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February 12, 1925 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-12

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Meiieur Ut- e. (3 'i'.c k diu4 jal
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
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Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
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Editor---------------..John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor............. Robert G. Ramsay
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ThmsKe Hrnth C. Keller No rman R. TIhalw'r
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L- lH. Kraamer F. Taylor

opinion. If he says that he has been
able to determine the ten "greatest'
he should be listened to just as w'ere
the ::-ges of old. He has the advan-,
tage o' 9P, years of life, most of which
ha-, 1wen degvoted to intelligent study.
Our only disappointment in the mat-
ter must be that he should not have
id(iscovered in the time alloted to him
the hopelessness of undexs :tnding all
the great educators in 2,110 years.
Tbie souls of the many unrecogn zeta
intellectual leaders of the world will
join in their condemnation of Dr.
Eliot's choice. It can only cause great
confusion in IH eaven, on earth, and in
the region s bplowv. Nothing furthei
hlas loeen accomplished.

people for the benefit of those who
operate automobiles, a point which is
hardly tenable. An honest evaluation
cf the whole proposition can hardly j
onlwith anything but a vindication
_)' the action of the supreme court
annI the justice of the tax and its im-
rlli, (utoeffect clause.
{After less than two hours debate
on a m easure which required a two-,
thirds majority for passage, the
-House of Representatives has passed
a new postal pay and rate increase
1-ill, the result of the rejection of the
bill recently passect by the Senate

___- T



rrrrrw rwrrwn T EX T O O K S For A ll C olleges

"In Asia lay his first kingdom. -On
the banks of the Ganges they built
him his home, a vast palace springing
from column to column into the air!
and pouring from column to column
down again Kato the 'water. Sur
rounded by gardens spread warm and
rich with flowers and cooled by foun-
tains; gardens into which no sounds .
entered, in which hardly anything

'al, HM





~BJ Vi!N JNCYNand tuirned doawn by the House on the stirred. Only in the cool and private
g;round. tha t it infringed on that: chambers of this palace the swift
For mnary Ct'7riffs ofhe z odv's exelusive right to initiate rev- mid fhsatnat rrdcn
and for rctaly lLar!t.enelisto.
Lincoln is our out:tandling national It is refreshing just to hear of the stnl.Smehn hy eemkn'
figure -the Ame.incan ideal. He ispeydsac faymaueb h which should become him, something
looked upon as the person who mnade national legislators and even moretohnrhesitwichagvn
him birth. And then, one day, the
our present union possible, asr a for i7 nota=ble in the case of this one which ceeoyfnti crmn eto
whih sillstivivs, lactin di-fjha-s been so much debated, passed, and part; a celebration once more in
cordant elements and bringing out the vetoed at Washington. 'There are,prieothCeaonteoltaks
bestin mercancharcte. Te a however, more important good points giving, the hurrah for existence, and'
nual observation of his birthday taus about the new 1)111 which should make
call foth nnuerale uloieswith it the sterner hurrahi for the
call foth inumrabe euogis jit acceptable both to the Senate andj privilege of the existence to conme.
which impart the general impression; to the President.. Among other things, whc svie y h odDah
of pesoaliy byod te rac ofit otonly carries; the same pay in- And during the ceremony there ap-
ordinary individuals, crease of $68,000,000 as provided in peared befo~'e the eyes of the brown
Thee i a ertin alu inallofthe ;former bill, but also proposes rate worshippers the symbols of all things
this, keeping awake as it does a feel- advances which, it is estimated, will onerhadinNraaIr
in,g of veneration for a truly great 000d~i~o~oo
there isY;1-00-,- he comes, the figure, the puppet, at
manbutthishar .th if'i' The new bill provides enough revI whom you all 'augh so much . You
possible virtues and deeds placed to "enue to make the pay increase po-:luhat . oa ecuenn u
hisscre iv hi asuprhman">sile as a good business proposition. his weaknesses are left to him He;
petwhc hsliteapel.Shol-and since even- its opponents dontreflects these fronm you; but you
chilrenvie hi wit aw intea ofd ny that the emlocsdeserve the in- would not have laughed had yoti seen I
understanding; even those of college crease. on this ground, the main one Iiii i rmi htaewe
.e are incin a to ens:ision a sort Of, of its objectors, of which is President' he was called upon to be the symb~ol
tin God who never enjoyed thr^ ordi- Coolidge, should be ready to acceptIofmnithgracre nyanz
nar plasiresof ifeandwhoeec- the present bill and aid in its success- stepping forward, was the beautiful
pied bimself only with serious things.; ful patssage as soon as possible. Ifigure of our delight. If we should
Tolstoi attributed to Lincoln the qual -____________
ities of a deity in human form-a sort,."lag ataidnstth meoyf
of second savior. Business men who uH E 3. 1. P. A. the marionette, we would be lauglhin.
wrie fr te Aerian againe'fid ~niversity journalists today wiel- at the fall that we have brought about,
in tie Civil War presidtent the cla',si( come high school journalists to the !in ourselves-laui ghing at the beliefs
-ar'rual" thr-e day conference of theI and images we have broken."
example of a self-made man. A min-I dwrGoonCag"O thAt
.. , , r.-. m. - dward Gordon Crii Praccn--hecAu

Learn the 1925 Latest Modern
Dances. Inner Circle Tdddle.
Tango Fox Trot. Private les-
sons daily, 10 A. M.-10 P. M.
Adults Class every Monday and
Friday evenings, 8 P. M40 P.
M. Fifteen one-hour lessons,
Terrace Garden
22 VWuerth Arcade Phone 241-R

Declicious !

Try one of our barbecued sandwiches. You'll
like the tender, juicy melat and the freshly baked,

449 S. State St.






A lightecr
gramIcla ticr.

Louis W. Kramer
There are few people in CE~ttat.ora1
N01") b wo ave not a profound re.-

inter in Ann Armor 1,,,,t unda4y placedl
1-.m tand his fellow hero Washingtoia
on pedesta^); }}<cauise they typify ev-
erthl-ing that the az age" what-
ever that may he) is not. If we arct
to believe. these people L incoln would
have been a decidedly ol-fogish an'm
uninteresting person.
Such an attitude is unjustified.
Arny who pretend to urnderstand Lin-
coln must know that his greatnes
found its lbauis in a varied experi-
ence which led to Complete lndeor-,
S=ttandinTg Of and sympa1thy xV th lu-
m,-n cl'mre"'ter. H-e had -,m unusualt
oability to read! himself ito the atti-
tudO of peOlple V;hose views onn)osod.

; "l siderfi I ,y -bis own. If Lincoln had liv'ed today
I'or I is reason it he mid ht not have app;rov4ed1 of the

'',~~~rrr ow ".Qfltecivilizations of'
= 3; i~t .tlll IM 'i are : Periodi -;
C -:'hp. i t,'t lrelish.
The v,,lol- gamie is- of nncient origin.
s'itl i? f; frst cohse1vation of this
-~atin recorrded history was the des-t
;" aliaa of the ancient "seven won-
,a rofte worldl." No ore know s
'CUr, i('n EII' : u tler u an a-guiecIof J
the pramids of F',ypt, thef
t:aV'of Eev-pt. the hanging gar-

various and sundry escapadles of the
younger generation but he wouldi net
condemn it as some oldi-faF hioned in-
dividuals are in(linc: d to dio. Hoe-would
have recalled his own youth and anp--,
plied his Tpersonal (experiencc InI a
suiccessfuIl effort to ilndler!stan l the
spirit of the new ag-e.
Abraham Lincoln was a progress.iv,
human indlividlual. He was fallnble,
blit. lihe~ u~dlhis 71"ist"Il eS as ai s
for fulture policy . TodlayNu-c coa'nenu-
orate the anniversary of the birth not
of a mythically ncrfect h b"A ht of a
rentl anid t Hu- 'lriat man.

-~'. n~lnthe Temple of Diana Thlank s to tfelip: n' Court of
<F. ''ls.^:, 1the c-tature of Jupiter by ,'iian thef? et-oit Automobn'ile chit)j
'firi 11?-,ne 'olem of Artemesia, was' denied its petitionl presein ted
^ ,';or leves of Rhodes were Tuesday for a w7rit of manndamnus to
-:ixl- ink; how neglected the stop the secretary of state from col-
;ll>-:.hn-4c roin the banks of th-e lectinvg the recently enacted gasoline
-: havoedolt! Nothing daunted tax imnler its i'.)1)edl it aeffr'Ctclause~r
m ' il trn : ^lers ventured a list and the mnotorists of the state will ho-
of t-eir so-gn marvels, and world al-I gin at once to help pay for the road,.
w- oen cycl c;pedias, and scicntitt which are of direct benefit to thon
of = h: present day have attempted to! almost exclusively.
f?'I)'e' iit-always taking the magici The hope of the Detroit Automnobile
u'sr~be ~evn.1 clubh and the nanv thorsnn~zs of mso-
The roallv up-to-date manifestation torists which it represented ia;- in (de-
;':i: l'alefisns, however, :feTrning the collection (if the tix un)til
, ., i bca of Pnin-r the "great. after a referendutm of the voters of

c' tion. Eac'h succeed~ing year the of the Theatre." Y
'lne of this mutual exciange of opin- ;____I~j 1
i'mn is made increasingly evident, and " 111"fTTE JEs. tEJ 17ES" I = lT o iii~ti'id lH-1:z11W/It ,' not131Jb
the meigibeog mr ad rthir ornblow , editor of the I1'ictd taov lC.fwdo e
mntre an outsta nding event ini tie! Theatre Arh Maga ,ine, wrote the follow- t-
school year. ing review of "Little Jessie James"A1 do it? Volume s lcs is the answer.
To-i---nmn n vme hihi oapa a ieWiny but who wants to have it 1"1: r oum.T n
To Mchian en nd ome i5whih isto pper a th Whtne 'Iwhen you can always get more. I Cur pr~fccc] 1 a\C'4Ot~lfl.Tlil
given the 'privilege of assistin, those 'theatre, Saturday, Febraury 14: There's a lot of Cakes and Pas-
who some, day will have an active i "Take one naughty bedroom comedly tries being eaten but, thank it o cr.
part, in shaping the destiny of the -with a mechanical bed that moves goodness theres plenty being
rziversity publications,. For the dle- in and out of the wa1l---soften it (down baked--but to make sure of
Fats tem s te, ppotuntY f b-ti spts thecomdynotthebed, getting yours, place a standing
gats ter s te onornnty f b- i spts th coedy no th be), order with us. 'We deliver.I
ear ing better acquitdwt h add a few songs in each at and you Phone 3310-J
T ni : r itv d tiits oune renal+ Iist cbvacthei-have a. 'misic.alfarce.' The one a,, .ir
..^.This; year's coneec eathe Longacre couild have been soften- -~
simecee~s if it miakes clos^er this rla- ed a trifle more thoroughly in a few of
bions between the big educational in-' its, scenes. but since blushing heas Tl J~ ~"--a.ft, au~s AT r
tituticns'"o UthelP state. gone out ef fashion it doesn't 'so much '% - ".
" NE1 i115,South Main t.
ma tter. I:~READ
The latest proof that it is hard to Th tr node sa .oilia. a ,
ed affair concerning two impcuni:;n,.w
satisfy everybody, especially in theA___________________________________
real ofrelgio, i th hol wichgentlemen who are paid by a furniture
Seventh Day Adventists are setting dealer to occuipy an elegantly anPA___ONIZE____DAILY___ADVERTISERS____-
uagainst the national prormfrpinted suite of rooms rmepresentimmg
Sunday ci-osing lI." now' being cr themselves as scions of a once wealthy
reed on. family forced to dispose of their heir- _____
- looms. The disappearing bed hap
"CI3fzAO LADS ORL INUS-pens to be one of the heirlooms.haI-
"CI-IGAO LADS ORL TNUS-also acts as; a sort of deus cx machina
IitiG BRICNS TO BUILD." A few thou for the plot, as the hero and a strange
Sand0 tem bick combi e pt t yotung woman are forced to take ref- ,
better aeivantag<e if they were used'rgci ta h nrptosmmn
ttap a',-ccrrespondimng nu~mber or h frers fine
FChz-ogo Toasters on the head. mother-in-law arrive for a visit.
_______"The strange young woman has come
SIGN COM EN 'to pay a call on the hero's c hum-,
EITORIALC. >. 1I for the purpose-as she explains wtith1
_________________an engaging frankness- of dieceivins m .
her husband,' and the unexpected ar- _-
;1A IC 0V US OF THE TIMES ' rival of the latter, a:; a bill collector.
_-The Independent; precipitates the eveniin's hilarity. DI1(
Despite the alarm raised by radical Anyone who has studied the dtrauma
miiisers of the Gospel that thec cun- canl see that. from now on, it is a case
trj, led by the younger generation,; of getting all ;- rti:,s e'mPnrp m=ot of -
hai; cast religion definitely into the a very comrombi-lig Citutation.'ITis is
rlisee-d. several signs point to an en- effected by the Pnpearammee of a. lnd,"
tirely diferent future. A fevw weeks from Kansas antd her daugter, ih
a"-o. fiften thousand persons packed have come to purchase atiqtues. The
"0adison ~iii are Garden in New York daughter, Little Jessie James, takes
City to launch the drive for $15,000,- charge of the situation, and with matruafrntr.n oltteI ~ l~
p al0 C ath ed ral c o mlofe tht.p iJo h n m ath ef lDiv in e.e y aneuovertlng .- fin allyat edmaeof. S t . oh n t eIDi i nS t.e uvei ng , fi n a ly re o n ci esIt e d e
Churche1s in New York City are con- ceiving lady and herhubn and cap-
sl;;tently filled; two or three of them, ttures the hero's conventional hearit. N x au d y'
lace vrb h cepplr "xet o e ~la nedsN x audypa ors, turn crowds away each Sun- the play is highly entertaining."
dla morning. And the bewildering That, of course, is Arthur Hlorn- apGv e ersrrs hsya t n fol
f .et appears that a goodly part of the low-one of the few remaining Wil-& arrangements. Thyredsind Ito gIre your ree.tling
chutrch audie nces, nrot only in New 1 lam Winter, God save the King schoolt that personal toc-ohgl eirbei aetns
Yei'k City, but throutghout the cnun- of critics: whenever Mr. I'ornylow
tri' .is made impi from this same yong- finds a play onular"it-salay ANY OF TI-ISE WILL 'LEASE H R.
f =m ~ oaton sfeto count o apn good per-V
Anothrpr hopeful sign has appeared frmn PP 1 ULIPS ROSES, our ow n grown,
lafte AMiddle West. From Ann. Arbor, * *-OfUI 10 e o.u
se,^t of the University of MVichigan~ THE STUPENTb'S' RIECITAIL DAF§ODIL POTT11 'D PL AN J s
conties the announcement of the found-. A Student's Recital of unusual in- CARNATCION U ISl-IACNI4
irg of the Michigan School of Re- terest will be given this evening at CYC"'CRN TONU I. AMFN CUMERIA
ligiecn. This institution is, nonsec-)I the School of Music at 8 o'clock. A,,.AR3SSU rCiat,AMEN DA FODILS
t, rian in point of view and establishedj a large attendance is expected. the 1- RME OSEDA F IL ,
on '(the belief that "the facts of life concert will be held in Frieze Men'-j All colors, $t1 .00 per dozen. 75c each and Lip.
and time world, as they come to be oral hail, instead of the small recital
known and appreciated, instead of he room. Flowers b wire cvcrna her.
t raving siritual1values, can only en-( The program will be as follows:
itance these, and that Christianity it-, Symphonic Variation&; Op. 2 3 ..AA l '
self, like any other religion even................... 10lehBann ~~~L ~ 'C t
greater in it s spirit and pups3hnZ n bry1 L 1 ~ P J J lli ~ ~ b
in its letter, can only gain as it stu-( Quartet, Op. 18, No. 5 Ap
(ies other religions sympathetically major............ .... Beethoven 1 2 E ie t S re
and responds honestly to new know:. Minutetto
nabout men and things." - Andante cantabile Telephone 1630~
.brgfoundation is a portent that. 11 Allegro
*T,- ,~F..--t ,.. .,. :...... ... .IA.- ."., fln f, ~dn wnnn_ _'W -

f ; 3,, ,f tCi 4 or other ages, the cc-
r,4t-1 ltat:;; i tis time being ten,1
" ;t G"oTai r'ionZfrom rsuccesful
tp, nto r ; liegeo 3rofe-~sors
- ' o~din -- -~ ,,X ex'oundcd their
''sillvtin v~n~tthe great
Ii'Ot ~c- . 1 : . tintDr. Fliot Is not
a' ' cj a l ,aoce f rom these witl)
c'l>n'he entifmporanous con-
- > :;i'ia: ItI,'-'seo - of the ages;
( >~-s no' only viwho are the temk
:Yat'tin th~ce(edcational history of
t,"bt 5 -par- but of the past
n ^ ; ~-'s All of which seems like:
quite a span for one human mind.
Ne1-tthat for a moment we would
question Dr. Eliot's wisdom. He is as
well quialified as anyone else. But he
is af'ter all only a man. His list for
the shorter period-Adam Smith,
Michael Faraday, John Stuart Mill,
Wrilliam Ellery Channing, Horace
Mann, Herbert Spencer, Ernest lien-
an, Charles Darwin, Ralph Waldo'
Emerson and Louis Pasteur-is all
right as far as it goes; and that for 23
centuries-Aristotle, Galen, Leonardo
da Vinci, Milton, Shakespeare, John
Locke, Immanuel Kant, Francis Ba-.

-the state might be taken, a step which
would have necessitatedl a wait of 9
ldays before the matter w ould be
brought to a final settlement. The
ivery logical a nswer of the state c M-~
cials, which was upheld by th3es-
s-prerne cort, wvas that aniy move to '
11tall off the collection of the tax now
,Ft~in7 (l-dit 'ii e'l'y thIwa ce a'd
' I sat e. fteo'~' u laisiam
A.3 as , iu C1 1)'vb1 Anvi4at At-
torn' y General Donald Sessions, the
zro'N'ta of thoE stt and thle ri, 't ill
. rease in the number of automobiles
owned andl operated in the state has
made the greMe crossings and rn:>.N
of the old highways very dangero"Us.
'Without. time fLangs which am- c xp c(-t, (
to be made available to the state'
hligh way dep;artmlrnt Iby the ga,-,n
further protection construction woiila
be impossible and many of time ha-
ardous conditions might be the cause
of the loss of life. With such a situa-
tion existing there c'ould be but. (mie
logical answer to time request tof thrt


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