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March 10, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-10

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VVtti axm
f L s se> ol
_.~i ._I,..,.~f cr vJ, D ilel
Pr~,-e v on al iings of Naziled
ers t at a fe-der.al commissioner
vould takie charge of Bavaria brought
respmc t orn.D vrianpop ulists
thna any ;;u1h move would be resisted
by force. Since Hlitler'"s victory at the
Elnourcedto"1 inPCe Nazi represen-
tiocn. i n te3o vri coalition gov-
Prussia, by far the largest state,
tas the first brought under federal
ontrcl after Hitler's accession, with
Vice Chan 1cellor Franz. von Papery
hikin iz otroi fromr the Prussian pre-
rn, and before the election 60,-
n)O0 Nzi _, ndl Steel helmet war vet-
F ( \VCwere enrolled as auxiliary1
Thec rightist press commented in-i
i 1;_ntily today -von the A1rust;.zjrIn l-
j.L :ns fC:.~itler,1v andc!uniion with Oar-

!V~j. wly-J;Iccted ~Ipcakei ~i olw'i lip "'

); tLiie

11TBand Lin der Is Baton Uiiiver sity Files .Sow

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D fl xvdl5[1

Rep. llenry 1'y . TRiney of ir> i'u' 'er e'r'
Sie ]}f Q. l tC r ol-;-eUedl A I? ( i~. La r, 4,.h i1fi ; ~I
Wolverines S do

Its ~~~':. Mc> i ~Uhe~ s1872 _to 1 74, Ti'following year M-
K Lx, i coi.oi imnc1i'UC (1IAOO~hS skeka::U t 11111y<,,,Toy,-ina andKin o
.1 p}('eri 1tena to ciI 77w o c 1 U . aac e n o h el a
i~c~li o 41 1 1
ac;,c' x~'ei~sIa 'aceiof9"a- riiy a ie nhnrr
roe. e'ai~iy ~ ~(1~I Appromatel Th mroher~ o te re here K ipv :taito, ':,1ro

E m _

,~ ~

:~ao I 'Y
{?':, .' a xe _u "_

I ze; .pt.e I i. f., t mdl i- .
.. _ 1 , t il ... 33 i 1
tin' w-f{; hirid -f.

i1; -6. Ic -rkr(1!1 nuiy 12o ionf i
th 1:- pi tp~sof (he talk.s her",
toda bet een re mi r M a ~ o 5ld
17';l- 13r r SCCea '+..ir John St-l
(11:-rith Ta e."en will meet

1. ',

7If a singl-lve r Tine hias eve' 13 ,-..I
~itt hent> iden~c tbaii a few scot -I
ter'ed L ' )ii ; p J(" :lrep c, s to PLOVO it"'
M1, an be 1^came. the "Wolverine"
state 'in the early fur-trading days,
Dr. Rice says, when the Detroit and=
Mal ckinac posts were headquarters
for a flourishing trade, in wolverines
pelts, bju it 110W seemfs fairly certlain,;
Ile beli eves:, that xost if IIIallOf
taig otsfrom r eca rii
ma by hv r{ edsut i
~ ~o~ iid
t i)A i

four,- t ha(; thi rm 2sI.. ofI I VaCI-
fix,!)' i" 01 0) ? ' r ;-
bi-l(vlw 11' V ;aua. L i1ix-
,..rig.: to)bl i .... ..... .. .. t h ,. .

1V .._2'._ - .. ,._. :.w-. ,'.i ILO)'l 11 'ra 2 +(Ia ;j, chosen for his org uiiitition's
Ip' ''i'-o i>( dition to preparing ;Ai ,supci
,_, ; T11 (!Lhe ~iiscLo proga , Professor Falcone has
Iat'L it( parts of niounee(d an inovationi, the fi
aln c u-y eiaso the people vocal solos ever presented by
ai- u~m~e-et- o watis happein-g bainexcept on radio broadcasts.
a -(01he ex.;].I vince, Dr. Stan- IHelen Van Loon, Grad., sopra
(011(>,>1 t;~ K t",utthe m' > - ar11i ~1evy iLlyons. OGrad., b^
'l' sil: i(It e iil M~am"uchur i p h;no t bth)111.iid(viiticd lapisof PI
,ipsi, wll i']poar tio the pogi
'1 ... (ii.1 lt.-)\-or il- I R-ii.( Van ll oon ii1'!_.S.ing the 11"
(16.) io;el. b~ ed, Dr. Stu- lved i fl. a Guru oni' fromve}
in raid. 'Wb;) tereis a" , war';in 1'1c wi?,tto" an, 1'w.ithLyons , ;wi s
(111I, l' II'? 'Ij ' dcit's ot i i-"1i t' c ind duet, 'Tutte le £1
re'1hre-ieetIli,,. (r au.;ss al I0iiio" fron the sail e opera, 9
,1 \'CI4.'' (80!e-.Abateea it~er nunbr is not as failitar
.1a'a-s'ret hiebs-'i na but is an c xcellen' di
I, ~ie011':i-cloj he nexNt :-ci tllifto ProfeuSsor Falcone, j
~) )1(~ -f ~" ar~eof the conflict .i : miibed both numbers for'1b,1
'1o ld 1 r

oih r Ge 1ev v or disainamcon- whch, Y L ' he )Ca L , hI-cr
1 ' _..CC A(' dP-eislOn . t. V01 it . Oiics aoo 2 ec
:,1.65t 1 7 ut'todhr h 1mi1 ncj YvS heto f !lnqeh
eAcl&-'VArereeing, C' a ivepowereot - t1thehead f theLir_ hi
c.enc LnGenva t wiaup t he \ .C jv _.7.n z!rin Iu L m ..Wee0
:d iisltmit5 Lu tn. 11cL L h uiUlttieli s-
A r n . i e10t1ooa 1nth -10Vt~no ti, 1202

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"Thecosophical Leaders
Achi:'evements" will be the subJec
a talk to be given by E. Norr
Pearon,rsidient of the Michi
Th~e-- 1'iC~ Feeraionat 8 p,
speaker on te CampusDh,' Feli: I
to, 3, stdent fchiairmnan of
TheoophcalSociety stated, "ha,
given miany speeches and having
pealred in11the debate on capital'r
ishment s ,pw onred by Prof, Gai
De In oe' tens ion club. His
tm-c, My 'For Belief in lim
I sity ~won erela >t4year has plc
him , in thegroup of ppular poplrsp-
ilms showing heheadmuartei
me 'tm" -'. -r nis brought
by thi TlieosohicalI Society.


I ai 12.i~t tm A 1;.11(
CIO a r1 -g4 Al~~-I'Nimh )

E ,. ~--

i.2 -~ to- N

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7 7
ouiom nn;tit s o cure one on ce contracted. One of the besy;+t
VC '110 11 u2 ol i cami 0 1n0-'-R i Y IPs 2.WA 'E
416We111ro2Pone 62" j

man Yale Head 1To1Ho1(11
.In. r '. - - --r s.- - -LI 11U
U,-;- dent ofY-e ierty was elcttdri',erlel
thle to 1121 the Place of(nxit oldg
ving on the ^~r f c' Irctfors of the -1:; ' -"
ap- York Lifte .is,urc Co .it- ;2 a';*- 7/ t' f~~
puni- learnly~l te roI- P a
rasa r tF:, i .., c: '_;' '! a Sodas -,---- S ~ id a " , -
ac-eEl Anero-t-hgom ~7 -I~LN IA--
erek dunn-o, tela to h etr
I c-letrsof Ythe si'e1-2t -i-I


rw+ msxenc .,«,*: e m. w nies.+r ws"1

I K~-W't Y01 ads $1° Each

v si r h S,7t 1i' 1 fa a p "'
' i ti ' '...try TTim'-'
LatLbryStrcct, has a lar-c and. varied
of N all seasoal los o'
b v. edi s someone's Birthday. Whit
lb:-iter uremebrance tham Flo wers?
I _c G'~Jhi i~-n
Flo-ers by wirc to all parts of the World,

PreacebyChristopher MorleN
J~ate: Phlosopchy of Life
iLowe-i llthouma India, LanTd of f-he Black Pag.odl,
hi-u" ]ii c on Pardeif the Stat-efs

tli.allIr tn: New Ierib i (111 1
Luw': Son of Man
haF rold La n _2':w Jib Ta-mbr1 iine
Clleneji gTe UlTit X71" iy

Ills ff9 f'ealf L4f #If13dor fIT Q)o fit III;,: t*Yl f 1BARf"...-ate I


I Hill I ',- -M I

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