Inereasing cloudinaes
war me r.
Unity In View For CIO
And AFL , ,
VOL. XLIX. No. 112
Roosevelt Says
Neutrality Act
Has Not Aided'
Cause Of Peace
Renewed Isolationist Fight
By Senate's Neutrality'
Supporters Is Predicted
Senators Approve
Arms Expenditure
WASHINGTON, March 7 -(MP)-
President Roosevelt expressed a con-
viction today that the Neutrality
Act had not served the cause of peace,
asserting, in fact, that it may be en-
couraging some nations to threats of
His statement, which immediately
stirred predictions of another struggle
between the Chief Executive and the
Senate's "neutrality" and isolation
blocs, was made almost simultaneous-
ly with a Senate vote approving the
bulk of the Administration Rearma-
ment Program.
And, just beforehand, Admiral
William D. Leahy, the chief of naval
operations, indicated the Navy may
ask soon ,for a bigger fleet, as a re-
sult of reports from Tokyo that Japan
intended to make its navy the equal of
any that sails the seas.
The President, speaking at a Press
Conference, declined to amplify his
remarks on $he Neutrality Act.
As for his statement that the law
had encouraged threats of war, it
was well known that some adminis-
tration officials believed Adolf Hitler
was strengthened during the crisis
of last fall by the fact that the law
would largely have prevented his
opponents, in case of war, from draw-
ing upon the rich resources of
The law provides that when the
President finds a state of war to
exist he shall invoke the act and
draw -up a list of materials of war
which thereafter may not be exported
to either warring nation Other sup-J
plies may be purchased, if bought
for cash and carried away in non-
American ships. The latter clause,'
known as the "cash and carry provi-
sion," is due to expire in May. '
The Administration, it is well
known, has never been entirely satis-
fied with the Neutrality Act. On good
authority, it is said that it wants,
and, throughout the controversy over
that law, has wanted a much wider
discretion in the shaping of foreign
affairs in the event of a major war
than that measure permits.'
Mortgage Study
Group Sess Ions
Meet Tomorrow
Babcock, Federal Housing
Administrator, To Give
Address At Convocation
Morning and afternoon discussion
sections on problems facing real es-
tate men and bankers and a convoca-
tion of business administration stu-
dents will highlight the Mortgage
Study Conference being sponsored to-
morrow and Friday by the business
administration school.
Tomorrow morning's discussion sec-
tion on "Long Term High Percentage
Loans in Mortgage Lending Policy,"
meeting at 9:45 p.m. in the amphi-
theatre of the Graduate School, will
be led by Frederick M. Babcock, Fed-
eral Housing administrator and busi-
ness research assistant here in 1931-
32. He will also deliver an address at
a convocation of business administra-
tion students at 2 p.m. Friday in the
Graduate School Auditorium. His
subject will be "Analysis of Risk in
Mortgage Financing."
Dean Clare E. Griffin of the busi-
ness administration school will wel-
come the more than 100 delegates
from bankinghouses and real estate
association who are expected to at-
tend at a luncheon at 12:15 p.m. to-
morrow in the Union. Fred Greene,
president of the Federal Home Loan
Bank of Indianapolis, Ind., will de-
liver the principal address.
New Technic Staff
Announced Tonight
The 1939 Michigan Technic publi-
Dr. Bernard Heller Acclaimed
By 200 At Testimonial Dinner
President Ruthven Joins
Faculty Men In Praise
Of Retired Hillel Head
To a man "brought to the world
for just such a time as this" approxi-
mately 200 students, townspeople,
faculty men and high University offi-
cials last night paid tribute at a
testimonial dinner in the Union. The
man was Dr. Bernard Heller, recent-
ly retired director of the local Hillel
Dr. Louis L. Mann of the Chicago
Sinai Congregation, who, as nation-
al director of the Hillel Foundation,
nine years ago selected Dr. Heller
for the Ann Arbor position, applied
the phrase but it was obvious he
echoed the thoughts of many who
joined in the final tribute.
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
speaking for the University, lauded
Dr. Heller's kindliness, tolerance and
faithfulness, and termed him the
"ideal democrat." Prof. I. L. Sharf-
man of the economics department,
speaking for the faculty, pointed to
the honored guest's fine academic
Dr. Heller, deeply moved, respond-
ed to an applauding, standing audi-
Goal Tenders
To Be Feature
Of Ice Battle
Point Edward Team Seeks
Revenge For 6-1 Loss
At Coliseum Tonight
Coming into the honie stretch of
this year's hockey season Coach Low-
rey and his Wolverine sextet will
have a chance to continue their win-
ning ways, which were just recently
started by Saturday night's win over
Illinois, when they come up against.
Point Edward Athletic Club tonight
at the Coliseum.
Although showing no great amount
of flashing playing in their victory
over the Illini the local team will be
forced to turn in the kind of a game
they played against Toronto if they
wish to keep out of the losing column.
Point Edward will have an experi-
enced squad of 15 men on hand for
tonight's contest, a majority of
whom were on last year's team which
was handed a 6 to 1 defeat by the
Wolverine sextet. However by virtue
of the two team's performances in
competition this year and because
of reserve strength, Point Edward
will start the contest as slight favor-
ites to hand the Wolverines another
Michigan fans who have followed
the team in both victory and defeat
will have an opportunity to see a real
battle between two excellent goalies.
No -one can doubt that "Spike"
James has been the leading factor in
(Continued on Page 3)
Reservations Are Asked
For French Club Banquet
Reservations for the "Cercle Fran-
cais" dinner and theatre party which
will take place Friday must be made
with the secretary of the Romance
Language department by 4:15 p.m.
today, it was announced yesterday.
The banquet will be held at 7:15
p.m. with a brief musical program
prepared by Mary Allinson, '40, its
feature. At 8:15 p.m. the club will
attend the showing of "Carnet de
Bal" a French picture, at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
ence with a short talk. He said that
he would take any praise, not per-
sonally,butas praisertosthe ideals
which he has endeavored to live up
Other speakers on the program in-
cluded Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
University Religious Counselor, who
said that Dr. Heller was "as helpful
to the Christians as he was to his
own flock; Samuel Bothman, speak-
ing for the townspeople, who pre-
sented Dr. Heller with a gift "from
the community he served;" and Dr.
Isaac Rabinowitz, successor to Dr.
Heller as director of the local Foun-
dation, who summed up the guest of
honor's achievements with a short
sentence: "He found a building; he
leaves a shrine."
FDR Denies
Offer To Smith
Of Budget Post
Rumor Of Appointment,
'Confirmed' Monday,
Lacked Any Foundationi
Harold D. Smith, State Budget Di-
rector and head of University Bu-
reau of Government from 1934 to
1937, who said Monday that he was
in line for the post of Federal Budget
Director, declined to comment last
night on President Roosevelt's state-
ment from Washington that he had
not offered any Federal position t
the Michigan man.
Smith's confirmation of the report
that he had been offered the job
went over the national press wires
Monday following a dispatch from
Washington which had initiated the
rumor and was later proven to be of
questionable authenticity.
Attorney - General Frank Murphy
who, as governor in 1937, named
Smith to the state job, the report
said, recommended him to President
Roosevelt for the office in Washing-
ton. At the time of his appointment
the State Budget director was Execu-
tive Secretary of the Michigan
League of Municipalities and at pres-
ent is directing a program of finan-
cial reorganization in Lansing.
Student Senate
Votes Inquires
To Probe Room Contracts,
'Ensian Price, Dorms
Investigations of rooming provi-
sions in the new dormitories, the
price of the Michiganensian and
rooming house contracts were voted
at the Student Senate meeting last
night at the Union.
Considerable interest was manifest-
ed on the much-rumored statement
that all incoming freshmen will be
required to live in dormitories and
the belief was expressed that this pro-
vision might keep many would-be
students from applying. Objection
was also leveled at the prediction that
inhabitants of the dorms for the first
few years would be charged a higher
price for rooms than their successors,
and a study of this problem was also
Edward Magdol, '39, director of
elections, announced that aspiring
candidates for the election of 16 Sen-
ators March 31, secure sample peti-
tions in his offices in Lane Hall. Peti-
tions will be accepted March 20 to 24,
only if they are accompanied by eli-
gibility certificates, he declared.
Worthy Peace
Still Is Soug ht
By Gen. Miaja
Premier Fights To Retain
Government In Power;
Asks For Short Armistice
Nationalists Demand
Complete Surrender
PARIS, March 7. - () - Street
battles raged and Republican war-
planes bombed Communist strong-
holds in and near Madrid today as
the two-day-old government of Gen-
eral Jose Miaja fought to keep pow-
er long enough'to make a promised
"worthy peace" with Generalissimo
Francisco Franco.
Informed sources here reported
that Miaja was tryinghto arrange a
three-week armistice by direct nego-
tiation with the Nationalists as mere-
ly a "pause before surrendering."
Nationalist broadcasts, however,
boasted that "we can take Madrid as
we tooknBarcelona"-without oppo-
sition on Jan. 26-and Nationalist
dispatches hinted that Franco might
choose a moment when the Republi-
can capital's defenders were fighting
each other to swoop down on the city,
which has resisted throughout the
31 months of Civil War.
Battle Communists
Miaja's Republican troops battled
Communist units of the Madid army
which remained loyal to Premier Juan
Negrin's administration, ousted Sun-
day by followers of the "Defender
of Madrid." It was a civil war with-
in a civil war.
A Nationalist radio station at
Oviedo said that the only peace
Franco would, accept was "uncondi-
tional surrender," which Negrin had
"We shall occupy Madrid as we
occupied Barcelona-by our arms!"
The announcer cried.
Madrid radio stations busily broad-
cast appeals to Communists to aban-
don their fight against the new Miaja
regime. The National Defense Coun-
cil Monday openly called itself
anti-Communist and excluded Com-
munists from its membership, but
communiques tonight told the Com-
munists that "we are all anti-fas-
cist." This was an effort to persuade
them to desert their party leaders.
Warning Communiques
One of the Republican communi-
ques warned Madrid residents that
the army planes would bomb Com-
munist strongholds in the capital.
"There is no reason for alarm," it
declared. "It is the Republican avia-
tion in the service of the National
Council which flies over Madrid. Sa-
lute the comrades!"
A few minutes later the planes
roared over the beleaguered, long-
suffering city. They dropped their
bombs in zones held by Communists.
Apparently Miaja's planes limited
their bombings to Communist strong-
holds in the Cuatro Caminos section
of northern Madrid. A National De-
fense Government communique said
resistance was limited.
:Auto Permits
Need Renewal
Dean Warns That Drivers
May LosePrivilege
Students possessing driving permits
who intend to continue use of their
cars were warned yesterday by the
office of the Dean of Students that
immediate renewal of permits and
tags is necessary in order to avoid re-
traction of privilege,~
No additional charge for renewal
will be required of those having first
semester permits, the Office said, but
inasmuch as permit tags were void af-
ter March 1, subsequent driving while
using tags bearing 1938 license num-
bers will be considered a violation of
the automobile regulation and will
constitute grounds for disciplinary ac-
Students who are exempt from the
regulation and those who have cars
stored in Ann Arbor are also request-
ed to register new plate numbers as
soon as they are obtained, the Office
stated. Registration and applica-
tion for renewal of permits may be
made at Room 2, University Hall.
Art Cinema Group
To Give Prize Film
New Cage Leader
AFL Group Rejecel
Leis Peaela
* * *
Varsity Elects
Rae As Captain'
Of Cage Squad
Toledo Center, Harassed"
By Injuries All Season,j
Will Succeed Leo Beebe
Ace center Jim Rae of Toledo, O.,
was elected captain of Michigan's
1939-40 basketball team at a meet-
ing of the entire squad yesterday
noon. He succeeds guard Leo Beebe
of Dearborn as the Wolverine leader.
In honoring their slender pivot
man, the squad paid tribute to the
"hard luck champion" of the team
and probably the finest Michigan
player ever to be left off the mythical
All-Conference selections.
After winning all-city recognition
with the Toledo De Villibis cham-
pionship quintet, Rae came to Michi-
gan and last year as a sophomore
broke into the Varsity lineup playing
second fiddle to the great John Town-
send. As tall, though not as rugged
as Townsend, Jim showed exceptional
ball-handling ability and flashes of
Townsend's passing skill. He was
second to Jake as the team's high
Great things were expected of the
brilliant center this season and his
pre-Conference performances indicat-
ed that Jim was set for his best year.
"Barring injuries, he will be one
of the Big Ten's leading scorers," said
(Continued on Page 3)
Perry To Discuss
Press And Courts
Stuart Perry, editor of the Adrian
Telegram; will speak on "The News-
papers and the Courts" at 3 p.m. to-
day in Room E, Haven Hall, under
the auspices of the journalism de-
Perry, a graduate of the law school,
has served as a trustee of the School
of Journalism at Columbia Univer-
sity and is a national officer of the
Associated Press. Coffee will be served
in the journalism office for those in-
terested in meeting Perry following
his talk.
Roth Quartet
T o'End Choral
Union Season
Climaxing one of the most success-
ful seasons in its 60-year history and
clearing the way for another notable
May Festival, the Choral Union pre-
sents the Roth String Qirtet of
Budapest tomorrow in Hill Auditor-
ium in its second local appearance.
In 10 years of American concert
touring, the group, composed of Feri
Roth, founder and first violin, Jeno
Antal, second violin, Ferenc Moln-
arm, viola, and Janos Scholz, 'cello,
has come to be known as the "uni-
versity Ensemble" because of the
many programs they have offered to
college audiences. They have played
at more than 50 universities.
"Playing for college audiences is
an experience which always gives us
a new thrill," Mr. Roth recently said.
"Some of the members of our col-
lege audiences are so well educated
in music that they are highly critical
and we know that we must play even
better than our best for them."
Martin Elected
To Presidency
By Own Union
Vote Unanimously To Quit
CIO Ranks; See Possible
DETROIT, March 7-(A)-lIomer
Martin's faction of the United Auto-
mobile Workers tonight elected him
its president.
When Martin was nominated by
ElmernDowell of Kansas City the
Convention delegates loudly voiced
their approval and rushing up to
the platform! on, which Martin was
seated, seized him and carried his
around the hall on their shoulders.
There was no opposition to his
election and the only fight the con-.
vention faces is that for the election
of a vice president tomorrow.
By resolution today the delegates
abandoned the last claim to any
connection with the .Congress of In-
dustrial- Organizations.
They voted unanimously to submit
any future question of affiliation
"with any congress or federation of
unions" to the rank and file member-
ship of the Union.
This left open the door to possible
affiliation with the American Feder-
ation of Labor or a combination with
the International Ladies Garment
Workers Union, which withdrew last
year from the CIO. The CIO has
stated it would not recognize the
Martin-controlled union and is sup-
porting his opponents who will hold
their UAW convention at Cleveland
March 27.
Spurn Olive Branch
And Attack Lewis
WASHINGTON, March 7-()-A
sweeping proposal by John L. Lewis
that American labor sink its differ-
ences and unite in one giant organi-
zation was sharply rejected today by
peace negotiators of the AFL.
The surprise plan to form a new
"American Congress 'Of Labor"
composed of craft, industrial and rail-
road unions which claim a total mem-
bership of some 8,000,000-offered
"no possible solution" to the long
warfare between the CIO and AFL,
the latter's spokesmen declared.
Lewis had thrust his plan before
President Roosevelt and AL lead-
ers at a White House Conference-
the first of a series called at the be-
hest of the President in an effort to
find a formula for labor peace.
Leaves President
Striding from the President's of-
fice with his fellow negotiators for
the CIO,- Philip 'Murray and Sidney
Hillman, Lewis disclosed his plan to
reporters in a prepared statement.
In brief he proposed:
That the CIO and AFL hold special"
conventions between April15 and 3
to act on the following proposals:
1-That representatives of the AFL,,
the CIO and the four big railroad
brotherhoods meet in convention in
the D.A.R. Hall in Washington not
later than June 1.
2-That the Convention organize
the American Congress of Labor to
supersede and embrace the member-
ship of the CIO, the AFL and include
the membership of the four independ-
ent railroa4 organizations (brother-
hoods of firemen and enginemen,
trainmen, locomotive engineers, and
the order of railway conductors).
3-That an eecutive board be set
up composed equally of CIO and AFL
representatives, with proportionate
representation for the Brotherhoods.
Lewis included in his plan the stip-
ulation that neither himself nor
Green be eligible for election to any
office in the new organization and
that both Green and Frank Morrison,
secretary-treasurer of the AFL, be
given a life tenure at their present
salaries for "services rendered."
(Green receives $12,000 a year and
Morrison $10,000. Lewis receives no
salary as head of the CIO but gets
$25,000 as President of the United
Mine Workers, a position he presum.
ably would continue to hold.)
Railroad Affiliation
He also proposed that the Conven-
tion select, as its president, a man
from the Railroad Brotherhoods, such
as A. F. Whitney, head of the train-
men, or D. B. Ro rtson, head of the
locomotive firemen and enginemen.
Lewis also suggested that to "in-
sure the orderly, tranquil and good-
faith execution" of his plan, President
Roosevelt be requested to preside at
the organizing meetings of the new
labor movement.
Shortly afterward, the AFL's Peace
Committee, Matthew Woll, Harry C.
Bates and Thomas A. Rickert, flared
back at Lewis with a statement de-
"Anyone familiar with present day
labor difficulties will realize that
the CIO proposal does not offer any
possible solution to the problems fac-
ing us. We are convinced it was not
even designed for serious considea-
Move Would Have U
All Of Craft, Ra
And Industrial U
Mysteries Of Tibet Form Topic
Of Forman Lecture Here Today
Harrison Forman, well known
author, lecturer and photographer,
will deliver a motion picture lecture
entitled "Tibet-The Forbidden Land"
at 8:15 p.m. tonight in Hill Audi-
torium as the eighth attraction of
the current Oratorical Association
He will be introduced by Prof.
Stanley D. Dodge of the geography
Mr. Forman became interested in
the Orient while attending the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, and immediately
after graduation left for the Far
East. After five years of teaching
aviation, selling planes and absorb-
ing the life, customs, language and
literature iofthe tChinese. he nraan-
Prof. Jamison Predicts TNEC
Will Descend ToMuckraking
By CARL PETERSEN tee, when it convened Dec. 2, was to
Although the Temporary National get a broad view of economic condi-
EconomicCommittee, which has been tions in the United States today. W.
conducting an anti-monopoly in- L. Thorp, economic advisor to the
vestigation in Washington for the Department of Commerce, Leon Hen-
past three months, is in theory a non- derson, representing the general pub-
political investigating body, it will be lic, and Isador Lubin of the Depart-
surprising if it does not degenerate ment of Labor delivered theprologue
into a partisan body, muckraking to the investigation, tracing the
for political purposes, Prof. Charles broad lbackgrounds of the problem
L. Jamison of the business adminis- facing the economic system of the
tration school declared in an inter- country.
view yesterday. These introductory activities were
ProfyessordJay.snfollowed by an investigation of pat-
Professor Jamison pointed out that ents in which the large automobile
the five members of the Committee manufacturers, particularly General
headed by Senator O'Mahoney of Motors, made a favorable impression
Wyoming, all come from states in upon the public. The General Motor
which industry is of relatively little spokesmen stated that they favored
importance. This is taken by some, cross-licensing of patents-meaning
[e said, as an indication that the that any patents developed in th
investigation will be conducted in an tield should be available without cosit
open-minded fashion since none of to other manufacturers-and th
the members is subjected to the in- same attitude was taken by Ford wth
fluen~icepof a constitiue'nev favonrablh am1titd astkn-yFrdwt
Plan Discussion
Of Co-ops Today
Students Will Lead Forum
At 8 P.M. In Union
A discussion of the co-op move-
ment on rampus will take place at 8
p.m. today in the Union when various
students who have been active in co-
op activities will lead a forum to
which all 'are ipvited.
Hilda Otis, '40, will represent the
Girls' Cooperative and relate the need
for the formation of girls' co-op room-
ing houses. Douglas Tracy, '40E, who