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February 12, 1925 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-12

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w - rd

iin riin TMhian first match in the inter-
3-iled yester day). It w aatelegraphic ______

(f;ine 'Wili 1diatna SaIIII'dhiy and Ohio j( IlCt against Depauw university, anti
sli 'itl )40Iondy E1the :Maize and :lule lbowlers rolled uip
On Schedule; a sccie of 2756 poinlts. Locke, War-
____ncv, Ulseth, Messer and Rump, the
j ' j latter the high score mnan on the cam-
TIAGGE-RTYT STILL OUT pls were the lmen who bowled. The
I Depan ,Wscorn Nwill 1)e reported .Friday.
Coach Mather put the Varsity has- The te am is under the auspices of
ketball squad through a strenuous thje lnt lamunral department and last
workout last night in the field house ;Sear they won the tourney, thus coil-I
in preparation for the week end games ir ;in l.ii 0 l)OS'o 1 ofa handsome cup
with Indiana here Saturday night and 13y winning it again this year, the cup
Ohio State at Columbus Monday. will beCcomne the permanent property
'aptain George Haggerty, although, of' Michigan. The next match is on
hie is otherwise in good physical con- Firiday against the Navy.
dtoissilwaigabadgovrhis right eye as a result of his injury I
in the Chicago game last Saturday andf
it is almost certain that he will be !K " I I
out of the Indiana game. Coach,
Mat her is expecting to use him against
I he strong Buckeye five Monday ni ght !\
however, if, his improvement is asIl
rapid as expected. The pairings have been made in theI
If Haggerty is uinable to participate All Campus single and dloubles Hand-
in the Hoosier gamne Mather will prob- ball Tournament. The following
ably rely upon the sable outfit which matches must b~e played off by Febru-
won out over Northwestern Monday try .18th.
by a one point margin. In the ab- Lyman, 2124 vs. M. Rush, 3124-Ti ;
Be'nce of Hlaggerty, Kuenzel will prob-! Hammell, 3419 vs. Pg. Shawaker, 2034-j
_1lly 1)e assigned to the right forward '1t ;Rifkji, 3033-11 vs. Scarnechia,
position with Eddie Chambers in his 119.15; I. Rhodes, 2056 vs. C. Greene;I
customary job at the right forward p0- Goldeater, 1505 vs. Rockwell, 1528-Ri;
sition. Kuenzel failed to show much Simonshy, 1170-W vs. Wood, 3015; K.I
basket shooting ability in the game, Weinstein, 2186-i4 vs. Segall, 751-W-,
at Evanston but it was largely dlue ;I~' Langlois, 2985-J vs. E. higgins,
to his inexperience andl with twool" 374; IN. Rhodes, 2050' vs. H1. Segal,!
three more games experience he will f8124-li; Frost, 2883-W, vs. A. Segall,
probably fit into the Varsity combjna- 75-W; Shawaker, 3493 vs. W.
'.ion satsfactorily.1 Mazer, 21 24-1t;; W. Phelps, 3276-J vs.
I Iutzel, °who has also been Maring B~di,22.W;I ia~72v.P
an off' streak and wlio failed to score dial in, 1528-I .
a single field goal In the two gaines
ovt~r thxe weekend, wiB piobaihb~h i e ha inio sk11 0- v. aro
better shale for thle coming weekend ;Sht-iosy 17- s arl
and s Cl~ecC~lto ~laythe ffesiv hawalker, 18493; 1liiaj -Ny man, :3586-J
cent~er pos:it ion, with Dick lDoyle work-; vs. Gtoldwater-Vogel, 2307-W; I-land-
ing; on t he tip off. Cherry and Doyle Loser-Brown. 1236-J vs. Sonkin-Levine,I
hlave both beeni playing strong games j 30-t; IR. ShawakeiKPartncr, 3034-Rs
lately and it was largely dlue to their vs. Weinstein- Philips, X21;86-WV; Rush-'
combination guard and basket-shoot-)Nbl 12-iv.2vihu-ikn 02
ing game that the ' Wolverines broke I Langl. -Greeii, 29 E6-J as Selig-,
even withson-Partner, 1,;24-J.;, ilcher-Reilly,
even1ithlCicago and Northwestern . V
B~oth have been scori g regularly from 1 1144-J vs. Rhodes-Phelpis, 3276-J; Se-
thee field and have been as strong as I3015.ae,3241 s apHmel
ever oan the defense. 3015.______
Althou~gh the officlhrl sch.lolarship xe -
port hae nt ben fledat he th- Nathan K. Parker of Bellevue, Pa.,
bil asocatin t i ,eJ~~c~edtha atackle on the Dartmouth varsity elev-
large number of thbe ineligibles wli~o; en for the last two seasons, has been
chlosien to lead the 1925 :football team.'
have lbeen keepinag i:I sha pe singe the,
start of baasketball ~pactice will b liIe replaces Edwin B.. Booley previ-.
added to Mathlers' strinxg and in thlat'pmlf-y elected 1925 capltain who has re-
case at least two.jbs on the Varsity sind m olee

Pu ses

Squad H~ardl in Prepliral lon
Flr :Feest W'ih Wis-
con1 E ll lcans

fll te I'tctnt ~ . 1p'ro4 tecit
D~im 'too lfr Milo,

With only oite lay of practice left
before the team's de!)arture for Madli-
son, Coach Mann dloubled the swime-
ining teams practice sessions yester-
dry, holding workouts dIi r i ngthe
morning and afternoon.
The Varsity mentor a gain devoted
most of this time to the speed races,
the (living and the plunge. The relay
squad composed of (Gow, Samson,
Johnson and Dunnakin went. throughE
a couplle of trial races tegainst the
Freslnian tcrai, and Coach Mlann
seemed qluit e pleased wvith thle result,
though lie would not (disclose the
time. In the 40 yard( race, Gow and
Samson are dloing under 20 seconds
and may 1)e countedl on to give the
Bai~dg~er dashmnen a real race.
In the 10,0 yard free style, Samson
andI Dunnakin will (d0 the swimming
for Michigan with Gow as a possible
entry. They will p~ush hIerseberger,
the Badger entry, to the limnit, and a
season's recordl in the century lash
is not unlikely. In the 220 yard race,
Dunnakin shouldl lead the field.
Whittinghamn, after his exhibition
at Chicago, should pliace well in thle
breaststroke at Madison; while eithers
N Mielziner or Mayer are liable to count. i
In the backstroke Captain Ken' and I
!Halstead should place second andI
third, with the Varsity captaiii having
an outside chance to in over ail -
breath who has already covered 1.he
150 yardls in 1:59 flat in Conference
competition this season.
Papenguth and Starrett have both
been going well in the fancy diving,
andl will probably fight it out for sec-
ond and third lilaes withi a fair chance
of either one winning the event. Star-
rett, a new man to the squad since
Chrismas vacation, sprung a surprise
at Chicago when he placed second to
Captain Dorf 'of the Maroons.
!Iii the plunge, Siedman will probab-
ly be the only Michigan entry, though
Kirk, a new matn on the squadl, might
Jo silbly il ake the trip. The tent ative
list of entries as issued from the field
house follows: Relav,-Gow, Samson,
Dunnakin, .iohnson ; ,'10 yard-Gow,
Kerr, Samson; 100 yards-Dunnakin,


Coach TRay Fisher can n,1
writ i his plans for a c-h:
baseball tecam as the inelig
aie out and not one of n
is on it. Althoug h his re
eligible, the coiach will
the services of three of his~
pet s.' Swanson a, brg;-ht 1i
the bat and urgently neede
son will he unable to pl,
of his studies, and Kellil
string man on the frosh
spring is also under ban.
Catching is still the on
netothgaewihi' the coach. At present they
six men trying out for th
and none of them shows
ability-. Alien, who wasf
backstop on the Dartmouth
two years ago shows prol
only phase of catching th;
net ex:cell in is throwing,
c ontinuedl nra etice Coach
pects him to imnprove. "R
the only man on the camo

LOTTrack Outlook Bright WithsFRSMI GePSt
TEA 6 icSiT But Two Men Out On Grades: OK USA
T[9M F Lxcellent perloimanlces in practice0thie two veterans will not lie felt sol
'Idtereturn 0 ly of list, year'sO( ilyv I Nxt T i a,do ~evening, thbefram
is I)r~lil)lk4i sasindliai e that i'l i'1igan' s trac," , 51(11id 15j scouitlcion to winl his grou~-, which have remined :clin.:. .
111' lit team nthsyea:r ,vll lie one of the best . I le'I, ,lie broa d ainp in wlini tiyve E11' :P-th1PX~t lfew weeks (11clue
in the Wes". evet. he is the Olympic ch1lflpioii, lie final examinations, will swing into
Thesquad(1is ha 11(1lIe d t ' ol5( ,Iit il dw1 ith 1)1-(1additioniof Sn ider and act ion aain.
extent by the lo'--s of Lescihinsky, Nwho N;o; i up, twxo sophomiores Con ab Fai~ir-1iisthalwlbete dmnt
" f i a; t z " sport fow the next few weeks and ani
nw co~~nte Wsdelrdiegl ii0 't f-lIhsafrm111)0(abntin n prcendentel a mount of interest is
ta pionshin I th fis emn ryI-sI isy a( . -hi psoudlesa e S ogted to lie shown in it.'t'his
wsthme outs".taningstar 11, t Easn( lOh'i-i. i s 1earl '('tawy ttat h lretnm
ibi iaist ~m-ings.is; credlited( xvith i .itt fIa ,t1'21=r\,a'Cai xoelker 51 c ..h4 t bre I er of teams and brings out the keen-
is r'e ularI lite hunldred y;rd (lash anid with 21--i s rialy o-ayJortofgrop om
egulars amro; the twio hilndcre1 yard (vent. I to Wili h 'eiisiiiger back for. thie quart - 1: estivaryo ay ot f rupco
be minus is also credited xNit hi breakling Charl-crho titilV 1111 with theI lie li IioOU w- The scheduile will divide I he groups
biest 1Ko0- iPaddlock's wo-rld record for t he two 2_ edaii I laugh s from the frioshman I i into t wo leagues and it will "be an-
.ght b~ehind1 hIL'Iired Imetr'eclash b1)v-10 of asee-t, i ('11t) 11150;Vis 1well fot ified1. 01 1Ii-nouncedl in the Daily within the next
d thi s se~i-;old, having; coveredl the dista nceini 2lc iso;I hat S1.1. how good liosSi ilties :awdays. Managers are urgedl to or-
av bcaue 110 t te Ovmuc tial hee lst ~ i e-i-sten, ibh an i{lmli~. ganize their teams as soon as possible.
inine last ed by the team duei( to inel igibitit as ,'( ;- l te return of 1 leath who 1w ~ran angement. with the Intrmulral
Lo et to, another sophomore who is a W Iced li tilo(Conferencdi l inc.two 1 :)a)Vtrtii't in I lie Waterman gynmnaIs.-
nhy dlenla rI- good weight rman. ya--.M*IlIt , s o,)lomr spi tLl'
is troubling ( However the loss of Leschinsky will tin," tie ballI around 4 1 fe, t and wheie 71-'Uhr-eda' for the winners of the
re are only; not effect; the squad to a. great (de- ;Boyw leio is Coniferenice' llamiil l oley Bal tournament finished just
is position (Yree. W itl an, Conference cham1pion 'illIllthis event retioris all ei' the ha-shot , lifore- the Chiristmiias vacation nmaylie
excepltional in the century two years ago and D(< bll seasoii this evenitcan be (-(iltod#e.c~reEa >tna ls fllti
first string lhart Hubbard winner of last year's ,Oii as one of the St rong delia I-I nients. 1IC r.of time winnring team -is i5 hil' ilited
frs ieConference meret are still available. LI t \Villitm L. ;Dienter '26, chtairmian of'
mnisc. The Iliggins another veteran oif last yeari.I .thle Underc lass department.
tat he (lOCS has dlone the hunnd ed in less than ten r ey te W:n d
.brit with; se'ondis and can be counted on to Ili'~ i3 THW i "TrQA.1N l)ILY

Fisher ex- breast thIe itone among the leaders.
led"' Davis. ; nip distance runs in which Mi(-hi-
9115 to win I gan was som~ewhat weak last yeas~

I hi-ce numeirals last season, is also a have a number oe men in both the
tryout for catcher. At thmelpresenit! mile and the two mile events t hat
time he has the call on all of, the 1,hould lie able to gal hler a few p)oinits.
cand~idates, and the coach expects him ; the mjile 11 icks is back a 1ndl with
to give the other aspirants, a hard the adidition (itfI lornberger, .Tu1ng and1
fight for- the position. l tarrington an- M. Reinhe of last yiear's treshiman
other who was making a strong lbid: squlad this tlelartment ot the game is
f'or the catching berth injuredl his hand well 01 taken (care of. While in the two
last night and1 was unabile to take mile there are Callahan. lnI3 gFgs, 1Bal-
his c-ustomary 1p1ace in practice yes-- er and Alason, who should form 11 a t r a fe n o .sr n o al
:\Iillei-a spohomore huirler with an With C. llcinl-e, Fareyberg. andi
enviabile prep school record, and un-, Cochran, three "MN' meni back. in tie:
«blc to play on the fi-eshman squad! half" mile. C'oach Farrell ha1s no fears
last siring because of a severe ill- in this endl. hart , ifluke andl Walsh,
Mess. is the third baseballer to be in-F three son)homeres can replace any men
eligibile, butt hie ill be absle to remove - in case of injury.
he ban on himi in a few weeks, and The pole vault is 'onisider'ably
will -replort for pr-actice then. :strengthened by the addition of Proia
-- - - fi-om the freshman team as lie has
k gone over twelve feet:. With Captain
It lhas been decided by t he Brooker in his usual form Michigan
Boari-(nl Control of Athletics snoitild pull dowvn someic oint s in this
that for the Ohio State football1 event. Brooker has been jumping
gamte nett fall no one will 1)0e over 12 feet G inches-in practic-e re-
nllowed to pumrchase more thanF cently -and it is expected that. he will
I two tickets. For the Navy andl ( better his mark before the season it
tllnnesoi i aesa Ijti F imuch older.
gaet ii ~ lim re has been established, while Although the Wolverine squadi will
Ifor the Indiana andl M. A. C. feel the loss of Smith and McU10ilvei

IOur Valentine Boxes at-e goin gfast
1': rtt-t! ef Ic E in "theftDt l.i B xs thew
city, p c~kcd vvfth or own
# - et sy lossCanies
And thc Pice is Rightr
Betsy RosShop
d M ISaw I M I S.I.M 111 ..9 a,.tfHI 1131111 M IM, 1111-,*,.-21H IM IM 5..,,aM 1111111111111111 .11111 tS 4flS111l11*1.
-1a"fwlwww t~bN~liwFSSnEX~~r~w' +'n+ :iawab4~wsrYMfYI [1kli* i11iiMi

will be .ropghy conztesl ed for. I .c11.U, .i V1.rtI kI>eLi1.UIl,.JII Sl, Fco~t5i tie Usual limit, of {Ioutr romiJtIUJ~U~~11 A
Th qa il e ntereolIJhn Shepard IliugWai dropped lunkn 0 adlr's toe pi.two ood men fromthe freshman
wrko uad - i le no mdtoiro9'rodvTromthe junior class at Yle becauLse Whittinglhan, Me1iez or Mayr; 150 v:ilapy squad that have dlone around six feet
oroi iiftronmdlmroIofaterImonn will be ]putt 1 iroummgii-1 a Thi1d of scholarsin conditions n four sub- ya rdlbackstroke---Herr, Halstead ; _____________________ consistently. The are-c eeks amd
Meson jcits, msined as catain of the foot- ilz1unge----SCman, Kirk;, ' )i u- ~ItIoth and if theyca i eeat teir >oodl
I halo .11tetcam ycasteiday. 1'a pengt ii aInd]St armet~ I] fVE 4'Q f'STBSC~iRIEI YET? pefoi-nce flstya'im osS
TPhe Westermn Coul erm(;nt bowling W
tournament was completed ,Th.i mtrV :n;- f
A aiimmarv of this eot }has bien i re- re
t-ived at fthp ]ptra-mral .ofic,. ll -w~
fraternities wishliii to know , thmim
,.co-es in comparison to those :f <lF11
en ciatecrw, of tI heir fmatcrltt ics nmav -
(10 so by calling- at the office.
The first 10 teams wre as fellows '1White VW ool ease 1in Pastel
AlphajRho Chi, Minnesota, 658; elt ..
Theta !Pi, Wisconusin, 2604; Alpha. - 1Jiyan~fd ,Meetsi
K tapa lmbda. Illinoi2576';?Pi 'p-
:"ilon, Wisconsin, .2522; Aphpa Sic nt'
ltd '1 i 1,n;jiesota , 2471; Theta Delt a Chi,
Illinois, 245;7; Phi Sig-jmi a appa
Wistconsin, . 2156; Delta - JIiiM
iehmgitan, 2449; Phi Kaint Alph3a, Ohio THlE SOCK KING
Stale, 2484; Psi Onega, Minnesota, -
2404. M 1111 So. Unitersity A1Pe. 7A) So. &alte St.
Time Georgetown tuiversity indoor~
track 'games at Washington, D. C. on-
Febt. 21 will br'ing togethier in that,~
test again the tw o A mnerican a tCh letes tvl o g t i oif r i s n e n -1i t
honors in tie (decathon of the P Paris# 11a .99ilft E#~ ifl1l~ll@el!iitld!!'bil~ll:i4i1k' 1 8Bl~litlilrE~ltil6#i1 ~ l&l~i~ kI7ilili9iAlt16tli

K no.f(.ckohinc' Brand
Ou sale t

Olympic ,games, Harold Osbor-ne amd.
Rnierson Norton.
Read the -Wcait Ad~s

hh _ ..

J pig grut a word about Top Coats for this Season. Wec have for your con sderatnn
The JWest
Value Ever Produced

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Perfectly Styled and Tailored.

Splendid M~aterials in Plain Mixtures.

William at Maynard
The perfect anti-knock.
motor ifuel1

of all mak~es
Sold,, rentecl, cleained,
I epaired.

Just the coat you have been looking for.
W~e are also showing the better grades a-s higyh 'as



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