Whitney theatre Thursday, Decem-
her 18, the second day before Christ-
mas vacation, will present the follow-

t '. ..

VBo ks Mlake the Best Gifts

Our stores are convenient Our service includes
helpful co-operation in the selection and
delivery of your needs
Iloth Ends of the Diagonal Walk.

G-odd old H. R. Wilson, '26, finds
himself in substantial agreement withi
Cowles at the end of the review. But
he thought there were some 'good fea-
tures in the production.'(See the {
Campus Opinion department.)
As we write, there enters Mr. Paul
Einstein, publicity manager for the+
esteemed Mimes show. He bows low.
Then one of the men in the Opera
cast approaches. He makes obeisance I
also. He inquires courteously wheth-
er I thought the male quartette was
out of place and should be removed-
partially or entirely.
We replied (change tense) with
equal courtesy that we thought the
quartette was splendid-as indeed we
do. When he pressed us for reasons,
we answered that theuquartett was
much better than the show proper,
and therefore that it should (alongE
with schools and the means of educa-
tion) foraver be encouraged.
What Shuter really ought to do is
rent a good movie comedy somewhere
to show between the acts.
Evidence (from the Business Oppor-
tunities section of the New York
Times) that Cross word puzzling can
be a profitable, as well as pleasant
wanted and -$500 for half interest in
developing patent on specialties,
Crossword Chemistry," "Crossword
Bible," &c. Address "Crossword;
Science,",Y 2094 Times Annex.
I guess I misread the damn thing.
I thought they were offering some guy
500 smackers when I started to copy
it, but it's just another guy that wants
Kinda funny anyhpw, don't you

-- -- -


ingnumbers:D E C E M B E R, 192-4
Part IS M T W T F S
"Coppelia" . 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 b 9 10 11 12 13
Music by Delibes. Scenery by G. 15 117 1
Suekn.21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Coppelius, a maker of mechanical 21 22 3 24 25 26 27
toys...............M. Zalewski 28 29 30 31
Swanilda. .........Hilda Butsova - -
Frantz .................M. Oliveroff
Swanilda's friends, peasant boys andNotice
Part 1 T .



... .._....._._..... _. _.....




We Need The Money!
Tfhierefre This


Music by Tschaikowski from the;
"Nutcracker Suite." Scenery by
Joseph Urban. Choreography by Ivan
Valse of Snowflakes.. Mlles. Batsova,t
Stuart, Griffith, Lake, Friede,
Philips, Nichols, Faucheux, Crof-
ton, Dorsi, Ward, Rogers, Mather,
Gervis and Spencer.
Pas de Deux ...... Anna Pavlowa and
Alexandre Volinine1
Pas de Trois........Miles. Stuart, I
Lake and Dorsi
Variations .......Anna Pavlowa and
Alexandre Volinine
Pas de Cinq ..Mlles. Rogers, Nichols,
Crofton, Mather and Griffith
Coda ......Anna Pavlowa, Alexandre
Volinine and entire company
Part III
I. ivA/urii.............. 2; uq'

We clean and reblock hats and caps
and do it RIGHT. You will appreciate
having your hat done over in a clean
and sanitary manner, free from odor
and made to fit your head.

617 Packard St. Phone 1792
(Where D U. R. Stops at State)



I '




Unfavorable Weather

Election Year,


Force Us to Take This Action

All $35.00 Suits and Over-

coats .
All $45.00
coats .
All $50.00
All $55.00

. . . . a
* a " a *
" e " s a

. . . . . . . . . $28.00
and Over-
""f~e"* .$36.00
and Over-
. . . . . . . . $ .00
and Over-


1. Mazurka ................ Gl11ika
Mlles. Zitka, Lake, Friede. Faucheux;
Mm. Vaginski, Lalenski, Domoslauski
and Winter.
2. Serenade ................. Drigo
Anna Pavlowa and Laurent Novikoff.
3. Chinese Dance .....Tschaikowski
Mlle. Rokers and M. Winter.
4. Pierrot .................. Dvorak
Alexandre Volinine
5. Holland Dance ...........Grieg
MJll B t I Utl Ctt ndM _. V --inslkl.

(Two and three button)
CUT with that conserv-
atism carefully dressed men
demand, and tailored in ape
propriate, rich patterns
that stamp them as dis-
$3250 to $4250



FhjM is a bona-fsde sale of fine, easonable clothing. The
models are correct and the materiaLs and tailoring are the
best. At regular prices, they would be very good values.
ae euins riday Morning

more of the heavy freit

, !Ville.Ir lee whicg * * V,.
ght traffic Which6 s h ws -__..n-:

g TXN UNREST ----v The author of this contrib wants it . . lUAU kowal....... AU0
has been handled almost exclusively Anna Pavlowa.
Many interpretations have been by the railroads and upon which they coyly titled 7. Voices of Spring ........ Strauss
placed on Great Britain's ultimatum have always depended for their veryQrI Mlle. Butsova and M. Oliveroff.
to Egypt following the assassination existence, will be taken over by the A clam, they say, lacks vertbrae 8. Bow and Arrow . . . Tschaikowski
buses. It seemrs imrprobable, however, (He has no spinal column.) i
of -Sir Lee Stack, British governor of busha.LIse ms prae ofr, Then tvill you kindly fell me, p y laurent Novikoff.
the Sudan, and her refusal to have the road ense. oth te pand ofr- - If that's why he's s solemn 9. Itussian Dance 1.u. . . n Rbnstein -
cas ereviewedby the council of the -a - hsa-n -murel Tschaikowski
L;ague of Natjons. Some have seen in tric roads have fought this move from *Anna PavIowa, M. Algeranoff and
the start but it seems to be inevitable r corps de ballet.
this .serious situation the renewal of tiThat reminds me, oddly enouch.
the struggle between the forces of ! to a certain extent. * * *
stIt is the orinon of President Cool- of the Art-photo of DonaldE. L. Suy-
Islam and Christianity, the start of a Id'ei in the Opera program, which has' THE "ICEEOUND" PROGI
widge and several of the Republican I
warof horrors between the peoples of leaders of Congress that the best and an interesting history. It seems that The Michigan Theatre league, due
the East and the white races. Others practically te only solution for the the great librettist was dressing one {to a still further conflict of dates, has
composition ofdthe Brstish empiredth problem is the consolidation of the Morning, and had just got his shirt been obliged -to set the performance
composition of the British empire, the - !on, and then threw his tie, alrea dYI
- . - railroads. The only other alternative on, andnthen thr"Ichis uid" alrthd
end of the imperialism which has been I.-titheadsreTen te ,is government knotted from the day before, aroundo OenDaisf"ceoud"byth
at epeettm sg~rmn Cleveland Playhouse on Wednesday,
the center of British policy for many his neck--when there was a knock at
ownership and the country is hardly I December 17, in the Whitney theatre
years. ready to make another afttempt at tha his chamber door. as originally scheduled The cast will
That the British empire will come .a Come in, said D. E. L, Snyder, and o
to an end some ,day can hardy be in view of its definite failure during i e , d E S einclude the following members:
t}a n oedycnhidyb in w thkeda photographer with a
the war. With such a problem facing Henry Jordan ....Ewart Whitworth
doubted. It is equally apparent that .'camera under his arm. I
the decisive action of the. Landon oT--!them, the legislators ought to receive k . Emma, his wife ........Lola Goding
ten nn deiieationg o the sonadon the cooperation and support of every- Iyder, sao tae ywo icr.rNettie, her daughter by a former
emninent in dealing, with the situation
one interested in the welfare of the All right wait till I button up my marriage ....Ann Elizabeth Bell
consitued wanin toother eastern j
peoples with nationalistic designs. It railroads. ight wait tl I tton up y Sadie Fellows, once Sadie Jordan,
________ ______shirt and pull up my tie, said Snyde
was a signal to India, Arabia, and'j-°_---y a widow .............. Ethel Ross
Syria that the domination of the west- A deaf and dumb girl regained her Not t all, said the photographer Orin, her son........Albert Walket
ern nations is still a living thing and speech and hearing the other day gallantly. You look very nice as you Ella Jordan, the unmarried sister
that the dependencies of world powers while taking a nose dive in an aero- are. No one will be able to see that...... ......... .. .....lazel Hyatt
are not ready for -complete independ- plane. There are a lot of women who you have no trousers on in the finish- Doctor Curtis........K. Elmo Lowe
ence yet. ought never to be allowed to fly. ed picture. Jane Crosby, a second cousin of
One needs to go no further than All right said Snyde amiably. the Jordans......June Harrison
the preachings of the Great War to -Shoot!Judge Bradford.......Ralph Benzes
find the cause for all of this unrest. CAMPUS OPINION j (I just thought you might like to Ben Jordan............: . Carl Reid
During this turbulent period the cry Anonymous com mtnications will he know how it happened.) Hannah... ......Catherine Johnson
f hewas democracy, freedom at lhe" -of omili- * * * Jim Jay .......... John J. Burns, Jr.
of the allies wsdemcrcrredogat il.hweeeregarded as***
for all peoples, and protection of the confidential upon request. Another feature of the Opera pro-
rights of small nations. It was only gram is the history of the Mimes, in THE ORGAN RECITAL PROGRAM
natural, then, that the dependencies MORE C031IENT which occurs the following sentence: Palmer Christian has prepared a
of the allied nations who helped to To the Editor: "The story is of a party of American special program of Christmas music
win the "war to end wars" should I have just finished reading with archaeologists crossing China, and for the organ recital which he will
expect reward for their services in the satisfaction a review of the Michigan their exepmiences are such as to keep give at 4:15 o'clock Sunday afternoon-
form of practical application of the Union opera by Mr. Jason Cowles. I an audience alternately clutching the in Hill auditorium. In addition to the
principles for which they fought. This think there are many good features in edge of the seat and doubling up with I customary numbers Miss Helen Rose,
feeling was accentuated by the sur- the production but I whole-heartedly laughter." I soprano, and Mrs. Victor Martin, con-



Next Showing at CAMPUS 1300TERY
304 S. State St., January 29 and 30
Our style memo. book sent free on request


'Lutz Clothing



W ~*OO@@@@**SSg*WSs*O*****O@@*g*.g...~*,*.~*p****







prising success of Turkey in defeat- concur with Mr. Cowles that there are v * * *
ing the purposes of the first peace some decidedly objectionable ones as In the delightful little essay on theI
treaty and assuming complete inde- well. As a student, proud of all that Michigan Union, by Paul Einstein,
pendence in the face of the weak op- Michigan stands for, I have been dis- ! occurs this' sentence:
position of the world powers. Almost appointed, and I may say ashamed, "The Michigan Union is the mostI
immediately there were uprisings in by this year's production,- powerful vital force in the social life
Egypt and India, there is considerable The spirit embodied in this opera is of the University of Michigan."
unrest in French and Italian African all wrong, as far as it concerns social * * *
possessions, and even in the Philli- matters and con(dition s here. Are we Einstein doesn't believe that, and
pines such agitation is apparent. not the butt of enough unjust pub- neither do I. Nor, as far as I know,
Where will all this end? , , licity through the press alone, that we does anybody else.
On the face of it, there is presented can ill afford to convey through one * * *
a discouraging prospect for western of our own organizations an erroneous This is the last thing we're going
civilization. It is even possible to impression to the public of what con- 1 to say about the Opera, unless some-
justify such an opinion as that ex- stitutes the spirit and body of our thing turns up that makes us change
pressed in the Campus Opinion social and academic life here at MNlich- the old mind.
olumn ,,sterday. "This situation I igan? Do we want here at Michigan People have been wondering why
means tle termination of western in- the type of men and women that will we picked out Paul Bruske to laud.
fluenice in the East with the possibility be drawn here by this kind of adver- Why did ya do it, they say.
of a con fict cn the basis of race tising? People not in contact with We did it because he got everyone
prejudice rapidly increasing." Per- I campus life who are going to see this of his lines across perfectly. That's
haps we are on the eve of a "world production have no way of knowing why.
d'saster" which will drag the world that conditions are not as represented. * * *
back to the Stone Age. Perhaps the "A Michiagn opera that does not - Don't forget to drink a highball at
era of enewed influence by the col- represent Michigan has but little ex- nightfall, and to be good fellows while

tralto, will offer selections from Han-
I del's "Messiah."
The program in detail is as follows:
Symphonie de Noel ......Maleingreau
Vigile de la Fete
Berceuse ..................Guilmant
Improvisation on "Silent Night,
Holy N-ight" (traditional).
.rais on.. . a.n. . A.n.. . German
Variations on an Ancient Christ-
mas Carol .............. Dethier
"Come Unto Him" .......... Handel
"He Shall Feed His Flock"..Handel
Mrs. Victor Martin, Contralto, and
Miss Helen Rose, Soprano.
Choral Improvisation on "In Dulci
Noel....... ...... ...... Mulet
The Infant Jesus (Jesu Bambino)
............................. Yon
Christmas .................... Foote

IE -, .~, ir, -
1 urchfield will show at Allenel Hold,
Saturday,AMonday, Tuesday, lc.13,15,16d a
4 Reasons Why College Men Like
1 has all the eXClusiveness of the smallest
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AIof allthe leading makers from whiCh toChoose.
" m
IT apart of the largest fine Cothng busmess
T a -lrgr-elcto-W- rh s atet ie

r - - -- ---






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