,..., a ,
Est Of Senior Girls' Play
Guard Will Accompany Speaker,
Guests, President, President-
Emeritus, Deans, Faculty
10:00-Annual ineeting of alumnae
in parlors of Betsy Barbour house.
All Michigan women urged to at-
10:00-Class day exercises. College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
on the campus. Law school, room
C, Law building. Engineering
school, at the senior' benches in
the Quadrangle. School of Educa-
tion, at the University high school.
12:00-Luncheon for Michigan alum-
nae at Betsy Barbour house.
12:c5-"M" club luncheon at the Un-
6M AIirIM.
are the girls who took part in the Senior Girls' play which
he Senior Breakfast yesterday morning.
or Girls Celebrate With
Traditional Entertainments
/ By Marion Mead
e the traditional revels of
Breakfast have been ex-
At 9 o'clock yesterdayl
senior girls of 1925 gath-
Union ballroom to actually
is last event of their col-
of which they had only
's for four years. The an-
Breakfast is famous for
als. Conditions that have
ted throughout the year
ed at this function.
who has become engaged
college days takes a slice
rom the plate which is
tematically around the
Le is to be married with-
he rises and walks once
chair while eating the,
by chance, she already
d, she blows out a candle
o passed around the table.
i eaters included: Thyra
ralparaiso, Ind.; Nellie
Cheboygan; Olive Hy-'
aw; Kathleen Patterson,'
y Cochlin, Traverse City;,
ear, Marlette; Jean Ram-
; Joy Carpp, Hartford;
schard, Erie, Pa.; Elura
ton Harbor; Sally Kings-
Creek; Marjorie Read,
ance, Paw Paw; Willella
an Arbor; Marion ,Munro,
urine Rogers, Ypsilanti;
ham, Detroit; Gretchen
n Arbor; Thelma Ray-
Ste. Marie; Rhea Jenks,
ty; Lorena Randall, Tak-
. C.; Beatrice Chapin,
y; Evelyn Austin, Wayne;
1, Detroit; Elaine Scherer,
live Fast, Grove Hill, 0.;
ordon, Detroit; Aldean
,tuck; Frances Murray,
; Harriet Goodall, Dur-
he Vincent, Ann Arbor;
e, Manistique, and Mar-
,man, Ann Arbor.
o walked around their
ell as eating their lemons
e McKay, Charleroi, Pa.;
>hler, Ann Arbor; Louise
ona, Minn.; Ruth Morey,
rances Bonner, Ann Ar-
a Smith, Detroit; Kather-
rs, Detroit; and Ruth
Immediately following the Break.
fast, the senior girls were duly en-
tertained by five .members of their
class who enacting one of Edna St.
Vincent Millay's popular plays, "Aria
de Caro." The parts were cleverly
played, deserving commendation be-]
cause of the extremely artificial and
unnatural aspect of two of the
characters portayed and of the tragic
elements of the other three charact-
ers, equally as hard to portray.
The play was opened by Madge Bel-
lamy giving an airy prologue which
lent the porper atmosphere and gave
a hint as to what should be expect-
ed. Maude Corey was a delightful
little person as Columbine, the care-
free sprite whose brain consisted of
"layers of crumbs,' as Tierrot, her
witty companion, played by Florence
Nelson, described her. Tierrot and
Columbine, who were symbolical of
the light andi frivolous side of life,
were unaware of Fate, and "kicked
lnder the table" all tragedy.
Florence McComb, as Thyris, did
some fine bits of acting. She put real
feeling into her part as she- lamented
the tragic workings of Fate causing
petty misunderstandings and jealous-
ies of humans. Thyris and Corydon,
played by Bernice Hoheisel, repre-
sentend life as a game which goes
on forever, if you do not take a risk.
The rather gloomy effect produced
by the tragic part of the play was
effaced by the re-entrance of Colum-
bine and Tierrot with their ceaseless
revelry and senseless chatter. Cath-
urnus, played by Sarah Slocum, and
Corydon, both awed the spectatorsi
with their doleful but convincing
Not only the senior girls had the
pleasure of seeing this enjoyoble
morsel of acting, but several moth-
ers were present and even a few men
ventured to stray in.
Helping to make the play a suc-
cess were the important committee
members: Olive McKay, general
chairman; Beata Wagner, assistant;
Merle Parkes, costumes; Louise
Pletke, staging and setting; Geral-
dine Truscott, publicity.
One hundred and twenty graduating
seniors, chosen from every depart-
ment according to the size of the
class, have been appointed by the
presidents of the various classes. to
act as the guard of honor in the Com-
mencement Day march.
This guard will march on each flank
of the honor section which will be
composed of the orator of the day,
the President, President-Emeritus, the
deans, faculty members, two color
bearers, distinguished guests, and
candidates for honorary degrees. The
two color bearers, appointed by the
president of the senior class, are
Herbert F. Steger and James K. Mill-
er. .
The names of the men composing
the honor guard are as follows:
Senior literary class: J. K. Miller,
E. J. Higgins, P. F. Jerome, L. G.
Wittman, G. S. Haggerty, H. O. Steele,'
R. T. Halgrim, A. T. Peck, E. N. Hart-
wick, A. V. Herrick, J. S. Compton
J. 1P. Bromley, F. J. Vogt, D. E. L.
Snyder, R. V. Halsey, J M. Bennett.
W. D. Roess'er, H. E. Crowell, F. S.
Roberts, G. W. Campbell, S. R. Wil-
liams, C. C. Pratt, J. J. Shenefield, T.
E. Fiske, K. D. McGregor, E. L. Dunne,'
C. W. Martin, W. B. Etheridge, P. M.
Wagner, Halsey Davidson, L. C. Sav-
age, A. S. Goetze, R. J. Hummer, 3. E.
Clark, R. L. Leopold, J. J. Collison
R. Sims, H. W. Martin.
J. G. Garlinghouse, C. E. Ohlmach-
er, G. L. Pattee, M. B. Duffield, J. J.
Trudell, W. H. Stoneman, J. H. Pren-
tiss, H. F. Steger, P. M. Hayden, C.
D. Livingstone, D. E. Johnson, G. O.
Rice, J. W. Martin, F. C. Parker, P.
Lehman, F. H. Wassman, E. A. Kir-
schner, W. B. Giles, R. i&. Bommer,
M. C. Locke, E. D. Boyd, J. W. Mc-
Cabe, W. E. Taylor and P. L. Ein-
Senior engineering class: J. A.
Barkovich, G. E. Bosserdet, C. L.
Clark, R. G. Clarkson, C. G. Driscoll,
F. L. Everett, F. M. Freeman, W. K.
Greiner, A. R. Hellwarth, S. H. Hulse,
C. L. Hulswit, H. A. Sheridan, W.. W.
Spanagel, D. Van Osenb'uggen, S. A.
Warner, R. R. Whipple, H. B. Coates
and K. B. Robertson.
Senior architectural class: K. C.
Black, F. B. Joslin, L. E. Kiefer, H.;
N. Halgreen.
Senior medical class: D. G. Arnold,
L. G. Baldwin, D. L. Beers, K. M.
Beerlein, R. U. Cooper, A. C. Curtis,
J. E. Caraway, H. G. Dunphy, J. F.
Johantgen, J. J. Trombley, V. J. Tur-
cotte and O. B. McGillicuddy.
Senior law class: J. T. Daset, R.
R. Hays, C. C. Kreis, J. W. McAulffe,
L. Masselink, L. H. Notnagel, B. Seg-
all, H. W. Smith, G. E. Tappan and A.
Senior education class: F. B. Hoef-
elmyer, L. Silvernale, B. Baird, W. F.
Wilcox, H. Glew, G. H. Baker, C. Be-
tron and Russel Brombaugh-
There are still a few copies of the
1925 Mchiganensan on public sale
at the Press building.f
The contract made with each sub-
scriber states that the books must be
called for within two weeks after of-
ficial distribution begins. In a small
number of cases subscribers failed to
to do so. Those who neglected to
purchase their'Ensan earlier in the
spring will be given an opportunity
to buy a copy now at the Press build-
Lansing, June 12.-The second an-
nual reunion of members of the 328th
SATURDAY of '69 tot
8:30-Breakfast for Senior nurses *at in Detro
Nurses' dormitory. sentative
9:00-Dental alumni reception in the ates met
Dental building. Today
10:00-Annual alumni meeting in Hill Ann Arb
auditorium.- _ Alumni r
12:15-Alumni luncheon at Barbour umni Me
gymnasium. will beo
1:30-Alumni mass meeting in Hill places of
auditorium. given ou
4:00-Adella Cheever house alumnae meetings
association meets at Alumnae house, morning.
4:00-Dedication of the Lawyers' At 10.
club.- meeting w
4:00-Helen Newberry residence alum- house, at
nae association business meeting are urged
and tea held at the residence. day exert
4:00-Martha Cook building alumnae and colle
association business meeting and o'clock ti
tea at Martha Cook. the Mich:
5:00-Business meeting of the alumni luncheon
College of Architecture at the Un- 12:15 o'cl
ion, at the t
6:00-Fourth annual Architectural members
alumni dinner at the Union. Tick- class and
ets at room 207, West Engineering luncheon
building. Frm th
6:30-Nurses' alumnae reunion ban- the alums
quet at Congregational church par- ball game
lors. where Mi
8:45-Annual Senior promenade on in the lai
thenscampus. s From 4 t
8:45-Concert on the campus by theI be observ
Varsity band... . and leag
9:00-Senate reception to graduating friends ai
class and friends. buildings
The Va
12:30-Senlor engineering banquet at
3:00-Michigan-Ohio State baseball
game at Ferry field.
4:00-6:00-Open house at girls' dor-
mitories and league houses.
8:30-Band Bounce at Hill auditor-
their cla
nual reun
it y
s of
in (
or f
t tI
NUNDIRAI 'kBounce a
11:00-Baccalaureate address in Hill o'clock.
auditorium to graduating classes. of the au(
by Rev. Lloyd C. Douglas, minister which are
of First Congregattional church of Band Bow
Akron, Ohio: "Diamonds and Fag-- for today.
ots." The cla
4:00-Prof. Emil Lorch and Mrs. unions thi
Lorch will be at home to members j '75, '78, 'E
of the graduating class in architec- '98, '00,
ture at 718 Church street. '05L, '101M
4:30-Tea at Nurses' dormitory for '16M, '17,
alumnae and senior nurses. '19E, '19L,
Lloyd Asks Alumni Cc
In SpeechAt Det
After opening the class reunion is "The U
Detroit Wednesday and yesterday, a institution
banquet was held last night at the have, but
Book-Cadillac 'hotel. Prominent al- things, at
umni and well known men appeared ities, socia
at the speakers table, among them ities both
James F. Burke, '92L, noted Pitts- and for d
burgh lawyer, who presided; Dr. H. tive, mak
B. Hutchins, president-emeritus; Gov. for inter(
Alex Groesbeck; Mayor John W. but those
Smith, of Detroit; Acting-President which, ho
Alfred H. Lloyd, the Regents of the be allowe
University, and the deans of the var- "A univ
ious schools and colleges. anything
In his speech, President Lloyd urg- do anythi
ed the alumni to realize the serious- ion of wl
ness of their duty to the University, first.
not only to give money, which, al- "The U
though always needed to carry out the sponsibilit
plans and development of the school, generously
is still not as important as the direct in which
interest, the moral support, and the civilizatin
positive endorsement of alumni. ucation.
Referring to the University as "a "Alumn
deep responsibility to us all," Presi- sion from
dent Lloyd stressed the fact that ed- tions and
ucation is the great purpose of the of the Uni
University. He said, "Moreover, I am the Unive
The Summer Michigan Daily
will publish special Commence-
ment numbers tomorrow and im-
mediately after the Commence-