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March 19, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-19

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THE Xf r ICXN filkirly


. . ... . .. ..... ......... . ... ...................... .... ... ............ ........................... . ............................ . . . ................. ............... . ................. . .. . .... ........... -- ............................ . .... .. ---- --------------
.. . . .........

'36 Class Fees
In Angell Hall
Surplus Dues Turned Over
To Alumni Association
For MailingList
Senior Class dues will be payable
today to members of the class sta-
tioned at tables in the lobby of An-
gell Hall and in University Hall, Rob-
ert R. Sullivan, '36, treasurer, said
In tracing the use of these funds
Walter B. Rea, assistant to the dean,
said "Any surplus which accumulates
from year to year is carried forward
in the name of the class and at the
end of the year is deposited with the
Alumni Association of the University.
Each Graduate Fund thus established
is carried on the books of the Alumni
"Such a fund is highly necessary to
each class which wishes to preserve
its identity as an alumni organiza-
tion by maintaining a mailing list of
class members, sending out news let-
ters and sponsoring reunions at regu-
lar intervals," he said.
Speaking for the Alumni Associa-
tion, T. Hawley Tapping, general sec-
retary, stressed the importance of the
organization made possible through
the class dues, and the necessity of
such organization before any alumni
projects can be launched. Robert O.
Morgan, council secretary of the Al-
umni Association, emphasized the
usefulness of present-day class pro-
jects as compared to the stone
benches and carved stones that were
formerly donated by the classes. ;
Mr. Morgan said "Class dues today
have as their ultimate object such
useful projects as scholarship funds
and student loan funds, besides be-
ing the means for keeping the class
organized after graduation."
6 :00-WJR Musical Moments
WWJ Ty Tyson.
WXYZ Rhythm Tunes.
CKLW Omar.'
6:15-WJR News of Youth.
WXYZ Contrasts in Music
WWJ Dinner Music.
CKLW Joe Gentile.
6:30-WJR Duncan Moore.
WWJ Bulletins.
WXYZ Day in Review.j
CKLW Rhythm Ramblings.
6:45-WJR Strange as it Seems.1
WWJ Musical Moments.
WXYZ Lowell Thomas.
CKLW Old Bill.
7:00-WJR Myrt and Marge.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Easy Aces.nd
CKLW Shadows on the Clock.j
715-WJR Jimmie Allen.
WWJ Popeye tCe Sailor.1
WXYZ Alice Sheldon.
7 :30-WJR Kate Smith.
WWJ Evening Melodies.
WXYZ Musical Moments.
CKLW Variety Revue.
7:45-WJR Boake Carter.
WWJ Pastorals.
8:00-WJR Airshow: Alexander
Gray: Mark Warnow's Music
WWJ Rudy Vallee's Music
WXYZ Pittsburgh Symphony.
CKLW Gabriel Heatter.
8:15-WJBK Musical Program.
CKLW Jack Hylton's Music
8:30-WJR Gertrude Neisen and Harry
WXYZ Merry-Go-Round.
CKLW Little Symphony.
8 :45-WJR Musical Program.
9:00-WJR Walter O'Keefe:
Glen Gray's Music.
WWJ Captain Henry's Showboat.
WXYZ Death Valley Days.
CKLW Marching Men.
9:15-CKLW Melody Treasure Hunt
9:30-WJR Ed Wynn-Gulliver the
WXYZ Mellow Music.
CKLW Pop Concert.1
9:45-WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music,
10:00-WJR Horace Heidt's Brigadiers.
WWJ Bing Crosby: Jimmy Dorsey's
WXYZ Jubilee Singers.
CKLW Recital Hall .
10:15-WXYZ Sammy Dibert's Music. 1
10:30-WJR March of Time.
WXYZ Lowry Clark.
CKLW Allied Trades Dinner.

10:45-WJR Dance Tunes.
WXYZ Gray Gordon's Music.
11:00-WJR Bulletins,
WWJ Russ Lyon's Music.
WXYZ Baker Twins.1
CKLW Freddy Martin's Music.
11:15-WJR Moods in Music.
CKLW Anson Weeks' Music.
WXYZ Russ Morgan's Music.
11:30-WWJ George Kavanagh's Music.
WXYZ Meredith Wilson's Music.
CKLW Ted Weems' Music.
11 :45-WJR "Solay," violinist.
12 Midnight - WJR Barney Rapp's Music. !
WWJ Minneapolis Symphony.
WXYZ Paul Pendarvis' Music
CKLW Orville Knapp's Music.1
12:30-WXYZ Ed Fitzpatrick's Music.
WJR Ozzie Nelson's Music.
CKLW Will Osborne's Music.
1:00-CKLW De Marco's Music.
WASHINGTON, March 18. - W) -
The intensity of the 1936 campaign
was reflected today in figures showing
both parties began the year spending
four times as fast as in 1932.

Attacks Nazi Head

_assciated Press Photo.
Maxim Litvinoff, commisar of
foreign affairs for Soviet Russia,
attacked Reichsfuehrer Hitler as a
conspirator against peace at a
meeting of the League of Nations
council in London recently.
Essay Contest
For Forestry
School Closes
Only 14 Manuscripts Are
Submitted For Charles
Lathrop Pack Awards
A total of 14 entries have been re-
ceived in the Charles Lathrop Pack es-
say contest, Prof D. V. Baxter of the
School of Forestry and Conservation
announced yesterday at the close of
the contest for forestry students.
Covering a range of subjects from
nature trails, the age of wood, fores-
try and the land problem, forest fires,
to forest versus wildlife, the essays
are popular articles designed to in-
terest the public in forestry, as pro-
vided in the rules of the contest set
down by Mr. Pack, president of the
American Tree Association, and a
former resident of Michigan, who
sponsors the annual contests with
$50 as first prize, $20 second prize, and
a third award of $5
While 14 essays were turned in, 23
students had filed slips signifying
their intentions of submitting manu-
scripts, according to Professor Bax-
ter who said that the judging com-
mittee would probably make a de-
cision within two weeks.
Some of the entries were illustrated
with nature photographs and included
in the essays was one manuscript
illustrated with pen and ink draw-
Dean Yoakum
To Give Paper
At Convention
More Than 700 Colleges
To Be Represented At
Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum, vice-presi-
dent of the University and Dean of
the Graduate School, is to present a
paper on the "Problems of Grade
Distribution" at a general session of
the 24th convention of the American
Association of Collegiate Registrars,
to be held April 14, 15, and 16 at
the Hotel Statler in Detroit.
The purpose of this annual con-
vention is to discuss the problems of
admission, registration and admin-
istration of college and university
students, according to Ira M. Smith,
Registrar of the University. More
than 700 colleges and universities
throughout the country are to be
Others of the University of Michi-
gan who are scheduled to attend the
meeting are, Mr. Ira M. Smith, regis-
trar, who will preside at the general
session, and on the committee of
special projects; Dr. D. L. Rich, as-
sistant registrar. Mr. E. S. Soop of
the extension division and Miss Mar-
ion Williams, University statistician,
who will serve on the committee of
local arrangements and registration;
Mr. J. C. Christensen, comptroller of
the University, who will be present as
a member of the panel.

Venizelos Dies
From Influenza
While In Paris
Father Of Greek Republic,
In Self-Imposed Exile,
Passes Away At 72
PARIS, March 18.- P) - Eleuthe-
rios Venizelos, 72 years old, former
premier and 'father of the Greek re-
public," which has now become a
monarchy, died in self-imposed exileI
today after a short illness.
His wife and two sons, Sophocles
and Kiriadis, were at his bedside
when he died of complications re-
sulting from a slight attack of influ-
enza early this month.
The statesman's health had been
generally poor since he came to Paris
after the failure of the Greek rev-
olution of March, 1935, resulted in
restoration of the monarchy and
wrecked the hopes of the republicans.
Venizelos, generally regarded as one
of the greatest statesmen of modern
times, "passed painlessly," his physi-
cians announced.
Death in exile closed Venizelos' ca-
reer just as his followers were hoping
for his return from his second re-
Venizelos quit politics after an at-
tempt was made on his life in 1933,_
and retired to his native Crete to
end his days in peace, but he did not
stay there long .
After the collapse of the March
revolution which he headed, Venizelos
fled from the island south of Greece,
to Paris.
"Greece will never see me again,"
Venizelos declared as he took up his
headquarters here.
He denounced the November, 1935a
Greek plebiscite which resulted in theA
restoration of King George as a "bit-t
ter comedy," asserting only 20 per
cent of the Greek people were royal-E
Old Romingfer
Library Given
To Universitye
A valuable collection consisting ofe
about 400 books, 1,000 fossils and a
large number of maps were donatedg
recently to the University and the
Museum of Paleontology by the fam-t
ily of Dr. Carl Rominger, director of
the State Geological Survey from 1870c
to 1883, and his son, the late Dr. q
Louis Rominger of Ann Arbor.a
The library contains many rarea
medical and geological books whichV
are now difficult to obtain and servea
as valuable historical material. Sev-
eral original manuscripts written bya
Dr. Rominger are included.,
The fossils are chiefly from Mich-Z
igan and were collected by the eldero
Dr. Rominger. They formed the basisF
of much of his work on the corals andt
other invertebrates of Michigan. f
"This collection," according to Dr.t
E. C. Case, director of the Museum ofa
Paleontology, "is a notable additionf
to the equipment of the library andn
the Museum."t
Are Engineers All h
Wet? Here Is One
ThatHopes He Is
There's a young man on the cam-
pus who has the piscatorial mania
pretty bad, inasmuch as he claims
he can swim four lengths of the Union
pool underwater!
Richard B. Swegles, '37E, is ac-

cepting all bets, even money that
he can accomplish the feat, so those
of you who feel skeptical about the
possibility of swimming the 100 yards
underwater can make yourselves some
of next month's spending money by
calling him.
Since Lloyd's and the New York
betting houses haven't gotten hold
of him as yet, we suggest you call
quick and place your money. He's
practicing now and plans to make the
attempt very shortly.
Social Dancing
Class Tonight
Begins tonight at 8 pm
xarden Studio, Wuerth
mehatre Bldg. Ph1. 9695.

Find Boy Lost For Nih- in I1.st Storm

Place advrtisemen with Classified
3dver.iinI)teprtme n..Phone 2-1214.
T'he classii-0d columns close at five
) { previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
ine lie per reading line
~oi hsP; of five average words to
n r n r t nrtions. l1c
perreaingline for three or mnore
inr, ions. Minimum 3 lines per in-
1cIepin e rate --15e per reading line
for tvo or more insertions. Minimum
I rclines: per insrtion.
101'; ontif paPit iri ten days
from the ate of last insertion.
6ly contract, per line t-:2 'ines daily,
on(,month...... ...........;c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........8c
2 lines daily, college year ......7c
4 ImesE.O .D.., 2 months..... ..8c
100 lines used as desired . ..9(
300 lines used as desired .........8c
1.00 lines usedi as desired........7(
2.000 lines used as desired.......6
The above rates are per reading line
based on eight reading lines per inch
tonic type, upper and lower case. Add
5c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add oc per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
Wc per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 1x
LOST: Pi Phi pin, Friday night be-
tween 836 Tappan and Union. Call
Louise Taylor. 7717. 389
LOSTr: Brown notebook with ripper
around side. Math book inside.
Call F. Wilkinson, 2-3586. 386
LOST: Male wire hair terrier. Large
saddle of black. Liberal reward.
Phone 4792. 385

ONE THIRD OFF on all fur work.
E. L.nGr a ,48 Spring Street.
Phone 96215. 14x
STATIONERY: Pr.ined with your
name and address. 100 sheets, 100
envelopes. $1.00. Many styles.
Craft Press, 305 Maynard. 9x
I MAC'S TAXI-42T3. Try our effi-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x
EYES examined, best glasses made at
lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M.
graduate, 44 years practice.. 549
Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x
uy old and new suits and over-
coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
prices for saxophones and typewrit-
ers. Don't sell before you see Sam.
Phone for appointments. 2-3640.
NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair
and refinish furniture. Phone 8105.
A. A. Stuhlman. 15x
FOR SALE: Wire-haired puppies. Six
weeks old. Beautifully marked.
Registered. Will hold until con-
venient. $20 tip. Phone 2-1529.

Classified Diree ory

--Associated Press Photo.
Stevie Benson, three, snuggled up to the shoulder of his daddy, E. W. l
Benson, after being found, apparently little the worse for the night he
spent in a binding dust storm, by a searching party of 500 persons.
Elementary School Newspaper
Now ith Cam.us nhletions
By F. CLAYTON HEPLER Inasmuch as there is no advertisingl
Replete with comic strips, news and no paid circulationr John has
articles, fiction and poems, the Iasie a rry omte and is
I assiglnorcnt carry him to all parts of
Wolverine, edited, published and dis- the building. The cafeteria, library,
tributed by the members of the fourth et al, are the beats he covers.
and fifth grades of the University The Wolverine is a four-paged,
Elementary School, is the latest ad- mimeographed paper affair, and its
dition to the list of campus publica- make-up is originai, to say the least.
tions. The lead story is relegated to the last
Typographical errors are unknown page in one e, wliie the banner
in this newspaper, which is published headline is right at the top of the
every two weeks. Headlines and page first page. Oceasiuoal items marked
make-up are all handled by the make- I "Soc i(y" ae found in various issues,
up editor, Bill Angell. Asked if hei.tlhoug h 1n cmention of a society editor
ever had any trouble in making the was mane in the masthead which ap-
stories fit the space, he replied, "No, peaied in the inst issue on Nov. 1,
I just draw the lines, and if there is 1935. Originally printed on the liec-
empty space we just throw in some tigraph, this method was abandoned
of the stories and poems that the because the 'funnies" didn't come
girls write." out Iclear enloughi to read and the gen-
The paper was conceived as an ac- oral reading matter soon faded.
tivity for the boys in the two grades -
when the girls were enjoying a spe- NOT COMMUNIST, JAFFE SAYS j
cial swimming class last fall. Conse- Adrian Jaffe, Grad., who took anl
fluently, the boys are in full charge
and put out the publication "with the active part in advocating formation
assistance of the girls." Miss Mary of a Farmer-Labor party at the Stu-
Williams, who teaches the two grades, dent Senate Tuesday night, said yes-
acts in an advisory capacity. terday that he is not a member of the
Don Trow is the editor-in-chief Commnunist party.
and has full charge of the reportorial
staff which consists of four members.
They visit every grade in the school
on every other Monday before the
Friday publication date and gather in
the news at certain periods set aside _'ims 'roday -
for that activity. "We always seem" IN R
to get the news," said Don, when
asked if he ever experienced any dif- - and -
ficulty in getting stories. Which "BONNIE SCOTLAND"
might give the reporters on some of ---- Friday - Saturday-
the Wolverine's rival University pub- George Bancroft in
lications something to think about. "NELLSH IP MORGAN"
John Anning, the business editor, 'and Bette Davis in
has the most unique duties of any"DANGEROUS
business manager oil any publication.


c t



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Single and married people come to us every day
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