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March 05, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 108) • Page Image 7

… Purdue Relegates Wolverines to Fifth Position in the Conference. _ Intramnural News C LASSIFIET ADVEwrisING NOTICE Chapman, Truskowski Placed on Conference Team Selected by Michigan Coaches. CHAMPIONS…

… announced yes- terday. Joe Truskowski and Cap- tain Chapman were the Wolverines so honored after the termination of a long season of brilliant play. Truskowski was the scoring ace j of the Maize and Blue…

… (Purdue) I Pipgras, Zachary, Wells, Sherid andl guards. Heimadh returning, ,'the fight for INDIANA ENDS SCHEDULE By virtue of its decisive victory over the Wolverine quintet, the mighty Purdue cage team…

… point lead, the Wolverines continued their attack, but a dis- couragingly small number of their shots found the basket. fill. Captain Murphy, Harme- son, and Boots are regulars Oakland, Cal. who will…

… that the former This has been a big year, athlet- Wolverine star will be farmed out, ically speaking, down at Lafayette.-I possible to St. Paul in the American First the Four Riveters, colloborat…

March 03, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

… crown. Ahead by one goal as they went into the final stanza,athe Wolverines, led by Vic Heyliger and Co-Captain Johnny Sherf, ran up a total of five markers, the highest recorded for Michigan in one…

…, Wolverines Defeated B y Narrow Margin, 30-28, In Listless Tilt COLUMBUS, March 2 -0P)- Ohio State rang down the curtain on its basketball season tonight with a 30 to 28 victory over Michigan. The game was a…

… 11 3 6 1 9 30 Swimmers Win Over Buckeyes; d Score Is 52-32 Six Of Eight First Placesc Are Taken By Wolverine .p Tank Stars i COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 2-(VP)- University of Michigan swimming team today…

… defeated Ohio State, 52 to 32. The Wolverines captured six of the eight first places while Baker Bryant, Ohio sprint star, took the other firsts. Michigan also scored heavily by winning both relays and…

…_ By WILLIAM R. REED With Willis Ward leading a pack >f Wolverine tracksters keyed to the finest edge, Michigan overwhelmed Ohio State in a dual track meet held ast night in Yost Field House 63 to 2…

…. Ward was the leader as he personal- y accounted for two new Field House ecords in two wins over Jesse Owens, ,he sensational Buckeye star, as the Wolverines captured firsts in eight >f the eleven events…

… a final burst >ver the last hurdle sent Owens ahead to keep the Michigan star from ;ais third win. The stellar performances of the meet were not confined to Ward's ;eats, however, as the Wolverines

March 02, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

… Style, Expected to Make Points. Having done with their only home appearance of the season with the exception of the National Intercol- legiates the Wolverine swimmers will encounter the well…

… the Maize and Blue. In spite of the dopesters predictions the Wolverines, in the role of the under dog, have a good chance to give the Purple tank men a set- back. Michigan has a host of out- standing…

…. Wolverines. GCarg nfHixnT hAfter their 24 to 8 defeat of the George of Phoenix can hit and Ohio State wrestlers last week-end the Reds need hitters so the trans- the Maize and Blue team is back in action…

…. Competing against him will be Hawley Egleston of the Wolverines, and Etnyre of Illinois, both rated as excellent hurdlers. Woolsey Favored. In the mile, Woolsey of the Illini is conceded the best chance. He…

…. ISITORS fo BRING VETERAN ICE TEAM Wolverine Pucksters Drill for ciasA"~basketballc ;ues to < a Pair of Crucial Matches This Week-end. and the balance of seven are ca ed to be finished this year. TI…

March 19, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 120) • Page Image 7

… Varsity grams; Eight Newcomers Re- two mile relay team that goes to 'M' While Two Others Are ceive Freshman Numerals. Cleveland Saturday and also ascer-c Given AMA's tained who the two Wolverine en- _Ge…

… __ s PROSPECTS ARE STRONG tries would be for the half mile { KEEN STARTS TRAINING event at Ithaca on the sames day against Coach t:ack Moakley's 4 Robert Gordon, '30E, was elected squad. Ten Wolverine

March 30, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

… meet, the Physical Education tank team managed to nose out the Wolverines by one point to capture the Independ- ent swimming championship 39 to 381 last night in the Intramural pool. From the 200 yard…

… in the 100 yard free style. The real hero for the winners was Joe Cole, who, after trailing Fordyce Hartman, Wolverine, by four points going into the final dive, a back-jack,. scored five points to…

… take second and cinch team honors for his squad. Earlier in the evening Hartman had captured the 100 yard free style to give the Wolverines a two point lead, which they did not relinquish until the final…

March 10, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 115) • Page Image 6

…~lcl, D fl xvdl5[1 Rep. llenry 1'y . TRiney of ir> i'u' 'er e'r' Sie ]}f Q. l tC r ol-;-eUedl A I? ( i~. La r, 4,.h i1fi ; ~I Wolverines S do Its ~~~':. Mc> i ~Uhe~ s1872 _to 1 74, Ti'following year M- K…

… hias eve' 13 ,-..I ~itt hent> iden~c tbaii a few scot -I ter'ed L ' )ii ; p J(" :lrep c, s to PLOVO it"' M1, an be 1^came. the "Wolverine" state 'in the early fur-trading days, Dr. Rice says, when the…

… Detroit and= Mal ckinac posts were headquarters for a flourishing trade, in wolverines pelts, bju it 110W seemfs fairly certlain,; Ile beli eves:, that xost if IIIallOf taig otsfrom r eca rii ma by hv r…

March 21, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 122) • Page Image 7

…Back has Wolverine baseball team last year On fth Fo ufedr one:akhsI has been released by the Chicago O eO Al Simmons, Mule Haas,. and Bing ~ -- White Sex< to the Seattle Club of! Miller, his regular trio…

…, Intramuiral building, 8 p. mn. Midigan Sw.immers Break Relay Record (Coufinutd From Pagc6) IIosmer wvas the sixth Wolverine -who aided in equalling the 600 ,yard record. The 400 .yard relay standard which the…

Wolverines al- §o endeavored to break on 'Thurs- day night is now unofficially 'held by the Chicago A. A. with a time of -31~37.6.. Michigan was clocked in 3:39.2 for the 400 yard distance. Neither the C. A. A…

March 06, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 111) • Page Image 6

…. Encouraging his star to shoot more often became an acute problem with Coach Cappon, and the Wolverine mentor's impatience was infrequently exhausted by Jake's unwillingness to make points for himself. Tomorrow…

… turn the trick, and maybe your verbal appreciation of a glorious career will help him along. Hail And Farewell ... TWO OTHER WOLVERINES fade out of the cage picture against the Wildcats-Herm Fishman and…

… the Flint senior will play for a few minutes anyhow. He can't resist the yen to bow out in action. DOTS AND DASHES: The Wolverine vote Frank Lane of Detroit as the best referee they've had this season…

Wolverines Get Three Firsts third, Ind.; fourth, Marq. Time after trailing midway in the first half, In the individual events Michigan 3:20.4 (Betters Carnival record, Minnesota defeated Wisconsin, 35 to…

March 26, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

… champions. Only two teams, however, are rated a chance to upset the great Varsity ag- gregation, Yale and Ohio State. The Wolverines have twice defeated the, Buckeyes, however, and it is doubtful if the Eli…

… year's team,.but there are some very good wrestlers on it, according to Coach Keiiy. Along with the Wolverines at this meet will be Michigan State, Wayne University, the Dearborn A.C., and a few of the…

March 10, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…, Baker Bryant, Fred Robinson and Hanley Staley. The entire team will travel by auto. Exhibition Scheduled Tonight the Wolverines are slated to put on, an exhibition at the In- dianapolis Athletic Club. The…

… Track Team Favored In Conference Wisconsin, Hoosiers Seem To Be Only Challengers To Wolverine Victory Michigan's great track team, Big # Ten indoor champion for three con-I secutive years, will give the…

… a chance to dethrone the Wolverines. If a new champion is crowned Sat- urday it is practically certain that it will be either Indiana or Wisconsin for these two are the only teams comparable with…

… Michigan. Have Wore Crown Four Times Since 1930 the Wolverines have captured the title four times, losing only twice and in the 26 times the meet has been held have won eight titles. Michigan, however…

March 06, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

… Goal Average Jack Merrill Is Out Michigan's battling Wolverines will be out to prove that they rank with the leading hockey teams of North America when they face off at 8 p.m. in the Coliseum tonight…

… made possible by a world of offensive pow- er and of defense. ' Coach Ace Bailey plans to start his second line against the short handed Wolverines. Maxie Fullerton, veteran flanker with a lot of hockey…

March 10, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

… Indiana last when the Wolverines go after their ities of Piggie Lambert and Franklinas third successive Big Ten indoor track Cappon and the style of play used by Saturday, the Michigan Varsity wres…

… consideration. Ipcared as a reflection on his meet, Coach Keen stated. In all but Set Up Is Strange sportsmanship, which we hope one or two matches, the Wolverine A strange situation exists in rela- wc can refute…

… already ac- to take the crown. Stoller, Osgood than to say that he is a checker play- complished before they entered col- and the relay team are the Wolverine er with few betters. lege, and a good coach was…

… success of the they may be made into successful expected to take another first. Wolverines can display a better competitors, but be must choose one1 Kleinschmidt Defends offense of that type than does…

March 15, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 117) • Page Image 6

… their feats, Coach Cliff .Keen's Wolverine .mat- again this season. And. what is, men will turn their attention to more unusual innthis sport, both I the National collegiate meet at of these competitors…

… weapons, ty, the Wolverine tankmen who sur- while Dowsett may place in the vived the initial contests will swim first three in the epee. again today in the finals. A bitter battle is predicted with…

… kagc q) -i inacnt illuul ~i ! 'a ul 1 r i 1r v I-'1 showing which the Wolverines make in the Conference meet end-' ing tonight, but there are four men who are almost certain to go. Cap~- tain Hewitt…

March 14, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 116) • Page Image 6

… ................ Michigan 1929 ................ Michigan r NATATORS ENTRAIN FOR BIG TEN MEET Squad of Fifteen Varsity Men Accompany Coach Mann to Northwestern. ''I CONTEST BEGINS TODAY Fifteen Wolverine Varsity nata- tors…

… , I '" i f Walker, veteran Wolverine swim- mer, will also defend his Big Ten championship in the 40 yard sprint and swim in the 100 yard free style. The other two Maize and Blue en- tries in the 100…

March 01, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 105) • Page Image 7

…. last spring and first game the Indians broke a tie is counted upon .to carry most of and slipped in three baskets to let f the hurling duties. Crizevsky is the. Wolverines down for their sec- another…

…, Trages- The Wolverines should leave the ser will work with the entire dia- floor as undisputed holders of sec- mond. squad, as Head Coach Ward and place in the Conference. Chi- Lambert will not assume his…

March 29, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

… in running behind Jesse Owens of Ohio State, in the National Interscholastic meet of 1933 as Owens was timed in :09.4. Anderson this year has done :09.5 outdoors, but none of the Wolverine sprinters…

… run the event in individual competition but is being primed by Coach Charlie Hoyt as a possible entry. Another Wolverine,. capable of better than :22, may be taken on the trip. Pollock has been credited…

March 16, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…- plicity in Heydt's transfer. )f 2,000 Attends Annual I-M Open House Sminuclug 'Ent Early Walt Peckinpaugh, Varsity third baseman and captain of this year's Wolverine nine, is leading his mates in…

… Joseph Hahn, Jr., 3-2, but Sumner Myers, faculty squash champ for two years, gave the Wolverine rac- quet men the edge for the evening with a 3-2 decision over Hal Smith, Jr. The exhibition wrestling match…

…, another angle will create plenty of interest and that is the attempt of some 25 other schools to stop Michigan's Wolverines who have won the team championship for the past five years. Indiana First Winner…

…- pionship with 40%/ points last year, the only Wolverine winners were Bill H. W. CLARK English Boot and Shoe Maker 0 Our new repair department, the ! best in the city. Prices are right. 438 South State and…

… 95-yard handicap, by 10 yards while being clocked in 1:49.8 on Dart- mouth's lighting fast boards. 1utter Relays' Gala Pageantry Awaits Wolverine Track Team Doherty Squad TopsBadgers Frosh Track Team…

… score of 53-5/16 to 45-1/16. Johnny Kautz, former Chicago high school half-mile king, accounted for nine of the Wolverines' points by romping home to victory in the half- mile run and tying for first…

March 12, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

… meet. The last Wolverine squad to feel the masterful touch of Coach B. Hoyt demonstrated its amazing bal- ance by amassing points in all but one of the 10 events to mount up 41% points, 17 more than…

… relinquished its Big Ten wrest- ling title today as Indiana rolled upj 27 points to win by a comfortable margin over the Wolverines and Illi- nois, tied for second with 19 points. Minnesota was fourth with 12…

… brothers were the only Wolverine entries to reach the finals but Bill Combs, sophomore Oat 155 pounds, and Butch Jordan in the heavyweight class, survived a series of bouts and added second place points to…

… the Michigan total. Don Nichols was the third second place winner for the Wolverines. Jim Mer- icka's third place in the 136 pound cass completed the Michigan scor- ing. Butch Jordan enabled the Wolver…

… place. Traicoff, of Indiana, 155 pounder, was finally adjudged the winner of a (Continued on Page 7) Help Give Wolverines Championships - - Squads Natators Easily Vanquish Buckeyes, Nearest Rival, As…

… event, the 300-yard medley which was won by Ohio. From then on, the meet was never in doubt as the Wolverines took first and second in every free style event except the hundred in which they won first and…

March 03, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

… 'Seeks 'Kill' Varsity Is Favored Michigan's Varsity swimming team encounters the powerful Ohio State natators this afternoon in the final home appearance of the Wolverines for this season. The first event…

Wolverines found themselves pressed in almost every event by the underrated charges of Coach Mike Peppe, and were only able to win by the slight margin of six points. Varsity Wil Open Up Coach Matt Mann…

… the outstanding men in the Conference and if we have placed two of our own school's cagers on it we believe we did so because they are deserving and not because- they aremembers of the Wolverine

…- ter champion, will win both races is conceded by no one in Ann Arbor and least of all the Wolverines who will be running against him. Woodruff Is Not "In" Last week it was the national col- legiate half…

…-mile champion, Chuck Beetham of Ohio State, who was billed as the big attraction of the Wolverine-Buckeye dual meet. And Beetham, much to the satisfaction of 3,000 rabid Michigan fans, was forced to take a second…

March 16, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

… , 100 , an d P ma Oi A ir1 URIIC II1 TO p IAVf2='2 0 yard free style eycnts, he was . l1oltI~nfo ~,I1e.Cn play. ed the title, "Pandit" which is com- I One Speaker Opposes. Wolverines jour frst prates…

… chairman afford a link betee'n the brew- diminutive Wolverine captain out- Missouri's mile relay team show- gypsy girl, who is obliged to con- of the dance committee. The date ery and distillery and the…

… 175 Wolverine speed artist in the Con- seniors of the Law school has clos- Ipound crown. In the heavyweight erence meet at Five Yangste Steamers ed and there will be a general saler r si class Burdick…

… the sponsored, the Liberal Studentse B300 yard dash. The Wolverine chine gun and rifle fire by Chinese the form of a summons to the union of the Unitarian church. The BY DETROIT FIRE sophomore's showing…

Wolverine quartet captured piano.1 the 160, yard relay by several yards This band comes here' for this over6Wisconsin, while Northwest- function only after extended ne- ern took third. Bob Howlett of…

Wolverines won the 440 most crowded spots in the metro- yard event for the third year in a politan dancing world. Johnson row only-after a thrilling duel with and his band have played in At- Wilson of…

March 11, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…, March 10.-(Special to The Daily)-Michigan's track power asserted itself again tonight and the Wolverines qualified nine men in the first night's competition in the 60 yard dash, 70 yard high hurdles…

…, quarter and half mile run. Hopes for an even greater Wolverine representation were blasted in the final event of the night as four of the Hoytmen were eliminated in the semi-finals of the 440-yard run…

… debt pay-j ment. From Coach Cliff Keen down the line, the Wolverines frankly admit- ted that their titular aspiration had been relegated to the realm of math- ematics and Indiana's mighty mat- men all…

… as Michigan gave every indication of turning the Western Conference meet nto a rout. The Wolverines quali- ied 17 men in the individual meets and the medley relay team while the free style team…

… automatically entered tonight's finals. Defending Big Ten champions Ohio State, who expected to turn the meet into a dual affair with the Wolverines, fell far in the wake of an inspired Michigan squad. Four of…

March 20, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

…THlE I4iCiliIAN DAILY The Wolverines To Defend Title At Butler Relays Today PRESS ANGLE Lmaa By GEORGE J. A I3GWi 4 (Tally Spart. UuIWm Caustic Comments ... BIGGEST LAUGH of the week from the…

… to prove the biggest barrierst in Michigan's drive for another crown. Hoyt announced today that Steve Mason, Howard Davidson, Capt. Bob Osgood and Stan Birleson would make up the Wolverine mile relay…

… whole lot of difference to his Michigan team. The way we had looked at it was that, with Johnny Gee graduating, the Wolverines were going to have trouble getting the jump, despite the ability of Danny…

… Coach Chuck Hoyt's tracknmen at the Butler Relays tonight. Os- good will represent the Wolverines in the mile relay and the hurdles, while Stoller will star in the 60- yard dash. Handball Stars Play…

… the Y.M.C.A.s in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Port Huron, Ad- rian, Flint, Saginaw, Ann Arbor, and Detroit have been invited to take part. All Wolverines Entered In Mat MeetQualify TERRE HAUTE, Ind., March…

March 13, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

… the only, Wolverine of, f1~f"l"tes to win his way to the1 finals. In the first heat of the 880 Trutt1 of Indiana and Beetham of Ohiot placed one-two with Ed DeVine and1 Harry O'Connell of Michigan…

… scored by one of its rep- resentatives. In the consolation bouts, every man defeated by the cham- pion will1meet to decide second and third place winners. Wolverine Still Strong Michigan, despite defeats…

March 09, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

…Y, MARCH J, 0.1 ' 1HE MICHIGAN DAILY THE ._MCiGAN DA._LY Tickets Go On Sale Today F or Conference Hold Tourney At Field House March 12.13 he PRESS Wolverines Are Favorite After Highly…

… of the finest ball-handlers and passers ever seen in a state of fine passers and ball-handlers. a In his two years of competition as n a Wolverine, the new Varsity captain a has been an important…

… thing at present since he was prac- tically assured of the position from Cl0thes the starting tip-off. Most important to Wolverine fans is the fact that Michigan garnered two high places, Jake Townsend…

… to second, increasing his total by eight, and, of course, Young, who last year tallied a mere 109 points P7 to rank sixth. One iteresting factor that un- doubtedly helped the Wolverines was Townsend…

… Charles B. Hoyt first offered several years ago to the first Wolverine to heave the heavy 'ball 50 feet. Friday night after the Pittsburgh meet Watson re- ceived his trophy. This week-end he will be out to…

March 18, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

… National M Earl Thomas, star Wolverine m _ .- ,r f - 7r vn~tr7 rlxi i3r eet mat- will 'Jabby,' His Ineligibility Jinx Licked, Seeks 2nd 'M' On Baseball Team 1 By IRVIN LISAGOR Pitchers in the Field House…

… baseball driven about3 sixty three feet with Ruthian vigor and headed straight for the skull, would even coax a few beads of sweat out of intrepid Frank Buck. Wolverine hurlers have slightly more concern for…

… retrieving balls off the backboard, and an excellent ball handler, he contributed materially to the Wolverines' rise in Conference cage. Jabby tried toyachieve some left-handed immortality viz. Roy Rie- gels…

… factor in Michigan's I feated by Bob success. If he can learn to pitch gained a 1:20 t strikes with that puissant whip, base- ever, the Mich stealing against the Wolverines is other bouts to likely to…

…, Wisconsin and Notre Dame will probably give the Wolverines the most trouble in taking a third straight title. Baseball Men Will Drill Outside Soon With the prospect of soon moving his squad outside, Coach Ray…

March 05, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

… where they will meet the Hoosiers the fol- lowing day. The Wolverine matmen fwill undoubtedly enter the meet as underdogs, but the home team will know that they all have been in a match if the Michigan…

… Michigan team of 1925, of which he was a member, when they won the title. Third place, however, is the best that the Varsity can do, win or lose. Coach Cappon put the Wolverines through a practice drill…

… Friday Night's Encounter Michigan's track team will make its last home appearance until May 9 when it faces Ohio State tomorrow night in Yost Field House, and the Wolverines appear intent on serving a…

… the 440, however ,he will have to outrun Stan Birleson of the Wolverines, which is a full evening's job in itself. Michigan's mile relay team ,having run the, fastest race outdoors ever turned in east…

…-stroke race, Wes- terfield's familiarity with a 20-yard course (Iowa's pool is this length) may give him an advantage at Min- neapolis. The Wolverine sophomore was Il- linois interscholastic champion from Carl…

March 04, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

… the aged war lord, Marshal Yen Hsi-shan, ard a virtual state of mar- tial law reigned. Riot Climaxes Puck Victory Over Tartars Fans Riot 30 Minutes After Wayne Player Attempts Swing At Wolverine

…-1 shellacking Hardly had the final siren blown when Adam Widlak, husky Detroit defenseman, took a wild swing at two of the Wolverines, and in a moment the vast arena was a stormy, fist- filled prize ring with…

… the Wolverines outfought and out-E gamed a heavier team that made use of seven spares. With the Michigan rear guard playing one of their best1 games of the season, the Wayne for-f wards were kept…

… consistently bottled up with the exception of a few threat- ening three-man attacks in each pe- riod. Captain Larry David, playing in his last hockey clash in a Wolverine uni- form, played a great game for Mich…

… plays by Fabello, James, and Heyliger. The Wolverines were content to lay back and wait for the breaks in the final period, and twice Gib James tallied on solo efforts after crossing up the Tartar defense…

March 27, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

… distances, but crossed up the Wolverines by tak- ing second and third places in the dash; second and third in the 440; and second and third in the hight hurdles. One of the biggest.surprises. wa the victory…

… point for Cincinnati. With the Wolverines trailing by seven points with only two events remaining to be run, Johnny Schmieler, who had already Stanford, 34.31; Fall st Stroke High 00060 VITO WINS 15…

… Stoddard, the only other Wolverine According to a statement last entry, was defeated in Te semi-fi- night by Jerry Hoag, manager nals by Blosser of Ohio University, of the Michigan theatre there but both…

March 20, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 121) • Page Image 7

… Ar- bor, 29, Maple Rapids 16; Richmond 29, Saginaw Lutheran 9. At Owosso: South Lake, St. Clair Shores, 28, Comstock Park, Grand Rapids, 25. FOUR WOLVERINES A T LEFTHANDED Half of Batters on Michigan…

… offer a direct contrast to this ac-' ^epted fact. No less than four ,of the Wolverine .regulars, half of the team that will play day in and day' out for Michigan, will be portside batters. In yesterday…

… asked to call each matches with a picked Michigan other and arrange their matches. team in vain, as the Wolverines won INDOOR TENNIS the squash exhibitions 3 to 2 and Snell and Hirschman will meet the…

… finish- the first match 2-1. Then the Wol- ed by then. verines won 4 straight contests as edbythen. Walker defeated Winter 2-1, Bishop scored 2 to Ruhl's 1, Phelps won Wolverines to Enter from Rohrmosher 2…

… deferred until the later in the season, Earl Riskey an- Wolverines have returned from the nounced last night. nationals, although the selection of men made to take the trip Figures Show Hockey is a pretty…

March 10, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 112) • Page Image 7

… easy 53 to 22 vic- tory. Raike Holds Edge. The Wolverine splashers are well versed in all departments. They have earned their victories by gain- ing points in all swimming events. They have held their…

… Title Meet to Enter strong Team. (Continued from Page 6) the Wolverine delegation next Sat- urday also. T u r n e r deserves considerable praise for the way he stuck to Dale Letts, the Chicago half…

… good chances. In the 155- pound bout either Parker or Wilson will be called upon to carry on the colors of the Wolverines. -Either Reif or Dougovito, prob- ably the latter, will take over the duties of…

…'s initial gym season has been a great success, even though the scoring column shows no wins. Considering the teams that the Wolverines have encountered this year, Illinois appears to have the strongest squad…

March 30, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

… for the Michigan sophomore. * * * Hatt Takes A Bath.. .. COACH MATT MANN took an in- voluntary bath in Minnesota's pool at the hands of his victorious squad Saturday night-fully clothed. The Wolverine

…'s team extended through 15 seasons and included a 44-19 victory over Michigan during the 1929-30 season. Only on this occasion have the two teams met. Four Wolverines To Graduate Despite the fact that…

… Ann Arbor High School in the Student 'uppli:s curtain raiser of the program. Dear-U born won the team title with the I Wolverines, who sent only three Var- D Mr CRONIN PACES RED SOX sity representatives…

March 23, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

….50. Collins And Kelley Referee Fendley Collins, former Oklahoma A. & M. star and now coach at Mich- igan State and Otto Kelley, former Wolverine star now living in Ann Arbor will act as referees. Matt Mann, the…

… beginning of all the fights They also come Friday and Saturday nights. Forget your dancing and all your dates, And come to the Intercollegiates. 400 Athletes, 36 Schools In Butler Relays' Twelve Wolverines

… putts Six Dual Meets Carded For Wolverine Golfers A schedule of six dual meets has been arranged for the Michi- gan golf team for this year. The team also will defend its Big Ten championship and work in…

March 13, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 117) • Page Image 3

… Williamson, the Wolverines' two guards, both were given places on the second team. Daniels Shifted to Center. The shift of Daniels from a for- ward to the center position was made in order to make room o n…

… and neck with the Wolverines until the last few mm- utes of play. Weiss and Williamson, Michigan's two guards, wee both conceded second team berths only after con- siderable deliberation. Hoffer of Ohio…

March 05, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

… 44 to 31. Johnny Schmeiler, Wolverine, set a new National intercollegiate record in the 220-yard free style race with the time of 2:15.1, lowering that of 2:16 held' by Osborne of Yale. After dropping…

… the 400-yard relay event to the Wildcat team of Troup, Debenham, Highland, and Wilcox, the Wolverines retal- iated by taking three firsts and two seconds in the next three events. Captain Miller paced…

… four forwards. However Minensota' rose to the occasion with a series of poke-checks that did not allow Michigan many open shots at the net. The Wolverines saw the fastest skating sextet in the history of…

March 17, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 118) • Page Image 7

…- letic career. The showing of the Wolverines in the Big Ten meet was something of a surprise to followers of the sport, inasmuch as the dope sheet gave them an excellent chance to finish one, two. The men…

… placings of a first and fourth in the 75 yard dash, a third in the mile relay, a second in the two mile classic and a third in the shuttle, placed the Wolverines on a par with most of the other outstanding…

March 13, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 115) • Page Image 7

Wolverines have determined holdout, and as Mc- several sprinters, including Fenske, Graw does not have a great deal Meigs, Marcus, Smith, and Klint- of patiensen with players of that worth who should give the…

… sea- should be of tremendous aid to th the court this year. son. - younger men. Daniels Leads Wolverine Cagers in Scorin L a s s F i E ForRATeams I With 152 Points to His Credit, Weiss econd Qualify…

… the heavier weights are the Others 2 for $1.65 r outstanding entries other than the LOST between Ann Arbor Saving a Wolverines and will be the men Bank and State Street, lady d that will give the…

March 22, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 123) • Page Image 6

…- °r and Wood of the Wolverines ver the 75 yard distance. In the 0 yard low hurdles Michigan tands a better chance to gain oints, with Potter and Wood op- osing Siegel of Cornell. Cornell nas a trio of…

… lives E~eaProve Har Worker.Kao Aldinger, while not of the caliber agers to win the campus honors. Let F of the othcr two Wolverines, is a Philbin has taught this year's crew lightweight who has shown…

…-cam- second. pus tournament, and while most of Behind the bat the Yankees are them have a great deal to learn,ASK FO*K1I" TE !strong. Bill Dickey will do most of about the mat game, the Wolverine the…

March 30, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…Columbia. Romeo and Juliet" opens for a not as yet been disclosed. The Wolverines took the lead in j four night's run. Construction to Begin June 1. to he tf T'Ilt the point scoring at the very start The production…

…. Several times du- tively behind Al Schwartz of North- afternoone for a committee room foin the match twestern. In the 440 yard free style and full dress rehearsals are sched- space ing the Wolverine entry…

… Capt Ault of the Wolverines at tled for tomorrow night and Tues- the student Executive council} nearly had his opponent's should- Capt. day night. Costumes for the entire which is composed of the depart…

…' dents and the student organization ve of West Virginia, but lost to! Wolverines Battle Wildcats. out in the dancing class held twice will be effected. s Robbins of Missouri by a referee's It now became…

… of two seconds. between Michigan and Northwest- cast have attended a fencing and Michigan placed fifth in team ern, the Wolverines pitting their broad-sword class twice a week in gducted directly from…

… the Wildcat's captain, ansentt of the several fights connect the lobby desk with the M. won its third straight national Al Schwartz. The Wolverines had resentation of the a t Student officesE g team…

March 24, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

… won second place in the Big Six conference meet this year, threw Pon- to in three minutes, 15 seconds with a half-nelson and a body scissors. Don Fiero, the only other Wolverine to fight in the first…

… given a slig ht advantage over the Wolverines. Champs Defend Titles Defending champions in all but one event forecast a whole sale shat- tering of records in the meet today. Only Boyd Pantind of Michigan…

March 25, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

… Ed Kirar of Michigan, but he slipped in the evening to lose his title to his sophomore mate. The Wolverines picked up 10 more points in the 220-yard swim when Capt. Tom Haynie won a thrilling race over…

… fading Kiefer, and another Wolverine, Ed Hutchens, who slipped in fifth. The time, 2:11.7, was three-tenths of a second off Haynie's pool mark set in 1936. Tigers Set New Mark The only new record was set…

Wolverines must be favored, but Ohio is definitely in the running. Said Coach Pppe after the meet: "I'm conceding nothing. We have a gambler's chance. The final result may narrow down to the free-style relay…

… annual running of the Chicago Relays, an invitation meet. The big Wolverine hurdler will be facing the best ficld of the indoor season on the boards of the Inter- national Amphitheatre where the meet is…

March 23, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…. Dobson cannot be ridden. In- sulting him is not going to solve the problem. When he takes the mound this year for the first F loida Sqad And Buckeyes Add To Group Ohio State Mentor Favors Wolverines To…

… style events to withstand Ohio State power in the two diving events. Of the five events on Satur- day night, three, the 100, the 440j and the 400-yard relay, are free style. The Wolverines must build…

March 09, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

… the puck and shot it past goalie Harris to bring the Wolverine sextet their second score of the night and also a 2 to 1 victory over the Point Ed- ward Athletic Club. Although starting out with a burst…

… the two goalies, with Harris making more saves, but "Spike. James, of the Wolverines, was forced to make more spectacular stops at the net. Several times Michigan's first line would be set for a…

… potential score only to have goalie Harris make a nice save. Point Edward's lone goal came in the opening minutes of the first period, when B. Gutteridge took the puck away from the Wolverine de- fense men…

… and then passed ik to Cor- bett who, in turn, was able to sink the puck in the Wolverine net. New Technic Editor Reorganization Bi Aro e ByHuWith Modilficatioi --- I For man Tells Of Adventures…

March 08, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

… Seeks Revenge For 6-1 Loss At Coliseum Tonight By NEWELL McCABE Coming into the honie stretch of this year's hockey season Coach Low- rey and his Wolverine sextet will have a chance to continue their win…

… an experi- enced squad of 15 men on hand for tonight's contest, a majority of whom were on last year's team which was handed a 6 to 1 defeat by the Wolverine sextet. However by virtue of the two team…

…'s performances in competition this year and because of reserve strength, Point Edward will start the contest as slight favor- ites to hand the Wolverines another defeat. Michigan fans who have followed the team in…

… the entire squad yesterday noon. He succeeds guard Leo Beebe of Dearborn as the Wolverine leader. In honoring their slender pivot man, the squad paid tribute to the "hard luck champion" of the team and…

March 13, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 117) • Page Image 3

… of the meet as he successfully defended both his 110-yard and quar- ter-mile championships against mer- men who failed to push the Wolverine natator to fast times. Haynie tried his "Ironman" stunt…

… Walt Tomski and Bill Farnsworth kept close on his heels to take the second and third places. Kirar took the 100 and Haynie won his two events to about finish the Wolverine scoring. Ohio piled up its…

… the goals were madc: Doug Hayes kept Charlie Hoyt's (1) Fabello carried the puck Wolverines in the quarter mile money across the blue line. passc to Cooke with a fourth behind Iowa's surprise who was…

March 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

… and hiis Wolverine wrestler took an: the list of qualifiers for Satuirday bs"u.e-,al la nlleCofrnc et o r igrain hat:>been (changed somewhait l I-~~~~~~~~he was, able to drag thebahu e…

… by a score of 4-2 fromI time and will be able to take in all J. Matlon of the Gophers. of the activities because of the pro- h i na rm o-m ef At 145 pounds the Wolverines ir'iin's three haour length…

… he vy- ~ too"I eavey n t hd a schan e t 130-Ypdlayed in practically every one of the weight wivision, Joe Savilla of the I throw any et." Whe-cupon le pro- D Ohio Statle; Heydt, Iowa; Brandt,'Wolverine

… tilts. IPersodnoatli'w eghtrimgems i aCOr Wolverines was defeated by Dowes sede totFrwneghtcenerCo. NEW YORK, March 11:--(')J--Max' Minnesota; Rieke, Michigan; Amii Paris Replaces Chatham o ob…

March 14, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

… Draw Warship Band Around Spain Wolverines Take Big Ten Track, Swimming Titles; Wrestlers Finish Second French Destroyer Starts Police Duty LONDON March 14.-(Sunday)- (AP)-Warships of four nations drew…

… Michigan Daily)-Sheer man power tonight gave Michigan its fourth consecutive Big Ten Indoor track and field title as the Wolverines fought off both Indiana and Wiscon- sin to win with 35 points. A thrilling…

… conference records were established tonight and two of them were by Michigan. In pulling the meet out of the fire by copping the relay, the Wolverine quartet was clocked in 3:20.3 to erase the old mark of 3…

… Ed Kirar, Wolverine junior, was close behind Haynie in effective- ness, winning the 50 and 100-yard sprints with times of :23.4 and :53.8. The former time tying the Big Ten mark equalled in the semi…

March 19, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

… articles, fiction and poems, the Iasie a rry omte and is I assiglnorcnt carry him to all parts of Wolverine, edited, published and dis- the building. The cafeteria, library, tributed by the members of the…

… fourth et al, are the beats he covers. and fifth grades of the University The Wolverine is a four-paged, Elementary School, is the latest ad- mimeographed paper affair, and its dition to the list of campus…

March 14, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

… would not only cripple the Varsity's chances in the hurdles but also in the mile relay, which the Wolverines are fa- vored to win in record time. Track authorities have been re- newing queries as to…

… whether Don Lash, Indiana's distance star, will be able to run a really tough race in the mile and still win the event which the Hoosiers are counting on to de- feat the Michigan team. Wolverine supporters…

… council's budget com- mittee, was elected to the post over Chester Wood, the other nominee. Campbell Reported SlightlyImproved Wolverines Face Loss Of SwimCrowi Iowa Tops Michigan 11.8 In Preliminaries Of…

… Mich- igan man to qualify in the sprints, on the basis of tonight's performances I the Wolverines appeared to have a bare margin of three or four points over Iowa. New Evidence Is Only Hope Of Hauptmann…

March 07, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

… played, and good enough to knock Purdue out of the Big Ten title race, Michigan's Wolverines will take the floor tonight against "Piggy" Lambert's Boilermak- Michigan 30 1/3; Records -Associated Press…

… by the wild dash for freedom. Supreme Court, the government will Wolverines Lower Mile Relay Record Albritton, Beacham Lead Buckeyes, Each Setting New Indoor Marks By WILLIAM R. REED Individual…

March 31, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

… Wisconsin, the University of Florida, and the College of the Pacific for a total of four wins out of six contests. The two defeats of the Wolverine team were scored by the Chicago and Creighton squads. The…

…- ionship in the Harvard pool, piling up 49 points to dominate a field of record-breaking rivals. The Wolverines picked up 26 points in the six events run off Friday, and added 23 points tonight to emerge as…

… the greatest college swimming team of the year. The University ofWashington fin- ished in a second-place tie with Yale's 17 man team, expected to press the Wolverines to the limit, with 15 points. Only…

…, Michigan placed three others, Grady taking a third, Diefen- dorf fourth, and Johnson sixth. The Wolverine quartet of Drysdale, Renner, Robertson, and Dalrymple carried off the 400-yard relay in 3…

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