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March 12, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-12

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PulAished every morning except Monday
during the Universit year by the Boardin
Control of Student iulications.



Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-1
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, i
$4.00. .
Officese:Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
ness, 960.l
Telephones 2414 and 176.N
Editor .. .............John G. Garlingbouse
News Editor............Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor...........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
Seorge W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Sports Editor.........William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor..........Rooert S. Mansfield
Women's Ed1itor .............Vernea Moran
Music and 1)rama......Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph Editor..t William J. Walthour
Louise Barlhy Helen S. Ramsay
Marion Marlow Regina Reichmann
Leslie S. BenneUa Marie Reed
Smith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
Willard B. Crosby Frederick H. Shillito
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
James W. Fernamberg Mafjory Sweet
Joseph 0. Gartner Herman Wise
Manning Houseworth Eugene H. Gutekunst
Elizabeth S: Kennedy Robert T. DeVore
Elizabeth Liebermann ;tanley C. Crighton
Winfield R. Line Leonard C. hall
Carl E. Ohlmacher Thomas V. Koykka
Wiiliam C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 960
Advertising...................E. L. Dunne
Advertising...................R. C. Winter
Advertising...................H. A. Marks
Advertising..................B. W. Parker
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Rudolph Bostelman R. M. Prentiss
It. F. Clark W. C. Pusch
3. C. Consroe 1. D. Ryan
F. R. Dentz 'N.Rosenzweig
3. R. 1DePuy M. E. Sandberg
Ceorge C. Johnson M. L. Schiff
O. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld
K. K. Klein I. J. Wineman



unately, the law has not been enforc- 1 if you please, are dead, it is un-
ed for the best interests of the cause healthy; when they are unhealthy or
f prohibition. The excesses in the dead the intellect will very soon fol-
form of evasions have grown to such, low.
proportions that the noble purposes For those who have "high school
of the law itself have been greatly minds" (this includes the greatest perI
overshadowed, enough so in fact as 3 cent of the students), it is perhaps;
o make its success a questionable the only method, but what of those
matter in the minds of many people. students who do not fall in this cata-'
In a mad attempt to make the gory? What will happen to those who!
original act more nearly as effective do not care for the "Highbrow," as it
as it was supposed to be, prohibition is called; to those whom a scholar is
exponents both in state and national not a grind, a statement which one
legislatures have tried periodically to student made recently in The Daily? l
add further restrictions to bolster up By allowing the mighty arm of effi-
the law. A few of these have brought ciency and business t.o creep in and
about greater efficiency in the admin- kill the culture in our universities,
stration of the statute but the ma- we are condemning and destroying the
jority have merely cluttered up the future scholarship of this country. In-
situation until the main issue is thor- deed, I shall add we are killing it. No,
oughly clouded. j my dear sir, we cannot wait; we dare
Now comes another move to tighten dare not wait, if we wish to preserve
up the enforcement in the form of rec- even a vestige of culture in our uni-
ommendations by a congressional in- I versities, permeated with the ma-
vestigation committee under the terialistic atmosphere as they are.I
leadership of Representative Grant M. Reform is needed, immediate re-
Hudson of Michigan. As in the case form, but what course shall it follow?
of most of the other agitation for bet- Should we recommend that the uni-
ter enforcement the motive is all versities be limited to the scholars
right although the possible success of only? Since this first possibility never
the particular provisions is debatable. will be followed, there seems to be
Among other things the committee, only one alternative. The only thing
proposes to increase the penalty for that seems to be possible is to make
violations of the present law to pro- a sharp division, after the first year
vide both a minimum fine and a man- of school. Let those who have proved
datory imprisonment, to make the themselves worthy during the first
prohibition unit a separate depart- year be separated from the mass.
ment, and to place the appointment of Even though it be only five hundred
prohibition agents on a civil service of the entire student body of this Uni-
basis. versity, we shall achieve something.
There is little question that if these j Let those who have chosen, who can
provisions could be brought about, think for themselves, follow a system
prohibition would be made more effec- of study in the old European univer-
tive. Also, according to any code of sities, one, of individual research. Let
justice, a law is a law and should be them come close to their professors,
respected. Then, since we have the learn what he has to teach and by
Eighteenth amendment, any move to their own individual thinking. We
insure its better enforcement should shall then have a body where scholar-
be looked upon with favor. To this ship shall be above all else; a body
end, the present efforts ought to be whose students shall work in their
encouraged. subjects because they love that work
jnot because they fear it. The big
universities of America do not need a
It took 22,000 words for President program of expansions of bigger
Coolidge to tell Peru she could have buildings or more territory. The cry-
Taranta. Who called the P;esident i ing need today is reform in teaching
_____ntCa__'_?_methods; we need a man who shall
be big enough to lead us to those re-
A Daily headline announced yester- forms, not a man who is a good speak-
er or a good business administrator.-'
DENTS TONIGHT." Just as if such ago uiesamnsrtr
aLet us turn out a few products and
a meeting was news! each one will be worthwhile, rather'
than aim for quantity.
No one need be alarmed at the pass- Yours very sincerely,
ing of the suspender as long as the (signed) Isaac Hoffrpavn.
belt holds un







TONIGHT: Three One-Act Plays in
University hall at 8 o'clock.
TONIGHT: The Ntidens' Recital in
the Recital hail: of the tiilhersity
School of Mudsic :lt 8 o'clock.

Something new added each day
to our bargain tables. One Week Only.

Night Editor-NORMAN R. THATL
An unlucky star is shining over thei
heads of Michigan alumni with aspira-
tion for prominence in national poli-
tics. Especially does this evil light
appear to be casting its glea. oni
those who are chosen to fill cabinet
When Harding first picked his body
of department heads it was Michigan's
boast that there were more of her'
graduates included in the list than
any other college or university in the
country. But this bombast gradually
died away into silence before the hur-
ricane of Teapot Dome investigations.
Harry Daugherty, erstwhile attorney-
general, proved to be much involved
in the scandal and was forced to re-
si.gn from his office after vigorous
protestations of innocence. Edwin
Denby also became entangled in the
dubious net of political maneuvers,
the result being his retirement from
public life. All of this mixup was;
very complicated, even the investiga-;
tors not being sure just who was
guilty and who was not. To the im-
partial observer, however, it appears
certain that the former Secretary of
the Navy at least had the best of mo-
tives even though his may have been
a mistaken judgment.
But the story does not end here.
Another Michigan man was appointed
to the position of Attorney General.
A few weeks ago the University chest
expanded a few inches when it wasJ
announced . that one of her sons,
Charles Beecher Warren of Detroit,
had . been, appointed to that position
by President Coolidge. But even this
proved to toe premature.. There were
vague rumblings about his associa-
tion as counsel with the sugar ;trust,,
(whatever that may be) and this was
used as a pretext for the opposition
which developed. There is no doubt
that Mr. Warren's qualifications for.
the position were not the cause of the
deadlock-it was purely and simply
petty politics by a few who objected
to the way President Coolidge went
about his appointments to the cabinet,
--the fatal star again.
But Michigan need not hide her
face. Mr. Warren's career has been
a distinguished one, andl he may yet
be made attorney general if the Presi-
dent decides to fight it out. Two other
alumni, Dr. Hubert Work and Harry
New, still retain their cabinet port-
folios. Edwin Denby's name is be-
yond reproach. He was merely the
victim of a bad combination of cir-
cumstances. These are all men of
whom we may be proud despite their1
luck. Perhaps one of these days that
star will cease shining and then-
watch the cabinet.

A review, by Nelson Eddy.
If the test of a comedy be that it __ __
please the audience, the production
given in Sarah Caswell Angell HallI__ _._ _
last night was ap entire success. ANNY ARBOR TOLEDO(
H-eavily freighted with a cargo of mis-
cellaneous humor, some of the less
obvious of which was necessarily lost
on a Nordic audience, the play began I f
to definitely push itself across the
footlights about the middle of the first
act, after a slow start. A well-wrought
duel at the end of the same act servedf
to thoroughly warm up all sophomores
who had been hitherto hard pressed
for enjoyment, and a pants-warming
administered to the plotting "villyun"
by the doughty hero climaxed the Leave Ann Arbor, Chamber
burlesque side of the production, and of Commerce, 7:30 a. m., 11 a.
sent even fresman home with the con- m., 4 p. m., 5:30 p. in. week
viction of an evening pleasurably days. Sundays, leave Ann
spent. Arbor 7:30 a. in., 1 p. m., 4 p.
Douglas Whittemore and Maude m., 7:30 p. V. Phone 46 for
Corey were both generous in purvey-
ing the youth-and-beauty elements of
the cast. Miss Corey, in fact, was one
of the most convincing senoritas,
fresh from Spain, that it would beHATS - HATSh
possible to secure outsidle the penin- I~~
sula itself. The chief rib-tickler
proved to be Charles Lee, who painted
with special acuteness the lines of an
impractical old man, aside from show-
ing himself possessed of an authentic!
Spanish pronunciation. iMarshall
Levy succeeded in making himself in-
to a character to whom no one would
think of entrusting valuables for safe-
keeping; it is to be hoped he is able
to be about today in spite of the
thwackings and contumely bestowed
on him by the more righteous mem- LOOK AT YO
hers of the show. In the thankless
role of the defeated candidate for the
heroine's lovely hand, John Jay was
able to make the latter's choice of KE]
suitors appear reasonable and proper.
Among the minor roles, chief mention
should be made of the work of Wales
Signor, who lent individuality to the Sprii
lines and action of a Spanish chief of
* * * Sa
Tis is the opinion of an eye-wit- colors-
ness. The dancing and general chorus
work of "Castles in Spain" the im-
pending production which the JIunior
women will present for the entertain- ( R1
ment of the Seniors next Tuesday at
the Whitney, is far above last year's
show, at least. The routines, which
have been wom ked out by a committe F C
of the women are remarkable for their
effectiveness and the manner of ex-
ecution. It is diflicuilt to elaborateAKT
without giving away state secrets, but (
there is at least one dance in the first
act which will be a distinct surprise
to those who attend the performance HATS - HATS -
anticipating the traditional goose
steps and clock formations.
Undoubtedly some of the credit be-
longs to the people who are responsi-
ble for the music, for it is difficult to
conceive of them using this modern,
fast, type of dancing with most of the
past songs. The Spanish coloring of!
the last half of the play has given a
number of opportunities for somewhat
unique numbers. The specialty fea-
tures in the second act, made a very
decided impression, and chorus num-
bers are gracefully done. There is
so much that goes to make up a good
chorus number that it is impossible
to decide just why they are better this
year, but we would guess that it is
partly Amy Loomis, partly the cos-f
tumes, and mostly the "Chorines"
What seems most remarkable is that T h e m o d e r n
although the dances call for many salesman uses
more difficult steps, they are done with
a uniformness which ought to con- Long Distance to I
vince all the dubious that the reason keen his out-of-

,.. ,..... . .r.

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e a Dollar or More at Our Store
?earl, Silver, Radium, London Lavendar,
Powder Blue, Etc., Etc.


To the Editor:
CAMPUS OPINION Wisdom spoke; and the Understand-
dniosrme Te niati conui ing lifted up her voice recently, at the
! ;ants will. however, he regarded as Sunday evening Congregational .Dis-
onfidential UDOn reQuest. cussion Group. The orales had come
thither to tell, ids what was wrong with
An answver t the fetter fro th1e us; why no one ever attended our dis-
Michigan Alnmnnus. emssions, and no enlightment or in-
There. are several reasons which spiration was garnished from them.
prompt me to answer your letter. (They told us that, too.) The trou-
After such an appeal it would be dodg-' ble, they proclaimed, was simple. It
ing the issue were I not to answer. was so simple that they hated to con-
Furthermore, if 'I should answer and descend to mention it, but after some
not expose the class in question, it J coaxing, they did. It was this: we
would be a cowardly act on my part; allow freshmen to attend our discus-
for I would then be showing that I slions, and we permit them to talk to
feared the condemnation of those stu- us. Now, everyone knows that a
dents I exposed. Since I do not wish freshman cannot think; no one ex-
to be known as a coward and do not pests him to be able to.
fear the enmity of those I hold to be ; "Some of them, the unusually prom-
in the wrong, I shall expose them. ising oies among them, might reach
Moreover the students of this class: the lofty heights of a clever quip,"
have recently again repeated the same i (the tall thin oracle made this mag-
cowardly act. I also agree with you nanimous concession), "but," (the
in that we "must wield the big stick," short fat oracle hastily added) "think-
as you say. II. L. Mencken has said ing is a mental feat that can only be
that the only way an individual can accomplished by seniors."
hope to rise above the deadening in- i Yes, there may be exceptions among
fluence of the mass is not only to see them, but that does not justify our al-
the shams and faults of society, but lowing them to attend our meetings,
to fight strenously against them. sit in the same seat that seniors may
Therefore, although I can conceive of , have occupied, and arise and address
several reasons why I should not ex- us, thereby depriving some senior of
pose the class, I shall nevertheless do i the opportunity of dispensing infor-
so. It was a lecture class in the prin- mation.
ciples of Sociology or Sociology 51, as "Why not," the oracles ask us,
it is known. Now let the' wrath of the "segregate these freshmen?" Why not
gods descend upon my head? put them in one corner of the build-
You say to leave things as they are { ing, where they cam make their clever
and keep on "evoluting," but consider, quips-those of them who are capable
sir, to what you are condemning some of making them-without annoying
students. To all the cries of reform in' the lofty-browed seniors, out of whom
the methods of teaching in the uni- thoughts are coming, like shots out of
versities we get but one answer: it is a machine gun?
impossible because of the "high school In another corner the sophomores
minds" of the greatest majority of the could be put, where they could enter-
students who are real earnest stu- tain each other making cleverer quips
dents. I than the freshmen did, and the juniors
The University of today is merely a I might have a place in the same room
factory, as I have said before The with the seniors, near enough to them
students are not individuals, but mere to hear the words of wisdom dropping
mechanical cogs in a huge machine. like jewels from their lips, but far
They come to work in the morning, enough away, not to annoy them with
punch the time clock (if they are late their own talk. The reason for this
or absent they are "docked" accord- special dispensation to the juniors is
ingly from their pay), and go to their because statistics have shown that
day work. . In the evening they again they have been known to have ideas.
punch the time clock and go home. I "This segregation," said the oracles,
There they forget all about their "would rescue the meeting from the
work which is irksome to them and freshmen, who are at present spoiling
put it entirely from their minds. The everything with their clever quips,"
pay in the case of the university is I (those of them who are able to make
the credit hours one earns, the ulti-I them).
mate pay for all the required work is The plan has its merits. Something
a degree. The present form of educa- ! must be done to keep knowledge
1 tion is only another phase of wage where it belongs--among the seniors
slavery. If you do your work and --and how could this better be ac-
satisfy your masters, then, you are complished than by guarding them
properly rewarded; if vou don't .vn Ifrom their intellctunl inferiors7 ?M t

tory at Store
Where D. U. R. Stops at State)

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Spring Furnishings For
The Well Dressed Man


that Broadway shows use female
choruses, is among others, that they
make excellent dancers.
i It is not our intention to make rash
prophecies as to how the show will
take, for that is patently impossible.
But it seems safe to say that those
who are striving for success have
more than one reason for hope. The
rehearsals are run with professional
precision, and the result would seem
more or less obvious.+
-V. L. D.

Collar-to-match, attached collars
and neckband styles ini the
niewest of patterns that are
smart for Spring wear.
$2.00 to $5.00
. Unerwear
Special, 79c


Smart Hat Styles
You'll like these new hats for
Spring better 'than any 'ou ve
worn in many a season.
They're smart appearing and

Every cne an e-

cellent value.
$3.00 t $6.00
Striped and checked neckwear
are the thing for Spring and
we've plenty of the smartest
patterns for your approval.
75c to $2.00
Fancy Lisle Hosiery
Large Assortment

* * *

The following program will be of-
fered by the Detroit Symphony or-
lchestra Monday evening in Hill audi-
torium under the direction of Ossip
"Carnival," Overture, Op. 92..Dvoraki
Symphony in D minor ........Franek
L Lento; Allegro non troppo
2. Allegretto
j . Allegro non troppo
Symphonie Espagnole for Violin
and Orchestra, 01). 21........Lalo
1. Allegro non troppo
2. Andante


a j


L..( -IL -.


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