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March 12, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-12

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VOLE XXXV. No, 120





Show Includes Several Motors, Chas-
ses Electrically Operated for
Hundreds of students and residents
4of Ann Arbor who attended the city's
second ,automobile show yesterday
afternoon and evening were astounded
at the splendor of the decorations and
the beauty of the displays which have
transformed Yost field house, the
scene of the show.
Soon after 1 o'clock yesterday after-
noon, Mayor George E. Lewis gave the
signal for the large doors at the ath-
letic plant to be thrown open. Within
a short time, a large number of spec-
tators were passing up and down the
aisles formed by the arrangement of
the cars. Many others were seen gaz-
ing at the roof of the field house,
which is nearly completely hidden by
a mass of flags.
The red, white, and blue of the na-
tion's flag predominate the colors.
From the exact center of the roof is
suspended a huge dome formed of the
flags of all nations. Bunting and other
decorative materials adorn the bal-
cony and railings while the lower por-
tions. of the walls are covered by
draperies of soft Arabian colors.
The highly-polished cars are ar-
ranged symmetrically around the
walls of the building and in the cen-
ter. More than 115 cars are included
in the exhibit, in addition to a num-
ber of other motorized vehicles. Sev-
eral cut-a-way motors and chasses,
electrically operated for demonstra-
tion purposes, are being displayed.
One of the. feaures is a large speed-
The greatest feature of the show
last night was the two hour concert
by the University band. The show is
being sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Automobile Dealers' association for
the purpose of raising sufficient funds
for the support of the band during the
current year. The band was situated
on a portion of the basketball floor in
the center of the house. Athletic:
stunts were also furnished by the Uni-
versity gymnasium team.
It is expected that more than 15,000
people from this and adjoining towns
will attend the show during the four
days. It will be opened at 10 o'clock
this morning and will continue
through the afternoon and evening.
The same program will be followed
tomorrow and Saturday until 11
o'clock Saturday night, when the show
will come to an end. The University
hand will give concerts every night
and Saturday afternoon, and athletic
stunts will be offerd by the boxing,
wrestling, and fencing teams of the
The members of the dealers' asso-
ciation have been untiring in their ef-
forts to guarantee a good financial
backing for the band. They are pay-
ing all the expenses of the show, in-
cluding decorations, displays, and pub-


)ubting World Holds Breath
As Unlucky Friday Approaches C
A or unlucky, tomorrow, Friday for the day have so far been discov- D9lI[ICATION 0 F
irteentli, will te an unusual day erec.
e calendar, scientists agree. For Friday the thirteenth is a dangerousC
rst time in ,years,, two consecii- day in Wall street: Two major panics

the ti
on th
the fi

tive months will have contained such
Fridays, with another still scheduled
to occur this year. The last time this
happened a war started. That was in
1914. The next year with three Fri-
days the thirteenth will be 1931. Since
the adoption of the present calendar
in 1761, there have been but 21 such
One professor, it was reported, told
his class yesterday that Friday the
thirteenth was too unlucky for him to
lecture. He announced a blue-book
instead. No professors sufficiently
superstitious to eliminate all work'


have started on that day, and it is sel-
doin repeated without at least an un-
certain flutter which radiates itself
from the great financial center over4
telegraph wires and tickers through-
out the nation.
The first year with three "bad"
Fridays under the new calendar sys-
tem was 1761. Students of American
history have recalled that this was a
year of uncertainty and dissension.
Every year since then has had at least
one Friday the thirteenth. The third
and last in 1925 will occur in Novem-
. ber.1



German Entrance Into League
Would Be Great Test---Frayer

If Germany is admitted to the
League of Nations, that council will
be given the greatest opportunity to
prove itself-that it has yet had, in the
opinion of Prof. W. A. Frayer of the
European history department.
"If the League continues to succeed
with the presence of Germany, assurn-
ing for the sake of argument that that
country is allowed membership, it will
certainly be a decided step forward,"s
Professor Frayer replied when asked
his opinion on the subject yesterday.
The fact that Paul Hymans, the Bel-
gium minister, and Premier Herriot
of France both went on record recent-
ly as being in favor of Germany's ad-
mission to the League, provided no ex-,
ceptional grants are demanded by the

Berlin government, is "excellent," in
Professor Frayer's estimation.
"It remains to be seen whether this
would dispel some of the friction be-
tween France and Germany," he said.
"It most certainly should lessen the
antagonism. At any rate the member-
ship of the Reich government would
afford a great opportunity for better
relations ?etween the two nations.
"There is some danger of overesti-
mating the importance of Germany's
possible admission, 'however. It ap-
pears to me that the significance of
the question is in proportion to the
League's success. That is, if the
council could survive the test, and
continue to solve its many difficulties,
,then Germany's presence would be of
great import," he said.

Democratic Senator, Behind Barricade
of Documents, Prepares for
Week's Argument
Washington, Mar. 11.-(By A.P.)-
A filibuster against ratification of the
Isle of Pines treaty developed late to-
day in the Senate when Senator Cope-:
land, Democrat, New York, announced
that he was prepared to speak for at
least several days.
Accepting this challenge, Republic-
an leaders indicated they were ready
to force night sessions to bring to a
vote the convention with Cuba, which
has been pending for more than 20
years and by which the United States
would formally recognize Cuban sov-
ereignty over the Isle of Pines.
With other opponents of this con-
vention, Senator Copeland desires that
action be postponed until the new
Congress assembles. They take the
position that new members of the Sen-
ate should have more time to study
the question.
Senator Copeland served his notice
after more than five hours of debate.
Previously, he had asked for unan-

Dawes' Absence
Out Of Harmony
With His Policy
Records show that Wednesday's
vote in the Senate on the ratification
of Charles B. Warren of Michigan for
the attorney generalship of the United
States presented the first opportunity
for any Vice-President of this country
to cast the deciding vote in a senate
ratification of a man recommended by
the President for a cabinet position,
Prof. Everett S. Brown of the political
science department stated yesterday.
Vice-President Charles B. Dawes,
by his absence, failed to take advan-
tage of the opportunity, and as a re-
sult the Senate rejected Mr. Warren
for the cabinet position by one vote.
In the opinion of Professor Brown,
the incident in which the Vice-Presi-
dent failed to cast his deciding vote
is of significance because in hid fail-
ure to vote, Vice-President Dawes has
cast reflection on himself, especially
considering his actions when he took
I office one week ago yesterday.
"Then," continued Professor Brown,
"when the opportunity came to him to
cast the deciding vote for a cabinet,
nominee and insure a positive action
in the Senate, he was not present to
cast his vote. Although the Vice-
President was strong in his attempts
to have the Senate support the admin-
istration, it would now appear thati
Dawes himself was directly responsi-
ble for the failure of the Senate to{
ratify the cabinet nominee of the ad-1
(Contiued on Page Three)


.Contributions by mail to the
Student Friendship fund should
be addressed under that title to
The Daily at the Press building
or to the Michigan Union, where
they will be delivered to the stu-
dent committee in charge of the
drive for the University.
Period Suggested Would Begin Fri.
day, May 29, and End Tuesday,
June 9

Yesterday's total - $1,100
Quota for drive - $4,000
Pledges and actual money received
yesterday in the Student Friendship
drive sent the total contributed dur-
the first two days well over $1,000, an
increase over the same period during
the 1924 drive. Faculty members,
campus booths, organizations, and a
collection last night at the Majestic
theatre accounted for most of the in-
The largest faculty contribution
thus far received arrived yesterday,
a donation of $20 to the drive. Other
letters from faculty members brought
checks varying from $5 to $10, and a
large part of the money collected at
the booths came from this source al-
Fraternities and sororities are thus
far averaging amout $30, which' indi-
cates contributions of more than $1
from each member. The sororities


Detroit Symphony Orchestra To
Afternoon and Evening


ScottNearing To imeuss "Is Wealth
Justified. i' Round
Table Address

Two concerts will be given Monday
afternoon and night by the Detroit
Symphony orchestra as the final num-
ber in the Extra Concert Series this
season. The first will be a Young
People's program, with Victor Kolar
conducting and Miss Edith Rhetts, di-
rector of the educational department
of the Detroit Symphony orchestra, as
lecturer.. At the evening recital, Ossipj
Gabrilowitsch will conduct and Ilya
Schkolnik, violinist, will appear as
The children of the public schools
have been invited to the afternoon
concert with the admission for then
placed at $.10. Adult tickets will be
$.50. The complete program is as
"Nutcracker" Suite, Op. 71-
Overture miniature.!
Danses Laracteristiques -Marche'
Danse de la Fee Dragee; Trepac,
danse russe; Danse arabe; Danse
.Chinoise; Danse des militons.
Second Movement, "In the Village,"

from "Caucasian Sketches," Ippolito-
flY 11W Two Songs Without Words, Men-
B I D.NdSpinning Song. -
War Dance .---Skilton
American Fantasy'......... Herbert.
In the elimination contests held by The two major works which Mr.
Coach Sullivan last night to decide Gabrilowitsch has selected for the
the entries in the annual boxing show evening program are the Caesar
to be held March 17 at Waterman Franck D minor Symphony and the
gymnasium, Sklar, Gibson, and Smy- Lalo Spanish Symphony Espagnole,
ser won the right to appear in their I with Mr. Schkolnik as soloist. In ad-

Scott Nearing, noted economist and
lecturer, will present his solution to
the present economic situation in an
address at 4:15 o'clock today in the
Natural Science auditorium. "Is
Wealth Justified?" has been announc-
ed as his subject by the Round Table
club, under whose auspices the speak-
er is appearing.
Since his dismissal from the Whar-
ton school of the University of Penn-
sylvania, where he was the victim of
a controversy involving members of
the board of trustees and the faculty,
Dr. Nearinig has been engaged in lec-
turing before labor unions, socialist
and student groups, colleges, church-
es, and other organizations on eco-
nomic, industrial, and , sociological
While an assistant-professor of po-
litical economy at the Wharton school,
Dr. Nearing's lectures attracted more
than 500 students to individual coursesI
which was at that time an unprece-
dented attendance to single lectures
at that university., With reference
to his dismissal, both members of the
board and various school authorities
have admitted that Nearing was thor-
oughly capable both as a lecturer
and teacher.
one who was closely connected with
the situation arising in 1915. Ilarri-
son S. Morris, son-in-law of the found-
er of the Wharton school, has claim-
(d that Nearing was dismissed not
because of his so-called radical theor-
ies,, which he expounded within the
university, ,but rather because "lhe
dared to advocate imd~ustrial and
municipal reforms inimical to the pri-
vate interests of millionaire members
of th libloardl of trustees."
Dr. Nearing's radicalism once more
Crae to the fore whenofficials of Co-
lumbia college deemed itadvisable
to stop the lecturer in the middle of
an address to the students. Recently
the president of Clark college, Massa-
chusetts, turned out the lights dun-
ing one of Dr. Nearing's lectures to
the students and while the audience
1 remained in darkness, diLputed at
l length some of Nearing's statements.
Ai admission fee of $.25 will be
Delta Chi Wins


imous consent that a vote be had on: iu11t11L U 11 U 01LU i'i n U The Deans, at their conference held that have thus far assisted with group
December 17. To that Senator Bruce, yesterday morning in the President's donations are Alpha Phi, Pi Beta Phi,
Democrat, Maryland, objected. - office, voted to recommend to the Sen- Delta Zeta, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha
Taking the floor, Senator Copeland L ate Council that the final examination Epsilon Iota, and Delta Gamma.
spoke from behind a barricade of more period for the second semester begin ledges have also been received from
than a score of weighty 'reference ,Friday, May 29, and end Tuesday, other women's organizations. Helen
volumes and bulky documents on his Al Turk's Fraternity Favorites and June 9. It was also voted to recoi- Newberry and Martha Cook dormitor-
desk. le intimated that if necessary Jordan's Will Furnish Music mend that the examination period in- es, and Alumni residence have also
this material would supply him with at Military Dance elude Memorial Day, Saturday, May supported the drive.
subject for argument for a week or - 30. The fraternities who have made con-
more. SELECT DECORATIONS If the examination period followed tributions are Delta Kappa Epsilon,
Despite this, Senator Pepper, Re- -- 'the schedule of past :years, it wouldl, 'het De:lta -Clhi, D eIta IUpsilon, Psi
publican, Pennsylvania, in chargeRof Al Turk's Fraternity Favorites or- 'begin' on Monday, June1, and end on!Upsilon, and Kappa Nu. Letters from
the treaty, declared the pact would Wednesday, June 10. This schedule other organizations received late last
be kept continuously before the Sen- chest' of Chicago, which played at ;would only allow five days for coi- night,' have not been tabulated by the
ate until a vote was had. Senator the Northwestern Junior Prom this piling records and reports of the se- committee, and it is expected that
Copeland had the floor when the Sen- winter, and Jordan's orchestra of mester grades. The new schedule has every house will take part before the
ate recessed, and plans to resume his Louisville, Ky., will furnish the mus- been recomnmended to r liexe the final l Se of th" drive.
arguments tomori for te 1925 Military Ball,which rush of work which takes place be-'
_________________tween the end of the examination l i " "I !i()~ir ii~~.L1
will take place April 24 in Waterman havenfallen0fartbehinxthe us booths,
Miner Will Glie land Barbour gymnasiums. Ti eomedto il ecn have fallen far behind the assistance
Illustrated TalkThe first named organization hasf This recommendation will be con-,aisnc
been playing at the Blackstone and sidered by the Senate Council at the which they rendered last year. Yes-
.pygtneeting which will be held Monday, terday's total from this source, which
OnBDrake hotels in Chicago, and has ac- March 23.h included many faculty and local con-
cepted an engagement to play at the Acting Presdent Ah . tributions, was less than $75. Or-
Northiwesterni Senior Ball, while Jor- AcigPsdn A. H. Lloyd was
of asked to appoint a committee to make ganizations, which include only one-
Ann Arbor bird enthusiasts will man's is generally considered one ofarrangements for the Memorial serv- fourth of the University enrollment,
i I havanthusnfarfexceededetheitotalrdo-
have an opportunity to hear Jack the best colored orchestras in the ie to the late President Marion Le- have thus far exceeded the total do-
Miner, naturalist and lecturer, at 8 South. and is one of the three which nations of the general student body.
o'clock tonight in Pattengill auditori- I played in Ann Arbor for the 1924 J- Roy Burton, which will be held soon. More than $50 was raised during
uni of the local high school. A special hop. A third orchestra is :also un- the performances at the Majestic
afternoon lecture will be given at 4:15 der consideration. theatre last night by a collection, and F
o'clock for children. The admittance I Decorations will be of a military na- ULUO IIIJ IIL IIFlLthe Arcade theatre, which will be vis-
price for the evening lecture is $.50 selected by the decorations commit- ited later, is expected to equal this
and for the earlier lecture $.25. tee, and the contract for their execu- SEL[CTION TOMR RW amount. The largest single donation,
Mr. Miner, who is coming here un- tion has been awarded to the George of the drive was subfmitted yesterday
der the auspices of the Nature club of F. Johnson Flag and Decorating com- by students who managed the pro-
the Ann Arbor public schools, will pany of Detroit. This firm carried out I From those who competed in the duction of the Frosh Bible last fall,
tell of his experiences with birds on the decorative work for both the 1924 class prediminaries of the University adding $50 toward the $4,000 goal.
his bird farm near Kingsville, Ontario., Military Ball and the 1925 J-Hop. Oratorical contest, five have been se- Donations by checks dated in ad-
I The talk will be illustrated by slides Decorations will be of a military na- lected to compete tomorrow at 8 vance will be quite acceptable, the'
and moving pictures. ture throughout. One of the orchestra o'clock in University hall to deter- committee announced yesterday. Re-
Each year Mr. Miner feeds the stands will be decorated to represent mine Michigan's representative for the sponses to letters sent out by the
birds 1,000 bushels of corn. He is the deck of a battleship, while the oth- Northern Oratorical league. committee, with the special Student
chiefly interested in banding the birds, er will resemble the breastworks of a According to the method of elimina- Friendship fund blank check enclosed,
which he catches by means of a box 'trench. The floor of the larger gym- tion adopted in the past, two seniors, are expected to arrive today and to-
trap, thus making it possible to as- nasium will be lined with 30 booths, two juniors, and one sophomore have morrow. Students wishing to make
certain how far they go when migrat- each named for a famous general of been chosen to compete in the finals. donations by checks may procure
ing. ! the World war. The two senior representatives are W. these special forms at the campus
rr , - n+ ..liwil hanvnil-A h2:, and H. F. Wahren- booths.

respective classes.
Sklar defeated Red Myers, former
Detroit Junior College star, on points
in the 135 pound division, while Smy-
ser knocked out Sam Hutchins in the
second round in their battle at 141
pounds. Gibson won in the 155 pound
class by outpointing Agnell.
New Haven, Conn., March 11.-Few-
er American students are attending
Oxford university this year than in
any previous year.

dition, Dvorak's "Carnival" Overture
will open the concert, while Enesco's
"Roumanian Rhapsody in A major"
will be the final number. The detail-
ed program may be found in the Music
and Drama column.
Tickets for this concert are avail-
able at the office of the University
School of Music and will also be on
sale at the Hill auditorium box office
Monday night. The seats are priced
at $2, $1.50, $1, and $.50.
Benedict TalksI
On Engineering

Decorations and special entertain-
ment will be included in the matinee
dance to be given Saturday by the
Union, all proceeds of which will beI
subniittted to the University Student
Friendship fund. Dancing will con-
tinue from 2:30 until 5:30 o'clock,
and tickets are now on sale at the
main desk. Admission has been plac-
ed at $1 for each couple. Stags will
also be admitted.
The regular Union orchestra, which
was recently selected from among a
number of competitors to play at all
Union dances, will provide the music
for the afternoon. This orchestra, in
order to increase the amount which
will be turned over to the Friendship
fund, has offered its services without
The decorations will be those used
for the Frosh Frolic tomorrow night,
In addition, the recently installed
system of lighting effects in the ball

Ticket applications wi ae avan
able from 1 to 5 o'clock Tuesday and1
Wednesday, March 17 and 18, in the
Union. Preference will be given to
R. O. T. C. and Naval Reserve students,
to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and
to ex-service men and members of the
faculty. Applications for 650 tickets
will be distributed.
Coach Hoyt's freshman track team
again showed its power when it de-
feated the University of Illinois fresh-
men in a dual wire meet yesterday af-
ternoon, 59 1-2 to 44 1-2.
Besides winning the relay, the
Michigan yearlings took slams in the
mile, half-mile, and two-mile runs,
while Illini were getting slams in the
shot-put, and the low hurdles. In
four other events, the high jump, pole
vault, broad jump, and 440, the Illi-
nois team was only able to get one
The Iowa Freshmen recently defeat-j

A. vamerg, , un . v. rc
brock, '27L. Candidates from the
junior class are Geneva Wheeler, '26,
and M. C. Lipman, '26. Philip N.
Krasne, '27, was selected from the
sophomore contestants.
Michigan's candidate in the North-
ern Oratorical league waA awarded
third place in the contest held in Hill
auditorium last year from speakers
representing Northwestern, Minnesota,
Illionis, Indiana, and Iowa. The date
and place for this year's contest has
not been definitely determined.
Series Of Plays
Will Open Today
A bill of three one-act plays will
open the current series of Play Pro-
duction plays under the direction of
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister of the public
speaking department at 8 o'clock to-
night in University Hall. The pro-
gram will include Oliphant Down's
"The Maker of Dreams," Herman Sud-
dermann's "The Far-Away Princess,"
and Mrs. Havelock Ellis' "The Subjec-
tion of Kezia."
Other numbers in the series will be

A telegram received last year from
Herbert Hoover, addressed to Egbert
Isbell, '26L, who conducted the drive
last year, expresses decided approv-
al of the Student Friendship fund's
activities. The telegram reads:
The American Relief association,
retired from Russia at the end of gen-
eral famine conditions. The students
and intellectuals have-suffered more
than the others in the economic de-
bacle of that country, and have con-
tinued to suffer. The ultimate re-
habilitation of Russia depends upon
them to a large extent.
"I am much gratified to know that
the Student Friendship fund has con-
tinued this phase of relief in Russia,
and can heartily give my unqualified
support to its continuance. I hope
that it wil not fail from want of


Our WeatherMan

Considering the problems of traf-
. >.__ I fic engineering, H. W. Benedict, gen-

I Men, whose application for
tickets to the Crease dance,
have been accepted may receive
tickets and subpoenas from Rob-
ert Snodgrass, '25L, and Harry

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