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WEATHER: Cold and Snow.
(Special to the Daily)
PATTEN POOL, EVANSTON, Ill., March 4.-Michigan won
six first places in eight events here tonight, and defeated Northwest-
ern's tank squad with a final score of 44 to 31. Johnny Schmeiler,
Wolverine, set a new National intercollegiate record in the 220-yard
free style race with the time of 2:15.1, lowering that of 2:16 held'
by Osborne of Yale.
After dropping the 400-yard relay event to the Wildcat team
of Troup, Debenham, Highland, and Wilcox, the Wolverines retal-
iated by taking three firsts and two seconds in the next three events.
Captain Miller paced the 200-yard breast stroke in 2:39 followed by
Schmeiler for second; Drysdale captured the 150-yard backstroke
with a time of 1:30.3; and Christy took the 440-yard swim in 5:03.4
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh and Mrs. Lindbergh yesterday issued sev-
eral radio appeals to the kidnappers of their 20 months old son urging
that special care be taken in his diet.
The appeal was broadcast in French, German, Italian, and Spanish,
as well as English.
Fake Councilmenj
Warn Freshmen 0o
Rushing Violation
An official anouncement from
the offices of the Interfraternity
council last night disclosed the lat-
est student racket in regard to de-
ferred pledging.
In the last 24 hours there have
been numerous telephone calls to
fraternities and freshmen, it was
revealed, stating that the caller was
an officer of the Interfraternity
council and that the fraternity, or,
first year man, was being watched
by this body because of violations
of the rushing rules.
It was believed that these calls
were being made to prevent un-
fair rushing by fraternities.
Interfraternity council officers
denied all knowledge of these calls
and said that they had not been
made by anyone of official capac-
A warning to fraternities tell-
ing them that they should in no
way associate with first year men
until 6 o'clock, Monday night, was
issued by Howard Gould, secretary-
treasurer. Gould stated that fresh-
men should turn in their preference
lists to the office of the dean of
students by noon today. Frater-
nities and freshmen will be notified
as to the results of pledging on
Monday morning, it was announc-
ed. Formal pledgingdwill take
place at 6 o'clock Monday.
The preference lists will be
checked over by the office of the
dean of students and will be re-
checked by Howard T. Worden,
president of the Interfraternity
council, and Gould.
Fraternities with complaints will
not be allowed to see the lists, it
was stated, because many houses
wish that those submitted be kept
A page account of the parti-
cipants in the forthcoming pro-
duction of Robin Hood will be
found on page 2.
Assistant Secretary of Navy
to Defend Republican
Ernest Lee Jahncke, assistant!
1 secretary of the navy, will come to
Ann Arbor on Wednesday, Mar. 15,
to speak on the fourth of the se-
ries of public addresses which ares
being sponsored by the Union.
Although as yet no subject for
discussion has been announced,
Edward Kuhn, '32, recording sec-
retary of the Union, stated yester-
day that Mr. Jahncke would de-
fend the Republican administration
and urge the re-election of Her-
bert Hoover. A wire has been sent
to the speaker asking the specific
title of his speech.
The Union expects to have sev-
eral candidates for the presidency,
or campaigners for them, to speak
in Ann Arbor in the near future.
The political discussions were in-i
augurated by Gov. Albert C. Rit-
chie, of Maryland, at the last pub-
lic address.
Mr. Jahncke was appointed to
the assistant secretaryship of the
navy on April, 1929 by President
Hoover. He is a graduate of the
University of Tulane and the vice-
president of the board of adminis-
tration there. He is the American
member of the International Olym-
pic committee, a member of the
Republican Club of Boston, a men-
ber of the Union league, and a
member of the Metropolitan Club
of New York.
He has just concluded a speak-
ing tour which included addresses
before the Tariff Reform league of
Boston and the Union league of
Failure to Tally in Two Overtime
Periods Ends Michigan's
Title Hopes.
In the fastest, most exciting
hockey game played on Michigan's
home rink in several years, a strong
Minnesota sextet last night came
from behind in the third period
and tied the score at 1-1 whereit
remained through two overtime
Fist fighting featured the spec-
tacle when the players of both
teams mixed with certain regular-
ity. The second overtime period
Parker and Reid started a general
free-for-all that was staged in
front of the press box and drew in
the sport writers, coaches, substi-
tutes and trainers.
Joe Frumkes rose from his sick
bed to score his first goal against
major competition this season by
taking a quickpass from Crossman
in the second period and pounding
the disk past Goalie Clausen for
Michigan's only score.
Reid, Crossman Stopped.
Emmy Reid and Keith Crossman
were stopped for the first time this
year by the best front line Michi-
gan has faced in Macnnis, Parker,
and Toth. These Gophers started
hurrying Michigan's attack even
before it got started and kept up a
Tonight's hockey game at the
Coliseum will not begin until
8:30, in order to permit spectt-
ors to witness the track meet.
There will be no a4vance in the
continual fight for the puck all
throughathe contest. Their front
line however, could not readily
pierce Michigan's defense of Wil-
liams and Chapman, although they
rolled up an unusually large num-
ber of shots. Captain Tompkins was
called upon to stop 38 shots in ad-
dition to the one that gotaway
from him, while Glausen stopped
After Michigan scored in the sec-
ond, Minnesotaakept two front line-
men at top speed in an effort to
score but were held at bay until
the middle of the third. Parker
passed the disk tokToth from the
side and Toth took a shot at the
net. The puck hit Tompkins leg
and carromed off into the net.
Tompkins was bewildered for a
moment and would not believe that
the puck was in the net.
Final Attempts Fail.
In the two overtime periods,
Coach Lowrey threw caution to the
wind in an effort to win. He pulled
Williams and left Chapman with
all the defense duties and used
four forwards. However Minensota'
rose to the occasion with a series of
poke-checks that did not allow
Michigan many open shots at the
The Wolverines saw the fastest
skating sextet in the history of
Minnesota out-skate them. Four
sophomores made up the Gophers
starting team and they were un-
usually cool under fire.
Ted Chapman was hit in the eye
with the puck but recovered and
played out the contest. It was his
courageous leaps at the puck in
front of the net, with skates flash-
ing all around him, that saved sev-
eral would-be goals.
Michigan (1) Minnesota, (1)
Tompkins G. Clausen
Chapman L.D. LaBatte
Williams R.D. Carlson
Crossman C. Macnnis
Reid L.W. Parker
David R.W. Toth
Michigan Spares : Frumkes. Mini-
neosta Spares: Jones, Suma, Gibbs,
Todd, Constantine, Ryman, Scha-
First Period: Scoring, none. Pen-
alty, nono. Saves: Michigan, 13;
Minnesota, 10.
Second Period: Scoring, Frumkes
(Crossman) 7:15. Penalty, Chap-
man. Saves: Michigan, 6; Minne-
sota, 4.
Third Period: Scoring, T o th
(Parker) 9:00. Penalties, Carlsen,
By The Associated Press.
NEWARK AIRPORT, Mar. 5-Col. Charles A. Lindberg[
plane was being prepared early today for a flight to an unannout
ed destination.
HARTFORD, Connecticut, Mar. 5-After Henry Johns(
of Englewood, New Jersey, was taken into custody here tonight
connection with the Lindbergh kidnapping case, a special delive
letter and a postcard addressed to the Lindberghs was found in t
Hartford post office. The letter, addressed to Mrs. Charles
Lindbergh, was not opened but sent on to its destination. T
postcard addressed to the Lindberghs at Princeton, New Jersc
said: "Baby still safe; keep things quiet." The J in New Jers
was reversed as in a previous postcard received by Col. Lindber
from East Orange, New Jersey, and similarly the name was spell
without the h. Johnson told newspaper men that he was a sail
and had been out of work for three months and had come here
visit his brother. He said his friendship with Miss Betty Go
nurse of the Lindbergh baby, had extended for over a three-ye
TRENTON, N. J., Mar. 5-John A. Toolhey, secretary
Governor A. Harry Moore, said that he had been informed
Hugh Elkhorn, attorney-general of the state of Connecticut, ti
Harry Johnson had definitely been placed under arrest for t
Lindbergh kidnapping and that it was known that Johnson h
been in telephone communication with Betty Gow, Lindberg
nurse, on the night of the kidnapping.
Henry Johnson, arrested last night in the Lindbergh kidna
ping case was formerly employed by Robcrt Lamont, secretary
commerce on his private yacht.
"We have got the car," said Toolhey, "and a milk bot
found in the car." The reference to the car was believed to allu
to a green coupe in which Johnson was said to have driven
Col. Lindbergh's
Secrecy to
Airplane Is Prepared
Go to Unannounced
Sender of Note
Asking Ranso
Held in Hartfo
HOPEWELL, N.J., March 4.-(AP)-An offer to deal direc
and confidentially with the kidnappers of their blue-eyed young s
was made personally today by Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindberg
Just 62 hours after the child was stolen from his sickbed, t
two anxious parents, who have seen a mountain of clues and lea
fade one by one into insignificance, signed their names to a tyl
written statement. It pledged them not "to try to injure in any w
those connected with the return of the child," and to observe fa-
f ully any promise.
The 145-word message to the kidnappers emphasizing that t
Lindbergh's only interest was in the immediate and safe return
their baby boy, made it clear that their willingness to meet a $50,C
ransom demand, had failed to obtain any response.
The appeal, the first to bear1
Lindbergh's signatures, read:
Hold Union Tryouts "Mrs. Lindbergh and I desire
Tuesdyrv Afternoon make personal contact with1
Freshmen a n d sophomores
desiring to try out for positions
on Union committees should re-
port at 3 o'clock, Tuesday, at the
student offices in the Union, ac-
cording to an announcement of
Hugh R. Conklin, '32E, president.
WASHINGTON, March 4.-(P)-
The third milestone of Herbert
Hoover's career as President was
passed today-marked in the Sen-
ate by Democratic thrusts at the
Republican administration and a
cabinet officer.
After Sen. Harrison, of Missis-
sippi, had predicted a "whimpering
campaign" by Republicans this
year, the Democratic leader, Robin-
son, of Arkansas, hurled a charge
kidnappers of our child. Our or
interest is in his immediate a
safe return. We feel certain tU
the kidnappers will realize th
this interest is strong enough
justify them in having compli
confidence and trust in any pros
ise that we may make in conne
tion with his return. We ur
those who have the child to se
A complete list of clues on I
Lindbergh kidnapping case will
found on page six.
any representatives that they c
sire to meet a representative
ours who will be suitable to the
at any time and at any place th
may designate.
"If this is accepted we prom
that we will keep whatever
rangements that may be made
their representatives a n d a
strictly confidential and we fi
ther pledge ourselves that we v
not try to injure in any way thi
connected with return of t
Increasing interest in the muni- Mr. Dwyer, and also suggested that
cipal court amendment to be vot- the new plan would result in a
ed on Monday will bring to the pri-
mary election one of the largest
turnouts in recent years, in the
opinion of city officials.
The opposition, rather weakly
larger number of appeals to the
circuit court.
On the other hand, a large num-
ber of prominent citizens have de-
clared themselves in favor of the
amendment, among them Hon.