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March 13, 1937 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-13

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The Weather
Additional light snow today
and tomorrow; little change in




The Child-Labor



Michigan And Ohio State
Qualify Most Track Men;
Swimmers Set Fast Pace;

Birleson And Mason Place
Easily In 440 Yard Run;
Davidson In Half Mile
Buckeye's Beetham
Is In Bed With Flu
Iowa, Northwestern Each
Place Two Men; Chicago
And Indiana Have One
FIELD HOUSE, March 12.-(Special
to The Daily)-The powerful Univer-
sity of Michigan thinclads openedI
their campaign for a fourth consecu-
tive Big Ten Indoor Championship'
tonight by qualifying three men for
tomorrow's quarter and 880 finals.1
Ohio State was the only other 1
school to qualify threemen but the
Buckeye title hopes took a nose divet
when their ace half-miler, Chuck
Beetham, who was second in his heat
tonight, was forced to bed after to-
night's preliminaries with a bad caset
of influenza.
Stan Birleson and Steve Mason, I
Michigan's only entries in the 440t
both placed easily, Stan won his heat
in :50.4, leading Ensley of Northwest-]
ern to the tape by 5 yards. Mason1
broke on top in his heat but yielded
to Henry Keiel, also of 'Northwest-
ern, in the last 200 yards and fin-.f
ished a strong second.l
Both Iowa and Northwestern qual-
ified two men while Indiana and 1
Chicago could put but one man apiece
into the finals from these quarter and
half-mile preliminaries.
Howdie Davidson, who placed fiftht
'in the half last year in the Confer-i
ence meet, was the only, Wolverine of,
f1~f"l"tes to win his way to the1
In the first heat of the 880 Trutt1
of Indiana and Beetham of Ohiot
placed one-two with Ed DeVine and1
Harry O'Connell of Michigan, pulling
up in fifth and sixth positions.-
Harold Davidson fell by the way-t
(Continued on Page 3h
U.S. Envoy Hits
Nazis' Attacks
On Americans
BERLIN, March 12.-()-In vig-
orous and pointed words, United
States Ambassador William E. Doddt
made representations to the German
foreign office tody on German press
attacks that followed a recent anti-
Hitler speech by New York's Mayor
Fiorello H. La Guardia.
For 30 'minutes the American en-
voy talked with Foreign Minister Ba-
ron Konstantin von Neurath and
called attention to the newspaper re-
marks, which he regarded as "be-
clouding German-Amrican rela-
The substance of the Ambassador's
"oral representations," a highly in-
formed source said, was that his gov-
ernment "was unable to account for
the newspaper statements regarded
as vituperative and unfounded, and
as attacks upon American woman-
hood and American institutions.'
Further, this reliable informant as-
serted, the Ambassador indicated his
government felt that the language
of the German press "was probably
unparalleled in its coarse and inde-
cent character."
In an interview under sensa
tional scarehead on the front page
of yesterday's Michigan Daily,
some wholly unwarranted state-
ments were ascribed to me. Neith-

er I nor anyone else has ever
successfully forecast the time of
a major earthquake, though the
places of the next great earth-
quakes within the circum-Pacific
zone have more than once been
The probability of a future de-
structive earthquake within the
Great Lakes Area after more than
250 years of immunity, is based
upon the recognized fact that
where sucmh earthquiakes have oc-

Mat Meet Sees I
Speicher Lose
As Bissell WinsI
Morgan, Lincoln Also Out;
Indiana's Myers Is Only I
Present Semi-Finalist
It was still a mad scramble last
night between Illinois, Indiana, Min-
nesota, and Michigan at the conclu-
sion of one semi-final and eight pre-r
liminary bouts of the Big Ten wrest-t
ling meet in the Yost Field House.b
Illinois led the qualifiers placingt
six in the semi-finals and one, Danp
Blum. at 118 pounds, in the finals.-
Minnsota, with six, and Michigan,t
with five were other leading conten-
ders. Northwestern, Iowa, and Chi-f
cago each placed two men, and Ohiot
State on.e4
Michigan's representatives, aideds
by byes in four divisions, met witht
mediore success. Capt. Frank Bissell
won with. ease at 155 pounds, whileS
true to predictions defeats wereF
chalked up in the 175-pound and
heavyweight classes against FrankI
Morgan and Jim Lincoln.f
Speicher Loses Chancet
Johnny Speicher lost all chances
for a Conference crown in the 118-k
pound division, dropping a close de-
cision to Indiana's defending cham-
pion Bob "Two-Bits" Myers in thet
only semi-final bout of the evening.
The time advantage was 2:11. t
Fans this afternoon will be treatedt
to 14 semi-final bouts in all divisionsi
but the 118-pound class with action
taking place on two mats at all times.
Proceedings begin at 2:30 p.m. s
In the evening starting at 7:30e
p.m., final and consolation bouts willI
take place. Each team receives five7
points for every Conference cham-
pion from its ranks, three for second
place, one for third, and one point
for every fall scored by one of its rep-
resentatives. In the consolation bouts,
every man defeated by the cham-
pion will1meet to decide second and
third place winners.
Wolverine Still Strong
Michigan, despite defeats , handed
to three Wolverine representatives
last night, is still a strong contender.I
Four divisions went into the semi-
finals intact, and it is in these divi-
sions that the Varsity strength is
segregated. The divisions receiving
byes are 126 pounds, 135 pounds, 145
pounds, and 165 pounds.
Speicher and Myers, meeting for
the second time following a draw inc
a dual meet on March 1, put up their1
usual fast and aggressive battle. My-1
ers' ability to ride Johnny proved to1
be the Wolverine grappler's down-
fall, although in the final minutes he
was making a determined comeback
and just fell short.
Bissell Loafs To Win1
Bissell, fighting in the opening bout
of the card, apparently loafed to an
easy win over Charles King of North-
western, whom the Michigan captain
had pinned in a previous encounter;
the time advantage was 3:47.
Frank Morgan, who has been out
with an injured back all semester,
made a surprise appearance in the
1175-pound prelims and bumped into
none other than Indiana's aggressive
Chris Traicoff. Frank put up a fine
(Continued on Page 3)
Nine Dead Still Left
In DepthsOf Mine
LOGAN, W. Va., March 12.-(P)-
The black depths of the blasted
Macbeth mine held nine dead men
tonight while the bodies of nine
others killed in West Virginia's worst
mine disaster in a decade rested in a
funeral home.

Stumbling rescue crews, so worn
out they could only speak with dif-
ficulty of the terrors of the explosion
in the deep pit, had brought out the
nine and had definitely located the
bodies of the other victims.
Two of the 18 trapped when the
blast, let go last night were believed
behind an almost impenetrable mass
of slate, coal and timber.

14 Wolverine Mermen
Qualify For Finals, Lead
All Other Entries
Kirar Ties Big Ten t
50 Yard Dash Time
Relay Team Breaks Mark;
Haynie Beats Conference P
Record In 440t
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., March 12.e
-(AP)-Three Big Ten ConferenceI
records were bettered and anotherd
tied as Michigan's swimmers set the
pace in the qualifying rounds ofc
the twenty-seventh annual chain-
pionships here today. The Wolver-
ines placed 14 tankmen in the finals
Saturday night.
Other schools placing men in thec
finals were Ohio State 7; Iowa 6;g
Northwestern 6; Illinois 6; Chicagoa
4; Minnesota 4; Indiana 10; Wiscon-t
sin and Purdue failed to place forp
the finals.o
Ed Kirar, Michigan, tied the 50-p
yard free style record held by Charlesd
Flachmann, who swam the distance
in 23.4 seconds in 1935 at the Uni-
versity of Illinois. Ray Walters, de-
fending champion from Iowa, failed
to place in the finals of the event.
Daniel Zehr, Fort Wayne, Ind.,
swimmer representing Northwestern,
bettered his own record in the 150-
yard back stroke, swimming it in 1
minute 38.9 seconds. His old time, set
last year at Minnesota, was 1 min-
ute 39 seconds. Bob Cutter of Illi-
nois was disqualified for making a
bad turn, the only disqualification
in today's rounds.
Michigan's 400-yard reay team
broke, the record of 3 minutes 38.3
seconds, set by Illinois last year, with
a time of 3 minutes 36.9 seconds. Tom
Hayie of Michigan broke the Big1
Ten 440-yard free style record withe
(Continued on Page 3)
Workers Seek
Pre=Str ike Pay
From Chrysler;
Company Denies Appeal
Until Sit-Downers Allow
Access To Offices
DETROIT, March 12.-()-The
Chrysler Corporation, replying to ai
request from employes for payment
of wages for work done before the
present strikes began, said today pay-
rolls would be drawn up "after we
regain free access to our offices and
adequate police protection."
More than 55,000 of the Corpora-
tion's employes are idle here.
B. E. Hutchinson, chairman of the)
finance committee, said that he and
other high officials "would remain
off the payroll until the company can
resume a free and productive basis
of operations."
Effective today and continuing
until production is resumed, Hutch-
inson said, the officials will draw no
pay. The other executives are: Wal-
ter P. Chrysler, chairman of the
board; K. T. Keller, president; F.
M. Zeder, vice-chairman of the
board, and Byron C. Foy, J. E. Fields
and W. Ledyard Mitchell, vice-presi-
To facilitate the payment of wages
to workmen, the United Automobile
Workers strike committee had off-
ered to permit payroll clerks to enter
the offices, from which clerical work-
ers and company executives have'
been barred.
Replying to that proposal, Hutch-
inson declared that "because of the
illegal seizure of our plants, we have

lost possession of records needed" to
make up the payrolls.
The police protection, he said, is!
demanded "to make sure that we
will be able to stay in the offices once
we get back in."
22 Sixth Grade Pupils
Stage New 'Sit-Down'
LANSING, March 12.-(W)-Twen-

Plan To Unite
s Approved
Senate Passes On Project;
Expected To Give Men
Chance In Activities
Meeting To Be Held
In Union Thursday
A proposal to organize independent
men students on campus into a "fra-
ernal" group, submitted Monday by
he Executive Council of the Union,
was approved by the Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs.
Provisions of the plan include:
participation in extra-curricular ac-
tivities, fair and equitable represen-
tation in campus politics, ability to
get together in luncheons, social
events similar to the Assembly and
Interfraternity balls, forums and
dinners, possible permanent repre-
sentation on the Men's Council, pro-
motion of student-faculty relations,
convention contact with the Univer-
sity and University events.
"A popular belief has it," Herbert
B. Wolf, '37, President of the Union,
commented yesterday, "that unor-
ganized men have little chance to get
anywhere in extra-curricular activi-
ties, that they are underprivileged,
politically, and that they have little
opportunity to meet each other. We
plan to have an organization, in any
desirable form, to fill these needs."
The Council received formal recog-
(Continued on Page 2)
r. Townsend
eceives Fine
And Jail Term
Gets .Temporary Freedom
Under $1,000 Bond;
Appeal Is Considered
WASHINGTON, March 12.-()-
Dr. F. E. Townsend received the light-
est possible sentcnce today for walk-
ing out on the Congressional com-
mittee which investigated his old age
pension movement last summer.
Federal Judge Peyton Gordon fixed
the penalty at 30 days in jail and a
$100 fine.
The judge refused a prosecution
demand that the frosty-haireddCali-
fornia physician be denied bond and
committed immediately to jail. Town-
send was free under $1,000 bond
pending an appeal.
"Thank you, sir," he said after the
The elderly pension leader later
issued through a publicity man a long
statement in behalf of this proposal
for pensions of not more than $200
a month to everyone past 60.
"Try as they can to imprison me,
they can't imprison that idea," he
"The tide is definitely turning,
and my crackpot idea is becoming
the idea which will save America
from economic serfdom and will bring
happiness and prosperity to our peo-
Through counsel, he gave notice
that he would fight to the Supreme
Court if necessary against his "un-
constitutional persecution" by the
House committee which he defied.
Before passing sentence, Justice
Gordon overruled a motion of a new
trial. In doing so he stressed tes-

timony by John B. Kiefer of Chi-
cago, former Townsend aide, that the
old age pension leader's walkout was
planned in advance at a meeting of
his board of directors.
Higher Pay Asked.
For Law-Makers
LANSING, March 12.-(A4)-Rep.
Harry Glass, Jr., Democrat, Granc
Rapids, suggested today that the
Legislature stage a "sit-down" strike
for higher pay.
He arose in debate to propose that
all bills calling for increased salaries
for state or local officials be deniec
approval until legisltors are given a
"decent and respectable wage."
He was the author of a plan tc
give the law makers a $6-a-day ex-
I pense account during legislative ses.
sions. The attorney-zeneral ruled
the plan was illegal. Glass later pre-
sented a proposal that the matter bE
left up to the voters in a referendum

General Motors, Union
Reach Final Agreement
Over Strike Differences

TJ~~ ~ I 1 1 A~.~L1



ocaQionUatuunsetors Yire Iota
To Use Persuasion On Students
dvisors Should Be Firm cupational adjustment and help
In Majority O ae them to live in a manner satisfactory
In y Of Cases, to themselves and useful to society.
Williamson Says Obstacles in the way are social en-
vironment factors, including de-
By JOSEPH FREEDMAN creased employment and lower
Vocational counselors should use wages; complexity of human nature
rsuasion in advising students what which prevents prediction of eventual
cupational course to take, Prof. E. adjustment; and rigidness of educa-
Williamson of the University of tion.
nnesota told the fourth annual "Most serious of all, education
chigan Occupational Guidance provides no way of training an indi-
nference yesterday. vidual to recognize the inevitability of
"This is applicable in cases where constant readjustment in all realms
'Ths i aplicblein ase whreof experience. He is not taught to
e counselor considers that the case live in a chaotic world, in a society
ta indicate quite definitely that one which is constantly changing and
oice is to be preferred over all al- whichidcmansycnan nad
'natives," he said, decrying those which demands constant personal
Zo would make guidance sterile by readjustment."
fusing to make decisions for stu- ounselling may begbroken to

The direct method is applied first,
when the student is "tough-minded"
and asks for a direct opinion. "It
is also used with students who per-
sist in a choice which the counselor
has reason to believe will lead to fail-
ure and loss of morale," he explained.
For the timid person, Dr. William-
son suggested a technique of explan-
ation, in which the significance of
tests, possible curricula and jobs arel
pointed out.
Complete professionalized case rec-
ords should be kept in individual
counseling programs, Dr. William-
son emphasized.
"If these records were available
at the present time, it would be much
easier to understand how a student
arrived at his particular choice at
the age of 18 or 20."
Guidance work, he began, should
enable students to prepare for oc-

Court Plan Foe
Uses Statement
By Roosevelt




Cleveland Andl
Detroit D r a ft
Natural Gas Actt
WASHINGTON, March 12.-(P)-e
Representatives of Detroit and Cleve-
land councils announced tonight they'
had brought here the draft of a na-
tural gas bill to aid the cities in ob-s
taming lower gas rates.
Joining in a statement were John
W. Smith, president of the Detroit
Common Council; Eugene I. Van
Antwerp of the Detroit City Council
gas committee, and William C. Reed,T
chairman of the utilities committee
of the Cleveland Council.
They said they were hopeful Sen-i
ator Prentiss Brown of Michiganj
would introduce the bill, sponsored by;
the Cities Alliance which met in'
Cleveland last month, and that Sen-
ator Vic Donahey of Ohio would "pro-t
mote a favorable report" by the Sen-
ate Interstate Commerce Committee,
of which he is a member.
They said the bill "should alsot
become a factor in stopping the
enormous waste of natural gas in the
industry and bring intbrstate pipe
lines under Federal regulation." It
would permit states producing large
volumes of natural gas to form con-
servation compacts with Congres-
sional approval.
"It is proper that this plea should
be made by representatives of Detroit
and Cleveland,the two largest cities
in-~America receiving straight natural
gas transported across state lines,"
their statement continued.
"This measure is the result of two
years of strenuous protest and activ-
ity, particularly on the part of mid-
western cities which have been the
chief victim of monopolistic prac-
tices resulting in exorbitant gas
Band Will Present
Radio Show Today
The University Concert Band of 80
members will broadcast from 5:30 to
5:45 p.m. today from the University
studios in Morris Hall over station
WJR under the direction of Lee
Chrisman, '40SM.
The program will consist of

President During Fight
Against Proposal
WASHINGTON, March 12.--t)-
Senator Wheeler, (Dem., Mont.),
dramatically confronted the support-
ers of the Roosevelt court bill today
with a quotation from the President
opposing a general increase in thet
number of Federal judges as likely to
"contribute to the confusion."
With emphasis, Wheeler read:
"'The only way to attack the prob-
lem is by rigorous application of, ju-
dicial efficiency. In the face of this"
congestion, the remedy commonly
proposed is to add new judges or new
courts, but it will readily be seen
that if the problem is what I have
stated it to be, such a so-called rem-
edy would merely aggravate the
Wheeler slammed the volume down
upon his desk and faced the Senate.
"I am not simply quoting from
some man who is a candidate for
office," he said. "I am quoting from
'Looking Forward,' written by Presi-
dent Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933.
The Senate was visibly stirred. The
Montanan continued:
"I am not defending the Supreme
Court. I have said repeatedly that
the Supreme Court is frequently
wrong in passing on economic and
social problems and I say it now. I
say and I have said that if you add
six more men to the Supreme Court
there is no assurance that that will
correct the situation.
"I arose simply to call attention to
the fact that Mr. Roosevelt, since he
has become President, has .apposed
adding to the Supreme Court to cor-
rect evils which he says and which I
agree do exist."
ig Ring Show
Will Aid Camp
For Poor Boys
Boasting 10 "star bouts," the Mich-
igan Boxing Show, sponsored by the
Rendezvous Camp to raise funds for
the Fresh Air Camp for underprivil-
eged boys, will be staged April 1 in
Yost Field House, it was announced
yesterday by ticket sales and pub-
licity committees.
Five thousand tickets have been
printed to sell for 40 cents and $1.10,
according to the announcement,
will be made to local businessmen's
clubs and students.
Fraternities and sororities will be
offered silver cups to go to the houses
selling the most tickets.
Donald Siegel, state golden glove
champion, is the main attraction.
Other entrants will be listed within
a few days. The athletic board of

EightHour Day, 40-Hour
Week With Overtime Pay
Are Established
Leaders Will Ratify
Settlement Today
:hrysler Rejects U A W A
Request For Exclusive
DETROIT, March 12.-(/P)-The
ssues which paralyzed General Mo-
ors automotive plants two months
go in a costly 44-day strike wp e
omposed peaceably over a confer-
nce table tonight.
Extended negotiations between
orporation executives and officials
f the United Automobile Workers of
kmerica culminated shortly after 6
>.m. in an agreement supplement-
ng that of Feb. 11 which ended the
The pact settled union strike de-
nands and provided for the handling
>f future grievances by procedure
ntended to prevent future strikes. It
lid not set up a national minimum
iourly wage or a 30-hour work week,
two aims of the union.
Settlement Unsigned
No signatures were affixed to the
ettlement. The union leaders an-
nounced they would sign after more
han 200 delegates of General Mo-
ors local unions, meeting here to-
morrow,ratify the agreement. Cor-
poration executives probably will
sign it later.
As General Motors concluded its
negotiations with the union another
major :autom Wle _producer, the
Chrysler Corporation, flatly reje.
ing a union demand for exclusive bar-
gaining rights, prepared to press in
circuit court tomorrow its petition for
an injunction to eject 5,000 sit-down
strikers who have held its plants for
five days, leaving more than 55,000
workers idle.
K. T. Keller, Chrysler president,
in a letter tonight to distributors and
dealers, termed the occupation of
the corporation's plants and general
offices "a form of revolution which
concerns not only Chrysler Corpor-
ation but concerns you and every-
Hudson, Reo Closed
Plants of two other automobile
producers, the Hudson Motor Car
Company, employing more than 10,-
000 in Detroit, and the Reo Motor
Car Company, with 2,200 employes in
Lansing, also were closed by sit-
down strikes. No progress toward
settlement of either strike was re-
William S. Knudsen, executive vice-
president of General Motors, said
after the agreement was announced
that the relief from stoppages it
affords would provide a basis for a
period of unprecedented prosperity.
Steady work, he explained, would
prove synonymous with emergence
from depression.
One section of the agreement set
out that "should any differences
arise over grievances there shall be
no suspension or stoppages of work
until every effort has been exhausted
to adjust them through the regular
grievance procedure and in no case
without the approval of the iiterna-
tional officers of the union."
On some of the major demands of
the union, made by Martin when
the strikes started, the agreement
No Uniform Wage
Minimum wages-"Due to the va-
riety of business conditions under
which General Motors operates its
various plants, it has been impossible
to establish a uniform minimum wage
rate in all General Motors plants."
Thirty-hour work week-"the pol-
icy . . . is subject to such national
and state legislation which may ap-

ply. The present policy . . . is an
eight-hour day and-al40-hour week,
with time and one half for all over-
Mutual agreement on speed of pro-
duction-"Time studies shall be made
on a basis of fairness and equity
consistent with quality of workman-
ship, efficiency of operations and the
reasonable working capacities of nor-,
mal operators."
R.Pir of fan',a of- nV nnlnva, nc, t *n

1 i
Y .,3."

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