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VOL. XLIL No. 129
WEATHER: Cloudy, Unsettled
Two Records Crumble
in Quarter and
Dashes Bring Points
Unexpectedly for
ITHACA, N.Y., March 26.-WP)
-Two meet records fell as Cor-
nell defeated the University of
Michigan, 49% to 452 in the 21st
annual indoor track and field meet
between the two schools.
Ed Russell, Michigan captain,l
ran a quarter-mile in the record,
time of 0:51.1 and Arthur Martini
of Cornell, established another
meet record with a half-mile in
Michigan took six first places,
winning the 440, 75-yard dash,
75-yard high and low hurdles, high
jump, and relay.
Upsets Recorded.
Several startling upsets were pro-
vided. Cornell was supposed to be
weak in thc shorter distances, but
crossed up the Wolverines by tak-
ing second and third places in the
dash; second and third in the 440;
and second and third in the hight
One of the biggest.surprises. wa
the victory turned in by Frank1
Jusek of Michigan, who captured
the high jump with a leap of 5 feet,r
11 inches.
Hawley Egleston of Michigan,t
and Arthur Martin of Cornell tiedl
for individual honors with 10 points
each. Egleston taking two firsts inl
the hurdle events and Martin tak-
ing firsts in the mile run and 880.1
Bill Hill and "Doc" Howell took
second and third places respective-
ly in the two-mile run to cross up
the experts who had predicted at
clean sweep for the Big Reds in thist
Brooks Second.
Booker Brooks, Michigan's giantt
shot-putter, placed second to Otto!
One-mile run-Won by Martin,
Cornell; second, Mangan, Cornell;r
third, McManus, Michigan. Time,r
440-yard run-Won by Russell,
Michigan; second, Rosenthal, Cor-
nell; third, Corlett, Cornell. Time,
0:51.1. (New meet record).=
16-pound shot -- Won by Ottol
Schoenfeld, Cornell, 48 ft. 2 in; see-
ond, Brooks, Michigan, 44 ft. 1l%
in.; third, Ricker, Cornell, 41 ft.
10 in.
75-yard dash-Won by Renwick,
Michigan; second, Hardy, Cornell;
Third, Kane, Cornell. Time 0:07.5.
75-yard high hurdles - Won byl
Egleston, Michigan; second, Hart,
Cornell; third, Bennett, Cornell.
Time, 0:09.4.
Two-mile run-Won by Ranney,
Cornell; second, Hill, Michigan;
third, Howell, Michigan. Time, 9:32.
Running high jump - Wrn by
Juzek, Michigan, 5 ft.11 in.; second,
Haidt, Cornell, 5 ft. 9 in.; tie for
third between Gafill, Michigan, and
Cunningham, Cornell, 5 ft. 7 in.
Pole vault-Won by BelloT, Cor-
nell, 13 ft.; second, Proctor, Cornell,
12 ft, G in.; tie for third between
Humphreys and Northrup, Mich i-
gan. .
880-yard run-Won by Martin,
Cornell; second, Turner, Michigan;
third, Mangan, Cornell. Time, 1:57.4.
(New meet record).
75-yard low hurdles - Y' on by
Egleston, Michigan; second, Heston,
Michigan; third, Geoffrion, Cornell.
Time, 0:08.3.
One-mile relay-Won by Michi-
gan (Turner, Glading, DeBaker,
Russell); second, Cornell. (Rosan,
Corlett, Eckert, Rosenthal). Time,
Enforcement Expert
S to Talk Wednesday
Appropriate Church Festivities
Will Be Held at Various
Sunrise Devotions, Communion
to Be Held by Several
Easter services in Ann Arbor
churches today aie expected to
bring out thousands of worshippers
to acr1aim the iresurrection o f
Christ. Special seimons and music,
including cantatas, all pointing to
Junior Girls Awaiting
Play Debut Tomorrow
In honor of the women of the
senior class, "No Man's Land," 28th
annual Junior Girls' Play will have
its premiere showing tomorrow
night following the traditional sen-
ior supper. The performance will
be held in the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre and will continue through-
out the week.
Margaret O'Brien is author of the
book which disputes the superior-
ity of men in campus activities and
proclams a curriculum where wom-
en have the upper hand. Campus
settings are realistically u s e d
throughout the play and characters
are portrayed familiar to the stud-
ent body and the faculty. What
becomes of the protestation is set-
led musically by the end of the
Mary Phillips and Virginia Koch
have the woman and male leads,
respectively and Vinsell Bartlett
George W. Wickersham, chair
man of the President's committee
on law enforcement, will lecture
here next Wednesday evening on
"Present Problems of Law Enforce-
Floyd Johnson Announces Mayj
Costume Party to Be Held
on Friday, May 13.
For the first time in many years,!
the annual ball of the School of
Architecture-the architect's May
party-- will be held in the Union.-
This was made known in an an-
nouncement yesterday by Floyd R.1
Johnson, '32A, general chairman of!
this year's function, which will be
held on Friday, May 13. For the
past several years the ball, due to I
its gigantic decorative schemes, has
been held in either Waterman or
Barbour gymnasium.
Specific plans have not been
made, Johnson intimated, although;
the selection of an orchestra and
the details of the decorative scheme!
are slowly assuming definite form.
In keeping with other May par-~
ties, this year's affair will be a cos-
tune ball. It was hinted that the
scheme of decorations will be med-
ieval in character.
A poster as well as a design con-
test will be held in the architectural
college to decide more on the exact1
nature of the program and decora-
tions, Johnson said.
The dance will be open to all stu-;
dents after the preferential sale of,
tickets is held for architectural
students. The number of tickets will
be limited, Johnson said.
Keller Sets Record
for 50-yard Hurdles
CLEVELAND, Ohio, March 26.-
IJP)-Jack Keller, Ohio State hurd-
ling star, set a new indoor world's
record in the 50-yard high hurdles
at the Cleveland Athletic Club meet
here. His time was 0:06.2 seconds.
The old mark was0:06.3 seconds,
made here in 1931 by Lee Sentmann
of the University of Illinois.
Campus Racketeer
Back; Turns It on'
Mail Pouch is back!
The veteran fraternity racketeer,
who makes his living by carving
stones for college men and has been
quartered in almost every fratern-
ity house in the middle west, blew
into one of Michigan's fraternity
houses Fritay at 3:14 oclock and
announced he had come for an ex-
tended stay.
Promptly at 3:16 o'clock Pouch,
who looks a trifle weather-beaten
since his last visit which he con-
cluded by a few days' stay in the
city jail, was fast on his way to be-
ing drunk after being offered some
home-made wine which no other
person had been able to swallow.
After consuming the entire amount
the significance (if the ressurection, and Betty Van Horn play the com-
will be given in the various church- edy roles. Over 100 women will have
es. Several churches will begin theicaparts in the play either in the cast
or choruses.
services with sunrise devotions acd Miss Harriet Brazier of Balti- I
early communions. more, Maryland, is director of the
Churchgoers yesterday cast anx- play which is otherwise handled en-~
ious eyes at the skies, speculating _. ---- - -_--__-
as to whether today would dawnI
bright and fair. The weather fore-c
cast last night indicated cloudy L M N
weather with little threat of rain.l
In all of the churches, the reg-
ular pastors wil have charge of theN
services. There are no visiting
clergymen, although a number of ,
the latter have spoken here in the Union to Be Scene of Gathering
past week in Lenten services. The
attendance at these services gave on Personal Philosophies
evidence thatdchurches today would of Living.
be well attended.
Services at Regular hours. Ten departments of academicI
Services will for the most part be and professional thought will be
at the regular hours. The iorning represented at the spring parley on2
theme will be focused on sermons,
with special programs arranged for personal philosophies which will bet
the afternoon and musical selec- held April 23 and 24 at the Union.I
tions included in tonight's devo- Professors well known on the cam-
tions. pus and in their respective fieldsI
Early services will be held at the nationally have been secured to con-1
First Methodist, St. Andrew's Epis- tribute to the various discussionst
copal, St. Thomas Catholic, Trin- which are being planned.I
ity Lutheran, and Calvary Evangel- Among those who have signifiedT
ical churches. At the First Metho- their intention of participating are:I
dist, two early communion rites will Persident Alexander G. Ruthven,
be held, the first at 6 a. in., and the Prof. Preston W. Slosson of theY
second at 7 o'clock. Communion at i history department, Prof. John L.
St. Andrew's will be at 7, 9, and 11 Brumm, of the Journalism depart-
o'clock, this last the regular morn- ment, Prof. Lowell J. Carr, of thec
ing service. Mass will be said at sociology department, Prof. O. J.Y
6, 7:30, 9, and 10:30 at St. Thomas Campbell of the English depart-1
Catholic, while at Trinity Lutheran ment, Prof. Frederick A. Coller, di-
and Calvary Evangelical sunrise rector of the department of surgery
services will be held at 6:30 o'clock of the Medical school, Prof. Howard1
this morning. Y. McCluskey, of the department of
The Easter worship at the First educational Psychology, Prof. Roy
Methodist Episcopal church, o f W. Sellers, of the philosophy de-
which Dr. Frederick B. Fisher is partment, Prof. Carl D. LaRue of1
the pastor, will center on the theme, the Botany department, Prof. John
"Everlasting Life." The evening F. Shepard, of the Psychology de-l
service will see the presentation of partment, Prof. Louis A. Strauss of]
a three-act religious drama, "Saint the English department, and Ray-
Claudia," at 7:30 o'clock. The Ann mond Hoekstra of the Philosophy]
Arbor commandery, No. 13 Knights department.
Templar, will be guests at this ser- Long prepared talks by these pro-
vice. fessors will not be encouraged. If
Communion at St. Andrews. any speeches are made they will be
Beginning with holy communion limited to three minutes in length,
at 7 o'clock, the services at St. An- it was stated. In order to preserve
drew's Episcopal church include, in the atmosphere of informality at
addition to the first service, holy the parley, the faculty members will
communion, choral, with the stud- be seated with the rest of the par-
ent choir singing, at 9 o'clock, and ticipants and will merely rise at
festival morning prayer, sermon their place at the suggestion of the
and holy communion, with Easter leader or chairman..
music by the men's and boys choir Ivan Williamson, '33, William
and a sermon by the Rev. Henry Kearns, '32, Cile Miller, '32, and
Lewis at 11 o'clock. At 4 p. m., an Winefred Root, '32, are the officers
Easter p a g e a n t, "The Living in charge of the parley.C
Christ," will be presented. --- - --
Special Purim services have been TIOMASON, FORME
arranged by Rabbi Bernard Heller,
for the 11:15 o'clock worship of Hit- FACES HEA CT/
let Foundation in the League chap---
el, while at 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock Chicago Daily Times Publisher
there will be special programs.
In addition to the masses at St. to lid in Press Building
Thomas Catholic church, masses Plans Here.
will be said at 8 and 10:30 oclock--
at St. Mary's student chapel. Rev. Icw ial to nTe Daily)
Allen J. Babcock will preach on CHICAGO, Ill., March 26. - Em-
"The Divinity of Christ" at the lat- or Thomnason, '04, publisher of the
(continued on Page 2) Chicago Daily Times and the 'Tam-
___ _-pa Tribune, jumped into the na-
Will St ett '97 itional spotlight this week when he
decided to stage a circulation war
Noted Engineer, Dies with powerful Robert Rutherford
--_McCormick, publisher of the Chica-
MADISON, N. J., March 26.-(1f) go Tribune, and with William Ran-
-William A. Starrett, who in a life- dolph Hearst and his Herald & Ex-
time of 55 years changed much of aminer. Thomason was managing
the skyline of New York city, died editor of The Daily in 1904.
last night. The Daily Times, a tabloid, was
A nervous disorder which came started by Thomason several years
tirely by the junior class. About
200 women have participated in
some way in this project which is
the culmination of all the activities
of the Michigan women. Plans for
the production are made almost a
year in advance and active work is
begun five months before its pre-
sentation with the selection of the
manuscript and the committee. Re-
hearsals are held for a month prior
to the opening. Jean Botsford is
general chairman of the play.
Luncheon to Be Held in League
on April 6; Speeches to
Be Given.
To fire the spirit of rebellion
against the eighteenth amendment
among the undergraduates of the
University, a luncheon will be held
at 1 o'clock on Wednesday, April 6,
at the Michigan league under the
direction of the Crusaders and the
Women's National Prohibition Re-
form league.
A concerted effort to bring stud-
ents to favor repeal will be made at
the meeting. The red, white and
blue petitions which are being cir-
culated throughout the state in an
effort to repeal the state prohibi-
tion statute will be circulated at the
meeting. A committee from Detroit
will be on hand to sell license tags
for automobiles which bear the
words, "Repeal t h e Eighteenth
This meeting will be the central
meeting for the anti-prohibition
forces from the entire second con-
gressional district which includes
Monroe, Lenawee, Jackson, and
Washtenaw counties. In charge of
the luncheon at the league are
Danial L. Quirk of Ypsilanti and
Mrs. Frederick Waldron of Ann Ar-
Speakers for the meeting have
not been definitely decided upon as
yet. A number of well known uni-
versity professors are under consid-
eration, some of whom have al-
ready expressed a desire to take
part. Two women from Detroit, long
identified with t h e temperance
cause, Mrs. Frederick Alger and
Mrs. Myron T. Vorce are already
scheduled to speak.
The Ann Arbor committee of the
Women's National Prohibition Re--
form League who will assist in the
arrangements of the luncheon are
Mrs. W. H. Faust, Mrs. Samuel
Moore, Mrs. O. J. Campbell, Mrs.
Frederick Coller, Mrs. Paul Kempf,
Mrs. Frank D. DeVine, Mrs. J. W.
Parker, and Mrs. A. C. Furstenberg.
Leland, Former Auto
Builder,_Dies at 89
DETROIT, March 26.--(T)-Henry
M. Leland, "grand old man" of the
automobile industry, died at 5:30
this morning in Gface hospital,
where he had been ill for several
weeks. He was 89 years old.
He was present of the Cadillac
Motor Co., from 1902 until, 1917,
when it became part of the Gen-
eral Motors group.
no violence between the two organ-
izations although McCormick and
Hearst refused the tabloid a place
on the news stands. Thomason told
Publisher McCormick that his boys
would hawk papers on the corners
near the stands.
Publisher Thomason says that he
will continue to issue his Sunday
edition and that he expects large
profits from his five cent Sunday
Mr. Thomason plans to come
to Ann Arbor this spring to con-
fer with the Board in Control
of Student Publications and
with editors of The Daily con-
cerning the equipment for the
new Press Building which will
house University student publi-
and Free-Style
point Honors With Austin Clapp.
By Sheldon C. Fullerton
Overcoming a topheavy Stanford lead by a pair of sensational
record smashing victories in the final two races, Michigan's tank
team splashed its way to its second straight national swimming title
last night in the Intramural pool by nosing out the Cardinal natators,
34 points to 31. Northwestern, with 21 points, pulled up in third
place in the ninth annual running of the meet which was sponsored
by the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
Trailing in fourth place after the three outstanding leaders, Rut-
gers and Princeton deadlocked at eight points apiece, as against six
for Ohio State, five for Southern California, four apiece for Navy and
Minnesota, two apiece for Columbia, California, and Illinois, and a
single point for Cincinnati.
With the Wolverines trailing by seven points with only two
events remaining to be run, Johnny Schmieler, who had already
Stanford, 34.31;
st Stroke
15-8-POU 0 TTLE
(Secial to The Do'>1Y)
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., March 26.I
-Carl Dougovito, Michigan wrest-
ting captain, fought his way to a
-national -title in, the 158 pound class
by downing Martin of Ames in the
-11. l~fe
stroked his way to a victory in
the 220-yard breast stroke race,
broke his own meet record that
he established Friday night to
beat out Walter Spence of Rut-
gers and take the event for the
Crowd Goes Wild.
Immediately afterwards the Mich-
igan medley relay team turned in
a sensational performance to better
the national collegiate mark and
clinch the meet for the Wolverines.
Bob Ladd, the last swimmer in the
race for Michigan, crossed the
finish mark only a scant few feet
" 4
inai round here tonight. Cliff NO FREE SHOW
Stoddard, the only other Wolverine According to a statement last
entry, was defeated in Te semi-fi- night by Jerry Hoag, manager
nals by Blosser of Ohio University, of the Michigan theatre there
but both Michigan grapplers quali- will be no free show to cele-
flied for Olympic tryout positions. brate the Michigan swimming
No university was able to take triumph. Hoag contended that
afore than one first place. Jack the Student Council Universi-
Riley of Northwestern retained his ty administration were deciding
heavyweight title by defeating Ger- on a schedule which would de-
ber of Iowa Teachers' College, while termine when there was to be a
lBlosser of Ohio University downed free show and when there was
Teague of Oklahoma Southwestern not to be one.
Teachers' College in the 191 pound - - -- -
division. Hess of Ames outfought ahead of Highland of Northwestern,
XcGuirk of the Oklahoma Aggies amid a din that almost raised the
at 174 pounds, while Lewis of Okla- roof off the Intramural building.
homa upset Harman of Iowa in the Schmieler, with two victories in
145 pound divison. two events, emerged from the meet
Belshaw of Indana toolk national with a total of 10 points to stamp
honors in the 134 pound class by himself as the outstanding star of
clowning Morford of Cornell. At 123 1 the meet. Austin Clapp, of Stan-
pounds Puerta of Illinois triumphed ford, also was responsible for 10
over Ball of Michigan State to take points, but his were the results of
top honors. one first, one second, and one third
gathered in three events.
Easter-Day Services Dick Degener, Michigan's sopho-
more diving star, made a valiant
to Be Supplemented cffort to outscore the veteran Mid-
key Riley of Southern California in
Spe _al Programs the fancy diving competition, but
was forced to accept second place
An unusually varied and attrac- by the narrow margin of 3.84 points.
tive number of programs have been filey made a distinctly improved
arranged to supplement Easter ser- showing over his performance of
vices in Ann Arbor churches today. Friday afternoon, but the great
Cantatas and other musical pro- exhibition by Degener made the
grams, together with choir and or- Trojan star work at his best to re-
gan music, have been added to the lain the laurels that he won last
devotional services. year
An Eastern pageant, "The Living j Purple Sets Mark.
Christ,' predicting the spirit of In adition to the two records set
Christ throughout the ages, an b Schmieler and the Michigan
adaptation of a pageant presented medley relay team, one other mark
in the same church several years ;vient by the boards in last night's
ago, wvill be given at 4 o'clock this linals. In the first race of the eve-
afternoon in St. Andrew's Episcopal i ing Northwestern's crack 400-yard
church. . relay team of Troup, Wilson, High-
The second of a series of monthly 'land, and Wilcox splashed its way
vesper musical services under the to a new national collegiate mark.
leadership of Everett Jay lilty will Michigan had to be content with
be given at 5:15 o'clock in the audi- a poor fourth in this event, with
torium of the First Congregational powerful swimmers from North-
hurcL. The soloists will be Mr. western, Stanford and Princeton all
lIilty and Miss Zilpha Lewis, violin- showing their heels to the Wolver-
i<t. Their program will consist of:
ftallaluzjah chorus from Handel's Ines. Nicholson of Princeton almost
Messiah," Largo from "Xerxes" closed the gap that separated his
(Handel), Ave Maria (Otello by quartet from second place, but
Verdi),Andante Cantabile, string IGardner, the Stanford anchor man,
erdi),Anntette (Tschaikowski), Prayer held up well to take the place posi-
hn n tt) dtion.
irom mhe OCteLt (cnuver , ana
In Dulci Jubilo (Kairg-Elert), sung
by Mr. Hilty, and Serenade (Schu-'
bert), Andante Sostenuto from
"Concerto No. 2" (Vieuxtemps), and
Adoration (Borowski), played by
Miss Lewis.
(Continued on Page 2)
Schmieler Wins Handily.
Schmieler, in the 200-yard breast
stroke, had little trouble in taking
top honors, but a real race devel
oped for the remaining three posi-
tions. West of Princeton finally
nosed out Callahan, Andre, and
Lemak to take second place.
Tl io. Tnv-,an i ofi cf ihm m q