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February 12, 1925 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-12

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Prof. F. N. Scott Writes Tribute to
1niversity's Deceased
At the meeting of the University
club Feb. 4, which was the first meet-
ing following the (leath of Wr% Arthur
G. Hal, late registrar of the 1 nier'
sity, the following tribute which was
prepared by Prof. F. N. Scott of the
rhetoric department at the request of
the directors of the organization was,
"In the death of Arthur Graham
Hall, the Unversity community bas
lost one of its most valued assocates.
By his untiring zeal in the conduct of
his work as registrar, by his lively in-
terest in whatever concerned the so-
cial life of the community, by his im-
pulsive sympathy for all that was bast
in human fellowship-by the active
exercise of these fine qualities he had
become an almost indispensable factor
in the varied inteests of University
life. His place in that regard will be
difficult to fill. But it is in the narrow-
er circle of the University club that he
will be missed most persistently. Hils
snny temperament, breaking out7
every now and then in spontaneous
shouts of laughter, his keen pleasure
in social intercourse of every kind, his
almost boyish delight at a successfulj
stroke in his favorite game, his ca-I
pacity of friendshp among his col-
leagues-these blended elements gavec
to his personality a unique and irre-i
sistible charnm, endearing him to all;8
with whom he came in contact. 1r
"His was a fine and gentle Spirit,,1
better suited, one might think, to th 1
softer side of life. Nevertheless, whene
the test came, and, afflicted by a ling-t
ering but incurable illness, he knew
that the end could not be long delay-s
ed, he niet the inevitable with a ceer--a
ful face and an unflinching courg,r
his greatest regret being that e could
not live to bring his official labors toe
their fitting conclusion.s
"The Directors of the University,
club unite in paying this last tributev
to a faithful official, a- loyal, war-
hearted friend, and a most lovable anda
companionable character. They re--
solve that this tribute be entered on s
the records, and that a copy be sente
to the family with the poi'OUfudas
sympathy of the club."
Resume Issuance {
Of Auto Licenses
Sale of 192 automobile licenses at
the office of the county clerk was
stopped for a period of five hours on
Saturday afternoon, on orders from E.
V. Chillon, deputy secretary of state.
No reason for the interruption of
the sale could be given by Claraion
L. Pray, county clrk, except that he
had been told that the secretary of
state's office desired to check up on
the license plates already issued from
the locl office. A representative
from the secretary's office, who was
here teday helping with the work, was
also unable to eplain the situation, re
frring to the stopping of the sale as
a technicality in bookkeeping. License
ilates were being issued as usual
' uesday.,
London, Feb. l--W. P. O'Leary
'i18 months and J. ID. M-
Gough 1 months imprisonment in
c un with the alleged plot to
blow up British battleships.
Port Sudan, Feb.I1-The WahibisI
oi~ continuing agaist King Ai's
,orces and Jeddah is under shelfire,
Pays dspatches from the f edjaz.

Tryouts are wanted for both
the Butsiness and Editorial staff: a
of CHIMES. Any lierson w ho has
;een on the campus for one
Isenicster or more is eligible.
IThose wishing to take up work
on either of the two staffs will
report at their re)spective offices
in the Press Building some aft-
Iernoon this Yweek.

Airmen Face Court Martial

Young English Lawyer Infericer
TA m r c n S as"Y oung E nglish law yers at the tim e to P acti e, t-O d ig II o f ,> m

askI- Ciofthe' Ad lphi house of ren)-

of their admission to the Bar are not! Sunderland. 1t i.:> r ed(i -.-st i l (a- st~ztiv (;s at the regular meeting I )ort dlay-l'ay your Subscription
as well educated in the principles and requirement s, whIichi includnio s' d-IcIdla night. Other officers el(eCte(I tndlscv.
1lprocedure of legal practice as young ing of certain tox s, at tcnidaz(e po
Amecrican lawyers," according to Prof. j lectures, and the stc sli ;Al ____________________of_______
Edson It. Sunderland of the Law the regulr examin tions, encil ha 111:-
school, who recently returned from; ter must eat a iniamu !) of :six din- .' '
Englanid where hie has been studying 'hers for 12 consocutive tor-ns at, one I(J~X 4-iC i ii~
the British courts for the past few of f lie founilnis o: ('<ur;t
11nhI.,~~ oso olt-sy!.The requirements for the solicitors icoln's, the Inner %: i r d! n'.Mid- Nhv I one
are mnore severe than tho se for the (Ie Temple- are aitn-A oppo.. ujino
barristers, the other branch of the site the Rtoyail ( oi~rt a Gi 1tuit( ill i No. 3675
profession in E ngland, members of !j ond(on," e .plained f he iprotOSsol.,
which must comply with two major "and have altottive handred ,sIud(emi a
qualifications before they are allowed enolda ah isitte.'ii alUsadGt3% Dson
does not mean, hote ver", that .dl of
hoeraty will be discussed atThrdy the same! the student , take the coulrses coftored ____
hou ad pac onThrsdy.by the limo, for a great number ofl --
Mr. W illiams is one of the pioneers them study by I heanselveF rand w t efed o oi ; ew sauh r a e ni h al r Hparie seof
ized and sent by, the city of New York ithe Inns, which are arranged ini largo
to go to Europe to study the zoning quadran~gles simmilar to file Lawyers
plans in use there, before any attempts]I Club building here, but five or , i
in this direction were taken in this 'times as large."
country. At present he is legal ad- ( Differing from Lire Aoericean sysitem,
visor on regional planning for New !the barrister's examlinationls for ad -
York., mission to the Bar are irnv riabiv giv~-
The subject of zoning is of particu- en by one (of the Inns rather fthan.ivy-
lar interest to the people of Ann Arbor1 the courts i's thecy are iin the i ;tl' _rc
at this time, and the public is cor- ;States. In this way all of the mew-
diall y invited. bri fti°bac fIliepo:e
DntdlyayyuSusrpinare also members of za&d=finite ):;:s- '-~.~
Dont dlayPayyor Sbsciptonzation, for which there' is no Alm Ic
today. equivalent.t}
__ _ --w.w --.-..: rwu--.s.. Ivu mre~+

- --- ---- ~ ---
Top: Frig, Gen. William. Mitchell (left) testifying before thme House's spe-
claii commititee on aircraf't. Tloe connnittee's chief examiner, Rep.
R~andolphlivrkins of New Jersey, is at the left, Below: Rear Adinfral
William A. Atoffett left) and Captaini A. W. Johtnson.
Washington, Feb. 11. -- Will Brig.
Gen. William A. Mitchell, assistantl
chief of the air se:-vice, be driven: from'11NOTED ZONING EXPERT
the army with charges he has made1I
about the inef iciency of the army and f
navy in the development of aviation TO U ELIVER SERES Of
unproven, or vindicated to the accoma-
paniment of a shake-up ip the so-call- tr~ir
edarmy and navy hierarchy, 'if not in [0 UI1L l~
the President's cabinet Itself? f __
Mitchell has knocked the lid off al F. B3. Williams, one of the country',
stew which is messing up both army laigeprso .iig ilgv
and navy, and as a result face.3 court ednxprsnzais;wllgv
mnartial. At the same time Rear Ad- four lectures here next week. "Zol,
miral Moffett, chief of the navy bur-! inp,''"will be -thio aupicct of his tallk
eau of aeronautics, is faced by the! to be given at 4:15 ()'clack Wtdne_.
same peril.j day, Feb. 18~, in Natural Science auli-
General Mitchell declares that the tom-iumr, and '' es' iionl 1 ling with
war department is "quite incapable of: Special Rteference to tHv lRegionil
creating, handling, or administerihng! planning of Newv Fork" will be the.
air power in an efficient manner," acli sub.ject of li; a addnss at the samne
hie accuses the> navy department oif hoar and ol ace 'F l in-day, F'eb. I9.
staging aircraft bombing tests so as~ to I - Viliiai-w; wil, l:aio opeak 1 efore
endanger the lives or ar-my avi. o.':. ;tiac eit:; iii ECi-cu aes inicity planin"i
auid (t iinpro vteni]T . 'Fund lamen --
M1oscow, Feb. 11--Russia's trade tall of City 1'I :ai oitg from~ the Law--
1;(with Russia in 1924 reached I 5,0. yt,,f' lt of Vif-u'' will be the t one'
000 rubles, or thrice the amount of,- of his letnie a.1. 1I 'cli(eh next. 'uesr
1923. day in Anigell halt, uand '1"Ilauning fo;-


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