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March 21, 1930 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-21

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-PTT)AY, MARCHl 21, 1930



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Theta =Chi !Sextet Wins
Camnpus Hockey Crown
Displayig a -highly effective pas-
sing attack, in the second and third
periods, Theta :Chi outplayed Les
Canadiens, 44, to win the .All-
Campus .hoekey championship last

night :i one of the feature events
of :the =Open :House program.
Throuigh. stellar :defense work of
Prouse, who also scored the only
goal for .the,losers,,the first period
was hard fought and Les Cana-
diens, the :defending champions,
*were -favored to win. However, led
by =Reid and 'Mason who scored
two -goals. each, 'the Theta Chi of-
fense proved too much for last
year's winners in the following pe-
The 'Lineu~p.
~Theta 'Chi Les Canadiens
W. Mason:...... w. .... W.' Wiltsie'
D. Shetter....1w...... R. Dunbar
C.'Reid ........ c.....T. Prousel
K. Marantith .:. rd...... L. Draper
L. 'Wiliek ...... ld .... W. Williams
D, Scott .... ... g...... P. Pesonne
Goals--Theta Chi: Rteid 2, Mason
2. Ldes. Canadiens: Prouse.
Substitutes-- Theta Chi: Hub-
bard, Gurnee, Dye La Verne; Les,
Canadiens: Kranz, Larrali.
Enginteers Take ,Game
in Class TournamentI
Close :.guarding featured the vie-
tory of the Junior Engineers over
the Junior Dents in the champion-
ship tilt .of the :inter-class, basket-
ball tournament, ,played last night
at-the-intramural Open House. The1
fnal*-score -was 10-7. Clever floor-)
work by -Bowman for the winner:
and Gloucheski; for. the Dents .con-
tributed largely to .the closeness of
the score and :kept the outcome o-
the game doubtful until the fina'
.With the basketball champion-.
ship :added to their volleyball ane
bowling titles, wh-ich they also gar-
nered this year, the Junior Engi-
neers -are now leading the All-Cam-
pus . point competition.
Y" M. C. A. Voll ey Bali:
o ,t fit. Wn.Contest
Winning the first and third
games of the. series, "the Ann Arbor
Y. -M. C. A. defeated -the -Chinese
Club in the volley-ball feature of
the Open House last night. Final-;,
fists in the State tournamnent last
year, and with their team .intact;:
the Y. M. C. A. displayed a superior
brand of ball to outplay the win-;
' ners of the independent campus,
tournament. After losing the ifirst~
set, 15-11, the Chinese club won
the second handily, 15-3. However,
the Ann Arbor team emerged the
victor in the deciding match 15-11.


!CONNIE MACK SHOULD BE ABLE Wrestlers Battle for
_____________________________ (Continued From Page 6)1
Although the club has not made* 'snwsqikt olwu i
advantage.fsfo latya'lie'
manyshits fom astyears lne-Shankland took the decision over'
uthe :Philadelphia Athletics still '1talker to gain the 145 lb. title in
should be ,good enough to outdis- v neetn atl.Tewne
tarethdrmanngclbsofthhad a time advantage of 2:24. ;
tan~e th reminin clbs o the <yr : One of the few '.zits of this final'
Amria League without exert- "ourd marked the match in the 155;
ing themselves to any great,- extent -.; ~ ivso oes utn tph
int the 1930 campaign. ca epiprgn mngig*b ens on the mat in 4:24. It was a
I Beind he eper mangingab-closeiy contested bout throughout.
~iites f ConieMack wh rats The 165 lb. titleholder is Reif who
j, ,. one of the .best -pilots that ever :ook the decision over Wilkuski with
!lived, the team boasts an array of i time advantage of 2:25.
slgesand an outlay fpthr The unlimited class -final saw
that rate .the Athletics as one of -- odnvcoiosb aloe
the best .teams in the history, of the Q ehmann in 3:13.,
Reguar nfilder Bak. Don Corriden, captain of the
FReoua Ifielders oniBack has Wolverine baseball team last year On fth
Fo ufedr one:akhsI has been released by the Chicago O eO
Al Simmons, Mule Haas,. and Bing ~ -- White Sex< to the Seattle Club of!
Miller, his regular trio from last i the Pacific Coast League. 1.,is are
year. back again. All of ^-them are i _______wrr
hitters of note, while their field- I Adelaide, Australia-Walter Hag-_
ing abilities are not among the I en and Joe Kirkwood, the globe- you are YOL
worst in the league by any means. UCnnie Mack trotting professionals, turned in a
As reserves the Athletics have ,. double victory in one day recently
Summa, Cramer, and Lebourveau.j Boley snaps out of the slump that when they defeated Stewart andPlnyum
IConnie .Mack's infield problem is characterized his work last season. McMahon, Australian pros, and two
one of his chief worries, as capable he will find himself out of a job. amateurs, Whitton and Savers. iyC f
replacements must be found for) __ sity Clothes{i{E11{{1111111{1111111N{1!{1#{1{{IN{11111I
Bishop and Boley if they play thwisdom=o(
type, of, ball they did last season=wiom f
McNair 'may play shortstop in Bo-SO
ley's place, while Jimmy Dykes- may
possibly' fill. in'for Bishop at second.NI R
In that .event Jimmy -Foxx would,~
go from first to ,third -:and Jim=
Keesey, a Pacific Coast product,:W U
would be at first.,
Catchers Arc Strong. =^
About the catching staff Mack:--Correct and Official-
need have no 'worry, as Cochrane,: FOR ALL CLASSES
Scag n ekn omtebs group of 'receivers in the circuit. - EntirelyNe Outfits
Schang is a newcomer this year, No deposit required until you receive your cap
having been obtained in a dealE
with the St. Louis Browns. and ,gown.,
Lefy roeRub Wlbrg - lae ou-orSrtoay
Let rvRue Wleg 3Paeya-odrtdy eorge Earnshaw, Jack Quinn, Ho- f
ward ;Ehmke, Ed Rommell, and
Bill Shores undoubtedly -form the-
hetcollection of 'pitchers on the!-
roster of any big, league. club. With =/
he addition of several promising
'ookie hurlers, outstanding among- __________
ahem being Leroy Mahaffey of
?'ortland, the mound staff should E=SateStret a NikelsArcde
lelivef, the :same brand of: winning eSaeSre tNcesacd
Shudb inr.All in all, Connie ,Mack's :prob- O
ems appear, to be simple in compa-
masion to- those confronting other
Xmerican league pilots. With a
teamn that was by "far the best in Ha h a l t
;he circuit last season, he shouldH e r t eC l t
)nly have cause to fear New York
.or any danger this year. In spite
)f the fact that Cleveland, Detroit,
in 'd St. Louis all appear to be
strong, not one of them is of
~hamplonship calibre as yet.
In McNair the veteran pilot of ,,I
the champions believes that he


AnEnglish w~oman wishes to add
a few more studenL3 (girls) to
her group of gfirls touring Eng-
land, Wales, 13elgium anid (~ranee.
IAny one interested apply to Mar-
-jorie Buckley, 725 ,Haven or per-
sonally to Mrs. Elizabeth A.
Wood, care of Gerome Paul,
Greenfield Hills., Fairfield, Conn.'
Competent service men on all
imakes of radios.
Dial 21408 521 East Liberty
215 E. Washington Pbone 4310
WANTED---Students to enjoy a real
meal. Forest Inn, 538 Forest.
i 2460
PIANO TUNING -- Phone 6776.
4Victor Allmendinger. The Stein-
Iway concert artist tuner. Office
at residence, 1608 Morton Ave.
i 234C
Brunswick, Columbia records, reg-
ularly 75c now 50c, 3 for $1.35. A
jportion of our regular stock to go
at low figures. YOUR FAVOR-
IITE may be among them. Come
Sin early.
Co.William at Maynard.
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair
rates. M. V. Hlartsuff. Dial 9087.
LOST--Black, -senior literary col-
! lege robe, in Leag-ue building or
taxi-cab on last Monday night
after. the 'performance of the
Junior Girls. Play. Reward of-
fered for return of same. Finder
please call 3193. 4
LOSTWednesday night in In-
I tramural building. A gold knife
and chain. Initials L. WV. 0.
Call 402 Benjamin. Dial 21046.
Reward. 456







Swimm-ing-Wisconsin, here.
'Track--Cornell, at Ithaca.
TTrack- Cleveland Relays at
Boxing-Annual, Boxing Show,
Intramuiral building, 8 p. mn.
Midigan Sw.immers
Break Relay Record
(Coufinutd From Pagc6)
IIosmer wvas the sixth Wolverine
-who aided in equalling the 600
,yard record. The 400 .yard relay
standard which the Wolverines al-
§o endeavored to break on 'Thurs-
day night is now unofficially 'held
by the Chicago A. A. with a time of
-31~37.6.. Michigan was clocked in
3:39.2 for the 400 yard distance.
Neither the C. A. A.'s 400 or Yale's
500 yard records have yet been ap-
'Tle undersigned is. the only local author-
ized, licensed< and bonded agent for all
traiis-Atlantic, u3 -PIacijfic and otherl
ocean going or Great bakes :passenger
Steamship Lines. 'Alro A\melicaAi-avel
Dep., ho. Cok& Son, STC'\, andal
other Tours, or Cru ises. I will arrange
your ticket complete, on any s~earner, tour
nr cruise advertised or '-old ainywhere, in
aniy class, at tarif i r. No extra charge
cs-er. Visacs prred for clients. Air-
-plare, H-otel and Ya ,-ion Pray- reservation-s
made. A few ot-g-ini-'t'ts for tours wanted.I
to per cent comiss~'ion pai.
*6ox E. Huron St. Phone 6412
From Sweethand. One
of our spccial Easter
boxes will make a de=
lightful gift for kiddies
or grownups. Can.d Y
eggs, (chocolate 'butnies

Gotaoad bNrgews
Never beflore have we shown
such :.remarkable kvalues was this
spring. "Suits that you would
have ;to nay a great deal more
for can be bought' here with 2
,pants at


Class ifieds

Pay You WellI

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